/ Page Font PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 16,1961 SO I HEAR ... MIKE MERGEN -- Back in the year 1946 McHenry high graduated a big fellow named Michael J. Merger*. Mike played football for MCHS, then went, on to play with the Chicago Cardinals. He is the son of Mrs. Emma Reed of this vicinity. Thife six-foot 5-inch, 225- pound hunk of man now lives in Los Altos, Calif., where he has recently been appointed head of the detective bureau after being promoted to lieutenant with the Mountain View Police Department. They picked a big man for a big job. POOR DEER -- Carroll County reported the greatest number of ckr versus deer accidents in 1960 with a total of 81 deer killed. McHenry County lists 22. Motorists are urged to watch those deer crossing signs. WHO'S BOWLING? -- Morris Crouch was hot with 671. Hank Haufe had 632 and Ted Getner 620. Nels Dalby had 632 with almost identical g a m e s : 2 1 2 - 2 1 0 - 2 1 0 . J u n e Schmunk had a 230 game in a 595 series. More good ones: WaJly Webb 657; Wally Sigman 636; Frank Schmidt 627. LITTLE LEAGUE -- All managers and league officers are invited to attend a little league meeting, Tuesday, Fety. 21, at the City Hall. The sunj is getting high! CBEARLIE HILLER Slaw Charlie Hiller this week, but; our conversation was cut shojrt. He is heading for PhAenix with a chance for the big! time in baseball. More abqut him later. We will be watching, hoping and praying theft Charlie will stay up. WARRIORS -- T^he Warrior basketball t£am has two real big games left on the- schedule. Libertyville will be jhere Friday night. A week from Friday the team travels to Crystal Lake. Then come thejifqfurnaments. PALACE C.O.F. -- B. Thennes 222-593; B. Kreutzer 209-595; G. Freund 203; Steffes 218-571; Winkel 213-574; G. M. Freund 532; A. Schaefer 209-596. Palace Wednesday Nite Ladies League -- M. Wakitsch 189; T. Meyer 472; E. Hester 182-449; M. Kelly 177-492; B. Meath 191. Tavern League -- D. Weingart 222; B. Kreutzer 221-568; Fred 562; H. Koehl 207. Monday Nite 7:00 Ladies League -- H. Bacon 166-455. C.O.F. Juveniles -- J. Gende 135; J. Adams 136- 384; R. Mauch 367; R. Mauch 147-366; H. Griffith 138-352. Tuesday Nite Men's League -- J. Knox 201-221-578. Palace 9:00 Ladies League -- N. Fidler 442; A. Gaulke 178- 458; -J. Dillon 476. Railroads : B. Gende 7-9. Tomasello's T.N.T. League -- L. LaBay 210-535; C. May 448; L. A. Smith 196-476; V. Smith 465; Lucille Smith 455; K. Hiller 450; Lorraine Smith 448; I. Stilling. Railroads: L. LaBay 4-10; L. A. Smith 5-10. Men's Friday Nite 9:15 League J. Ahrens 201-537: W. Hauri 552; M. Phillips 200; D. Huff 201-212-574. 546; T. Oszkandy 531; H. Durkin 208; P. Geske 538; T. Getner 226-562; W. Sigman 245- 556; E. Simon 548; E. Dillon 222-592; A. Noonan 529; R. Zahn 555; W. Hojnacki 221- 205-616; R. Blake 200-553; B Blake 541; J. Marsella 570; M. Krueger 546; G. Kinsala 201-575; T. Sutton 200-578; M Grouch 203-590; W. Co,ari 541; C. Corso 526; E. Koch 211-215- 574. Commercial League -- A. Otto Jr. 21J>§S0; A. Otto, Sr. 573; S. Bacon 204-557; R. Blake 202-575; B. O'Brien 224- 564; D. Houghton 201; G. Barbian 211-555; F. Erklin 532; F. Matthesius 214; R. K|ck 210- 568; H. Blake 220-555; W. Garrelts 208-211-543; R. Low 201- 546; N. Dalby 212-210-210-632; D. Buralli 200-537. Thursday 9:15 League -- F. Low 233-566; R. Smith 232-593; T. Getner 238-203-620; W. Pierce 221-202-559; H. Haufe 223-233-632; W. Schweiger 210-562; H. Breede 209-568; W. Sigman 217-555; R. Blake 215-592; J. Marsella 202-538; M. Krueger 222-610; T. Simpson 202-528; W. Coari 205- 549; C. Corso 231-392; J. Boro 200; R. Boro 537; R. Zahn 211- 544; A. Otto, Jr. 556; H. Fischbach 540; R. Oldenburg 222- 526; T. Sutton 208-530; J. Larkin 242-595; M. Crouch 226- 230-215-671; A. Otto, Sr. 