Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1961, p. 5

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=®j Thursday, February 2> 1961: THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Pag# Ttwm Ringwood* Local Couple Welcomes Baby -v Ruby Shepard V t--; Mr. and tMrs. Leonard Ackerman are the parents of a daughter born at the Harvard hospital Tuesday, Jan. 24. Home Circle The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Pete Sebastian Fpb. 9 with Mrs. Viola Low as co-hostess. ® W.S.C.S. The Roman's Society of Christian Service will meet at the church Wednesday evening Feb. 8. Mrs. Althea Walkington will have the meditation, Mrs. Elsie McCann the program. Hostesses will be Viola Low and Jerry Kunz. Birthday Apr. William Hepburn was 87 yfears old on Jan. 30. On Sunday quite a few of his friends and relatives came lo^ greet him among those hlsaaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Schuetze was formerly Josephine Hepburn. Dr. Hepburn has been bedridden the past 7 years where his faithful wife has seen to his fJJJery comfort. Church News Quite a few from here listened to their former pastor, Rev. James Reid of Chicago with Rev., Haeger and Rev. Ferris on "Man in the Judgement Seat" at 8:30 Sunday eyening on station W.B.B.M. radio. This was a discussion of what the Methodist church tflfcs doing on the problem of juvfinpe [ dilinquency in our conference. Elgin Conference The leaders of the Rock River conference outlined the quadrennial Eaphases Saturday at Elgin. Attending from our church were Arthur Lau, Earnest and Elsie McCann. It wfis a meeting designed to equip our churches for the worship work of these next four years. The boys and girls of the Junior choir under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Ottoson furnished the music Sunday In oiir^clfirch. The fSemi-anpual meeting of the RpcK Rfver conferences W^ftiajh's Society of Christian CWcal society was \epresented by Ila Hogan, Violas Low, Bessie Cruickshank and Clara Cristy. Personals M-Sgt. and Mrs. John Woodward and sons of Madison, Wis., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. «*Mrs. Ruby Shepard with Mr. and Itfrs. Ray Page of McHenry were visitors at Meadowdale and Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. , and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Milwaukee, Wfs., were Sunday dinner guests in the hqme of her parents, Dr. and jjSgs. William Hepburn. Ben Walkington returned home Thursday from tKtf \Voodstock Memorial hospital \jvhere she underwent surgery. -Her daughter, Miss Virginia Jepson, is helping care ft& her. ,;$Ir. and Mrs. Walter Wilfepk of Woodstock were visitors to the Beatty^Low home Sunday afternoon. 0itr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank were callers in the Fred Beckman home at Ityrin Lakes, Sunday afternoon. " Mrs. Ansel' Dewey of Penfield, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. fend Mrs. Donald Butler McHenry Plaindealei EV. 5-0170 or EV. 5-0171 102 N. Green St., M^Henry, HL Published every ThurwJay at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITORIAL AS(p)C0Tl<j>N \ UltcigTIM/ wmz, W. BURFEINDT, Publisher ADELE FROEHLICH, Bditoi ; SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Months $2.25 3 Months $1.50 Second Class Postage Paid ' at McHe»ry, 111. and family of McHenry were dinner guests in the Eugene Qxtoby home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby and children of Spring Grove were callers in the evening; Mrs. Roland McCannon of Normal spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. E. L. Peck of Elgin spent Saturday afternoon with her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers and son, Charlie, and Miss Patrea Jacobsen were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Betty Tretow at. Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman daughter, Mary, and son, Jimmie, of Glenview were callers in the Ben Walkington home Sunday afternoon. nMr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lisk, at Fox Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs^JW^lliam Glawe of Woodstock' were) Sunday dinner guests of Mjt and Mrs. Roy Harrison ggd/son, Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Banks and children visited relatives in Tennessee over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas visited his mother at Garden Prairie Saturday afternoon. Harold Jepson and son, Jimmie, of Dundee, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington Sunday. Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal Lake is spending a couple of weeks in the Roy Harrison home. Miss Lillie Boyd spent the weekend in the Charles Brennan home. Mr. and Mi's. Bob Brennan and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich home Sunday. