T^jrsdvf, February 23, 19&! THE McHENRY PLAINDEALBR CLASSIFIED PagiSmrs Real Estate IN LAKEMOOR AT $6,500 Loygly 5^ room house located nor " of Lily Lake, 239 Pine Grove Drive. Wooded lot, 75x 100. Completely remodeled and redecorated, appliances in. Low down payment. Mortgage can be arranged for qualified buyer, Open House Sunday or call UNiversity 9-0005 Collect 2-16-23-61 2&KELAND PARK Immediate possesion. 3 Bedroom frame 1 Down 2 up. Oft 60 x 145 Landscaped lot. Concrete drive to large 2-car garage, with covered screened in patio. Inside and outside entrance to full basement. Storms and screens. 28' Kitchen and fatnily room. Nat. Gas FA. heat. Includes w/w carpet, water(^> oftner,' elec. range, refrigerator. » DWNER RELOCATING MUST SELL Will consider contract, small® ^iome, summer cottage, or vacant property in trade. Mortage available to qualified buyer. Sacrifice at $14,500 For full information $fiONE EV. 5-2684 Day or Night 2-16-23-3-2-61 Lots, homes, several models. Low down payment. EV. 5- 1803. 2-9-61-tf MODERN RANCH A 3 bedroom home in Mc- I-Ienry Shores with private pier. Imnrediate possession - Built in "ereophonic high fidelity system in living room - cathedral ceiling - carpeted - Full cabinet kitchen with built" in range - Tile bath - Full basement - Automatic Oil forced air heat. FINANCING AVAILABLE Bayshore, Inc. ^)103 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. EV. 5-3620 See us for Hospitalization Insurance written in the PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA COMPLETE INCOME SERVICE W 2-23-61 Situation Wanted WOULD LIKE to do housework two days a week. Call EV. 5-6444 after 5 p.m. *2-23-61 WILL DO housework, dishwa^ tejng, baby sitting, what haveyou. Call EV. 5-1489. Ask for Maxine. *2-23-61 WiLL BABY sit at any time. EV, 5-6071. 2-23-61 MALE) COLLEGE student with car, can help you in your business. Part time. Best local references. Donald Parisi, EV. 5-2252. *2-23-61 SMLAI for* "TTnhvvi alid or care for child for mother employed. References. EV. 5-5171 *2-23-61 Wanted WANTED: MODERN 4 bedroom home, full basement and/ or 2 car garage, waterfront or beach & docking privileges. Ma30be unfinished. Low down payment or contract. Call FAculty 3-9414 . 2-23-3-9-61 LOOK YOUR prettiest this Easter. Have your Easter and spring fashions made now. Sewing and alterations of any kind. In McHenry. Phone EV. '5-0673. 2-23-61 LADY NEEDS transportation. LaMnoor to Woodstock. 8:00- 4:3<T Call EV. 5-41^5 after 5:30 p.m. *2-23-61, Wanted To Bay TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- FE 8-4287 Vl-60-tf 3bf*IUNK CARS, trucks and tractors. Dealers in all other types of scrap. Call Courtesy Salvage, EV. 5-1260 or EV. 5- 4774. 2-9-3-2-61 Wanted To Rent COUPLE WOULD like to rent a small house or apartment. Mchenry vicinity. Reasonable. Wrre Box 678 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *2-23-61 McHENRY PLAINDEALER SPEEDY is the word advertisers use to describe Plaindealer Classified ad results. Dial EV. 5-0170. ••• To Be Given Away FOUR PUPPIES. Call week days after 4" p.m. Saturday and Sunday anytime. EV. 5- 0130. 2-23-61 Miscellaneous NEW 1961 U.S. Stamp Catalog & Price List only 30c. Stamps, Coins & Supplies for collectors. H. C. Stamp & - Coin Co. 25 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, El. Phone 459-3940 oi 459-3932 i2-8-60 ti Notice UNITED RENT-ALLS Complete Rental Service 1. Trailers, 1 Way or Local 2. Adding Machines, Dic^a phones 3. Wheel Chairs, Crutches 4. Sanders, Floor, Belt, etc. 5. Sewer Rods and Tapes 6. Party and Banquet Needs 7. Floor Polishers, Scrubbers 8. Drills, Grinders, Saws, etc. 9. Baby Beds, Scales, High Chairs 10. Rollaway Beds 11. Rug Shampoo Machines 12. Wallpapering, Painting Equipment. 13. Ceramic, Plastic, Tile Cutters 14. Re-Built Bicycles For Sale 15. Lawnmowers Repaired CALL EV. 5-2916 UNITED RENT-ALLS 542 Main St. Next to Northwestern Station Open 7 Days a Week 2-23-61-tf SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY Fine lOO^i Virgin Wool Fabric Mill Width 60" Wide Plaids and Solids Values to $5.00 a Yar£ For next 3 Days Only, $2.98 a Yard Limit 2 Yards Per Customer MERRILL WOOLEN MILLS STORE Routes 12 and 120, Volo EV. 5-4320 2-23-61 OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, MARCH 3 and SATURDAY MARCH 4 Coffee and Donuts -McHenry Implement Company Sales and Service Route 120 East of Town McHenry, Illinois Allis Chalmers & Oliver 2-23-3-2-61 Personal LOSE WEIGHT safely with New Formula Dex-A-Diet. Only 98c at Bolger's Drug Store. *2-23-3-2-61 Farmers Trading Post BROOD SOW due to farrow in week. Call EV. 5-6189. 