206- 226-591; R. Krier 223-596; J. Piotrowski 213-549; H. Durkin 531. JOfcE -- As Officer McNamara helped the battered man up from the pavement in front of Tom's Bar and Grill, he asked: "Can yoij describe^the-nfan who hit yoij?" / 'TThat's just wh£F I doing when he hit. ! DAILl 4- smile is' PINUPS curve that can set; most things straight. super salesman is a smooth talker who never uses one superlative when he can squeeze in |;wo. l}he driver #ho drives as tho he pwned the car, not the road, usually does. Tfhose who stand for nothing are[ the self same that will fall fori anything. Ip.ife is a game of zig and zaj», one day you zoom, the nejft you may teg; some days arq zany, some others sad, mofet are quite cheery, some verjy glad. ; Anonymous HAYES WIN PLACE IN MIAMI FISHING T0URNEY RECORDS Air. and Mrs. P. Hayes, Box 570, won angling recognition in |the 26th Annual Metropolitan Miami Fishing Tournament when they caught four kingfish .in the all-tackle division. Thfeir fishing guide was Capt. Bob Benedict on the Marathon Lacly. Too small to be weighed for Citation or trophies, their catch will be recorded on the front paije of their personalized copy of -the attractive highly illustrated year book of South Fldrida fishing. PE&T CONTROL CAMPAIGN •4 vigorous campaign of weed an^ pest control will be undertaken by the Illinois Department of Agriculture this year. Th£ Japanese beetle in eastern Illinois and the soybean cyst nerpatods in southern Illinois will get special attention from a rjew program presently under; consideration by the department. The Japanese beetle might become a serious problem, and the department is no# planning an all-out eradication and control program. Spelcial Low Cost Cheeking Accounts available at the McHenry State Bank. NO we don't expect everyone will have their account here, but everyone can. McHenry State Bank 2-16-61 McHENRY RECREATION Tuesday Nite Thirty-Niners -- D. Tonyan 176-450; B. Gilpin 192-455; L. Knox 198-492; D. Stoffel 439; H. Donovan 415; R. Przetacznik 401; N. Stilling 431; R. Schmitt 184-491; D. Schmitt 182-441; B. Mackinder 199-505; E. Winkel 187-470; D. Freund 194-461. Business Men's League -- E. Guettler 201; H. Malinowski 211-548; M. Wieser 215- 543; A. Hafer 204-208-570; D. Freund 208-236-642; Q. Jandt 242-591; N. Justen 578; G. Schaefer 256-590; B. Scheid 204; E. Wagner 223-227-595; R. Stilling 201-540; H. Blake 205-559; B. Springer 218; E. Buss 202-562; T. McNish 209- 535; E. Sayler 537; R. Peisert 205-222-614; J. Justen 209-211- 601; J. Schmaling 225-553. Nite Owls -- I. Kr^er 171-473; L. Stone 170-181-515; D. Noonan 452; J. Amann 406; J. Diedrich 472; J. Fanta 460; H. Schroeder 454; E. Tonyan 200-478; N. Bowman 182-465; L. Vacondio 181-482; F. Anderson 465; G. Hastings 430; M. Stoffel 188- 176-49S; E. Varete 420; D. Miller 409; L. Miller 173-486; R. Kluk 187-501; L. Amberg 223- 480; M. Otto 434; M. Kuna 193-449; D. Stoffel 182-186- 527; M. Larson 420. Railroads: E. Latimer 7-8-10; V. Groh 3- 5-10; M. Otto 5-10; D. Stoffel 4-5-7; M. Thomas 5-7. Correction for previous week: M. Otto 463; M. Kuna 501. Ten Pin Queens -- S. Pierpouli 180-485; T. Steffan 181-183-514; J. Rink 178- 490; D. Ori 458; M. Donnelly 190-179-543; L. Berry 193-492; M. Cone 477; G. Goffo 445; M. Karls 449; E. Cross 175-207- 523; L. Stangarone 187. Railroads: M. Donnelly 5-7; M. Gross 6-7. McHenry Wednesday Nite Major League -- W. Webb 234-209-214-657; W, Sigman 203-207-226-636; F. Schmidt 236-213-627; R. Stil ling 200-233-604; A. Kunz 214 600; B. Priest 206-231-597; V. Weyland 218-211-593; B. Pei sert 212-587; C. Corso 221-585; D. Buralli 213-582; H. Behnke 572; R. Carlson 212-571; T. Shane 225-571; A. Otto 200- 568; M. Crouch 200-564; E. Buss 200-563; A. Krause 562; W. Hojnacki 214-562; B. Meyer 