Lakeland Park WOMEN'S CLUB FIBST MEETING OF THE NEW YEAR f - Pat Gelwicks - EV. 5-3712 or EV- 5-4043 yjust barely settling down to ^routine again and first off is the Women's Club meeting. Jan. 5 is the date, first Thursday of the month, at the community house, 130 Allen avenue, and the meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. Plans are to show the pictures of our lovely <^|pstmas party Joan Krater took and also listening to the tape recorder that was on most of the tiAie. Children's Christmas Party The children's Christmas party was held Wednesday night at the community house. Movies were shown and then Santa appeared with a gift and s^bag of goodies tor-each. All kids were so excited and had such a grand time. Christmas Party The officers, managers and coaches of the Lakeland Park boys' baseball club entertained their past year players and the future members who have signed up for the coming season, on Dec. 22 Thursday eve- Ag at the community house. The boys really enjoyed the movies, treats, gifts, and the visit Santa made. It was a nice party. Home on Leave Kenneth O'Gara, son of Art and Sophia O'Gara, is home on furlough from the Navy for two weeks. Kenneth is stained at Great Lakes and will *urn to the base to finish recruit training. He is a machanist mate and will graduate Jan. 13. Ken is just relaxing and enjoying his friends and family. His address has changed to the 14th Battery and 1st Regiment to those concerned. Fiftieth Anniversary QMr. and Mrs. Ed Glorch went to Villa Park Sunday to celebrate Ed's folks fiftieth anniversary. The Glorchs' son, Robert and family travelled from Fair Oaks to help their grandpaty& its celebrate this big event. Foster Glorch and family coujd not attend as they had sickness at home. On the Go <0Paul and Alma Brushaber spent Sunday, Dec. 18, in Chicago "flsilMg "fflr. -y and - Mrs. Fred Paulus and daughter, Joy Dawn. On Wednesday Alma attended a luncheon at the Eiriar' Olson home in Edgebrook Heights. Around 2:30 Alma was called home by unexpected guests from Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meyer and their four children, Mitch, 9. Greg. 3, and 2 year old twins, Pam and Chris, ! from New Port, Va., visited briefly enroute to Minneapolis, Minn., where Mr. Meyer will serve his last three years as a Naval recruiting officer. Birthday Party "Chris Uhles' sixth birthday was Dec. 15, but was celebrated on the seventeenth with a birthday party. His guests were Jo and Jerry (twins) Selefski, Don and Bill Arient, Connie Bockman and David Dawson. Cake and ice cream were served for refreshments and games were played with prizes given to the winners. Birthdays The Zimny twins, Parti and Paul, celebrated their fifth birthday the twenty-eighth of this month. Home for the Holidays Kathy Garrison, daughter of Dorothy and Leonard Garrison, of 404 Oak drive, is home for the holidays from Peoria. Christnias Parties The Ron Meu'rer family, Marvin George family, and the Don Gerstad family attended the annual , all-family Christmas party of the Community Methodist Church Homebuilders group on Wednesday, Dec. 21, starting off with a 6:30 supper. A Christmas party was held at Daisy Krupinski's home Friday. Games were played and 11:30 refreshments were served. A Christmas gift grabbag was enjoyed. Those present were Dorothy Humphrey, Vickie Bottari, Marge FranKlin, Milly Pintozzi, Ruth Roach, Joan Fiorek and Lee Glorch. Connie Giacomo was unable to attend because her baby suddenly took ill. All left with Christmas spirit. Mrs. Frieda LaCerba gave a Christmas party for the young folks Friday niyht from 8:30 to 12. Frieda and Joan Bucaro were the chaparones. Refreshments were served and all who were present took part in a grab-bag exchange. Those who attended were Sandy Bucaro, Jim Becker, Shirley Jager, Pat Birmingham, Louie Fleecetti, Jerry Fauck, Linda Petticomo, Georgette - Kotalik, quart, Pete Parisi, Marge Pa- Ai 1961 goes into orbit, mag it whirl gou into a New Year filled with happg cheer and prosperity. RIVERSIDE BARBER SHOP LARRY, NICK and JOE 122 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. risi, John Parisi, Joe Parisi, Sue Dahlquist, Sharon Ozog, Ed Scukey, Diane Koerper, Roily koerper, Don Diedrich, Bob Smith, Bob Prather, Donna Swingle, Chick Tomasello, Andy Morris, Jo LaCerba, Nina LaCerba, Jo-Lee Ponzo, Bonnie Bucaro and Don Mc- Gouan. Jack and Petey Oakford went to a company Christmas party Wednesday night at Elnffiurst. A delicious roast beef dinner was served, followed by community singing and dancing. Christmas Doings Mr. and Mi's. C. Kosieracki of 125 Lakeview spent Christmas day with their grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kosieracki, and Janet, in Lakeland Shores. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kosieracki and family of Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kosieracki of Palatine were gtiests also. The Ed Bock family served a ham dinner to their guests on Christmas day. The guests were Ed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bock, Doris's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc- Cuistion, and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weber, all of Chicago. Frank and Arlene Bartos and family spent the Christmas weekend with Arlene's mother, Elizabeth Barta, in Chicago. Ben and Ann Hirshberg, Mrs. Mary Witta and Gregory Witta spent Christmas day in Niles with Ann's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Witta. Jack and Petey Oakford and boys were hosts to Petey's mother and brother, Mrs. Eileen Grondy and Duke, sister, Marilyn McCullough, and niece, Patty, of Chicago and sister, Eileen, Pete, Cindy and Danny Paulsen of Elmhurst for Christmas turkey dinner. Gifts were opened and Billy's second birthday, Dec. 22, was celebrated too. Jack's dad, John Oakford, Sr., of Oak Park spent Christmas Eve with them. Rich and Rose Mary Vera and family were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vera, Sr., of Berwyn and Rich's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vera, of Cicero, Christmas Eve. The Vera family spent Christmas day in DesPlaines with Mr. and Mrs. Erba, parents of Rose Mary. Jerry and Delores Rogers and family spent Christmas day in Algoffqum with Jerry's brother. Bill Rogers, and family. Jerry s mother, Mi's. Coutre, from Chicago also was there. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Koehl for Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Recker of Lilymoor. Bill- and Ann Herzog' spent Christmas Eve in Oak' Park with Bill's son, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Herzog. Mr. and Mrs. Marbert of Oak Park were guests of the Herzogs also and i;ifts were exchanged. Bill and Ann then spent the night with Ann's folks in Lombard, where they were guests for Christmas dinner at the Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Steen and families home. The Herzogs enjoyed watching their grandchildren. Carol and Virginia, open their Christmas gifts. After such a busy weekend. Bill and Ann returned home to have their Christmas. John, Pat and Jackie Gelwicks spent Christinas Eve arid day with John's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gelwicks, in Wheat on. Christmas* Eve they sang Christmas carols and made pop-corn balls. Christmas day they opened their gifts and had a delicious turkey dinner. Christmas Day was a very special day for the Bob Meyer family. Along with all the Christmas excitement, Santa Claus celebrated his birthday too. Bob and Jean entertained Jean's family, Mrs. Rooney, Bill and Shelia, from Chicago for breakfast. Then for dinner their guests were Bob's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meyer from Oak Park. Don and Carol Humann and family were visited by Carol's mother, Mrs. Neuenfeldt, of Chicago and Carol's brother, Bill, and Inez and brand-new baby daughter, Debbie, for Christmas dinner. The Gerstads spent Christmas day and a few days after, in Sun Prairie, Wis., as the guests Of Don's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerstad, Bob and Jessie Matthews entertained Christmas Eve Donna and Ray Rode and family jjand Mr. and Mrs:, Clarence Hearle, Bob's tolks. Theywere yisited by Santa even. 'Christ- 'tnas Day the Matthews drove to Niles to the home of her sister's, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gampetro. A family gathering on' Jessie's side. The Caseys, .Bill and Marge, entertained her folks, the Earl * Becks of Chicago, in the usual fashion on Christmas Eve. The John Chismar family spent Christmas day in Chicago at the home of John's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chismar, Sr. Ray and Donna Rode and family spent Christmas day at the homes of., both parents. Dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fikej* in • North Riverside and the evening was spent with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode, Sr. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Jan. 3, to inform and assist 'veterans, their dependent^, and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA^Their representative will be on doty from 10 a.m. to 4 jpjn. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. There were 892 major and slightly over 5,000 minor engagements and battles in the four years of the American Civil War. La£fem6or Welcome Soldier Home On Leave David Heckmann - EV. 5-0532 m Rev Tear's Greetings to... AD oor Friends BETTY NIELSEN'S DRESS SHOP 121 N. Riverside Dr. EV. 5-0238 McHenry His many friends and relatives were very pleased to greet Pfc. Stan Christian, home on a 10 day furlough. Stan took his initial signal corps training in Florida this past summer. He visited his mother and sisters in Glen EUyn and grandparents in McHenry Shores. There was even time for renewing old friendships in Lakemoor and McHenry. Stay in there pitching, Stan, we are all for you. How's Ft. Dix? Please open your hearts to this worthy cause which keeps the scouting program available to the fine youths of our com> munity. Ice Skaters, Attention Anyone wanting to go skating at night on our lake, remember to call Larry Cynowa. Annual Fund Drive During the lull (?) between Christmas and New Year's all the homes in the village will be visited by the Boy Scout parents. NEW MEAT LAW Illinois' new Meat and Poultry Inspection Division officially got under way during November with the condemnation of 172 animals "not wholesome enough for human consumption." Stillman J. Stanard, director of agriculture, said the inspection division conducted ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections on 1,609 head ol cattle. 3,288 hogs, 29 sheep and 4,240 head of poultry. The state Department of Agriculture is charged with inspection of processing plants not covered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. At'the inception of- the program July 1 of this year, there were approximately 650 packing plants in the state without inspection of any kind. The lazy person takes out in wishful thinking what the goget tei takes out in muscles. A Bmfe hoping An 1900 will see dft yoor bam dreams cone fete for joot SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Route 31 South EV. 5-0950 McHenry « M »•» At tort tm HAPPY NEW YEAR! PETER GIES Shoe Store and Repairs 107 N. Riverside Dr. Best of Luck inf61! TvicHENRY DISPOSAfSWCE Wm. DeVries Phone EV. 5-2221 McHenry American Legion's 8ih ANNUAL New Year's Eve CELEBRATION On Saturday, Dec. 31 9 P.M. 'til ? ? ? HATS - FAVORS N OISEM AKERS Music By The Nite Owls BUFFE'T DINNER AT MIDNIGHT For Reservations Ph. EV. 5-0867 $2.50 per person iU U DOWN WHERE THE PRICES BEGIN ™ Down where very few cars are priced, down with the lowest-priced American compacts--that's where Valiant prices begin--and in 1961 models they start $100 lower than last year! Yet only the best Is good enough for Valiant. It's built ruggedly like a battleship. Has deep, expensive-type comfort. A ride that gets raves. And many other "worth plenty more" features. Want to see what a good deal looks like? Go where the prices bpgiw-- down to your nearest Valiant dealer! o Wiant! Looks and drives like twice the price A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, INC. 301 E. Pearl Street, McHenry, I1L