Thursday, January 28, 1961 THE McrifiNIlT PLAINDEALER Page Flfiean* Spring Grove Local Folk? In Warmer Climate Bin. Charles Freund Ir. and Mrs. Harvey Petska are touring the western states and spending several, weeks in Eort Worth, Texas. Florida vacationers are Mr. and Mrs. Yern Thelen who left Jan. 15 to spend two weeks in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jung of Solon are in St. Petersburg, Fla., and will visit frc^ttern ds in Miami. European Assignment Sf*C Edward S. Klein and famij}' of Huntsville, Ala., have spoilt ' the past several weeks wit^. his mother, Mrs. Mary Kle|ft, Edward left for Fort Dix;" N. J., on Jan. 19 where 1 he will receive his European assignment. His family will remain in Spring Grove with his . nUther. Hospitalised Sister M. Laurentia of St. Peter's convent is a patient in St. Theresa's hospital. Mrs. Alice Wsgner was in a Chicago hospital for observation last week. Clubs Meet Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. John Smith on Thursday afternoon for a game of cards. Five hundred was played and prizes went to M,rs. Tillie May, Mrs. Lizzie Etogels, Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. Mame Tinney and Mrs. Clara Dfeinlein. Lunch was served after cards. The Christian Mothers sod? fcty of St. Peter's held its regular meeting at St Peter's hall on Thursday night. Mention was itfade of a St. Patrick's party to be held in March. A committee was chosen to help serve a breakfast to the mertibers of the Holy Name society after eight o'clock mass on Sunday, Feb. 12. Father Lehman asked everyone to hKp in the celebration of Sister Leonardine's twenty-fifth anniversary which will fall on Feb. 11. A trip to Texas is being planned tor her. Following the meeting a lunch was served and cards were played. visit Mrs. Edna Olson and Lorraine Mitchell of Solon Springs, "Is., visited friends in tojyn week. Ushers Meet Father Lehman and the ushers met at the home of Jerry Miller on Wednesday night. After the meeting there was an 'evening at cards and a lunch was served. Scouts Lolly "Class, Brownie leader of Troop 518 will help t&rfeanize a Girl Scout Troop on Feb. "5. Mrs. Irma Winn will take over the Brownie Troop leadership. There will be five Brownie Fly-Ups -- Tari Baker, Cathy, Class, Barbara Wiijn, Kathy Murphy and Judy Spitebart. » Enlists Wrt;. Richard Monhardt, son of Mr. and Mis. Walter Monhardt cf Colemar, has enlisted in the U. S. Army. He is now stationed at Fort Leonard Wbod, Mo. A farewell party was held for him last Sunday ni^ht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Class for approximately twenty-five guests. ^ Happy Birthday To Dean Sutton, Cindy Sutton, Dan Freund and Paul May this month. PUBLIC AID INCREASES Public Aid rolls rose sharply in November to a count of 377,412 persons from October's 368,059 as seasonal and other employment opportunities decked, Peter W. Cahill, executive secretary of the Illinois, Public /Aid CommissionTTreported today. November, 1959, rolls held. 373,294 persons. November expenditures 'of $19,- 074,315, o^ which the state's sh^re amounted, to $10.4 million, compares with pctober's $1 $.718,075 and the' November 19^9 cost of $18,207,766. NEWJ CONVENIENT! hbndte do«i the work of two H. E. BUCH & SONS Plumbing & Heating Hwy. 12QEa»t rb. EV. 5-W48 *4 mmmmmmmmmm--mmmm McHenry Shores ANNUAL DINNER DANCE IS GALA AFFABt AT VJ.W. ObM Mueller EV. 5-0553 The first MSC annual dinner dance, in the friendly atmosphere of the VFW hSll in McHenry on Saturday, Jan. 14, was quite an affair. A "good group", excellent food, togetherness and dancing to good music resulted in an interesting "evening out" for everyone. Reva Peters songs were delightful and appreciated. Thank you -x Daisy Smith -- for the hard work in arranging the party. Hear tell that about ten couples finished up the dance at the Hattans with bacon and eggs. Street Name Changes Two members of the" McHenry County