TjimMifi Decimbar 22. 196ft rat Mdttep* PfcAHtBEA&Sl CLASSIFIED Miscellaneous m SBUL your car for cash with a low Classified ad. Dial EV. 5- OWO now. ••• SATURDAY NIGHT BUFFET Starting at 5:00 P.M. $2.50 * All Y@u Can Eat Includes Beverage & Dessert ' WALKER'S COUNTRY . KITCHEN Bts» '.31 & 176, Crystal Lake Ph. 459-1651 12-8-15-22-29-60-1-5-6] & i. •"» • Notice McHenry School of Beauty Culture HOLIDAY VACATION *1 Closed ^)ec. 24 Thru Jan. 3 Open Jan. 4 12-15-22-60 Wanted To Buy 'TOP PRICE PAID Jor iron, msfals arid junk cars. Ed Mffi*sh, phone Woodstock - FE 8-4287. 9-1-60-tf Personal FOR Beauty Care Call EV 5-9792 SILHOUETTE BEAUTY SALON 202 N. Riverside Drive •) Lavone -- By Appt. 9-29-60-tf Farmers Trading Post INTERNATIONAL, Cub Tractor with windshield & side wings, snow plow, cultivator, plow, and hay mower, side mount, also heavy duty chains. $825. EV. 5-1140 *12-22-60 FLEMING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA - GEHL BOLENS GARDEN EQUIP. SALES and SERVICE A. complete Farm Implement Service Chain Saw Sharpening & Repair Phone EV. 5-0033 522 Waukegan Ro"9x^ GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 54)420 501 Crystal Lake Road 1-tf 300 JUNK CARS, trucks and tractors. Dealers in all other McHENRY PLAINDEALER SPEEDY is the word advertistypes of scrap. Call Courtesy , ers use to describe Plaindealer Salvage, EV. 5-1260 or EV. 5- | Classified ad results. Dial EV. 4774. 12-l-8-15-22-29-60|5-0170. Notice Notice SEASON'S GREETINGS Elm Street Service Station EV. 5-0688 202 W. Elm. St. uxJ # Jim Thompson, Prop. GAS - OIL - GREASE - WASH Christmas Eve Hrs.- Closed 8 p.m. - 8 a.m. Christmas Day Closed 12 noon - 3 p.m. Legals 12-22-60 Real Estate Real Estate McHENRY AND VICINITY WONDER LAKE -- 4 bedroom home, living, dining, full basenjjcjit, corner lot over looking the lake, near beach. Owner must leave. Price reduced to $17,000.00. HOLIDAY HILLS - a custom built 3 bedroom home, full basement, garage, oak floors, built in oven, refrigerator, electric range, deep freeze. Price $18,500.00. JAK-ANA HEIGHTS - 3 bedroom home, fully plastered walls, ceramic tile bath, oak floors, birch cabinet kitchen, full basement, attached garage, gas heat, Lot 100x170. Price $21,000.00 Terms. * JACOB FRITZ <% REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-0037 12-1-60 tf MERRY CHRISTMAS from MR. HEINEN * BAIRD & WARNER, INC. 12-22-60 SEASON'S GREETINGS A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES JINMY GALLAGHER ANN ZAHN EDWARD E- CARLSON EVergreen 5-1629 EVergreen 5-3080 EVergreen 5-0818 12-22-29-60 NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF AQUALANE ESTATES, INC., an Illinois Corporation, DANIEL FRY, STATE BANK OF WOODSTOCK AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST NO. 1037, for Zoning Reclassification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provision of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a reclassification of certain premises from "F" Farming District classification to the "B-r^Business District classification. The premises affected by this petition are described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Beginning at, the Northeast corner of Lot 11 in County Clerk's Plat of Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd P.M., according to the ' plat thereof recorded May 5, 1902 as Document No. 14073; thence North on the West line of the East half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 24 to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 24; thence East on the North line of said Section 24 315.8 feet more or less to an intersection with the water's edge of the Creek; thence Southeasterly along the water's edge of said Creek to an intersection with the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of Aqualane Estates Subdivision Unit 1 recorded May 14, 1957 as Document No. 322- 997 in McHenry County, Illinois; thence Southerly along the Westerly edge of said Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of said Aqualane Estates Unit No. 1 to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 7; thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 7 in Aqualane Estates Unit No. 1 to the Southeast corner of said. Lot 7; thence Westerly on a straight line to the point of beginning; all in Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd P. M., in McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL 2: Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, in