Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1960, p. 3

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feThnwday. December 29, 1960 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Twice Told Tales fifty years ago Taken from the Files of Dec. 22, 1910 Harvey Nye, son of Dr. and "Mrs. N. J. Nye, had a narrow escape from drowning, Monday, when he attempted to ^fump a channel that had been cut by ice men, while crossing the mill pohd. Through the presence of mind of his three companions, Tony Oertel, Leo Heimer and George Stoffel, who. formed a human life line pulled him from the icy ffjsljfciBr,- he was saved from John .Walsh, our'® popular 'est Side policeman, has been /pointed deputy sheriff by "Sheriff Henderson for the town of McHenry. C. E. Lamphere has moved his family" to CaTpentersville where he has secured a good position with the firm of G. „F. Arvidsori - and company. The annual New Year dance •A at Stoffel's hall this year will take place on Friday evening, M>ec. 30. Walsh's popular orchestra will furnish the music and ladies of St, Patricia court, W.C.O.F. will serve supper for 50 cts. a plate. Miss Edith Mary Tuttle of Ringwood was united in marriage to Mr. Londell Todd of Dundee in a private parlor of the Beach hotel in Chia^o at high, noon, Wednesday of last week, Rev. H. J. Collins of (greenwood officiating. The Ostrander property on the West Side, which was sold at public auction, on Tuesday of this week, was purchased by Mathias Steffes of Johnsburg, the consideration being $1,500. Florence Hauprich, two months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hauprich of Woodstock, died Sunday evening of Mieart trouble. The parents, Tiave buried five children in their infancy and this is a very sad occasion for them. Burial look pace in McHenry. Just before going to press we learn of the death of Mike, * the fourth and youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Engeln, which occurred at the family home this (Thursday) morning. He had been in poor health 4£or some time. stock last week and paid $100 for seventeen turkeys they shot on the Mrs. Noonan farm reently. The turkeys were the property of D. A. Whiting. The men also paid court costs of $11.50. Henry Miller and Frank Justen have again signed up to play with the Hebron "Rascals" a team which last year claimed the basketball championship of McHenry county. Too bad McHenry hasn't some sort of gym. Youth and endurance were too much for the older fellows last Sunday afternoon, and as a result they had to submit to a 12 to 0 defeat befof© the youngsters in the F. H. Wattles field on the West Side Sunday afternoon. Since the game a great deal of interest has been shown. and good talent brought to light and if the present enthusiasm can again be worked up before the opening of another football season McHenry will be represented on the gridiron. « Misses Gladys and Pamela Rietesel entertained a group of young friends at their home Friday evening at a farewell party for Miss Agnes Sloey who left the following day, with her family, to reside in Chicago. Others present were: Leone and Kathleen Givens, Angela P e t e s c h , Eleanor Walsh, Alice Miller, Helen Vycital, Matilda Freund, Pearl Codding and Mildred Zuelsdorf. Youngsters under the age of eighteen, when found loitering on our streets after ten o'clock at night, should be made to give an accounting. Boys of this age belong at home and parents should co-operate with village officials in this matter. Not withstanding the fact that only two weeks were used in preparation St. Mary's an nual bazaar, which came to a close Thursday evening, was a huge success, the net proceeds amounting to $1,003.01. Chance II books and the serving of meals were dispensed with this year. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken rom the Files of Dec. 19, 1935 Earl Conway was the winner in the Amateur Opportunity contest at the Community high school auditorium S a t u r d a y - night, when local talent, interested in a radio or stage career, participated. Earl, who has been one of the local popular vocalists, sang "Forgotten" and was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Albert Barbian. Mrs. Jack Walsh received the sad news on Wednesday of the death of her brother, Karin Walsh, of Chicago, aged 73. Services will be held in Chicago Saturday with burial in St. Patrick cemetery here. George Vales and Bob Peterson won first place in an amateur contest at Delavan, Wis., last Wednesday night. The two young men sang and George played the accordion and Bob the saxaphone. Members of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church enjoyed their annual Christmas party at the, home of Mrs. G. W. Hess. There was a Christmas tree with gift excxhange, cards were played with prizes awarded Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Albert Vales and Mrs. Riehard Fleming. The telephone girls enjoyed a Christmas party at Bickler's hotel Tuesday evening. Gifts were exchanged, a chicken dinner served and music furnished by Mrs. Clara Overton and Dorothy Matthews. Harry Eugene Eckland, former grand exalted ruler of the Chicago Elks lodge and thirtysixth ward superintendent for the department of public works, was married to Miss Elda Ditrich by Judge Michael Feinberg in the Sherman Hotel, Chicago, last week. The bridegroom is well known here wherf- he has a summer home in Wheeler's subdivision. TAX FACTS Thirty-five of the fifty states, plus the District -of Columbia, now levy some form of a sales tax, the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois stated. All sections of the country are represented in this group -- the north, east, south, midwest and the west. An interesting publication, "A Factual Handbook on the Sales Tax," prepared by the Minnesota Taxpayers association, releases data on this excise tax. The dates of enact FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files y of Dec. 16, 1920 William H. Brinkman, Francis Brinkman, Joseph Kirwin pnds Arthur Meyer of Chicago, appeared in court at Wood- VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE . . BED PATIENTS Mrs. Anna Zee -- Owner Phone EVergreen 5-0461 *NewrWonder Drug Cosmetic Restores Young Look to Skin Medical tests show Helena Rubinstein's Ultra Feminine reduces wrinkles due to dryness and restores young tone to mature skin. Now you can look younger. Medical research proves that the action of two vital female hormones, estrogen and progesterone reactivates specific skin cells. Wrinkles due to dryness are reduced. Young skin tone is restored. The discovery that has made this possible is Helena Rubinstein's Ultra Feminine® Face Cream, the only face cream with both vital female hormones. These are the very hormones that have helped shape every woman from Venus to you--the same hormones that abound in a young woman's skin. The chart below shows you how nature reduces estrogen and progesterone supplies with maturity. Here's what happens when Ultra Feminine resupplies estrogen and progesterone daily to your skin. What die doctors report Skin cells can hold maximum moisture again. These cells, plumped out once more, support the surface firmly. Lines smooth out. Wrinkles due to dryness are reduced. Young skin tone is restored. Oil glands produce at a more youthful rate again. Tissue sections and skin surface tests show an amazing increase in oil production. The skin is soft, dewy, protected. Start looking younger Start using Ultra Feminine now. In just 30 days, see your skrn take on a definitely HOW FEMALE HORMONE PRODUCTION DECLINES WITH AGE B M tt It 40 50 to 70 Vfftft* f • in i--i- WtOGESTERONELEVEU mm a. ESTROGEN LEVELS these curvet sttow tfie relative changes in ttie amounts of estrogen and proges* terone during the life of the female. Note how rapidly they decline after 35-- the estragm first, then the progesterone. younger look. Such rapid results are possible because Ultra Feminine is an actual wonder drug cosmetic that works within the skin to replenish loss of physiological substances. The whole process, miraculous to behold* is like nature's own because estrogen and progesterone are the female hormones which power these cells in youth. Because your skin can't store up hormones for the future, you must use Ultra Feminine faithfully each night. Thi? assures your daily hormone requirement. This medically tested treatment costs only pennies per use. See your skin look young again, and stay younger looking. Lifetime Guarantee Helena Rubinstein states: sssssss lliii Helena Rubinstein, creator of Ultra Feminine, the first medically tested face cream that reverses two of the aging proo esses of the skin. "Your skin must look younger in one month, then staff younger looking with continued daily use of Ultra Feminine, if used as directed, or return your latest purchase for full refund." 