2-23-61 GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-0420 501 Crystal Lake Road 1-tf FLEMING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA - GEHL iJOLENS GARDEN EQUIP. SALES and SERVICE K complete Farm Implement Service Chain Saw Sharpening & Repair Phone EV. 5-0033 522 Waukegan Road Dr. Griesbach Speaks To County HI A Group The McHenry County HIA met at the Farm Bureau rooms in Woodstock last week, opening with a pot-luck supper. Speaker of the evening was Dr. Peter Griesbach of McHenry. Also present at the meeting was Gilbert Owens of Kankakee, Illinois, state executive director of the Health Improvement association. Legal* FIRST AID COURSE A standard first aid class sponsored by the Red Cross will start March 6, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the Woodstock city hall. The course is scheduled to run for five weeks. A wood thrush can sing 4 notes at the same time. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF) THE APPLICATION OF) JOSEPH P. FREY, ) CATHERINE FREY, ) TONYAN BROS., INC. ) AN ILLINOIS ) CORPORATION ) SYLVESTER TONYAN ) AND ELSIE TONYAN ) FOR ZONING ) RECLASSIFICATION ) AND SPECIAL USE. ) Notice is given that., in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance,, a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County Zdning Board of Appeals in con nection with the application for zoning reclassification and special Use and amendment of the McHenry County Zoning Ordiance. in regard to the follow ing described property: PARCEL A. Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 20, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence North along the Quarter Section line 1208 feet; thence West at right angles to the last described line, a distance of 200 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of said Northwest Fractional Quarter 1208 feet to the South line of said Quarter Section; thence East along said Quarter section line 200 feet to the place of beginning (excepting therefrom that part thereof conveyed by John J. Regner and wife to Albert H. Severinghaus by Warranty Deed recorded February 26, 1923, as Document No. 57992, in Book 163 of Deeds, page 406) in McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL B. Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 20, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and running thence West along the South line of said Quarter Section, 200 feet to a point at the place of beginning; thence West continuing along said South line 436 feet; thence North on a line parallel to the East line of said Quarter Section 1208 feet; thence East on a line parallel to the South line of said Quarter Section 436 feet, to a point which is 200 feet West of the East line of- said Quarter Section; thence South parallel to the East line of said Quarter Section 1208 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said premises are located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Pistakee Bay Road (also known as Illinois State Highway No. 134) and Bay View Lane; that Parcel A has a frontage of 200 feet on Pistakee Bay Road and a frontage of 1208 feet on. Bay View Lane; that Parcel B has a frontage of 436 feet on Pis takee Bay Road and a depfh of 1208 feet and is immediately West of Parcel A. The purpose of the petition is to have par eel A reclassified from Farm ing "F" District classification to Single Family "R-l" Residence District classification, and to have Parcel B rezoned from Farming "F" District classification to a Special Use under paragraph D oj Section 16 of the Zoning Ordinance, which would authorize and permit the owner, its successors, grantees and assigns, to install thereon permanent or temporary equipment for the mining, crushing, grading, washing and loading of sand, gravel and other soil materials for a period of 10 years. Such hearing will be held at 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, on Tuesday, March 14, 1961, at the City Hall in the City of McHenry. Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to appear may be heard. Dated this 20th day of February, A.D. 1961. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: John Looze, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioners: JOSLYN, PARKER, KELL & CONERTY 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: FEderal 8-1135 (Publish Feb. 23, 1961) ORDINANCE NO. 61-0-1 VEHICLE STORAGE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, McHenry County, Illinois: Section I. The parking or storage of any vehicle which is not in condition ready for use. abandoned, junked, partially dismantled on any lot or tract of land in the Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and It shall be unlawful to permit any such vehicle to be parked or stored in any such pilace. Section n. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to Serve or cause to be served a Notice upon the owner or occupant of any premises where such vehicles are parked or stored in violation of this Ordinance, directing and demanding the abatement of the said nuisance within ten (10) days. Section in. If the person so served does not abate the nuisance within ten (10) days the Chief of Police may proceed to abate such nuisance, keeping an account of the expense of the same, and such expense shall be charged to and paid by such owner or occupant. Section IV. Any person, firm or corporation convicted of the violation of any provisions of this article shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00 for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which such a nuisance continues to be unabated after ten (10) days from receipt of Notice. * Claude F. McDermott Village President PASSED: Feb. 16. 1961 APPROVED: Feb. 16. 1961 ATTEST: Richard J. Hyatt Village Clerk of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 23. 1961) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of NETTIE M. FLEMING, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, April 3, 1961, is the claim date in the estate of Nettie M. Fleming, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. John A. Fleming. Executor Looze and Kinne Attorneys for Executor 112 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1580 (Pub. Feb. 23-March2-9, 1961) THIRTY-EIGHT RATE HIGHEST HONOR ROLL The semester honor roll has been released this week for the four high school classes and the three grades in Junior high. Thirty-eight high school students out of an enrollment nearing 1,000 were included on the "A". list as follows. Seniors Norma A n d e r s o n , Karen Bush, Kathy Curran, Sherry Evans, Ulrike Mueller, Eileen Noonan, Deanna Oonk and Alan Rietesel. Juniors Margaret Marchi. Sophomores Donald Cameron, Marcella Christensen, Richard Johnson, Albert Kissling, Edward Parks, Susan Prawl, Sandy Rodenkirch, Carol Sompel and Sandy Spohr. Freshmen Genevieve Adams, David G. Armit, Leslie Decker, Carla Dietz, Trudy Freund, William Houser, Barbara Jandt, Sandra Josserand, Richard Justen, Susan Marchi, Nancy Miller, Kathleen Leibach, Chrysande Levesque, Christine Oleszczuk, Valerie Peterson, Marsha Potter, Ricky Prine, Kenneth Sternickle, Elizabeth Wolf and Mary Ann Wright. Eighth Grade Jim Andersen, Bonnie Beato, Sara Borchardt, Diane Chobot, JoAnn Day, Sue Farr, Gerry Fidler, Beth Glysing, Sherry Hughes, Linda Janda, Judy Knackstedt, Linda Leiberson, Paul Liebman, Jim Meeker, Judy Palmbach, Ricky Piatt, Lynn Reihansperger, Sherry Schultz, Janice Sturm, Kathy Thompson, Charlene Thornton, Gaye Vinsik, Connie Ritter, Margaret Karas and Linnea Larson. V Seventh Grade • Marilyn Cina, Linda Davis and Lynn Krebs. Sixth Grade Kathleen Blair, Mike Doherty, Bruce Domoto, Lorn a Gladstone, Sally Guettler, Carl Johnson, Louise Matthesius, Jeffrey Nellis, Jane Oleyar, Steven Rietessel, Carol Simmons, Don Stinespring and Steven Thomas. DEVELOP NEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IN FOX LAKE AREA MINE FATALITIES Illinois coal mine fatalities in 1960 were just half the number reported five years ago for 1956, according to a general statement issued last week by the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals. Comparative figures for the 1956-1960 period show 10 fatal accidents in 1960 and 20 in 1956. The only year in which fewer fatalities occurred was 1958, when nine were reported. In 1957 there were 21 and in 1959, ten. Total production of all mines in 1960 was 45,820,632 tons. TURKEY PREDICTIONS If early predictions materialize, Illinois turkey growers will produce more than one million turkeys in 1961, a 10 percent increase over last year. The Rev. Donald W. Karnuth has accepted a call to the Fox Lake area to develop a new Lutheran church there. The United Lutheran church's Board of American Missions is cooperating with the Illinois Synod to support the preliminary work of bringing interested citizens of the area together. Rev. Karnuth, wife, Joan, and 11-month-old son. Lief, moved to Fox Lake on Feb. 15 and reside at 15 North Linden avenue. Rev. Karnuth will start to survey and visit the community Feb. 23 in order to tell the story of the birth of a church. Rev. Karnuth recently resigned a pastorate at Forreston to accept this call to be mission developer. He is a graduate of Carthage college, and Chicago Lutheran Theological seminary, Maywood. ANNUAL COOKIE SALE UNDERTAKEN BY GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts and Brownies of the McHenry area are busily engaged in their annual cookie sale along with their sistei Scouts of the Sybaquay council. Proceeds from this yearly event go'toward the purchase and maintenance of permanent and day camp sites. For each box of cookies a girl sells she earns twenty-five cents for this purpose and five cents for her own troop. Every Girl Scout and Brownie is given the opportunity of spending part of her summer vacation living in the out-of-doors and learning about ihe wonders of nature at these camps. To their usual line of cookies and nuts, this year the girls are pleased to be able to offer a new i>eanut butter cream cookie, which along with the others were baked by a different company than in preceding years. ON HONOR ROLL Headmaster R. A. Patterson of Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wir., has released the honor l-oll covering the class and examination grades for the first semester. Among those gaining honor roll recognition is Roger Ensminger, a sophomore, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ensminger, Route 1, Ringwood road, Ringwood. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AC.O Taken from the Files of Feb. 16, 1911 A calf hitched to a small cart and performing the light work of a horse is one of the novel sights that may be seen in this village these days. The calf is owned by Peter Schoewer, ihe blacksmith. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallaher of Milwaukee, Wis., former local residents, announce the engagement of their daughter. Zue Adelaide; to Mr. Arthur Albert Greenberg of Milwaukee. An early fall wedding is being planned. A newspaper may say a thousand nice things about t» man and business--how he is decocating his windows, getting in new goods, expanding his business, etc; and the office will never hear a word of thanks. But let the paper speak, even unintentionally In a manner not complimentary, and the paper catches what Sherman said war was. Misses Margaret and Lucy Sutton entertained at a Valentine whist party Tuesday evening, when high scores went to Mrs. C. Gibbs and John W. Gibbs, while Miss Florence Welch and Ray Conway were given consolations. A dainty luncheon was served later. Carl Hoffman of Chicago favored with several violin selections during the evening. August Felt/, flagman for the C & N. W, railroad and who is stationed at the Waukegan street crossing, has been given the use of a tower house which is being duly appreciated by the faithful flagman, who heretofore has been forced to stand at his post with no protection from the cold. Weekend bargains at the C. M. Adams store in Johnsburg i n c l u d e c r a n b e r r i e s , t h r e e quarts for 25 cents; beans, cans for 25 cents; tomatoes, quart can 8 cents; strawberries, quart can 15 cents; excellent oanned peaches, quart can 15 cents; corn, 8 cents a can, ' FORTT YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Feb. 17, 1921 A real estate transaction oi Prepare For Seal Drive A group of 4-H and Junior Auxiliary Easter Seal society members are shown stuffing Easter Seals into envelopes for the pending Easter Seal campaign. The group from the Richmond area have been assisting with other duties in connection with the Easter Seal campaign. GET READY FOR A 'ROMAN HOLIDAY' by getting your permanent at. . . Harriett's Cut and Curl Shoppe 110 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. Phone EV. 5-4361 interest to many of our read-** ers was closed last Friday | when the former "Tip" Smith j property on the West Side, « more r e c e n t l y owned by i t Schneider brothers of Woodstock, was .gold to Messrs Richard B. Walsh and M. A. Thelen of this village. The building, which is one of the oldest business blocks in that part of town, will be razed and a new • and modern garage will take its place. L. F. Pouse. for many years employed as a cigar maker in the Barbian Bros, shop here, passed away quite suddenly at his home on the Woodstock - road last night. The funeral will be helct from the home at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Cogar Gage, the last of the Hankins family, pioneer settlers of the community. passed away at the home of her son, Clifford Gage, at Champaign. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hankins, who came here from the east, settling at a point near Lily Lake, where they ... made their home in a wagon during the erection of their log cabin. Mrs. George H. Johnson en- ~ tertained members of the Just Us club at a Valentine party at her home on Main street-- Thursday evening, with various games and music furnishing entertainment. Prizes were awarded Lena Stoffel, Lillian Heimer and Elizabeth K. Miller. JIM'S AUTO TOPICS by Jim Wallace If you read the new automobile ads regularly, you understand that the car of today is years ahead in styling . . .. years ahead in riding comfort . . . years ahead in engineering.' And if you're the average fellow who bought one, you' know that you're years ahead in payments. And when you drive over to' Rt. 120 East--Eastwood Manor for service you'll find us keep ing years ahead in quality products and servicing methods. Visit the WALLACE'S,. STANDARD SERVICE and keep ahead. HOT DOG! YEW I Year 0M MARCH 1st We're Going To Have A BIRTHDAY PARTY And You're Invited On Wednesday, March 1st STOP IN Have Some Fun And At The Same Time... SEE WHAT'S NEW IN FURNITURE FOR '61 JUSTEN FURNITURE "Across From The Bank" 10% 101 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. NOTICE THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO 0 DISCOUNT ON ANY PURCHASE MADE IN OUR STORE ON OUR BIRTHDAY MARCH 1st ONLY EV 5 - 6560 Watch for the Mae Envelope