Board, Ted Sterns, Supervisor of Nunda township and A1 Pearson, assistant supervisor of Nunda township, met with the group organized to work on the street name changes. Due to illness, Mr. Gunder of Fox avenue was unable to attend. Mr. Cleveland represented the street. Hilltop boulevard will be known as S-outh Hilltop boulevard, Fox avenue will be changed to Orchid drive, Park avenue will be called Vista Terrace and Biscayne road will replace Grandview drive. No actiqp is to be taken on the street and address changes until «you are officially notified By the McHenry post office. MSC Meeting Next Thursday evening, .Feb. 2, will be the "Night of Decision" when the McHenry Shores club gathers at the VFW hall for its regular meeting. Quoting the new president, John McKelly, "Election of directors to guide the new organization must be accomplished. Progress, as the clubs mission to serve the community, demands that everyone interestered in the future of the club be present". Newcomer Little sister -- a 6 lb., 12 oz. baby girl, born Jan. 8, was a welcome sight for four year old Dawn when parents, Nancy and Bill Ewald, brought the little ~ bundle Tof joy, Susan Elise, home from the hospital the other day. Birthdays and Anniversaries Little Terry Moore will celebrate her first birthday on the twenty-seventh. . . . .Michael RADIATOR REPAIR Automotive, Trucks and Industrial 1 DAY SERVICE All Work Guaranteed McHENRY AUTO BODY "We are not satisfied until you are" 811 Front St. Ph. EV 5-0444 Clark will be two years old Saturday. . . And John Smith will also celebrate his on that date. . . .Billy Pinkonsly will have his first birthday, Sunday. Sunday will also be Nancy Ewald's. . . . Gail Gunder will have three candles on her birthday cake. Monday. . . And a happy birthday to Ken Schopp on Thursday. Friday, Pinky and Marge Pinkonsly will start another year of togetherness. ... As will their youngster Bill and his wife, Joyce, on the following day. Hi Neighbor .Let's accept that invitation and stop in for a visit with Jack and Elsie Schmitt who live at 305 Miller drive. The couple moved to their new home from Chicago not iquite three years ago. They are blessed with three youngsters, Paul, Caryn and baby John. Working in the building trade, Jadk is self employed. He served' as president of the MSC this past year and in 1959, was the senior vice-president. Also active in the SSAC, he participates and enjoys all sports. More or less a 1 ocal boy, Jack attended Elgin high and served in the army during 1941 and '42. Elsie, also active in the MSC, has served on the ways and means committee. When not busy with the youngsters and homemaking, Elsie just likes to loaf, enjoys sunbathing and swimming. She graduated from Alvernia high school in Chicago. Here and1 There Mr. and Mrs. George Bartusek were out to help celebrate Mrs. Valek's mother's birthday, Mrs. John Bartusek. Guests at the Jack Versteges on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulasik and children, Jack and Gail. The Jack Versteges journeyed in to Medinah to attend a luncheon'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wruck. . . The Winters werer glad to get back home after their two week camping trip all over Florida. Stops were made to visit a brother in Louisville, Ky„ friends in Nashville, Tenn., and Lakeland, Fla. The youngsters enjoyed the campout in Everglades national park. And in Closing Welcome to the fold, Mrs. McKelly -- Alice will take over the column in February -- so you better get used to dialing EV. 5-2661 to acquaint her with what's what and who's who in the subdivision. . . . The women of the area; Alice Brunke, Roberta Mieritz, Gloria Schramm, Daisy Smith and Beverly Verstege who solicited for the cerebral palsy fund, sxpress their thanks to all who helped support the drive. Legal NOTICE OP NEW CLAIM DATE rotice is hereby given to all rsons that Monday, March 6ttr 1961, is the claim date in