Aqualane Estates, Unit No. 1, being a subdivision of part of the jfclarthwest Xfuarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd P. M., according to the plat thereof recorded May 14, 1957 as Document No. 322- 997 in Book 13 of Plats, page 20, in McHenry County, Illinois. The above described premises are located approximately Vz mile East of Riverside Drive and are accessible by Huemann Drive (Huemann Drive running Easterly from said Riverside Drive) along the Fox 'River; said premises are approximately 1 mile Southwesterly from the Village of Johnsburg, Illinois. Said hearing shall be held in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, Illinois, at the hour of 3:00 P.M. on the 10th day of January, 1961. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS BY: JOHN E. LOOZE Its Chairman Attorneys for Petitioner: CARROLL & LEALI 329 Lake Avenue Woodstock, Illinois „ Phone: FEderal 8-3100 (Publish Dec. 22. 1960) NOTICE Special meeting of the stockholders of McHenry Savings & Loan Association will be held on . Jan. 6th, 1961 at 8 p.m. at 206 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. for the purpose of setting a specific date for the annual stockholders meetings for the year of 1961 and thereafter. Earl Krukow, Sec'y (Publish Dec. 22, 1960) NO:rj€ap OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN W. MILLER Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that January 2, 1961, is the claim date in the estate of JOHN W. MILLER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. William J. Miller, Administrator James P. Hecht, Attorney (Publish Dec. 8-15-27) ELECT OFFICERS OF COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION Carl Bault of Crystal Lake was elected president of the McHenry County Fair association at a meeting held at the Farm Bureau office in Woodstock last week. Other newly elected officers include Ben Frisch of Cary, vice-president; Mike Kane of Richmond, treasurer; Anton Haraldsen of Richmond, treasurer; Ray Timmons, publicity chairman. The planning committee is composed of the new president and three past presidents, Loren Massey, Lyle Paulson and Henry Marlowe. Charles Weingart of McHenry is a director. Second childhood isn't too bad, after all--especially, if you have a little more money. | ChuxtirmGrntlnai £ FREUND'S 1 DAIRY, Inc. jj Complete Line of Dairy | Products jjj -- FREE DELIVERY -- g Locally Owned and 8 Operated M r Phone M i EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 | PagtScwn FREE GREASE or WASH JOBS Board Briefs rAt the monthly meeting of School Board District 156, Supt. Carl Buckner announced the final tax distribution to the district. The board learned that a situation very similar to that which exists in the grade district, explained last week, is also present in District 156. ' 511,534.17 is being heW in escrow in real estate tax protests, $1,408.12 is being held on railroad protests and $30,837.05 is not forthcoming because of unpaid personal property taxes. This brings the total to $43,779.34 not received by the board but planned for in their budget. The insurance com m i 11 e e met and reviewed the year's program, making suggestions for some changes. The a n n u a l f a c u l t y - b o a r d dinner was announced for Jan. 18. A low bid of J. C. Mahoney was accepted for installation of water softeners. SUSPEND LICENSES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced, the suspension of the driver licenses of Winn Davidson of Wonder Lake, David Ebel of Algonquin, Donald Heffner of Crystal Lake and Robert Kunde of Huntley are for three offenses. When You Complete Punch Card or <^1. Fufuhctl <HH 7- - &*nt h fi«r a - wast* MORRIE S CITIES SERVICE I m : M -J ' :»q 1 m at MORRIE S Cities Service Lakeland Park on Rt. 120 West Phone EV. 5-9758 Complete Automotive Service All Latest Testing Equipment This Business - Farming Transient seed peddlers with their "bonanza cOhtracts" are apparently at it again. Their contracts to farmers "look like a bonanza at first reading." Farmers should be urged to check with their attorneys before signing any such contracts to detennihe the legal obligations they might be placing themselves under -- and for assurance as to any benefits they might be expected to receive under terms of a contract. A further suggestion is that a sample of any seed being planted be retained for later test in thfc event the crop fails to measure up