0NCE-A-YEAR SALE! Because Helena Rubinstein is convinced that Ultra Feminine is her greatest cosmetic achievement, she makes this special offer so that you may discover for yourself that you can look younger. One jar will convince you! Ultra Feminine Face Cream SAVE 2®« Large 60-day supply Reg. 5.50 NOW ONLY 3.50 (SAVE 12.00 on a yeaCI supply) limited time only -f' --and for younger looking hands save 50% on YOUNG TOUCH HAND LOTION with estrogens... 3.00 size now 1.50! Prices plus tax BOLGER'S Drug Store 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 extend from 1921 in West Virginia to 1960 in Kentucky. Twenty-one of them were enacted in the depression years of the 1930's. six in the 1940's, and six states have joined the parade since 1950. Most of the states which have enacted a sales tax law have retained it. Pennsylvania repealed its law (enacted in 1953) in 1954, but reenacted it in 1956. This again proves the old adage, "Once a tax law gets on the books, it stays." - Of the thirty-five states levying sales taxes, twenty-one also have state individual income taxes. Illinois has no state income tax. The rates of the thirty-five sales taxes now in effect very from % of 1 per cent in Indiana to 4 per cent in Washington and Pennsylvania. Indiana is the only state with a rate of less than 2 per cent. Twelve states and the District of Columbia employ a 2 per cent rate, one (Kansas) a 2Ms per cent rate, eighteen a 3 pfer cent^rate, one (Hawaii) a 3% per cent rate, and two (Pennsylvania and Washington) a 4 per cent rate. Illinois' rate is 3 per cent with Va per cent earmarked for school aid purposes. California's 3 per cent tax produced almost $715 million in fiscal 1960 -- almost 34 per cent of its total tax revenues. Michigan's 3 per cent tax produced over $363 million -- almost 40 per cent of its total tax revenues. Illinois, with a 3 per cent tax, obtained almost $375 million -- about 45 per cent of its total tax revenues. ment of these sales tax law^5 Ohio's 3 per cent tax produced over $265 million -- over 30 per cent of its total tax revenues. Washington, with a 4 per cent tax, obtained $261 million, which was over 56 per cent of its total tax revenues. Eighteen of the 35 sales tax states compensate the retailors for the cost of "the extra work for acting as a collecting agent for the state by granting them percentage discounts. Eighf states (including Illi- ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 nois) allow a discount equal to 2 per cent of the tax due, five states allow a 3 per cent discount, one a discount of 5 per cent, and the others various lesser discounts. HAIRDRESSERS MEET The Illinois National Hair) dressers and Cosmetologists association will meet Jan. 4 at Brown's Northern Light, second floor, in Barrington at 8 o ' c l o c k . All members and guests are invited. Actions speak louder than words, 'tis true--but lots of people hate exercise. No matter how old, this clarion call . . . the feeling ^ is ever-new. Happy New Year, all! Our sincere '61 greetings to you! Miss Elvina Latimer Rt. 120 East. Hairstylist JEN'S BEAUTY SALON Ph. EV. 5-0322 or 5-2835 L« As 196J leaves its launching pad, we hope that it zooms successfully into orbit, carrying a goodly ' pay load" of out-of-this-world happiness for you and yours. May the Nfew- Year bring all your plans to fruition, all your wishes to fulfillment. KNOX REAL ESTATE Phone EV. 5-0421 405 Richmond Rd. McHenry zAmwrYm Beverages, olivet, ptcMes, bread ... and <fen1 orqet the pretzels! Make your party planning eaiy ri+h delectable delight* aod tempting fast* treat! Crom your friendly National Food Stora,. . . Get yoor '61 budget off to a port* Mting >t«rt , POt root SHOPPM6 comtihiinci all stoms WW M OHM TO * PX MIDAY. OK. MM CMSa NOWAY. JAN. 2arf rrViV.ia GUARANTEE uj'iu uuwevuviim MTMcx cuMMf Thick sliced 4* 4|fit SLICED BACOM. . . Z pkg.70 Colorado Cora • Fed Bm( S I IB RIB EYE STEAK »» I lean. . . Mn* 4 to 8 lb. S1ZCS PORK BUTT ROAST ...» •BTKOStet .