theNtttate of STEPHEN H. FREU>TO, Deceased pending in the Covmtv Court of McHenry County, Illinois ajid that claims may be fileaLagainkt the said estate on or before ysaid date without issuance of summons. CARL J. FREUND Executor Leroy J. Welter, Attorney 105 Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1313 (Publish Jan. 12-19-26-1961) New! IMmiii Rubinstein's DEEP CLEANSER with Penetrel Ct*an« your skin from t«»» hufato owtt Helena Robfautdn luu dteoovtred die first formula that really deans your akin deep wide when b^autj begins Stroke oo this greaseless lotion and dryness smooths away before your eye*, Exclusive new Penatnl raaobae deep down to guard against dirt* clogged pores. Din and make-op lodged deepfeside are lifted oat an*. pletelyf While Penetrel proteose against blackhead* antiseptic R»T destroys the bacteria that eatfse sar» face blemishes. Try Deep Cleanser today. It'a &e only scientifically form plated deane» er that moisturises, protects agabtf surface blemishes, deene your ddn from the tinkle ltiOcleaosjngsin plastic squeoe bottle, ft* M» t B0LGERS DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. Phone EV. 5-4500 McHenry Lakemoor Bridal Shower At Kunz Home David Hec&mann EV. 5-0582 Sunday a large and festive crowd attended a bridal shower for Diane Kibbe Rasbough at the Emma Kunz home on Hillside drive. Hostesses for the happy d@casion were Helen Para, Irene Godina and Emma Kunz. Attending were Marge Ehrhardt, Doris Kibbe, Pat Morrison, Eleanore M. Wirfs, Eleanore K. Wirfs, Marcella Goss, Jean Booster, Nancy Ehr^ hardt Fort, Ronnie Romkoskf, Ida Hirsch, Anna Hose, Agnes Simmons, Arfh Brzezinski, Mrs. E. Paterson, Mrs. M. Hyatt, Winnie Steadman, Jean Demb e r , M a r g e - B e a h l e r , R o s e Brzezinski, Alice Becker and Lu Bitterman, all of Lakemoor. Also, Betty Hill, Wonder Lake; E. Bartholomew, Pistakee Highlands; Mrs. Kay Godina, McCullom Lake; Mrs. Virginia Jordan, McCullom Lake; Karen Szewczuk, Richmond; Bobby Hager, Chicago; T h e l m a M a s s h e i m e r , L a k e - Gertrude Freund, [eights; and Mary .Plaines. The lovely land Pari* Cooney Moody, bride who/ received all the thoughtful gift^ now lives in Round Lake. All our best wishes to you Diane in your new state of life! New Members Welcomed The L. I. A. social club recently held a meeting at the home of Dorothy Bonder. A membership drive is now in progress for this worthy organization which sponsors the a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s p a r t y a n d other activities for the benefit of the children of our village. To facilitate this drive please contact those nearest your home about membership. Myra Zabroski, president; Jean Dember, secretary; Marion Sulok, treasurer; or the following members: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hyatt, Mrs. Margaret Hatch, Mrs. Viola Arbogast, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beahler, Dianne Zundel, John Sulok, Walter Biehl, Henry Fast, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brossman, Dorothy Bonder and Delia Dralle. The dues are one dollar a year, which includes the Christmas dinner for members and ' a guest. Lots of Good Luck Larry Ehrhardt is to enter M c H e n r y h o s p i t a l T h u r s d a y for surgery on Friday. We all are pulling for you, Larry, and hope for your speedy recovery. Safe Driver Award Recently Marge Beahler received through the mail from the office of the Secretary of State in Springfield a highway safety citation in recognition of the fact she has had no moving traffic violations for the past ATTENTION, MEN! Train To Be A H|AVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR • SCRAPER • POWER SHOVEL • GRADER * AND OTHERS Trained Man $165 per * Are Earning Over week Complete Training Program* Including Actual Experience on Heavy Equipment. No Previous Experience Needed. Mai! Coupon For Complete Information. QUALIFY NOW ^ - - - - - B Universal Equipment