•^eeB .•is*. _ur" McRENBY PLAINDEALER SunhytfA. EitAies ENJOY MOVIES. SANTA'S VISIT AT XMAS PART? Pwly Stevens - EV. 5-1256 Enyoy Movies . The Christmas party held Tuesday, Dec. 20, was a huge success. The kids enjoyed the movies but the highlight of the evening was old Santa's visit. ..Each child was given a big . stbcliing filled with toys and Candy. There were some beau- : ti'ul cakes and the cooky bakvers outdid themselves , in the quantity, decorations and variety. The children had cookies •and chocolate milk while the adults ^had cake and coffee. A vote of gratitude to Alice and . Ray Bieschke,* Pat Bott, " La- Verne Noah, Mary Rose, Jim Tyler, Joan Walczynski, Helen Wegner and all the others who $nd htSi |»latopri won a trophy for being thfe best trained. Wecome home, Kenny. A. Party A combined celebration was held recently by Marge and Louis De Francisco. First to celebrate the third birthday of their daughter, Pammy, and also a farewell party for their friends, the Schondorfs, who leave for Hot Springs, Ark., and will stay until April. Rose and Mike TillibH and Mike, Jr., attended the celebration. Mike, Jr. was also celebrating his birthday and Grandma Elizabeth Tillich of Antioch came to spend the day. A Family Complete Joan' arid Stan Walczynski's entire families gathered for their Christmas Monday, Dec. 26, at the Walczynski horrte. Joan's parents, Mjpt""and Mrs. A1 Holtfodt, of Chicago were worked so hard to make the there as was Stan's mother, party the success it was. Lil Mrs. Aneila Walczynski, his Kelso and Carol Kuntz were sisters, Aida and Stan Zmudethe young ladies who eollected iki and family and Janet and from each parent. jim Anderson and family. Joan's sister. Loretta Mikkel- Carolling • sen; husband, Bob, and sons The weather was so cold returned from a visit to Bob's Tuesday evening, Dec. 21, that parents home in Wisconsin to. no one showed up for carolling make the family complete, except those three stalwart and dedicated members of the SEHOA, Alice and Ray Bieschke and Joan Walczynski. They were joined later by Fran and Jerry Olsen. The older &>lk were surprised and happy to listen to their carols and receive the gift. A good job well done Alice, Fran, Joan, Jerry and Ray. has very- recently recovered from a serious illhess. On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrison, of Cambridge, Mass. came for a week's visit. It was a happy reunion as the two couples were neighbors in Cambridge. Harry is studying for his Ph.d. in Harvard. So Long Donna and Ray Jensen and Ray, Jr., drove to Chicago Sunday, Dec. 18, to wish godspeed to Ray's mother, Lil. on her trip to Los Angeles. We wish her a pleasant winter. We wish a speedy recovery lo you all. Away for CftHkin&rf Clii ajnd Andy Sabby spent Christmas with their daughter and family, Inez and Bill Wilke, in Glenview. On Leave Katherine* and Legs Bute were probably flying too. Their son, Kenny, came home by jet for a 15 day leave starting Dec. 23. That means the Bute family was intact for Christmas. Kenny finished his boot A Party Mary Farley reached the ripe old age of 11 years on Friday, Dec. 16, and three of her friends helped her celebrate. Collen Joyce, Patty Voight and Judy Walczynski came for the afternoon to play ping pong and other games. Later mother Marge served the girls cake, ice cream, nuts and candy. Christmas Guests Fran and Jerry Olsen were pleased to have Jerry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Olsen, of Chicago for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It was a very Happy Christmas for training at Parris Island, S. C., Fran and Jerry as Mr. Olsen FREE DRIVERS LICENSE REMINDER SERVICE Your drivers license should be renewed 30 days prior to its expiration date! Let us help you with our FREE reminder service. Just send us your name etc. on the coupon bt low, and at the proper time we will notify you by mail that your license should be renewed. There is absolutel> no charge for this service! Name Addrfess License Expiration Date SEYMOUR'S 24 HR. LICENSE SERV. 205 W. Elm St EV. 5-4908 *-- i • (Mark's Marine Service) ...Aid t Big Slkt of Stuuttl RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 111 N. Riverside Dr. EV. 5-0044 McHenry Surprise! Wednesday, Dec. 21. Junes Voight called Gloria VonOepen and asked Gloria to hurry to her home. On arriving Gloria found Pat Bott and Carol Lasnek waiting with June, a birthday cake and coffee to celebrate her birthday. Gloria was pleasantly surprised and very pleased. Those Oak drive gals are so thoughtful. Sick List Illness has been • rampant in our community lately. One by one of the Farley family has had the flu, Marge and Jim and their 5 children. It has run it's gamut and ihey .are all wgll again. Millie Kropf has been in bed the past few days with a cold. Ronnie Fuqua rr-is been hospitalized for five days in St. Therese in Waukegan with an %ar infection. Little Heather Siepman has been ill but is on the mend now. Diane Voight has had a severe cold that caused an ear infection. Cub Scouts A-1,1 the dens of pack 454 of the Cub Scouts enjoyed an evening of holiday fun at their Christmas party, Monday, Dec. 19. The Cubbers and their guests played games, sang carols and exchanged grab bag gifts with the help of Santa Claus. Boys of Den 8, Mike Anderson, Mike Bott, Jimmy ^Cjosr Paul Voight and den chief Donni^-Voight gave their den mother, Patt Bott, a small gift in appreciation of her diligent assistance throughout the year. The b<!