Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1961, p. 2

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Page Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEMSR V Thursday. February 2, 1961 Frances Casey Is Feted On Birthday A surprise party was held in honor of Frances Casey last Saturday night on the occasion of her fifteenth birthday. The gathering was enjoyed at the Hqme of her parents on Main street. Present to enjoy the party were Roger Freund and George Holmes of Richmond; Connie and Barbara Justen, Paulette Goog, Bea Cascen, her sister, Patricia, and brothers, Albert .end William Casey, all of Me Henry; Denis Sundberg of ^Crystal Lake and her aunt, 3tfrs. Frances Spooner, and cousin, Arthur, of Moynt Prospect. Frances is a freshman at ^McHenry high schoolj IWiss Miller Is '|5ng;aged To Wed j Mr. and Mrs. Wimajsh Miller of Fox River Grovje announce -Jhe engagement of their daughter, Mary Rita, to Robert Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parrish of Crystal Lake. £ Both young people graduated from Crystal Lake high school. *' No date has been set for the Redding. ~ Miss Miller is the granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Miller of McHenry. Hold Dinner Party At Mayfield Home A dinner party was held for -Gerald Mayfield on Wednesday, Feb. 1. in honor of his ^confirmation that day at St. Mary's church. The dinner was given by his mother. Mrs. Madeleine Mayfield, and was attended by his sisters, Mary Anne, and Frances; his brothers, Michael and Robert, his aunts, Mrs. Valerie Holsel and Mrs. Marguerite Terwillinger of Chicago; Ernest Schroeder and Mr. and Mi's. Schroeder of McCullom Lake. Mrs. Mayfield and Ernest Schroeder took this occasion to announce their engagement. They will be married April 15. Community Club To Meet Feb. 6 The next regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, Feb. 6, at 8 o'clock. Serving 9^ the committee for refreshments will be Henry Schmitt, Louis Schmitt, Charles Smith, Harry Smith, Robert Smith, Peter H. Smith and Walter Smith. Members are reminded of the deadline for payment of dues at the April meeting, after which there will be a fine in accordance with the by-laws. Announce Engagement Of Marcella Julia West Mr. and Mrs. Stanley West of Hunterville Park a renounce the engagement and forthcoming marriaige of their daughter, Marcella Julia, to Harold P. Fischbach, Jr. The wedding will take place June 17. Miss West is a 1958 graduate of the McHenry high school and Moser secretarial school. MARY FREUND, HUGO KEERBERG MARRIED JAN. 26 lliiil iNiiW ipsiit MARCELLA WEST At present she is employed by Architectural Forum magazine in Chicago. Her fiance is the son of Mrs. Joseph Seese of Riverdale subdivision and Harold P. Fischbach, Sr., of Salem, Wis. He is a graduate of Wauconda high school, served three years in the Navy, and is now employed in Huntley. Tell Betrothal Of Eraa Rockel Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rockel of Pistakee Highlands have announced the engagement of their daughter, Erna Marie, to Mr. Richard C. Rapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Rapp of Pistakee Highlands. A March wedding is planned. Miss Rockel is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school. Mr. Rapp was recently released after service with the Navy. A quiet wedding ceremony performed in the rectory of St. Mary's Catholic church last Thursday, Jan. 26, united in marriage Mrs. Mary M. Freund of Park street, McHenry, and Mn^Hugo Keerberg of Shalimar. They were married by Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges in a 9%'clock nuptial rite. The bride was attractive in a light blue street length dress, with which she wore brown accessories and a white mum corsage. Miss Tiina Keerberg, daughter of the bridegroom, and Nicholas Freund, son of the bride, attended the couple. In the evening, members of the bridal party and the immediate families enjoyed dinner in Lake Zurich. Mrs. Keerberg is employed in Woodstock and Mr. Keerberg in McHenry. The couple will reside on Park street.-- Mike Freunds Wed 57 Years Charivari Surprises Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt of Elkhorn, Wis., were pleasantly surprised with a charivari one night recently by friends and neighbors in honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent visiting and playing cards. A delicious fish fry was enjoyed as a highlight of the evening. A lovely gift was presented to the couple. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund, Mrs. Stanley Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bleser and Robert Bleser. Woman's Club Meets At Church The McHenry Woman!s qJjjb will meet at tfie McHenry Community Methodist church on Friday, Feb. 10, at 1 o'clock for a program on "Chat About Hats", planned by Shandes Knell. Heading the social committee is Mrs. Lester Bacon, to be assisted by Mesdames Lillian Cox, Harold Seebach, Gottfried Katf, C. J. Reihansperger, Earl Sand, Henry Seegert, L. Mc- Cracken, Arnold Magnuson, Stanley Liezak, T. R. Middlekauff, F. E. McLaughlin and Clarence Schuble and Miss Clara Stoffel. Home-School Group To Meet The Home and School association qf St. Mary's Catholic church will hold its regular meeting on Monday, Feb. 6, at 8 o'clock in the evening in the school auditorium. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer will be guest speaker for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of Richmond Road celebrated their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary last Sunday, although the actual date was Jan. 27. Six of their seven children and many of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren were present. The children and their families are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller (Rena) of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller (Olivia) of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Freund of West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund of DesPlaines and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Freund of Chicago. A daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garrett, of Noblesville, Ind., were unable to be present. Among grandchildren and great-grandchildren who attended from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wagner and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner and family, all of Chicago. Other guests at the breakfast which followed the 9:30 o'clock Mass in their honor at St. Mary's Catholic church that day were Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Louise Unruh. The entire family, about thirty in all, received Communion in a body during the Mass. Mr. and Mrs* Ground* both of whom are in good health, spent the day visiting and playing cards with their family. Dinner was served at 6 o'clock in the evening. Bridal Couple MISS ROSE BUSS BECOMES BRIDE OF MR. JACK SCHAEFER THE E. C. WAGNERS Langdon Studio Photo Miss Doris Mae Berkley exhanged nuptial vows with Mr. Edward C. Wagner, Jr., on Saturday,. Jan. 21, in a 4:30 o'clock candlelight service performed ih Z i o n Lutheran church, McHenry. They will reside on Rt. 7, McHenry. RETURNS FROM TRIP Mrs. Bea Knauer returned home Sunday from a two-week motor trip to Florida, visiting many of her friends throughout the South enroute. She enjoyed swimming, deep sea fishing, sight-seeing, etc. Mrs. Knauer reported that the weather was not as ideal as she had hoped for, but there were a/few warm days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams of JFtt. 1, McHenry, have named their new son David Kenneth. The infant, weighing 8 lbs., 10 ozs., was\ born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Jan. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Blythe are parents of a daughter born Jan. 25 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A daughter was born Jan. 27 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kasper, McCullom Lake. On Jan. 24 Mr. and Mrs. George Benton of Island Lake became parents of a daughter at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. (Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kozy announce the birth of a daughter Jan. 28 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A Ringwood couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Freund, , became parents of a daughter Jan. 29 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polinski Jan. 29 at Memorial hospital, y, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Ringwood, are parents of a daughter born Jan. 24 at the Harvard hospital. On Jan. 28 Mr. and Mrs. William Knaus became parents of a daughter at the Harvard hospital. Mr. ,aad Mrs., James typv* some announce the birth 6f a daughter Jan. 29 at the hospital in Harvard. Mr. and '"Mrs. Jerome Olson are the parents of a son, born Jan. 31 at Memorial hospital. Christ the King Catholic church was the scene of a lovely wedding on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 11:30 o'clock, uniting in marriage Miss Rose Buss and Mr. Jack Schaefer. Miss Buss is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Buss, Sr., of Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, and Mr- Schaefer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schaefer of Millstream subdivision, McHenry. The pretty bride selected a white, ballerina length dress, with long, lace, tapered sleeves. A short veil fell from her headpiece, and she earned a bridal bouquet of white carnations. Miss Harriet Buss, her sister, acted as, maid of honor and Miss Sandy Ficken, cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid. Both wore sheath dresses, street length, with over-skirts and had crowns with' matching colored, short veils. Miss Buss was attired in pink and Miss Fickeri inacfua. Little Sherrie Schaefer, sister of the groom, was the pretty flower girl, wearing a floor length dress of light blue and a veil of the same color, with bows to match. She carried a basket of rose petals. Mickey Schaefer served his brother as best man and Ronald Creutz of McCullom Lake was groomsman. Mrs. Buss selected a pink d black ensemble with which she wore pink accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Schaefer wore an orchid-colored dress, accessories in a darker shade of the same hue, and had a similar corsage. A wedding breakfast was served at the V.F.W. clubfibuse immediately foil owing the ceremony for members of the bridal party and the immediate families. After 5 p.m., approximately 350 guests gathered there for an evening reception. The couple will reside in Buck's Town Club. The bride received her education at St. Mary's parochial school in Woodstock and is now employed at Guardian Electric in Y/podstock. The groom, an M.C.H.S. graduate, is an employee of Johnson Tool in McHenry. NEW FRATERNITY OFFICER Gordon Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Ryderi of McHenry, has been- elected corresponding secretary of Phi Delt fraternity at Lake Forest copege, where he is a junior. BAKE SALE A bake sale for the benefit of the Viscount drum and bugle corps will be held Feb. 11 from 9:30 o'clock until 3 o'clock at Huppy and Leo's store on Green street. LAKESIDE INN. Special Fish fry, 76c Friday. 