Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1961, p. 12

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Pag* Twalv* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday, Much 2; 1961' Sunnsyid* Estates LOCAL COUPLE RETURNS FROM SOUTHERN TRIP Polly Stevens EV. 6-1256 EV. 5-4043 Clif and Andy Sabby and Clif's sister and brother-in-law, Fanny and A1 Bostrom, have just returned from a visit to the deep south. They left here in the snow, got as far as St. Louis, Mo., where snow drifts were head-high and very nearly turned back. However, these four stalwarts kept going and found warm, sunny weather in Ft. Worth, Texas, where they visited relatives. After a few days there they drove to that fabulous city, New Orleans, for the Mardi Gras. After two days of sight-seeing they drove to Milton, Fla., to visit Andy's brother, then on to Tarpon Springs for more sight-seeing. The four enjoyed the ideal weather, fishing and, of course, seeing their relatives. Welcome home, Clif and Andy. Verne Noah, committeewomen Loretta Kerr, Betty Lakowske, Marie Martin and Sylvia Obstfelder held a meeting Tuesday, Feb. 21, to map out future projects for their girls. At the last Brownie meeting the girls practiced the flag ceremony and started a new project. They are making drawstring bags of dish cloths and yarn to be used as carryalls for their supplies. Cookie hostess was Debbie Stull. Ringwood GUEST MINISTER PREACHES DURING SUNDAY SERVICES Ruby Shepard Meeting Tonight The monthly meeting of the SEHOA is tonight--same time and same place--the Johnsburg public school at 8 p.m. See you there? A Florida Visitor Pat Kuntz and Herb Anderson were pleasantly surprised and pleased to welcome their step-dad, Gene Roy, of Hallandale, Fla. He is a former resident of Wonder Lake and has many friends here whom he will tfsit. Mr. Roy came all prepared for snow and ice and is surprised not to find any. He is staying with Lois and Herb while here and we wish him an enjoyable visit. Surprise Party Irene Roy was pleasantly surprised on her birthday, Feb. 22. She answered a knock on her door and found Rose Felicetti with a birthday cake, Lorraine Major, Mary Mann and Marge Palmer with cold cuts, potato salad and all the fixin's for a party. Irene received some very nice gifts and the gals gossiped, gorged and enjoyed themselves. Scout News--Girls and Boys At the last meeting of Girl Scout Troop 295 the girls studied diligently for their second class rank. The whole troop was surprised when they were interrupted by Mrs. Dean with a birthday cake and ice cream for herldaughter, Qp^An]?, and all the girls. The girls proceeded to celebrate Carol Ann's birthday then and there. The Blue and Gold dinner of Pack 454 was held Sunday, Feb; 18, at the community club. All reports deemed it a huge success. Those who attended and would like a "repeat" of the delicious dinner were Lois and Herb Anderson and son, Mike, Pat and Matt Bott and son, Michael, Marge and Harold Palmer and son, Sherwood, and June and Ted Voight and son. Paul. T h e l e a d e r s o f B r o w n i e .Troop 150, who are leader Alice Bieschke, co-leader La- Good News June and Ted Voight and children took advantage of the holiday, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Fred Price, in Chicago. Mr. Price is at hpme after his recent operation and his family are very pleased with his remarkable recuperation. He will have to take it easy for a while tho'. Visitors \MHelen Wegner entertained hw- 82 year young grandmotheigpMrs. Bocinsky, and three aunts,. Mrs. Rose Dunbar, Mrs. Bertha Vercoata and Mrs. Bertha Bocinsky of Chicago, Tuesday, Feb. 21. Helen was the recipient of Grandma Bocinsky's homemade Bohemian rye bread which .she likes so much. They attended the P.T.A. recital that afternoon. A Visitor Pat Bott's mom, Mrs. Mabel Knudsen, of Chicago is spending a few days in our fair community. Young Traveller Two year old Ernie Von- Oepen, Jr., spent a few days in Chicago recently .with Grandma and Grandpa Paszkiet. Sick List We are sorry to report that both of Eleanor Fiedler's parents are ill. George Carins Is still in the hospital while Mrs. Carins is ill at hime. Kenny Bott and Steve Wegner have both been bitten by the flu bug. Birthdays Greetings to 5 year old Kathy Cerstein, Johnny Davis and Ted Voight on March 2. Debbie Noah celebrates her ninth birthday on March 4. That gregarious little friend of mine, Patti Anderson, will be 4 years old on March 5. Dorothy Ann Kayler will be 13 and Tommy Fry will be 9 on March 7. Eddie Matuszek celebrates his natal day on March 8. ..