Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1961, p. 9

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<2J •frifomday. April 13. 1961 THE McHENRY P McCullom Lake two SUTES AK OFFERED VOTERS WXT TUESDAY LeVesque, Boyle Head Tickets In Village Election Eve Levesque The fourth election in the Village will be held on Tuesday, ^pril 18, in the beachhouse. With polls open from 6 a.m. tft6 p.m. •^Vvo slates of candidates are being offered and they are the Local party and the Progressive party. Heading the first ticket is Jake Levesque, with ^£nima Pyritz for village clerk And John Fox for police magistrate. Their trustees include Frank Klewin, Eugene Shigley and William Creutz. John Boyle is seeking the offfcp of president on the progressive party and his running mates include Lois Parenti for village clerk and Victor Howe for police magistrate. Trustees on this ticket are Theresa Schultz Roger Kinsey and Arthur Stuhlfeier. Between now and election day, each voter in the community will have the opportunity to meet the candidates and v£igh their merits. Listen carefully, make your selection, and then be sure and cast your ballot on April 18. Rides to the polls will be provided by both sides. Meet the Candidates Following is information concerning the candidates: LOCAL PARTY- For President: Joseph R. (Jake) Levesniy of 410 Spring married and has four children. He has been president since „ the yillage incorporated in 1955 and is seeking a third term. )Jlr. Levesque is a general contractor and has resided in the eofnmunity since 1949. Veteran 6f World War II, holds rank of lieutenent commander in Naval Reserve. His avocations Include being Republican prec^ ct committeeman (elected), member of the board of Mc- Henry Chamber of Commerce, flind active in McCullom Lake Little League. \ Village Clerk: EMMA R. PYRITZ: Held this office since the incorporation. Formerly bpld position of secretary tffeasurer of two civic improvement organizations, and was vice-president of the Ladies or •fellow..,:.;. 'oiice Magistrate: JOHN FOX: Owned property in village since 1930. He served in the United States Army for twenty-two years and holds the rank of lieuteneht colonel (retired). During his service career, he conducted over 500 courts martial as president of the board. He is married and adopted two children in Okinawa. Local party Trustees: FRANK KLEWIN: Resident of village for twenty-eight years and has served on many election boards. Interested in civic affairs and has attended more than 95 per cent of village board meetings. Married and retired from active employment. EUGENE SHIGUCY: Married and resident of village foi seven years. He is employed as head pipe fitter of Avon Products, Inc. He is a member of the Moose and Cullom-Knoll association. During his military career he attained rating of Staff Sergeant. WILIAM E. CREUTZ: Married arid has one son. He has resided in, village since 194G. He is employed as supervising engineer with Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Served as village trustee for two two year, terms. He is also a past. cOSnimander of the V.F.W., member of that organization and the American Legion. PROGRESSIVE PARTY: For president: John T. Boyle: Married and has two sons. Served four years as trustee of the village. He was also a trus tee of the Cullom-Knoll association. Employed by Illinois Bell Telephone Co. His activities include member of American Legion, former Cub master, r committee chairman of Explorer Scout post. He has owned property in the village for fourteen years. For village clerk: Lois Parenti: Housewife and mother of three children. Member and past secretary of Ladies of the Lake, member of P.T.A. and member of Cullom-Knoll. She has had five years clerical experience. For Police magistrate: Victor Howe: Has owned property since 1930. Served in this office since incorporation in 1955. He is now retired from the police department in Chicago. Has served as trustee of Cullom- Knoll association and is a member of the American Legion. TRUSTEES: T h e r e s a Schultz: Housewife and mother of one daughter. Holds elected office of Democratic precinct committeeman, trustee of Cullom-Knoll association, and is a member of the Ladies of the Lake, P.T.A., and hospital auxiliary of McHenry hospital? Roger- F. Kinsey:. Manned and father .of two sons, he has owned property locally for two and one-half years. He is employed as an electrical engineer and is a member .