1-19-61-tf It's as well to go easy on excuses -- your mends don't need 'em, and your enemies won't believe 'em. How do you feel when you get a card? Nice, isn't it? Somebody really cares about you. And don't you feel great when you send, a NORCROSS card? Come in now and select from our huge collection. NORCROSS ValiNiiNes The nicest cards in town ! WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOV? B0LGERS DRUG <sy< STORE 103 S. Green Si. Ph. EV. 5-4500 See Us For All Banking Services LOANS Low-c&st personal loans for any worth-while purpose. Also: auto loans and home improvement loans. CHECKING Regular and special checking accounts. Convenient! TRUST FUNDS We are equipped to administer trust funds and act as trustee or executor. McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 "McHenry County's Largest and CTnest Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergre$n 5-1010 Ho w Christian Science Heals WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8:15 AM. SUNDAY, FEB. 2 'REDEMPTION THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF GOD" Former drink addict explains how he was cured. Radioi WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9:00 A.M. WNMP (1590 kc) Sun. 9:20 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) 8:00 A.M. last Sunday each month McHenry Men On Tour With Choir Two McHenry young men, Howard Segermark and James Ullrich, are members of the fifty-two Carroll college choir which will be on a three-day short tour of three Wisconsin cities starting Sunday, Feb. 5. The choir, known as the Carroll Singers, is under the-direction of Dr. Donald Glattly, head of the college music department. Segermark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Segermark, Rt. 6, while Ullrich is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ullrich of Huemann's subdivision, McHenry. Both young men are sophomores and sing in the bass section of the choir. MARRIAGE LICENSES Emil C. Gibson, McHenry, and Mrs. Virginia Taylor, McCullom Lake. Eugene J. Hughes, Jr., and Dorothy Schaefer, both of McHenry. , SHOP AT HOME A R T H R I T I C P A I N RHEUMATIC ACHES Ease arthritic pain and riteu* awtfe adm with ttt* Salicylate formula now Befog usfcf fey thousands of physicians, hospitals. StttttOHBf TABLETS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green Street Ph. EV. 5-4500 McHenry Hospital During the past week patients at the McHenry hospital included William Hood and B e n j a m i n H a y e s , Wonder Lake; Walter Pillnik, Fox River Grove; Renee Freund and Norma Hobson, Crystal Lake; Sylvia Homola, Cary; Anna Karls, Spring Grove; Nell^ Fitts, Glen Ellyn; Angeline Liljekvist, Ingleside; Master Mark Ryan, Lake Villa; Mary Ditthardt, Skokie; Concetta Spidelette, River Grove; Gertrude Wagner, Round Lake; Harriet Johnston, Robert Frisby, Luella Huemann, Laura Heubauer, Rose Walinder, Master William Lewondowski, Vaughan H u s s i s s i a n , L o u i s Robbins, Clarence Ehrhardt, Frank Kratky, Lloyd Wagner, Dorothy. Rodarmel and JameS Lennon of McHenry. - •- v, Memorial Ifospitaly Patients during the * past week at the MeqporiaJ hospital, Woodstock, includedLouise Jamieson, Nettie Flenung and Master James Nye, Re- Henry; Eileen Weide, Beatrice Liedtke, John R. Smith, Ann Hughes, Master James Foltz and Master Christopher Foltz, Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Paul Karls and Michael Soda of McHenry were patients during the past week ih the hospital at Harvard. ^ CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking neighbors and friends for the cards and other remembrances sent on my birthday. They we^e appreciated so very much. Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider , 2-2-61 OPENING SOON FEB. 10th & 11th <2}u,tcll CANDIES GIFTS AND CARDS AT 111 E. ELM STREET -- McHENRbf (Next to the Toddler Shop) 0 Be Ready for Cupid You still have time to beat Cupid to the punch, by letting our beauty experts give you a "Heart-throbbing" hairstyle designed especially for you. . • . . it»n im in Observe National Beauty Salon Week Feb. 12-18 Put Your Hair ... In Our Care t^iverdide Studio 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111 Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. OF SEW and SAVE mmm ... more Savings O % Our 1st Anniversary * NOW 77c yd. NOW 67c yd. NOW 67c yd. NOW 67c yd. NOW 67c yd. * NOW 37c yd. NOW 37c yd. Reg. $1.39 Shagbark Ginghams ... Reg. 98c Gingham Plaid Reg. 98c Challis Prints Reg. $1.09 Pampered Cotton Reg. 79c Drip-Dry Cottons Reg. 49c Plain or Print Plisse ... Reg. 59c Flannette Reg. $1-$1.59 Asst. Cottons & Blends NOW 77c yd. Reg. 59c-89c Asst. Cottons NOW 37c yd. Plain or Plaid Wools NOW Vi Price Sew Now For Spring and Easter -- and ^ save more. Hurry for these Values The Fabric Center North of Ben Franklin

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