Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1961, p. 9

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th ursday, January 19, 1961 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER 4: Page Nine onder Lake MAKE PLANS FOR * VALENTINE DANCE AT YOUTH CENTER Jane Ducey ^he board of directors of the community youth center in regular meeting Monday night voted to reduce the activity of the center to Friday and Saturday for the months of February and March. Closing the center for the other four nights of the week was decided upon because of the sporadic attendance on week nights, and in *sew of the cost of heating the Balding during the winter months. However, the service will be expanded to include Friday and Saturday afternoons from 4 to 6 p.m. when the center will be open for grade school age youngsters. Friday and Saturday nights will be open for those of high school age. i Plans were set up for a iice a month for the next ree months. The recreation M committee with Jess Seeman will work out the^details of a Valentine dance with a live orchestra. To offset the cost of the band, an admission charge will be made. Watch for the date, time and charge. In other discussion concerning a long range program, it was voted to hire a band also a St. Pat's dance in March, and a Bunny Hop in April. An "Open House" at the center was discussed, to be held in the Spring when the summer population brings young people new to the community. In conjunction with these activities a clean-up committee seemed in order, made up of 'TEENS AND adults, to clear away the winter dirt. iPother suggestions included a Hobbies Night, a fashion show. ar\d a membership drive for 1961 Karhina Neighborhood News All Girl SHout [leaders, coleaders, troop Committee and interested mothejaL are urged to attend the count*! meeting on Thursday, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., A the Barrington high school. Highlight of the evening will be a reproduetion of the thirtyfifth national convention in St. Louis. Car pools are suggested so that Kachina Neighborhood will be well represented. There will be a special craft workshop Tuesday, Jan. 31, 9:30 a.m. Bethany Lutheran church, Crystal Lake. Bring paper, pencil, scissors and ^sebag'»1i: ' Vor troops interested in a service project, the Red Cross office can use tray favors, place mats, bean bags, stuffed toys, and layettes. Golden books, no longer being. used, would be greatly appreciated by the Easter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock. Mrs. Harold Young has been appointed library chairman, and all leaders are asked to bring a list of books they would like to see in our library to the next meeting. Neighborhood chairman, Mrs. Charles Paetow, remind; leaders that Juliette World Friendship Fund contributions are due on the Girl Scout birthday, March 12. Girl Scout cookies will be sold March 9 to 18 by direct sale this year. Further information will be given at the Feb. 8 meeting in Richmond. Girl Scout Troop 494 Troop 494 started the New Year off right by electing new officers, according to Jackie McMahon, reporter for the troop. They are Phyllis Reuter, president; Cathy Paetow, secretary; Marion Yaeger, treasurer; Dorothy Maxstedt, alternate; and Vickie Gustavson. recreation chairman. Barbara Hansen is the girl who leads the pledges. Following the business meeting Vickie led the group in games and songs. More Scout News We practiced some songs we're going to sing in a program. In the flag ceremony Darlene Browne was color sergeant; Rita Griswold, American flag; Leslie Harris her guard; Troop flag, Susan Smith; Kathy Cieth, her guard. Two girls put on a puppet show and showed what they made' and did. This was done to earn the Dabbler badge. Darlene Browne, Reporter First Birthday Party Gregory Moore, son of Jack and Dorothea Moore of Wonder Woods, celebrated his first birthday with a party Sunday, Jan. 8. Guests were Jimmie Schroeder, and* sister and brother, Sally and Stevie, and Mrs. Burton Schroeder; 14- frionth-old Christa Lynn Doerner; and her parents, Mr. and Mris. George Doerner of Des Plaines; and Grandma Becker of McHenry. Mom baked a heroic size cake topped with a cowboy for this important milestone. Big brother Jack, left the following day for Ft. Leonard Wood. He expects to spend his state-side tiipe at Camp Meade for automotive training and has sighed up for foreign duty. Nativity Lutheran Church News The sermon topic for Jan. DRAPERY and DRESS FABRICS Clearance Sale Up 50% To Jk avemeuer 5 Highway 120 -- 4 Miles East of McHenry ' Phone EV. 5-2295 s Open Daily 9:80 to 6:00 -- Sundays Noon 'til 3 p.m. Closed Mondays 22 will be, "The Christian in Times of Change'". Everyone is welcome to either worship service, at 8 or 11 a.m. Two sessions of Sunday School are now held, one at 9:15 and the second during the 11 a.m. worship service. Worship and giving thanks to God in company with other believers can be a source of strength and guidance for meeting the challenges of each day. The January social for the Luther League will be a roller skating party, Sunday evening, Jan. 22. All high school young people welcome. Meet at the church at 7:30. Christ the King Church News All adults in the parish who have N not bee'n confirmed should m a k e arrangements with Father Neumann to attend the adult confirmation instructions. Please call the rectdry for information. All parishes in the McHenry Deanery will have an adult confirmation in February. Time and place to be announced later. »High school religion class will be held Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. All high school students should attend these meetings every week if they are not attending Catholic high school, so they will have a better understanding of their faith. 'Teen Town social group for high school students meets every Sunday night at the parish hall at 8 p.m. All youth in1 the parish are urged to come and bring their friends. be the guest speaker at Men's Fellowship night. Mr. Vander Muellen is from the Pacific Gardens Mission in Chicago and has a wonderful message to bring. Invite your friends, come for dinner, and spend an enjoyable evening together. The Gordon Horton family has moved from the original station in Panama and is now located at Chepo, Panama. Those who attended the midweek service recently heard an interesting tape recording from them describing their work during the first year as missionaries. The following week the members of the congregation taped a message and greetings back to Gordon, Monsita, Jeanne and Carol. Reminder. . . the youth clubs, Pals and Pioneers, meet Friday night at 7 p.m. Obituary Sympathy is .expressed to Marion Burns, widow of Thomas R. Burns, who passed away Thursday, January 12, at the age of 71. Mr. Burns was a retired Chicago police officer and had been living at the Lake for 15 years. He was a member of the Holy Name society locally. Funeral arrangements will be found elsewhere in the paper. Au Revoir Betty Lamont's mother, Mrs. Minnie Dunleavy, bid her many Wonder Lake friends adieu last week for her return trip to her home in Greenock, Scotland. Eighteen members of the "clan" gathered at O'Hare to see her off. . . .among them the Justus Kellners, Thomas Dockerys, George' Taylors, and the William Lamonts of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin of Arlington Heights, in addition to the Sam Lamonts. The return- trip by jet plane.,, took just jk hours. tors. Dunleavy has been here since July, 1960, and liked America very much on her first visit to the U.S. and Canada. In the six months she was here she made four trips to Canada and saw some of the 50 states in the U.S., making many friends at the Lake, in Chicago, and in Canada. She took back many mementos and I gifts from her new friends to remember the nice times they show ed her. In Canada she met Sam's sister and famiiyf Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson, and will carry news of them to Sam's sister in Ireland, Mrs. Neil Wilkinson, with whom she plans to spend a week to bring her up to date on news of the American relatives. Christenings Four infants were baptized by the Rev. James A. Vanderpool Sunday, Jan. 8. They were Donna Jean Skidmore, daughter of Edward and Diane Caley Skidmore. God parents are Charles Caley, Jr., and Donna Caley. Nancy Elizabeth Hartmann, daughter of George and Jean Dickman Hartmann, whose godparents are Thomas Mathews and Maxine Bixby. Stephen George Mathewa, son of Thomas and Lois Hartmann Mathews. His godparents are Stephen G. Mathews and Sandra Hartmann. Mark Donald Arvidson, son of Donald and Dorothy Haley Arvidson. The godparents are Francis and Jacqueline Hefele. Bible Church News Monday, Jan. .30, at 7:30 p.m., A. J. Vander Muellen will January Pack Meeting The Cub Scout Pack meeting, held at Harrison school Tuesday, Jan. 24, will have for its theme, "Life in South America", with skits, exhibits and projects put on by each den in keeping with the theme. An important committee meeting will be held at the home of Cubmaster, Sam Lamont, on Monday, Jan. 23, to plan for the annual Blue and Gold banquet