-of the P.T.A. Arthur Stuhlfeier; Served ar. trustee of the village • for two years. Owns and publishes Pictorial Newsletter. He is married and has owned property in village for twenty-eight years. He has also served as trustee of the Cullom-Knoll association. School Board Statistics We are making strides in in creasing our average vote for school board elections. Thit year we almost doubled our previous record, with seventysix showing up at th? polls. The results were as follows: For the grade school board. Lawson tallied 37 votes: Griesbach. 52; Nell, Jr., 50; Kissling, 25; and Peterson, 44. No contcst for the high school board and Howard garnered 67 votes; Bennett, 59; and Neiss, 63 There was 1 spoiled ballot for the grade school and four foi the high school. Emma Pyritz, Elma Nelson and Betty Murray served on the election board. Voters of McCullom Lake! 'the Village of McCullom Lake was formed on April 2nd, 1955. A Board of Officials was elected a month later. Starting with absolutely no funds, this group - by ^applying themselves, • have been going forward continuously. We have two new roads built at the present time. Work will start on two more within the next month. We have street lights at each entrance to our village. jOur police dept. was formed and is very efficient $nd ready to serve at all times. After six years of careful planning and operating conservatively, we are m the black. We should and will continue', to go forward. The candidates listed below have pledged, if elected to save the best interests of our community. % CONTINUE FORWARD WITH LOCAL 0 LOCAL PAfiVY (By Petition) ^ For Four Year Term FOR VILLAGE PRESIDENT fx] Joseph 'Jake' R. Levesque FOR VILLAGE CLERK Emma B. Pyritz FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE John C. Fox . FOR TRUSTEES (Vote for Three) liam E. Creutz 0 Frank Klewin / lx] Eugene Shigley Ladles of the Lake The gals will meet tonight, Thursday, April 13, at 8 p.m., in the beachhouse. Dues are now payable and if you are in arrears, this Is a gentle reminder. Refreshments will be served after the meeting and all women Of the community are cordially invited. Presented at the Font Master John Joseph Cunningham, a mere three weeks old, was presented for christening at St. Patrick's church last Sunday, with Father Coakley officiating. The services were held at 1:30 p.m. Godparents were brother and sister, Carrie and Eddy Reining, who are also the baby's cousins. Mother and daddy, Dorothy and John Cunningham, served dinner at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kroncke. Also present for the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kroncke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Abraham, William Reining, and Theresa and Steve Huska and children. Old enough to enjoy the excitement were wee John's sisters and brother, Wendy, Cindy and Billy. With Pleasure, We Announce The birth of Richard David Sund on Thursday, March- 30, at Memorial hospital for McHenry County. He tipped the scales at a nice 9 pounds. His parents are Mr. cEhd Mrs. L. R. Sund of Cooney Heights, but mother Jean used to romp the streets and prairies of McCullom |||ke in the "good old days Her parents built the home now owned by Mrs. Wanda Senter. •„ This is the fourth boy for the Sunds, and if they keep going, they will have a basketball team! Other lalds include Billy, almost 9 and twins, Dougie and Danny,. 6%. Maternal grandmother, Mrs. Clara Schmitt, took over the household chores while mother Sund was indisposed. Our very best wishes to this nice family. Not Only Dangerous-- But Illegal!! Word has been received that young lads have been noticed shooting carp at the stream, which connects with the lake. The proximity of children playing in the area to the bullets whizzing by, has avoided tragedy by a hair's breath. Those in charge are hoping the dangerous practice ceases before one of our young ones becomes a statistic! Spearing or des^ troying carp is a help but shooting same is illegal! "Hawaii*--Here I Come" Wish it were my theme song, instead, of reporting that Jim Tomasello will be stationed there shortly. How's that for fine duty? Jim is home on leave after successfully completing twenty-eight weeks of schooling