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Jack Leonard and children of Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehlert of Richmond spent Thursday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. Boyd Dowell and Loren H a r r i s o n s p e n t W e d n e s d a y evening at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Lona Brever attended the mid-winter convention of the Moose at Highland Park, Sunday. Misses Alice and Marian Peet were dinner guests in the Henry Rinze home at Crystal Lake, Saturday evening. , Trudy, Mary and Larry Oonk were supper guests in the Fred Bowman home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey of Wilmot spent Wednesday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Sunday in the Tony Senkerik home at Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, were Sunday dinner guests in the Tom Huemann home at Johnsburg. Richard, Patsey and Walter Wiedrich of Burlington called on their grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedricli, Sr., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Park Ridge spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. P.F.C Richard Kunz left for Ft. Benjamin Harrison at Indianapolis Friday where he will take a 5 weeks course at a financial school. OBITUARIES JOHN W. SCHAEFER John W. Schaefer, 83, died at the Villa Nursing home at Pistakee Bay late Sunday evening, Jan. 29, where he had been a patient for the past two years. ^ Mr. Schaefer was a lifetime resident of the area. He was bora in Johnsburg Jan. 8, 1878, and after many years spenl elsewhere in the area, returned to reside in Johnsburg forgive years before entering the nursing home. The deceased was a farmer by occupation, and in his earlier years worked for twentyyears at the old Overton lively stable. He is survived by the following nieces and nephews: Martha Oeffling and Albert Huff of Johnsburg, Joe Huff oi Richmond, Ed. Huff of McHenry and Clarence Stilling of Antioch. The body rested at the George Justen & Son funeral home until 9:30 o'clock Wednesday, when last rites were conducted from St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, with interment in St. Mary's cemetery. RAY "MIRE" REDDING Ray "Mike" Redding, 72, brother of Mrs. Harry Gannon of Lakemoor and an executive of the Baum Lithograph company, died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 26. He had been visiting his son, John M. Redding, of Potomac, Md., a former Chicago newspaper reporter and assistant postmaster general in the Truman administration. The elder Redding, who is well known in this area, is survived by his widow, Elizabeth, and four grandchildren. SCOUT NEWS UNIQUE PROGRAM FOR NEW CLUB AT MARIAN CENTRAL The recently organized Father's club of McHenry county's only Catholic high school has developed a unique plan of specialized committees. The purpose of these committees is to provide the superintendent and faculty of Marian Central with the counsel and support of the parents of the youngsters attending the school. Under this program every father who has a youngster attending Marian Central will be asked toTparticipate on whatever committee he feels his personal talents or experience will best serve his child's school. Approximately sixty-five or seventy fathers have already volunteered their services to the school club. However, these committees, with the exception of the athletic committee. Will remain inactive until the final survey of all parents has been completed. Committees that the Father's club plans to develop are: Library, finance, public relations, transportation, membership, building and grounds, agriculture, drama, music and band, a t h le t i c, scholastic achievements and by-laws. Committee chairmen who have already volunteered tbo'v support include Public Relations, C. Weingart, McHenry; Building and Grounds, William Tonyan, McHenry; library, J. Mahoney, McHenry; finance, Jerry Powers, Harvard, and Fred Meyer, McHenry; membership, R. Hester and C. Corso, McHenry; transportation, J. Boone, McHenry. Members of the advisory board include M. Schaefer, Johnsburg; F. Meyers and C. Corso, McHenry; R. Amore, Spring Grove. News About Our Servicemen Army Pvt. William E. Walker, Jr.,. 23, whose wife, Elizabeth, lives at Lakeland Shores, completed eight weeks of advanced individual lightweapons training at Fort Ord, Calif., Jan. 20. He was trained in infantry unit combat tactics and handling and firing light infantry weapons, including the M-l rifle, machine gun and rocket launchers. New Jertey, where he received his new orders taking him to France. He left on Jan. 23, 1961, tor Marseilles, France, where he will remain for eighteen months. His wife, Waltraut, and two children, Barbara and Charles, will stay in Spring Grove and are living with his mother, Mrs. Mary Klein. of Lakeland • Park, recently graduated from Great Lakes training station. He is now aboard the USS Galveston on a training mission near Cuba. SFC. EDWIN S. KLEIN Sfc. r' i". Klo'n will comp.cle Ilj twenty years of service with the U. S. Army in ln.'v H< (.ntoied the service in 10L'. Syt. Xiein re-cnlisted in 1943 and his duties took him to Europe, where he served his c o u n t r y i n G e r m a n y a n d " France from 1943 to 1946. His next assignment was Alaska, where he spent four years. From 1956 to 1960 he has been stationed at Red Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala. Recently Sgt. Klein was ordered to Fort Dix, MANNHEIM, GERMANY -- Pfc. David B. Brough, Jt., whose parents live on Route 1, McHenry, recently achieved recognition as a t6p Army marksman by qualifying for the expert marksmanship badge during range firing with the M-l rifle in Germany. Brough, a supply specialist, in the 27th Engineer company in Mannheim, entered the Army in August, 1959, completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and arrived overseas in January, 1960. The corner stone of the White House was laid just 300 years alter Columbus discov- COURT BRIEFS Carl Carlson of McHenry was fined $42 in Wednesday night justice of the peace court last week on a reckless driving charge. He also paid $15 for driving the vehicle with an expired driver's license. A charge of leaving the scene of an accident was dismissed. Kenneth W. O'Gara, son of PURCHASE GAMBLING Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Gara-r""^ STAMPS Gambling stamps have been acquired from the Internal Revenue Services by another twenty-five establishments in McHenry county and the Elgin area. Of this number, four Manufacturing Plan! Asks Zoning Change A petition -nas ween filed before the zoning board of appeals for petitioners Modine Mfg. Co. This property is presently zoned "F" farming district and the petitioners inquest an "1-1" district classification. This property is located on the Ringwood road, south of the Morton Chemical Co. in Ringwood. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Tuesday, Feb. 7,, at 3 p.m. in the city hall in McHenry. The budget for New York City runs higher than that of were in the McHenry vicinity. I New Ycrk State, each year. "10-Minute" Car Wash Only $100 Oil Change JL and Lubrication Also .Engine Tune-Up and Brake Service WALLACE S STANDARD Rt. 120 East SERVICE McHenry, 111. Phone EV. 5-9795 FAST Pack 361 Pack 361 of Cub Scouts, consisting of five dens and meeting monthly in the Methodist church, will hold its Blue and Gold yearly dinner on Sunday, Feb. 19, at 2 p.m. at the high school. Guest scout leaders will speak and a program will follow. This pack is under the leadership of Dr. Bottari. P A I N R E L I E F ! ! ! ^ PUBLIC AUCTION BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE AUCTION SALE - GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - ENTIRE STOCK tIMATISM THRIIIS NEURALGIA Noi The immediate comfortable. warm glow deep in your muscle tissue oteans that S P D Analgesic Cream Is at work both ON the surface and BENEATH the surface to give you fast, fast niuef from Fine * DIAMONDS * JEWELRY Nationally Known * WATCHES * CLOCKS LIGHTERS, ETC. SPD ANALGESIC CREAM RELIEVES DEEP-DOWN PAIN Another quality product of American Pharmaceutical Company rt- vV ml f rt'iMj i BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. DRUG STORE Ph. EV. 5-4500 Sales Run Thursday Eve 7:30 p.m. Fri. 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. - Sat. 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Bids Taken on Jewelry Store Fixtures -- Also Blond Variety Store Fixtures STEFFAN S JEWELRY 514 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. STOCK - UP ON THESE BIG BARGAINS for only Always TOP QUALITY FOODS at LOW PRICES everyday k* SWEET APPLE SMOKED Pre-Cut HAM STEAKS 2 for only EXTRA FANCY BONELESS KLMOMCO „ , STEAKS E"d' 98 WILSON CORN KINO CANNED HAH 6 Lhf. Only $469 WILSON CORN KING Farm Style WEINERS ) Lb. t% Qt i Bag SIO A REAL BREAKFAST TREAT 1 lb. RATH BLACKHAWK SLICED BACON Plus 1 lb. PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX Both For Only T 98 100% PURE LEAN GROUND BEEF 2 Lb* 98' WILSON CERTIFIED L1YERSAUSAGE 2 98* BONELESS ROLLED Boston Style nl/ PORK R0ASTYO 2 Lbs. Only Mm YOUNG TENDER BEEF LIVER 2 Lbs. 98* WISCONSIN SMOKED POLISH SAUS. 2 Lbs 98* 65c Lb. WILSON - SMOKED SLICED BEEF 98 4 Pkgs. Only ARMOUR STAR LIYERSAUSAGE 48 Oz. AQ* Rolls 2IO PLANKIN GTON SLICED BACON (Ends & Pieces) 41P k^gs. 3OIAO* GOLDEN RIPE Extra Fancy BANANAS Low Low Price 11 lb. TENDER CRISP RADISHES Sello Bag |j* Cello TANGERINES 2 Doz. 39* COUNTRY DELIGHT Dairy Fresh Grade A MILK OO* HaU v9 Gallon New Low Price TV SPECIAL OF THE WEEK CHANNEL 2 Compare and Save // RAGGEDY ANN Freestone PEACHES S %xh Tins $1.00 FULLY COOKED Full Shank HALF HAM 49* HORMEL CANNED HAM 9'/z Lbs. *049 ARMOUR STAR SMOKED BUTTS 59* FAN FARE--Piec«t & Stem* . _ ^ Mushrooms . f • ft 4 89c RED LABEL 1 ~ sZaBrnM* * AA Chunk Tuna 4 "SET 89" U L L I B ^ , | „ 4 Flour «T«Ti • PILLSBURY or BAkttRQ Iwm» or MtaimlK Biscuits i 11 • i • f t 3 29® PURBWHW-Vfite. r __ Crisco .tWi '£ 7£ RED LABEL WHOU . „ Apricots. .jfHW.4 Z $l°° CERTIFIED RED LABEL FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 - 2Vz Tins Only $100 MANOR HOUSE COFFEE 15c Off Label 2 Lb. $• Tin 115 SCOTTIES I 2 Count WHITE or COLOR 400 49* RAGGEDY ANN TOMATO JUICE 4 Quart Decanter $100 RED LABEL MARGARINE 1 Lb. Ctns. i SCOTT TOILET 2 1 Lb. 9Q* TISSUE 2 Reg. Rolls £9 NATIONAL BISQUIT I lb. FIG NEWTONS II oz. BARONET CREAMS 8 oz. DEVIL FD. SQRS. S Pkgs. Only 98 COMPARE AND SAVE SHOP THE CERTIFIED THRIFTY WAY Corner of Green & Elm Streets In The Heart Of Downtown McHenry

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