Feb. 28. All committee members are asked to be present. . f RAD I (Ml Ifl TUBES - PARTS - EQUIPMENT You'll iind it a sound move to make us your Hi-Fi headquarters. Quality component parts. We service all makes Free Shop Tube Testing F.M. T.V. and RADIO 128 N. Riverside Dr. EV. 5-0979 Open t)aily -- Fri. & Sat 9-9 Sundays 1-2 p.m. LAST of our GIGANTIC INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT SALE Tremendous Bargains Still Available HOURS: Daily 9-5:30 - Thurs. & Fri. 9-9 HOUSE of FURNITURE U.S. Hwy. 12 South Richmond 111. Hillview Shopping Center -- Ph. Richmond 3461 the auxiliary). The group welcomed a new face, Mrs. Claire Berardi, and hope to see her again. BONUS RATE The bonus rate at McHenry Savings & Loan association should have read one-Jjal#-R£r cent rather than the 1 per cent stated in the ad which appeared in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. BAKE SALE Greenwood Methodist church will sponsor a bake sale, to be held Friday, Jan. 20, at 9 a.m., at Huffman's Real Estate, Woodstock. OBITUARY LENA H. PEET Lena H. Peet, 79, died in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Sund^ evening, Jan. 15, following a period of failing health. She was a lifelong lent of the Ringwood community, where she was born Nov. 29, 1881. Mrs. Peet was a member of the W.S.C.S. of the Ringwood Methodist church and the Ringwood Home circle. A memorial fund in her honor has been started at the Ringwood church. f \r/ addition®*^" a host of friends, Mrs. Peet leaves two daughters, Alice Peet of Ringwood and ^Marian Peet of E1-; gin; two sisters, Mrs. Grace- Hinze of Crystal. Lake and' Mrs. Laura Treon of Monrovia,-^ Calif.; two brothers, ^Raymond Harrison of Ringwood and Walter Harrison of Burlington, Wis:" Her husband, Charles, preceded her in death in 1947. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral' home until Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Rev. James McChesney of the Ringwood Methodist church officiated at last rites. Burial was in the Ringwood cemetery. ^ All the blood in the humafi body passes through the thyroid each 17 minutes. White Elephant Sale A Supfress Mrs. Mae Kraejsa, president of the/Women's Auxiliary of Highland Shores, is grateful to all the ladies who came to the white elephant sale, for making it an evening of pleasure and profit. Mrs. Patrick Baudin acted as auctioneer assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Laird. (Mae supplied herself with containers for the flower arrangement program planned for September, according to Mrs. John Batjes, secretara of Sacrificing many styles and colors of Dress Shoes to make room for new shipments due to arrive soon. Women's Dress Shoes Values to $11.95 $088 Women's Dress Shoes Values to $8.95 $4.88 Women's Dress Shoes Values to $5.99 $088 Flats & Casuals ^Values to $6.99 SO 88 Children's Values to $6.99 $088 Men's Dress Shoes Values to $11.99 $C88 Purses Values to $3.99 50% OFF Rubber Footwear Drastically Reduced Roth Shoes 118 S. Green St. EV. 5-2027 Invest in Tomorrow By Saving Today! - r -- • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII I SAFETY Your savings are insured safe up to $10,- 000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation - an instrumentality of the United States Government with headquarters in Washington D.C.. PROFIT All Regular savings accounts earn 4% per annum. Dividends are paid each June 30th and December 31st. Money in by the 15th of this montlr~eams from the 1st of January. ^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHtiiiii $5,000.00 becomes AVAILABILITY Savings are always available when need them. To withdraw all or any of your savings, merely present your passbook and a withdrawal slip/ at one of our teller's windows. You may also use our FREE postage paid save-by-mail service. ,094.95 In' 5 Short Years Based on^^ o fliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Get A Check x Every 6 Months 'llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fridays 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. . CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS PHONE EV. 5-3000 MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N 4 v. 0;/ On / 0 Investment Savings Accounts Member Federal Home Loan Bank Current Rate -- 4% Per Annum Plus l2% BONUS Payable at end of 4-year period niiiuiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti!iiitiiiHiiiiiiiinini!itiiiiiiitf!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii(i McHENRY, ILLINOIS .J

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