560; D. Rosing 203-560; B. Krier 201-554; S. Buenzli 206 552; N. Dalby 200-549; E: Koch 201-598; D. Highnight 202-200-544; A. McCarroll 543; Lottchea 544. C. D. of A. -- C. Boro 190-490; N. McAuliff 190-509; J. Buss 162; J. Pieroni 178; L. Hanley 161; M. Stoffel 190-490; C. Freund 169-472; G. Barbian 200-470; J. Rizzo 196- 497; M. B. Fuchs 197-506; A. Szypelbaum 170; J. whiles 173; I. Thompson 203-531; B. Clark 199-518; P. Leight 169-483; B. Leight 163-471; B. O'Brien 177- 491; E. Nell 169; M. A. Mayfield 166-435; C. Sickafoose 183. Railroads: J. Kralowetz 1 4-5-7; G. Sigman 5-7; G. West 4-7-10; W. Aylward 4-5-7; J. Pieroni 4-7-10. Thursday 9:15 League -- . L. Nimsgern 266-598; A. Otto, Sr. 204; R. Krier 220-554; R. Kleinhuizen 202; A. Otto, Jr. 205; J. Wiser 201; S. West 526; A. Steinsdoerfer 204-208- McHENRY JAYCEES YOUTH Girls League: High Individual Game, Karen McNally -- 190. High Individual Series, Karen McNally -- 167-190-113 -- 470. High Team Series, Unbearables -- 2312 total. Comprised of: Marita Koenemann, Patti McNally, Kay Wiser, Karen McNally, and Betty Walters. Boys League: High Individual Game, Rick Justen -- 230. High Individual Series, Rick Justen -- 165-230-165 -- total. High Team Series, Golden Devils -- 2327 total. Comprised qfic iJohn Miller, Pete Merkle, Ron Behnke, Mike Reid, and Bill Brennan. WRESTLING W/UtHORS WW OVER DUNDEE AND STEED'S Libertyville Here Friday To Decide Second Place Spot The Warriors won both games last weekend to go into a two-way tie for the North Suburban second place title with Libertyville. Friday at Dundee we won 73 to 71 in a game that almost backfired. Our non-conference game with St. Edwards Saturday ended 60 to 57. -- Dundee Game -- Dundee started Friday's game off by gaining a 4 point lead the first quarter, 20 to 16. The game lacked the snap and excitement of previous games except for the second quarter in which McHenry struck back at Dundee and out-scored them 23 to 17 to go into the half time with a 39-37 lead. Although the Warriors did ring up 73 points they constantly missed short shots that could have given a much bigger lead. In the low-scoring third quarter the Warriors stretched their margin to three points and within the five opening minutes of the fourth period the Warriors expanded the score to 72-67. They maintained this steady lead until the final seven seconds, playing control ball with an effective stall. The Warriors, trying not to foul, let Don Botts drive in and score which took two, points off their margin. The Cardirials immediately called time out with three seconds showing on the score board. Bob Miller took the ball out and was instructed to throw the ball in just as the clock ran out, unfortunately D u n d e e i m m e d i a t e l y s c o r e d and called time out as the bill went through the net with one second left. This sixth time out by Dundee gave Paul Morenz the chance to tally McHenry's final point before we put the ball into play as the clock ran out. Tom Creighton and Bob Miller shared Wgh scoring honors with 17 each while Paul Morenz was only one point away with 16. Bob Vaupell and Ed. Samen came in with 10 and 9 points respectively. The Warriors offset a 31-25 field delicit with a 23-9' free-throw edge, which can tifc accredited to long hours of practice. -- St. Ed Game -- J' Saturday's game was equally misplayed by both teams although it was an enjoyable game to watch. Bob Vaupell grabbed 21 rebounds and iceil the game with three second? of play left in the game ty hitting a 5 foot jump shot, i The Warriors led at half time 35 to 28 but scored only eight points the third period to St. Ed's 22. Trailing by seven points into the fourth quartet, the Warriors out-hustled and out-scrambled St. Edwards to win by three points. Paul Morenz was