||| COCKTAIL FRANKS . . .£ 37 fvft s c. c.™ rv TW.S„--MO(vrr .MM LUNCHEON MEAT . . .ft 3? 69* HYdMOE BRATWURST OCn-P.pfMr.toloqiu-RS#--TOP TASTE ' LUNCHEON MEAT. • . NATIONAL'S OWN TOP TASTE--AtL MEAT Enjoy tli# flavorful, tender, succulant Holiday Ham, by Oscar Mayer ... The name that means taste enjoyment'... Each slice will be a taste adventure you'll be sure to remember. Order yours today, from your Friend of the Family National Food Store . . . and be assured of a successful' New Year's Party! OSCAR MAYER --JUBILEE BRAND FULLY COOKED 35' SKINLESS WIENERS . . .5* 55* fcHj Te Cool--TnM Aad DnrnJ ^ | ^ ^ 75' BOOTH'S SHRIMP. . . .« BREADED SHRIMP. . . .!? NATIONAL'S OWN TOP TASTE PORK SAUSAGE LINKS. . % 49* ATALAHTA (RANO ^ ^ POLISH CANNED HAMS OSCAR MAYER--My CooM „ WHOLE HAMS . OSCAR MAYER -- Fnffy C«obtf . -- *** FULL Bun HALF* . JSt »• 5l *5? NO DEPOSIT ... NO RETURN MAKE THE ONE FOR THE ROAD COFFEE! NATCO BEVERAGES K=|» H in case 11 Sparkling Flavors bFoerif f rob*u yf laIvs orN qautceoR fy yom SO FlfSW STTeli Or TwlM „ ft f|. SO FtESff -- ^ PRETZELS . K' 39 CHIP DIPS . Tf 49* SO FRESH --TwTn Padc POTATO NATCO or FOLGER'S CHIPS fO--L.NGAERTC'SO! toor* le*H iptrirnceoJdl AMERICAN D.UIXE --!0c Off Ub«l M # • 4 A INSTANT COFFEE . . ^ *1 PINEAPPLE JUICE . 3 Cua 89e PDlrMantpgp* }»O>rG fvp«fniil, Hialtab Pvncb, Grtp* -- Froito (^ + BORDO DRINK . . 3 & 49 NATCO TOMATO JUICE •la • •v iafuldnil itats ( U• l•W e, rBoiyd l mwiI ctm tod«r ** Stotawr t!N titoiul Food 3*79' Fnm V Tnprcil Fraff FUvors ^ * • Mfc Hawaiian PUNCH .3^1 KAIEUOM an J| LEMON JUICE . . . "&• 49 TOP TASTE -- Sliced ... EnrieW SANDWICH BREAD « O . . Or DELICIOUS ju*g GREiN jQe APPLES .. Z Hw ONIONS . * for jwy s*d« t in a t Qioice of dole Slaw or 2-39' ^ 2-25° SALAD REB . . . TUB fap w n$» Yjta* • « l » f l wSJfc M&rip% _ . h»'cy«MMMiMtfNfr TO* tienaf PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE ftf ft# best Ptrty Dip possibla be sure yon, me wraryone's n,. 27* .sr 33* .fc.afr RITZ CRACKERS . . . IIMKCOTtfci. tm, q» SALT TANGS . . • • ORCHARD FRESH Frozen ORANGE JUICE National's Own Orchard Fresh Orange Juice has so many party uses . . . anfl just compare the price. oz.i gang Chuck ... Light ,6W, 99c Prfcn Effective IVb Sat* Doc. Jlit, la Ctfeogo Asd IHinoJi Srimbia^loni E*Mp?255*iu"see* fTtil--t CilMl C% Aad CKeaft fbf£b STARKIST TUNA Dmp (rm -- Wtlk Mohno. Wblt LIBBrijEANS . . liBe.a vy NsaetvioefrMal l ljoiHatw cottl at ffia look* l«Lfa. W TASTE--WARSAW RYE BREAD. loaf r REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON T0H 50 FXTRfl S&H STAMPS | Wit! A $5.00 Or More Purchase iyjj/ I.J.Ho-..., Cmwr. . r„ COui" otm...rr -- CoupIe .0 ,!0.. p ». C- 1• ! I*1 1II It? m REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Tbm Pvrchti* Of Ob* t-oi. J«r C«9di«d Sent EVERBEST ONIONS Unlf On* Covpoe Per Cfltfontr--Covpoa G^rec Oee. Jl REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WHfc Tl« Pnrcli*** Of Om %<3Z. Jar SHARP YE OLDE TAVERN CHEESE Brit One Ocopoq Nr C«ifom«r--Coapoa EipWi Oee. 31 REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS »it* miM o« on io. jtr mnn SEA FOOD DIP IMOllCNpa fir CvtfomtrwCoepo* 6|A»iW» SI REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUnt FOft 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wlik Paretote Of t-ox. C«p Oalon, Horser«£tt. UavCkM NALLEY'S CHIP DIP ttafc Oee Co^oa Nr Ckttomer -Coapoa Expires Oee* SI flEOECM THIS VALUABLE C0UP0M FOt CO EXTRA StN STAWS Ml Ba PurckiM Of Oae Cktiia Or StaMK REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOt 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WW Tto Pstxluje o( Om ISo. Pkf, DRESSEL*S PARTY TRAT > Cwpoe r«r cwteawr Cl ique Eipint Dec. W 415 West Elm Street

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