^e&^isJaps to „ Anniversaries B e l a t e d b u t n o n e t h e l e s s warm and sincere congratulations to Ve and Roy Schroeder who celebrated 26 years of married bliss on Feb. 16 and to Rose and Mike Tillich who celebrated 23 years on Feb. 17. Thomas Alva Edison -- whose 114th birthday anniversary was celebrated in February (Feb. 11, 1961) -- was the world's most prolific inventor. He chalked up a record of almost 1,100 U. S. patents and filled more than 2.500 notebooks with sketches of ideas. Rev. William Bruce of Woodstock preached at the Ringwood Methodist church Sunday morning as Rev. and Mrs. James McChesney attended a p r a y e r r e t r e a t a t W e s l e y Woods. During Sunday school Rev. Bruce showed slides of the story of the Woodstock Children's home. Jr. Hi M.Y.F. The Jr. Hi M.Y.F. held its meeting at the church Sunday afternoon. gram. Refreshme n t s served. were Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. The Sr. Hi M. Y. F. held its meeting at the Wiley home Sunday evening. There was a panel discussion on Parent- Teen relationship. W.S.C.S. Study Course The W.S.CS. study course meeting was held Monday evening. Youth choir rehearsal was held at the church Wednesday evening. Home Circle The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Kunz Thursday, March 9, with Mrs. Gus Earlson as co-hostess. Mrs. Wolf Shadle will have the program. W.S.C.S. The W.S.C.S. will hold their March meeting at the church Wednesday evening, March 8. Mrs. Viola Low will have the meditation, Mrs. Thompson the worship and Mrs. Ottoson the program. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Harry Pugsley. Demonstration Party Mrs. John Hogan entertained at a demonstration at her home Tuesday evening. Community Club Meeting The community club held its meeting at the school house Monday evening. After the business meeting Walter Dean spoke on our civil defense pro- Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and sons of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago, Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. POpenhagen of Woodstock were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby and family of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Don Butler and family of McHenry spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe pf Crystal Lake spent Thursday afternoon in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Larson of Algonquin were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Miss Nancy Ainger and Jim Hilton of Hebron spent Saturday evening with her grandmother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley and daughter, Linda, of Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited Mr. and Mrs. Lisk at Fox Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel of McHenry were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert visited relatives at Wilmot Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Skidmore home. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank visited in the Wilson home at Hartland Sunday afternoon. Wolf Shadle returned home from a visit with his son, John and family, in California. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson of Chicago were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Burlington were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. In the afternoon, they were all Cftll- RUDY BECKERS KENNELS Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry' • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 JOSEPH FRETT & SON. INC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1928 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE ... ~ For Most of the Popular Breeds BOARDING ... ^rainingMDbedie^^ C E N T E R (oofp row TRACTOR NOW W" firesfott* CHAMPION S«N TRACTOR TIRES We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairs Residential and Commercial • First in Quality i • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- XA Mile East of Fox River Bridge Truck, Tractor and Tractor Tire Passenger Car* Tires CHAINS All Sizes Ail Sizes On All 25% Off TOWN and COUNTRY RE-CAP TIRES - All sizes FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY AS LOW AS $16°° McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenj-y, DL We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery ers in the Tony Senkerik home at Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell and family of Cary spent Sunday evening in the William Cruickshank home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty spent the past week with relatives at Waupaca, Wis. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Tuesday in the Harry Peet home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegen-. er, Butch Leonard and Fred Wiedrich were dinner guests in the Bob Brennan home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Cora Woods spent Sunday afternoon in the Robert Woods home at Genoqi city. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Fred Wiedrich - spent Sunday ^evening in the Jack Leonard home at Lake Geneva and helped Jane Leonard celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Bud Oxtoby and Mrs. Margaret Gielow spent Tuesday in the Magnus Nelson home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty-Low home. Evening guests Were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond. Mrs. E. L. Peck of Elgin spent Saturday with h£r sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Ansel Dewey of Penfield. is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jackowski at Racine Sunday. < Mrs. Qus Granath and Mrs. Kenneth Granath of Stager, 111., Mrs. John Granath of Mc- Cullom Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mailfold of McHenry spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DIQOINQI Dlmlyi Rootat »hi<9* OvMMfe Vtapat --By and faiexpenslvelyt BOYER RUCK'S Hardware 501 W. Main St. McHenry fiflife of Sunnyslda URGE LARGER ATTENDANCE AT VILLAGE MEETING Irene May The regular village meeting will be held Monday, March 6, at the village hall. We need more than just the officers present, ^.o.why don't more of you Sunnysiders come out aind take interest in all the activities, of the village. P.T.A. Program The Johnsburg P.T.A. had a program and meeting Tuesday in which they elected a nominating committee for officers for the coming year. They also presented the past president with a lovely corsage. Cub Scouts A blue and gold dinner was held Sunday by the Cub Scouts Den No. 2 at the Johnsburg community club. Several of the boys received awards. Richard Fredricks was the one boy who received his Webelow badge. Pink and Blue Shower A shower was given in honor of Joy Nimsgren Sunday, Feb. 19. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mangold. The gracious hostesses were Connie Thomas -from Sunnyside Beach, and Marge Barth from Johnsburg. There were a lot of relatives and friends from Chicago. Delicious refreshments were served after opening all of the beautiful gifts. Happy It's A Boy The Mangold household was beaming with joy with the birth of a grandson. Joy and Bill Nimsgern are the proud parents of a baby boy born in Woodstock hospital Feb. 16, weighing 6 lbs., 7 ozs. This little man will be named after his daddy, Bill, Jr. Surprise Visit Mrs. Schuitz was surprised to see her sister, Edith, and nephew, Richard Knudson, from Minneapolis, Minn. They a r r i v e d u n e x p e c t e d l y e v e n though travelling was dangerous. They drove on icy roads most of the way and returned home in worse conditions. A Friend In Need Chris Williams (I think)' deserves an orchid for her wonderful friendship. She took in her friends little four year old girl until her mother gets well. The little Miss is Chrissie Belford from Lilymoor and she also had a birthday Friday. Eight neighboring tots were invited to help make this birthday a happy one. Sick List The flu bug is sure getting around the subdivision these days. The one year old Kurt Adams and the Williams children including our two little ones for a repeat performance were very sick. I hope I can Skip this sick list; paragraph and report that everyone is in the best of health. Birthday! s A belated happy birttiday to our village clerk, Mae Casey. She observed her (should tell?) birthday Feh. 28. ^ A most happy, happy birthday to our village treasurer, Mary Harrington, who also has her natal day March first. PISTAKEE TERRACE MEWS Meet The regular association meeting will be Marcli 6 at the Johnsburg school. 1 The Ladies auxiliary are haTing their meeting March 9 at Pat Merhaut's home! It would be nice to have a little bigger attendance. Rummage Sale Gratitude is extended to all who made this sale a great success. Even though the weather was bad there was a nice turnout. j £ Sick List i Jean Erickson had laryngitis and a bad cold, and Deiter Hemkendreis had a case of mumps. We hope you are well by the time you read this column. Birthdays Happy birthday to you Don? na Pritchard on March 2, a1l many happy returns 6$ the day to Bill Pritchard. Lowest Prices Complete Selections Open Display Shopping Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We OiVE / GREEN .STAMPS. Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 315 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza BEMODELVouiHOHE Gives A Flat Glareless Finish to Walls and Ceilings • Beautiful Selection of modern pastels • Dries in >/2 hour • No VINYL LATE* ^INTERIOR # WALL FINISH - WHITE - • No brush marks $ 32V $1.05 qt. ) IKMONI // Add Beauty to yojur Home with PRE-FINISHED WALL PANELING and it is Economical tool j Pre-Finished Hardwood Silver Mist Birclp Paneling or I i Majestic Oak Paneling VA" - 4x7 or 4 x 8 Sheets In Stock 35 sq. ft. Mahogany Paneling--VA" - 4x7 or 4x8 Shts. Unfin. 17c sq. ft. -- Pre-Fin. 23c sq ft. Low Monthly Payments Can Be Arranged OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424 *1

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