Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1961, p. 2

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N . A t ! Fig# Two THE MeHENRT PLMNDEALER Miscellaneous Shower Honors Gail Johnson £ A m i s c e l l a n e o u s s u r p r i s e i£hower was given Sunday, ' March 26, at 2 o'clock in the i afternoon at the Donald John- \ibn home in Country Club drive for Miss Gail Johnson, given by her school friend^ Shirley Jager, and Mrs. Edward Penner, her future sisterin- law. About twenty guests were present to enjoy games, and a delicious lunch of finger sandwiches, calte and coffee was served. The serving table was attractively decorated with a pink and, white umbrella trimmed with orchid forgetme- nots. The decorated cake .contained a 6 miniature bride doll, a love bird" and horse ;#hoes. Guests in addition to those .mentioned were Mrs. Harold Crokin, the groom's mother; Mrs. Donald Johnson, mother of the bride-to-be, Mrs. William Fischer, Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Mrs. Ralph Rattray, Mrs. H. Stoner, Mrs. G. Cina and son, Allen, Mrs. R. Jager, Ruth Ann Schoenholtz, Lynn Brubach, Karen Antonson, Kathy Prawl, Judy Gregory, .Jflancy Fischer, Karen Bailey and Barbara Krickl. - Gifts were opened from Mrs. R. Crokin of Indianapolis, a future sister-in-law, and Mrs. jSdward Schvjltz, who were un- ;:atble to be present. Miss Johnson will be married April 8 at Nativity Lutheran church to Roger Crokin. Community dub To Meet April 3 The next regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club Will be held Monday, April 3, at' 8 p.m. at Memorial hall. Members of the refreshment committee will be notified by mail. ? At the meeting, arrangements will be discussed for annual ladies' night, which will bp held the first Monday or May- "Members are reminded that 1$61 dues must be paid at the date of the meeting to avoid if penalty for the year. jyCQF Will Hold Ipgtallation April IS *The Women's Catholic Order 4| Fosters,.3t,„Oara!s Cour.t, No. 659, will hold their installatjon of officers on Thursday, j£p?il 13, at the American Legion home. Dinner is planned idr 6 pan., with the installation to follow at 8 o'clock. Reservations are to be made not later than April 7 by calling Martha Freund, EVergreen •&fQ0§l; Catherine Bauer, Evergreen 5-2242; or Marie Martin EV^rgrqen 5*6581. A£arie Stoffel Guest At Shower A lovely miscellaneous bridal shower was given for Marie Stoffel on Sunday, March 26, at the home of Mrs. Helen Rqdenkirch. Seventeen gue&ts were present from Mundelein, Harvard and McHenry. HostpSses honoring Miss Stoffel were Mrs. Louise Schumacher and daughter, Linda, Mrs. Helen Rodenkirch. Mrs. Anita Stoffel and Miss Dorothy Stoffel. ;Miss Stoffel plans to be married on April 8 to Gene Har- • DONNA LEE CALEY Tell Engagement Of Donna Caley . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caley of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Lee, to Russell E. Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr of Edgebrook Heights. McHenry. Miss Caley is a 1959 graduate of the McHenry high schpol and is' presently employed in Johnsburg. Her fiance is a 1958 graduate of MCHS and is employed in Crystal Lake. No wedding date has been set by the couple. Madeleine Mayfield Honored At Shower A s u r p r i s e m i s c e l l a n e o u s nuptial shower was held for Madeleine Mayfield Monday night. Hostesses Mrs. A1 Wirtz, Mrs. Howard Pliner, Mrs. Robert Stueben and Miss Judy Walsh gave this lovely party at the home of Mrs. William V. Haynes in Lakeland Park. Fresh flowers and white wedding bells decorated the table where the guests Vfe re served a dessert luncheon. Guests present were Mrs. Ralph Smith, Rita Martin and Maryann and Francine Mayfield. Mrs. Mayfield will become the bride of Ernest Schroeder at St. Mary's Catholic church April 15. Fr. Constantine Speaks To School Association' Fr. Constantine of the Crystal Lake Minor seminary will be guest speaker at the regular meeting of St. Mary's Home and School association, to be held Monday, April 3, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. SPRING SHOWBOAT FESTIVAL APRIL. 