a Operators School, Inc. 80 W. Washington - Rm .900 Chicago 2, Illinois I Name ^'Age • Street • City State | Phone Hrs, ^t l^ome ... .. Spring Scoui-O-Rama Planned In District With over 100 adult leaders in attendance, the January meeting of the Kishwaukee district. Blackhawk Area Council Scouters' Roundtable, featured a study ,of plans for the s p r i n g S e o u t - O - R a m a . O v e r three quarters of the units in the district were represented. The Seout-O-Rama will be an exposition of unit projects, with no two booths showing the same activity. In addition to an exhibit or demonstration three years. We're all proud of you, and add our congratulations! Senior Citizen. Passes On Cleveland Wade, a foirner resident of our village, died in West Frankfort, 111., on Tuesday. He was buried there Friday. by each unit there will be special areas devoted to the Order of the Arrow,' camping in the Blackhawk Council, a Cob Scout pinewood derby and ,a movie theatre showing Scout features. On the center stage there will be special demonstrations and entertainment and the annual Scouters* recognition ceremony. The show is scheduled for Saturday, April 22, at Crystal Lake in the high school field house. The doors will open to the public at 11 a.m. and close at 9:30 p.m. Units will be able to set up booths on Friday night. J The Constitution says new state shall be formed within the jurisdiction of any existing state" yet recognized West Virginia, when it was formed out of Virginia, in 186&. This is another example of unusual procedures sometimes followed during time of war or stress. LET REAL ESTATE OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOU For the many high paying jobs in heavy construction, building roads, bridges, dams, pipe lines, homes, office buildings, etc. Local and foreign emp 1 o y m ent opportunities. No need to quit your present job until you are trained. ii REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OFFERS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES to MEN & WOMEN A course in Real Estate can help you gairr a place in this profitable and fascinating profession. This training prepares you to operate your own business or to secure a position with on established firm. Qualify for State Examinations by studing: Real Estate Principles and Practice Real Estate Law Real Estate Finance Real Estate Appraisal (Real Estate Courses approved for Salesmen and Brokers Examination by the Department of Registration and Education) NIGHT CtASSES NOW BEING ORGANIZED Office open from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. including Sat. Phone WO 4-9459 Rockford, er return coupon for information. Yesl I am interested in your Real Estate Course. Will you send me Bulletin G. Name Phone ...... Street ; City State Real Estate Course Offered by Rockford School of Business 310 W. Jefferson St. Rockford, Illinois You are invited 0 attend a C O R C L I N I « TOWN; WOODSTOCK PLACE: MOOSE LODGE DAY: MONDAY PATE: JANUARY 30 TIME! 1:30 P.M. information on control of annual grosses and broadleaf weed* in coin. It's high in LOOK APPEAL! HIMi NU-WOOD* DECORATOR Don't waste a minute! Choose your WELDW0QD WALL PANELS NOW! For Csilings Yes ocmcpmI* m --citing mm look to any room in Ipfff bpoif bfc Inrtsriftip Nv-Wood Decorator Tile oa ctStmq. IT has a staMkriNMl fesarecS tagrble design AmI tfggw» a* •xpeawe decorator tooch. Yet Peywty Wf is eigOrwicaiy priced. It's available l» either gray or patter* .. . colors selected a, »cliooq§y hw*» color •xpert to bormonize ape wutJuM WeJdwood HfwoJ INwiM tet tbea pyv ymrr room wp* beowtyl WUdwood RaMh X to iostaft; guorunteeJ far tiw ttm of yoor how. N puiwBugl Choice of Am hasd> Low Monthly Payments can be arranged. OHEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. "THE pESTOF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" Qn Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, KSnob EVergreen 5-1424