to label claims. Any labeling on the seed also should be retained as a protection against falsely labeled seed. It is' the vendors who move through the country without a 1 orally established place of business -- and especially those carrying an enticing looking contract -- that may involve a farmer in a costly loss of crop, or suit for breach of contract. Most states have laws requiring that all4 agricultural seed offered for sale therein be correctly labeled as to purity and germination. Hens Need More Light With days becoming shorter the hens which have been laying for some time will need more light to maintain egg production. It is therefore recommended that' lights be left on longer. Regardless of the total amount of light the old layers are getting now, increase the light 15 to 30 minutes each week until the hens are sold. Don't go over 22 hours of light daily, however. Birds just starting to lay are not susceptible to the shorter da vs. They do not need more light until they reach peak production and start laying fewer eggs -- usually about two to three months after they start laying. Starting Dec. 21, the days get longer. This increase in day length stimulates egg production. However, on June 21 the j days start getting shorter and this depresses egg production during summer and fall. The ideal situation would be for an increase of day length throughout the laying period. This can be done by supplying both morning and evening lights during the summer and fall months. Birds starting to lay early in the fall and winter months should not need artificial light until late" spring or early summer. It is the change in the amount of light that stimulates or depresses egg production and not the total amount of light. This is why winter and spring have a stimulating effect on egg production while summer and fall months have a depressing effect. This system will not work where a continuous replacement program is followed, such as in cage houses or similar operations. Here a constant amount of light of 14 to 15 hours daily should be maintained. Rich Almond Fruit Cake „J ^°lden AI™ond fruit Cake" slices beautifully when first made y t !s an excellent keeper." The buttery pound cake is chock-full S" and fruits. For gift mailing, bake it in 3 1-pound coffee tins, and send them in their containers. ,,amho»!rU.8hly,Cream 1 cup pound) butter or margarine- gradeggs at"a S Shfat-' cr®fming "ntil ]»g*»t andXffy. Add 5 off'™ #111,^®' beating thoroughly after each addition. Sift _ R ^ all-purpose flour, measure and reserve lA CUD to toss Slft 2 cups of the flour with 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt; blend into creamed mixture. Add Vi teasDoon ftlmond extract and 1 teaspoon vanilla Toss tn?pthor i IZ slivered blanched almonds,' 1 ^u^old whole candied cherries and I cup (6ouSS) indiXin^ batter SneVfq ?nrM'^ ^Preserved flour; mix into cake pEF- )SirerorPuntilina 'Sjjh- pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack Wrar> wSS&XfcE* and storc in ^ S LOOKING FOR A HOME? Come to i^onca & Logan sts. o£ see our model home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, 111. Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Lee Cooney, Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 We Do Concrete Work, Remodelling and Additions That's right. You don't even have to wait a minute any more. The newest Polaroid Land film gives you a finished picture in just 10 seconds. This is the same film you've seen on the Garry Moore, Jack Paar and other television shows. Not only do you now get finished pictures in just 10 seconds, but you- can take them indoors at night without flashbulbs. Come in for a demonstration --it only takes ten seconds! BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. EV. 5-4500 IO . A * M ' J GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! 0RC0A CONCERT ORGAN -- BY ORGAN CORPORATION OF AMERICA -- • 37 KEYS • 48 CHORD^ • MUTE and TREMOLO • FULL PIANO HINGE LID • VOLUME CONTROL • FULL SIZE KEYS • BEAUTIFUL HAND RUBBED FINISH ONLY $ 299 95 ALSO: HARMOCHORD ORGANS FROM $89.95 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE PICK-UP YOUR FREE CALENDAR AND SALAD TONGS EASY TERMS--NO MONEY DOWN--1ST PAYMENT MARCH 1 CUSTOM T.V. 2 Locations To Serve You WE GIVE GREEN 204 E. Elm St., McHenry Ph. EV. 5-3757 845 Rollins Rd., Round Lake Ph. Kl. 6-4232 Hours Mon to Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-2p.m. at Both Stores r