15 AT NEARBY SCHOOL Prize winning paintings, hob- .bies, pancakes, sausages, and music will be part of the cargo of the Spring Showboat Festival to be held at the Greenwood school on April 15. The Greenwood Commqnity Teachers' organization w|ll hold the Spring Showboat Festival on Saturday, April 15, from 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A pancake and sausage supper will be served during those hours. Many special exhibits throughout the entire school will be open to the public. Representative work of the pupils, as well as student hobbies, will be on display in all the classrooms. Adult hobbies; including a noted gun collection, handmade dolls, ceramics ana many., other unusual and outstanding items will be exhibited. Members of the. Creative Artist guild McHenry county will display paintings, including several prize winners, at the festival. A bake sale will . feature homemade.bread, cookies, cupcakes and cakes. There will be cake \fcalks for the children. There will be organ music throughout the afternoon and, evening. The proceeds raised from the Spring Showboat Festival will be used to purchase additional books for the Greenwood school library. The library additions will be donated in memory of the late superintendent of schools for District 10, Truman Robinson. Tickets to the Spring Showboat Festival may be purchased at the offices of any of the District 10 schools, at some business places and at the door on the day of the festival. Members of the Spring Showboat Festival are Mrs. Trtva Zeek, chairwoman, Mrs, Loretta Meadie, Mrs. Jackie Ullman, Mrs. Millie Kopp, Mrs. Lorraine Laing, Mrs. June Detwiller, Mrs- Joan Ohlrich, Mrs. Mary Lu Baudin and Mrs. Irrria Davis, all of Rt. 2, Wonder Lake. The president of the Greenwood CTO is Merle Hansen. CONFIRMED AT CHURCH On Palm Sunday, March 26, ten children became members of Zion Lutheran church by the rite of confirmation: William Kloepfer, Lee Barr, Thomas Hachmeister, John Rau, Sherilyn Schultz, Barbara Meyer, Loridale Dbton, Patricia Morrison, Judith Schmunk, Judith Palmbach. "I Sr. [Fitch WU1 Afttress PTA Group " "l3ig Hollow School PTA will have as guest Franklin R. Flt^h, M.D., at the meeting to be held April 5 at 8 p.m. :Dr. Fitch is the executive director of the Illinois Social Ifygjene league, and associate nodical director of the Northw e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y M e d i c a l School clinics. j^lso on the program will be the election and installation of PTA officers. ;Hostesses for the evening will be the second grade mothers. Strrael Infant IM Christened ' iThe new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strauel, Jr., or Pistakee Bay, born at Memorial hospital on March 13, wks christened Cynthia Louise (Gindy Lou) at St. John's church, Johnsburg, last Sunday, with Rev. Fr. Blitsch officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Mary Stuermer and Patrick Kessler of Chicago. Guests in the Strauel home later for a social afternoon and bliffet supper included the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ^Valdo Rose of Pistakee Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strauel, Sr., of Barrington; the Emil Steurmer and Patrick Kessler families and Mr. and ifrs. Gus Kessler pf Chicago. Cindy Lou was welcomed home by a brother, Edward Stxfeuel, JXL Lftoglde Inn -- Special Fiph •Ms*'ito, Hftisjr. * Ew-fiifct / GLORIFY THE DAY WITH OUR • LILLIES • BLOOMING PLANTS •BOUQUETS • CUT FLOWERS • CORSAGES WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS . . . . rjCocher J Street 300 West Elm St. McHENRY • EV 5-2300 Across From the AlkP Garden Club To Hofd Gyest jbay A special/guest day meeting of the McHenry Garden -club will be held April 6 at 1:30 p.m. at the McHenry Community Methodist church. Miss Vivian Rankin from the Illinois Department of Conservation, a noted authority on the subject of conservation, wilj be guest speaker.* Mrs. Vaughn Jones is chairman of the hostess committee. Each member of the club is urged to invite an interested friend to be her guest for this very important program. As this is the first meeting of the year the following new officers and committee chairmen will be serving: President, Mrs. Carroll Dietle; vice-presiderit, Mrs. Theodore Arvidson; recording secretary, Miss Mary Burclahl; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Jack Ritter; treasurer, Mrs. Erik R. Braenrie; chairman, plant, fruit and flower guild, Mrs. George H. Jofinsnn; qhairmen publicity, Miss Mary Burdahl and Mrs. Arnold Schaettgen. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wirtz (Mary Grace Meyer) announce the arrival of their first child, Lisa Ann, at the Memorial hospital, Woodstock, March 22. The baby, who weighed 8 lbs., 1% ozs., has a complete set of grandparents and great-grandparents. On the maternal side she is the first grandchild cf Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer and first great-grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bailey, McCullom Lake are also great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wirtz, Sr., are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wirtz, McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg of Crystal Lake are the paternal great-grandparents. A daughter was born March 24 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crago, Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Auliffe announce the birth of a son March 27 at Memorial hospital. -g, Thursday. March 30. 190) BE A GOOD EGG THIS EASTER takehonmaboxof DUTCH MILL EASTER CANDY 'McHenry Hospital During the past week patients at the McHenry hospital included Alice tfein, Cary; Richard Singer, Master George Britts and Michael Cartu^an, Crystal Lake; Dorothy Ostergaard, Chicago; Lynn Kolar and Fred Stein, Wonder Lake; Master Arthur Schaer and Andree Tesluk, Fox Lake; Christine Towne, Woodstock; Clarence Paulson, Wadsworth; Theodora Stermer, Richmond; Harold Gaston, Antioch; Bertha B r o s s m a n, Katherine Brunswick, Rose Marie Lee, Ella Pasco, Clemens Wessell, V i c t o r i a R y c z k i e w i c z , John Bernard, George Lombardi, Grace Goffo, Dor6thy Rodarrr. el, Joy Hurst, Warner Schilling, Master Kenneth Finney, Stanley Darmoody, Violet Hannon and Mary Jungwirth, McHenry. Memorial Hospital M r s . Nona M a s s h e i m e r , Lakemoor, and Odell Gelvip and James Carroll, McHenry. were patients during the past week at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. ' Harvard Hospital Patients at Harvard hospital during the past week included Eugene Kell and Mrs. Otto Heinz of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I want to take this opportunity to thank all my good friends, neighbors and relatives for all their prayers, cards and gifts while I was in the hospital. Also the priests, Sisters and school children of St. John's for all their prayers; also the nurses who toolfgfiuch good care of me and It am especially grateful to the people who were so good to my wife and children. Arnie Michels *3-30-61 COOKS CORNER by Marie Schaettgen Nov? that the "R" months aWr still" with us oysters are in order. There aire ^o many ways to prepare them, or if you're brave enough you* just eat 'em raw. . a In the following recipe they may bfe^Used as the main dish, especially during lent. Scalloped Oysters 1 pint oysters 4 Tbsp. oyster liquor 2 Tbsp. milk or cream % cup stale bread crumbs l'°cup cracker crumbs cup melted butter salt pepper Examine oysters carefully for bits of shell, but do not wash. Mix bread and cracker crumbs, and stir Jn butter. Put a thin layer in "bottom of but tered shallow baking dish, cover with oysters and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add % each of the oyster liquor and milk or cream. Repeat and cover top with remaining crumbs. Bake 30 minutes in hot 375 oven. Never try to cook more thaji two layers deep since middle layer of oysters will be undone. Sherry may be used ip place of cream. BENEFIT EVENT SUCCESS The card party and style show on March 21, given by the women's auxiliary of McHenry hospital, was described as a fine success, with 300 ladies in attendance to see the latest styles presented by the Casual shop. Mrs. Alice Holmgren of Wonder Lake was chairman of the event. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for all the cards, visits and prayers offered in my behalf during my recent stay in the hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Omis Stoffel *3-30-61 April 4 Fox River Valley Camp, JRNA -- Regular Meeting -- Community Methodist Church -- 8 p.m. April 6 McHenry Garden Club Guest Day -- Community Methodist Church -- 1:30 p.m. Ap^il 8 Bake Sale. Justen's Furniture Store. 