as an Electronics technician, class A, at Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif. He graduated with an 86.3 average. He arrived home on Saturday morning much to his family's joy. He departs our shores on April 23 and will be stationed aboard the U.S.S. Cocopa, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Smiles and Tears' Miss Diane Bjork, the almost 14-year old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Torsten Bjork,, was one of twenty-two young men and women confirmed in the brand new Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, on Sunday. The occasion was a joyous one for the young people as they were received into the adult congregation. The tears were evident in all eyes as everyone realised the service was a sad farewell to the Rev. Bur- Wg pat our heads together and we decided we were going to have to mecsdl ®ur if we really want to get anywhere. IVick was to pay ourselves first. Our paycheck was getting away from «s &GSC0ijse we let it. Now we save a little payday and the earnings help it grow. Ym ought to save where we do. Current Rate -- 4% Per Annum Plus Vi% Per Annum Payable at end of 4-year period EALEH : : . • { - J Page Nine ' too Schcdeder, who is leaving for duty in Oregon; Rev. Schroeder was called to Wonder Lake while it was still in the mission stage and he was just barely out of the seminary. His feeling of accomplishment must be great and we know his parishioners will benefit from his experience and warm personality. Sincere best Wishes to Lois and Burt from their many friends in McCullom Lake. Delightful Dates Natal day Congrats to "Senator" Dave Reid today, Thursday, April 13. . . ."Birthing buddies" Michael Nitz and Kevin Rourke share Saturday, April 15, when both will be 3. . . .Pert *n* pretty Diane Bjork will be 14 on the fifteenth, while Betty and Warren Kommer will be wed eleven years on this date. . . .Mrs. Dorothy Miller and Verna Schlofner s&are April 17 as their natal day... . . Votes for,'Bill Creutz wilibe present enough as he marks his birthday on election day, April 18. This is also the anniversary of the. birth of "39er" Ray Osterby. Best wishes to all. You speak for good government through your ballot. Be sure and VOTE on April 18. See you next week ft the details. FLAN "ART SHOWCASE" Elgin is planning its second arts land crafts fair in the future, to be called "Art Showcase --1961". On Saturday, May , 13, artists will show picture!, paintings and craft article^ in the park adjacent to Elgifl high school. Interested persons may obtain entry blarijks by writing Mrs. Robert Soderstrom, 372 North Stale street, Elgin. Few things cool off hot ideas lik6 cold water. GARDEN CLUB HEARS TALK OF VIVIAN RANKIN by Marie Schaettgen - The April meeting of the McHenry Garden Club was one of unusual interest to the fifty or more members and guests who attended. In the absence of Mrs. Dietle, Mrs. Arvidson, vice-president, greeted ' the guests and introduced the speaker, Mrs. Vivian Rankin. A new member, Mrs. Duncan, was welcomed into the club. Chairman for the day was Mrs. Vaughn Jones. With her on the committee were Mrs. Edward Sullivan and Mrs. Erik Braenne. Mrs. John Neuharth presided at the tea table. Mrs. Rankin, a ^member of the Illinois State Conservation department, spoke of the work now in progress on the Fox river and of the future plans for the river and adjacent lakes and parks. The Chain 'O Lakes region is widely known as a fine recreational and residential area at present and will become increasingly so as the plans of the Conservation department go forward. A film showing the many beautiful state parks was shown. Another film of unusual interest to those of us who live in this area was one of the Fox river from its source to its mouth at Ottawa. The film included the opening of the locks at McHenry, with Gov Stratton and local officials participating in the ceremony. The plans for the Fox are exciting. They include deepening and widening of the river and building of locks the entire length of the river to where it joins the Illinois river at Ottawa. Mrs. Rankin explained that funds for this project are derived largely from the sale of fishing licenses and from a proportionate share of a federal tax levied on the sale of all sports fishing equipment. There is a bill pending in the LOOKING FOR A HOME? ^ - Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our mode' home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, II Open Every Sunday Afternoon -- Weekdays call . . Lee Cooney General Contractor * EVergreen 5-4345 Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional , Financing legislature which seeks to dpvert these funds into a general fund. Mrs. Rankin feels' this might hamper the fulfillment of the program and suggests those interested contact' their legislators. OVER 39? you neei Mueller Climatrol AIR CONDITIONING ITS nmi yon put an end to the strain of sweltering Chicago summers with our new Mueller Climatrol air conditioner, wi ssu. mmuts wmatboi because we know it's better built. Better compressor, quieter fans, the best controls . . . quality you'd expect from a manufacturer that's concentrated exclusively on residential heating and air conditioning for 102 years! Yet, because it's the "brand in demand", we can install for no more than you'd pay for an ordinary make. Get our estimate natal FREES Coil far your copy, "longer Kh through Air Coadffibmg." McHenry Heating 8t Air Conditioning Rt. 120 E. McHenry, III. EV 5-0101 ANNOUNCING Anothtr Ben FraaUh SPECIAL GRAND) OPENING!- SPECIAL PRICES! We Invite You To Inspect Our NEW DEPARTMENT featuring . . Baby Furniture, Occasional Chairs and Tables, Unfinished Furniture, Rugs & Lamps. Located ©hove Roth Shoes in the former K. C. Hall ^ o Sales People from our£4ain Store will serve You BABY N1I®S! 6 yr. Hardwood Crib .... Reg. $19.98 All Metal High Chair .... Reg. 13.98 Chrome Plated Hi Chair Reg. 15.98 Welsh Feeding & Play Table .... Reg- 24.98 "Welsh Playmate Jumper Chair Genuine Teeterbabe Reg. 8.98 Hawkeye Deluxe Bath Table Reg- 21.98 Hawkeye Baskenette .... Reg. 8.98 Hawkeye Deluxe Basket & Pads Reg. 16.98 Seat-Sleeper "Puddin Pie" Seat-Sleeper "Nip-Nap" Baby Walker (Folding) Baby Seat-Carrier Baby Swing-Stand $16.88 12.88 1488 22.88 8.88 7.88 18.88 7.88 15.88 $5.98 . 6.98 . 4.98 . 3.98 . 8.88 OCCASIONAL FURNITURE! Early American - Maple Finish REG. SALE Cocktail, lamp, step tables Reg. $12.98 $10.88 (Red-Var plastic tops - resists heat and stains on following tables!) Special group Lamp-step cocktail tables Reg. 9.98 7.88 'Limed Oak - Walnut Danish Modern Group Reg. 16.98 14.88 Solid Maple Early American Group Reg- 29.98 21.88 (Many others to select from our warehouse stocks) Sliding Glass Door Bookcase .... Reg. 29.95 24.88 Ry©S! Famous Chitwood Cotton Rugs 3'x5' size Rubberized Back Reg. $ 2.79 $ 1.99 4'x6' Size Rubberized Back Reg- 4.98 3.88 6'x9' Size Rubberized Back Reg. 10.98 8.88 9'xl2' Size Rubberized Back Reg. 19.98 16.88 Many Colors to Select From Candy Stripe Hall Runner Reg- $1.79 $1.58 yd. BUGSiiS! Welsh Boodle Buggy .... Reg. $14.98 $13.88 Welsh Better Boodle Buggy .... Reg. 17.98 16.88 Welsh Best Boodle Buggy Reg. 21.98 19-88 Welsh Deluxe Buggy .... Reg. 29.98 28.88 (All Buggies are fully Collapsible for taking with you.) BAIT STKOLLIKS! (By Welsh) All Collapsible! Reg. $9.98 Folding Stroller $ 8.88 Reg. $14.98 Strollfer - Sleeper 12.88 Reg. $21.98 Deluxe Stroller - Sleeper 17.88 (One Only Slightly Damaged $21.98 Stroller $15.88) CHAi i T V- Swivel Chairs Reg. $24.98 $22.88 Platform Rockers Reg. 24.98 22.88 Maple Platform Rocker Reg. 24.95 22.88 Leather like upholstery Club Chairs Reg. 24.98 22.88 Any of the above chairs 2 for $44.00 Siesta Reclining Chair Reg. 59.95 49.88 Large Size Swivel Rocker Reg- 49.98 44.88 Early American Cricket Chair Reg. 16.98 15.88 Early American Cricket Rocker Reg. 19.98 17.88 MINED F Clear IPonderso Pine - Sanded Expertly Made Merchandise 1 Drawer Nite Stand .... Reg. $ 7.98 $ 6.88 3 Drawer Small Chest Reg. 998 8.88 9 Drawer Large Dresser Reg. 29.98 24.88 Student Desks $13.88 to $25-88 Bookcases 8.88 to 10.88 LA^PS! Floor to Ceiling Lamp .... Reg. $12.98 $9.88 3 light Tree Lamp Reg. 12.98 9.88 10% Reduction on all Table Lamps! We can order many other styles of Lamps! McHenry, 111 We will Deliver! CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL Bridjfe Tauie & Chairs Limited Quantity Only Bridge Tables Reg. $5.98 Mow $3.99 ea- Bridge Chairs Reg. $3.49 How $2.44 ea. We will Deliver! BEN FRANKLIN Phone EVergreen 5-3000 L O C A L L Y O W N E D South Green Street N A T I O N A L L Y K N O W N McHenry. I1L

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