high scorer with 23, followed by Vaupell with 13. Ed • Samen again showed his "Easy" style of smooth play over the weekend. Tomorrow we play Libertyville at home in a game that will exclude one of us from second place. Let's all support our team and come see a good game. Dundee (71) LOCAL RACE DRIVER ENTERS NATIONAL EVENT IN FLORIDA Bill Anderson On Thursday, Februaiy 9, Bill Hutchinson's Warriors travelled to Northbrook for the Illinois State District Tournament. Dan Kinnerk (103 lbs.) was the only Warrior who won in the preliminary matches Thursday night. He returned on Sat-. urday to win in the semi-finals and finals. Kinnerk, a junior, now goes to the Illinois State Sectional Tournament in Wau'kegan this weekend. If he makes it to the finals in this tournament, he will go to the Illinois State Tournament. The last time McHenry was represented in the state tournament was in 19&9 when Dan Baldino wrestled in the 95 pound weight class. Kinnerk has a total record of 17 wins and one loss for the season. Northern Mini Bowmen News Northern Illini Bowmen will meet at 8:15 Thursday night, Feb. 16, at the Amerk^atr-Efegion home. N. I. B. delegates will attend the state convention at Peoria on Feb. 26. Winners of the monthly shoot on Feb. 5 were Duke Adams, Jack- Perry and Bob Alderton. Plans are being made for the March 5 shoot and an invita- j LAKESIDE INN. Special Fish tional shoot on March 12. fry, 75c Friday. 1-19-61-tf B F P Botts . 10 2 4 Miszklevetz . 1 0 1 Peters . 4 3 3 Jenson . 9 3 5 Denwel . 3 0 4 Sund . 4 1 3 31 9 20 McHenry (73) B F P Creighton . 4 9 2 Morenz . 6 4 2 Miller . 7 3 0 Samen . 3 3 4 Vaupel . 4 2 3 Reese . 1 2 0 Dundee McHenry 25 23 11 20 17 14 20--71 16 23 15 19--78 Bob Weyrauch of McHenry, race car driver who won 1960 sportsman division championship at 0'Hare Field, has announced his intention to start in the $27,000, 250-mile national championship race for NASCAR track champions at Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 25. Weyrauch won the opportunity to compete in his first year of auto racing. He is one of sixty-one modified and sportsman division champions at 71 NASCAR-sanctioned tracks in the U.S. and Canada who have been given an opportunity >to compete in the race. All -haye been guaranteed starting positions in this "biggest race of all" for the' "souped-up" older cars. ED LUBAHSKI TO GIVE EXHMTION AT J0HNSBUR6 First Bowler To Hit Back-To-Back 300 Games On TV Ed Lubanski of Detroit, a member of the Bowling Promotion Staff of American Machine & Foundry Company, will long remember the 1958- 5v season as the one which projected him into the national bowling limelight. For his spectacular achievements, he was voted "Bowler of the Year" McHenry Tie Rods Tuesday's meeting opened at about 8:30 at the club room in Bob Hopp's house. Minutes were read and a treasury report was given. Our financial standings are at their top since the beginning of the club six years ago: We credit this success to the interest which the members have shown recently, and hope that this enthusiasm will continue. We have gained another two members. They are Tim Ballowe and Chris Bennett and they are showing grea't interest in the activities of the club. We have ordered new club courtesy cards and hope that if you receive one you will remember the Tie Rods, not as "crazy Jiot-xodders" but as the part of a group who helped you when your car wouldn't start, or your tire "was flat. Anyone wishing to join us may call Bob Hopp at EV. 5- 1379 or Phil Bartmann at EV. 5-2417. Pljul Bartmann, Sec'y. AMERICAN AMATEUR RETRIEVER CLUB TO HOLD TRIAL SUNDAY Following is information on the field trjal to be sponsored by the American Amateur Retriever club meet Sunday. Date: Sunday, Feb. 19. Stakes and Times: Open All Age -- 8 