9 a.m. Sponsored J>y Lakeland Park Women's Club. April 9 Card Party for Benefit of Swimming Pool -- Legion Home -- 7:30 p.m. Ham Supper -- Zion Lutheran ChUrch -- Serving 4 to 8 p.m. -- Sponsored by Zion's Men's Club. April 12 Organizational Meeting for High School PTA -- 8:15 p.m. '-- High School Cafeteria. April 13 Women's Catholic Order of Foresters Installation -- Legion Home y- 8 p.m. April 15 . Bake Sale -- Zion Lutheran L a d i e s Aid -- S t a r t i n g a t Noon. Art Smith's Grocery. May 17 Salad Bar Luncheon and Fashion Show at frtfoon -- Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid -- Social Hall, Highway 120 West. May 19 Rummage Sale -- Zion Lu- :heran Ladies Aid -- Zion Lu- :heran Church, Highway 120 West. Hours 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 27-28 Rummage Sale -- Methodist Church. April 29-30 Annual Spring Program of McHenry Choral Club -- High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. May 7 "Sound of Music" -- Junior High School -- Sponsored by Home Builders --, Community Methodist Church. £la&ter ... And remember your Gift Certificate of Beauty can be used for this "Easy-To-Care- For" Spring hair style. j^iverAide 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 Member of N.H.C.A. : Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon: b K, * >> * > to McHenry, 111. May 24 WSCS Home and Gjjrden Waik. EASTER PROGRAM The regular Sunday service is scheduled at the First Church of Christ Scientist of Crystal Lake on Easter. However, a special Easter prog^n, "The Challenge of the ReRirrection", is being broadcast on Radio Station WKRS on Sunday, April 2, at 4:'30 in the afternoon. PLEDGES SORORITY Karen Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bailey of Orchard Beach, has pledged Sigma Kappa sorority at Northern Illinois university^ DIVORCE GRANTED Betty Meister was granted a divorce from John E. Meister in circuit court last Friday by Judge Carroll. HAIRDRESSER^ TO MEET I The Illinois Hairdressers and Cosmetologists will hold" a regular monthly meeting Wfedhes- • day, April 5, at 8 p.m. m Harrington. Helen Graciano, OTtstariding hair color artist and technician, will be guest artist for the meeting. Members and non-members who are interested are invited to attend and present questions on hair problems. ELECT OFFICERS At a meeting held Sunday in Kent Acres, members of ||ie Improvement association elected new officers. They are Norbert Klein, president; Donald Ray, vice-president; Ruth Leska. secretary; and Arthur Matthies, treasurer. The membership of the association is looking forward to a fine year ahead. Cust@nf Topics ljy Ray Zelewsky Lie Detector Thougty Fiddling around with theplans of a lie detector, it occurred to me that we're not using this wonderful electronic to its fullest advantag^ Being used mainly on suspects in police work, why couldn't this truth ang lie detector be used to a<W!mti!ge on our Washington bureaucrats who just about con£§bl the destiny of our lives during these times. And, by golly, the more I think of it, we would be happy to take a test at CUST0SI TV too, to prove that we w^nt to do the best job possible'; jn the electronic field. Phone EV 5-3757 or 5-5659 next time for TV, and radio services "of the finest quality. And, 'onet^f these days we'll have a lie detector to prove it. Of course, our regular customers know it already. Ask them. Happy ca&a'f Luscious, chocolate* coated Stawi ©enters, fruit mellows! gut clusters, ereams, chips, bon-bons; chawy caramels. A19 lovingly hand* dipped in Dutch Process Chocolate. SPECIAL. t lb* Saotor Box Reg. $3.20 Plush Easter Animals and Easter Cards m HIE. Elm St.-jMcHenry (Next to the Toddler Shop) Phone EV 5-3520 Rejoice . . . Easter is here! That the rich spiritual rewards and blessings of this holy season may be fully yours . . . come to . church on Easter Sunday . . . join your friends and neighbors in prayer, song and worship. Celebrate Easter reverently . . . joyously. McHENRY STATE BANK Cor. Green & Elm Streets Phone EY 5-1940 ' ' We will doe© at Noon Q@©d Friday i 3

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