>ys had worked very hard -on their mothers' gifts which were pretty table centerpieces in \ the CI theme. Refreshments ies, coffee and rqilk served to the Cu'bs aRi guests. Birthdays A very happy birthday to P." J. Schneider on Dec. 30, to Jean Gerke, Gus Morresi and John firirrar on Dec. 31, to 1 year old Mathew O'Brien on Jan. 2, and to 15 year old Bob Kelso on Jan. 3. Best wishes to you all. Anniversary Congratulations to Alice and Edward Scheibe on their anniversary Dec. 29. Happy New Year Next in the holiday season comes the night of paper hats, horns and other noise makers. Many home parties are planned by our residents. Have yourselves a ball but stay out of the ditch going home. Make the "one for the road" a cup of coffee. Happy New Year, everybody. TESTS WITH COKE Tests with petroleum coke are being made by the Illinois State Geological Survey in an attempt to produce coke of metallurgical quality from Illinois products aloi|e. Illinois coal blends used currently contain a small percentage of lowr volatile eastern coal along with the higher volatile state coais. If the tests [are successful, blast furnace coke, may be mjade entirely of^Illinois produpfesr^ . • About 70 per cent of motion picture films made in the world each year are produced in the United States, with some 250 firms making educational and business films. (I Thursday, December 29, 1960 Johnsburg GRATEFUL WRIttft STARTS EIGHTH YEAR REPORTING h' Betty fleftermann This week is the last one of this year so I would like to extend a special thank you to one and all for your cooperation. I will be in my eighth year of writing this column and I hope to continue a few more. Your phone calls with news items helps to keep this column interesting. Please continue- in the new year. I would like to take this opportunity to extend wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year for one^and spepot December Birthdays Belated birthday greeting to Bilf Smith who observed his natal day on Dec. 21. Grace Sullivan was treated to a night "on the town" by her spouse in celebration of her birthday on Dec. 23. Best wishes to both of these celebrants. are happy to have their sons, Arnold and Lambert, homef rom the University of IlHnois for the holiday season. Harry Hettermann arrived home from Whitewater to spend the holidays with his family. Tom Keenan of Chicago will be spending Christmas here visiting relatives. Our three seminarians from the Salvatorian Seminary of St. Nazianz, Wis., are home for the holidays also. They are Neil Freund, Fred Kupstis and John Colomer. last Thursday evening to sing Christmas carols at; various homes in town. After singing the girls returned to the home of their co-leader, Mrs. Peterson, for hot chocolate and cookies. Mrs. Koch was in the Peterson home to have evtQthing ready when the girls returned.. Later a gift exchange took place between the girls. Bowling Party Reminder Remember entries for, St. John's court No. 96 C.O.F. bowling party are due Jan. 10. Get your team together anl turn in your entry blank soon. Home for the Holidays Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund Lucky Me! I hit the super dooper jackpot this year. Jim was home on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and comes in New Year's Eve. X GREETINGS To All Our Friends! SHANGRA - LA HOME FOR THE AGED Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bisbee Phone EV. .-^0419 ,. McHfcnrir.a BJ. { "SO LONG" OLD TEAB Welcome To A Happy 19611 ACE HARDWARE 130 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. Phone EV. 5-0722 Peso* and happiness..• may It t» yours alt year through. Happy New Year! F.M. TELEVISION & RADIO 12* N- Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 Phone EV. 5-0979 A GACAX9 Of $ESG IDISWES TO*.1 A 9<Af>£V 11£U> JOSEPH FRETT & SON. INC. BUILDERS Located on Rt. 120 -- % Mile East of Bridge Phone EV. 5-3976 Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. 'Across from Ball Park in West McHenry' • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 111111 friendship and patronage has mad* Ae past year a (fig. success* yon hnom onfy. good Let and happiness m 19611 H. E. BUCH 8 SONS Route 120 East McHenry Phone EV. 5-0048 Brownies Holiday Full The Brownies of troop" 378 braved the zero temperature AMERICA'S Finest Porch Enclosure It costs so little extra to enclose your porch with the very finest. See DeVAC Glass Walls and you'll see why they're tops among architects,, builders and homeowners. DeVAC - CHICAGO Window Products 800 Front St. McHenry, 111. EV. 5-6060 Deadline Reminder Please remember next week is another early deadline. My news has to be in the office by noon on Dec. 30. Give me a call this week about your h||jday comings and goings. Happy New Year! Don't Ad^ ANTIFREEZE This Year. •..without first having your radiator cleaned and repaired I Anti*freeze in a leaky or clogged radl* •tor is jnoncy wasted. Our modern Factory Method dean* ing and repairing -- checked by our Inland FLO-TEST Machine -- cost* little -- protects your anti-freeze! ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 300 E. Elm St. McHenrv, III. PH. EV. 5-0783 1 1 2 wtwUtufto ffififfnrrfijr titk] rfi iim'i) nm : KLEINHANS BUILDING SERVICE Route 120 East EV. 5-0771 McHenry .A LUCKY NEW YEAR! McHENRY GARAGE WILLYS Sales and Service Phone EV. 5-0403 it m for the NEW YEAR It is at this time -- when the old year is departing and the new year approaches -- that we especially like to say "Thank you!" to our friends. We appreciate the opportunities you have given us to be helpful with your drug, cosmetic prescription requirements, and we are grateful for the business you have entrusted to us. In the new year, we shall endeavor to merit your confidence and good will by continuing to serve you to the best of our ability ... by expanding and improving our service as the changing needs of our customers require. We hope that you will jjive us many opportunities to demonstrate the sincerity of this pledge. Again, our thanks to you. May the days that lie aheaoji be happy and prosperous ones for you and yours. Sincerely, MILLSTREAM DRUGS s. "Walgreen Agency" » 315 W. Elm Street McHenry