a.m. Derby -- 8:30 a.'m. Qualifying and Amateur Trained and Handled: Starting at noon. If entry is very large, afternoon stakes may start a bit early. Awards: Trophies to first place in each stake. Standard AKC sanctioned ribbons to the first four places, with 3 CM's in each stake, if so designated by the judges. ILLINOIS BEAVER TRAPPING SEASON OPENS THIS WEEK The Illinois beaver trapping season opened at 12 noon, Feb. 15, and closes at 12 noon, March 31, William T. Lorge, Director of the Department of Conservation announced. Beaver may be taken in traps with a jaw spread of eight inches or less in length or width. Traps must be identified with the owner's name and address. Traps cannot be set within ten feet or less of any beaver den or lodge. There is no ftaily or season limit on beaver^ ALCOHOL AND DRIVING It's the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream that affects your driving, according to the Institute for .Safer Living. Repeated tests show that any amount above .05 percent alcohol in th»e. blood makes a driver^ hazardous to himself and others. This allows the average driver not more than one or two drinks, and he is far safer if • he makes these drinks coffee. MOTOR FUEL ALLOTMENT McHenry townships' allot ment under the Illinois Motor Fuel Tax fund for the month was $1,696.64. Saii INN TIME TO STEP OUT AND _ The Main Deck of Fox Featuring the finest in " ® BARBECUED RIBS CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS and CHOPS and SE^ FOODS 'Squaw Creek' the Capitol of Fox Lake Our Specialty .... Steak Sandwiches $2 Businessmen's Luncheon Daily We Cater to Banquets Bowling Parties, etc. WEEKLY SPECIALS Tues. Hickory Smoked Ham and Sweet Potatoes $1.50 Wed. Top Sirloin of Beef $1.50 Thurs. Corned Beef and Cabbage ....$2.00 Fri. Fresh Lake Perch $1.25 Sun. Country Style Chicken $1.50 All Specials -- All You Can Eat aI°3 'saoiBjoj 'sjioh 'dnos--apnpuj spjpads Slaw. Clam Chowder Fridays. Rt. 59 A Grand Ave at Rt. 132 JUstice 7-8681 The Havilands and Sons Ed Lubansld by the Bowling Writers Association of America -- equivalent to winning the Most Valuable Player Award in major league baseball. In addition, he wq,s named captain of both the Bowling Magazine and Bowlers Journal All-America teams. In December, 1959, he annexed the coveted "World's" Invitational Match Game Championship averaging 213-8 over the 100 game route. In the 1959 American Bowling Congress Tournament, Lubanski just about re-wrote the record book. He rolled a 764 total to take the singles crown (third highest in ABC history), 700 in the team event as he captained the victorious Pfeiffer club to an all-time record score of 3243 (a mark that Jiad gone unsurpassed for 21 years), and a 652 in the doubles segment. For his nine games, Lubanski had a 2116 all events total which snapped the former all-time ABC Tournament record by 28 pins and gave him still another title. Perfect Games Eddie capped a brilliant season by becoming the first man in bowling history to roll twoback- to-back 300 games on "live" television. The occasion was a special scotch doubles match at the final session of the AMF Bowling Clinic in Miami, Florida, on June 21, 1959. He also is the possessor of three ABC sanctioned perfect games. Married for 11 years and the father of four children, Lubanski .makes his home in the Oak Park suburb of Detroit. Camera Club News On Feb 7, the monthly meeting of the McHenry Camera club was held at George" Kotalik's Studio, with President Mike Brown presiding. It was brought to the attention of those present that many of the members found the meeting night inconvenient, so some of them were unable to attend. Consequently it was decided that the secretary should mail out post cards to all members, asking whether the first Tuesday or the first Wednesday of the month would be more convenient to all members. Fred Durrenberg was elected secretary to replace the . previous secretary who was unable to carry on in this position. The distinguished guests who also judged our contest this month were Mayor George P. Freund; Commander of VFW Post 4600, Howie Thomas; Lorraine Murphy, Americanism chairman of VFW, Post 4600 Ladies' auxiliary; and Daisy Smith, president of the ladies' auxiliary, VFW Post 4600. The winners of the contest this month were as follows: Black and white division, first prize, Mike Brown; second prize, Cecil Kantor; third prize, Mike Brown; honorable mention, Gerard Justen, Fred Durrenberg and David Miller. In the color, division, first prize; Mike Brown; second and third prizes, Harvey Keil. After the judging, George Kotalik and Fred Durrenberg gave a demonstration on basic portrait lighting. Fred Durrenberg, secretary MOVE UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICES The Division of Unemployment Compensation is opening an office for full time service at 110 E. Jackson street, Woodstock (Odd Fellow building). The hours of service to the public will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 Monday through Friday. Claims will be taken between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Employers may contact this office regarding matters on Unemployment Compensation. GRANTED DIVORCE Dorothy C. Bassett was granted a divorce from Joseph Bassett in circuit court last week. They were married June 18, 1960. the Mcwe Special Low Cost Checking Accou^ts ayaUable a Henry State Ban don't expect everyone will have their account here, but everyone can. McHenry State Bank 2-16-61 ftofet IV 5-0841 V ART LEE'S \ 204 RIVERSIDE DR. COURT BRIEFS In J. P. court last week, William G. Loose of Ringwobd was fined $10 for driving his car without being properly registered. McHENRY THEATRE 218 So. Gr. Ph. EV 5-0144 I FRI. & SAT. Feb. 17 & 18 Double Feature Program AUDIE MURPHY . ' "HELLBENT . FOR LEATHER" (Cinemascope & Technicolor) Plus "FRECKLES" SPECIAL MATINEE SUN. FEB. 18 TWO HOURS OF * CARTOONS Plus 3 STOOGE COMEDY 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. SUN. THRU THURS. Feb. 18-23 Sunday Shows at 5-7-9 p.m. Weekdays 7-9 p.m. DORIS DAY REX HARRISON A "MrDNIGHT .LACIr STARTS FRIDAY Feb. 24 for 7 Days WALT DISNEYS' "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" A Great Motion Picture ELM IHEATRf WAUGONDA, TITLAST DAY THURS. Feb. 16th "THE WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY' starring JACK LEMMON m RICKY NELSON ™ iu • FRI. THRU TUES. Feb. 17th thru 21st "THE GRASS IS GREENER" starring CARY GRANT DEBORAH KERR Special Childrens Matinee S^f.a' jFef). 18th Doers Open 1-&Q-- p.m. Show Starts 1:30 p.m,f^r One Show Only -- All S«fttil 25c "LOST CITY OF GOLD" starring THE LONE RANGER 1 WED. & THURS. . Feb. 22nd & 23rd Double Feature Program "HELL BENT • FOR LEATHER" ^ starring AUDIE MURPHY also "4-D MAN" Special Children's Matinee 6n Washington's Birth Feb. 22nd. Doors Open 1:00 p.m. Show Starts 1:30 p.m. One Show °nly ^ iff Luxuiy yadit looks at small craft prices Imagine! A Buick priced less ffcow mosS ooH Control Arm suspension. Buick go-from its models of the low-price field--with gas tavinge siiding 155-h.p. aluminum V-8 and aluminum that challenge the compacts! Think of savings transmission.* But, why think about it? Take a like that PLUS Buick comfort for heads, hips and gaeat-cruise in the Buick Special today! legs. Buick "aH-day" ride-from (he SpetiaTs 4- ^ ^ BUICK SPECIAL THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY. BUICK DEALER NOW ... Your Quality Buick Dealer in McHenry is: R. L OVBiTON MOTOR SALES. 403 Front Street ------ Jfe-jafactiaaf «0 Mb** Swjmt flwcfci - Mk<| €owl