PfcgtiJtauftMB Tfm M&tmmY wMnMMdUHi x wmmsm • - '! v sr. 19A How Can I ? ,'*Q. What Cjan I do about air Idaks around window frames." A. You can fill these with c$uJfcing material. Putty may be used for small holes, but it Is likely to dry and fall out of larger ones. In small quantities, the ca,ulkingr ma terial may be applied by hand with a putty. knife. However, if the amount of work is considerable, you would do better with a .caulking grin, which can be purchased from a paint ..or hfcrdwaro store. 1 Q. How can I reduce the shrinkage of woolen socks? A. Remember -- woolen socks shrink not so much from soap and water as from extremes of water temperature. Tepid water Is best for washing woolen socks. Q. How can I camouflage some minor nicks and scratches in my black vrought-iron furniture? A. You can effect this nicrly with some black crayon. Wipe off the excess crayon with some face tissues. Q. How can I easily remove the oldi dried glue that remains in a hole in which a chair leg or rung is to be replaced? A. Wrap some sandpaper around a dowel that ,s slightly smaller than the hole. Chuck the dowel In your hand brace, and rotate it in the hole. This will remove all the old bits of glue, and insure you a much better repair Job. Q. How can I make bottles carried in traveling leak-proo££ A. After fitting the corks tightly into them, dip into some melted paraffin. You can tie a piece of heavy paper over the tops of the bottles to make them even more secure. __ Q. How can I keep the excess oil from soiling material after oiling the sewing machine? < A. This can fee prevent by tying a small plc.v of- cottpn string tightly around the needle bar* near the * place where the bar grips the needle. Q. The areas around our light switches are forever becoming smudged up. <How can I keep these areas clean more easily? ' A. After a\ood cleaning job, apply a thin coat or two of fresh white shellac. This will make future cleansings much quicker and eabler. An occasional dab with a damp cloth will usually do the trick. Q. How can I keep the inside of a cedar closet or, chest fragrant and mothproof^ A. By sanding thp inxHta ot these containers lightly aft least once a year. Sanding reopens the pores in the wood, releasing the natural 08 which repels the moths. Q. How can I keep "lacquered icopper in good condition? A. Rub it occasionally with a cloth wet in kerosene. BORING HOLES To avoid getting a ragged edge on the back\ side of the board, back the panel with a block of scrap wood or lay it flat on top of a board. Clamp the two pieces together till after the hole is drilled. LEVEL CHECK You can improvise a "level" from art ordinary glass measuring cup which ha? markings on both sides. If the cup is filled with water to any one of the marks, it will show that the surface is level when the water contacts the mark on all sides of the cup. --j SANDPAPER STORAGE Use an old phonograph record album as a storage book for sandpaper and other abrasive sheets. Put each grade of abrasive in a separate sleeve land label so that each one cajn be quickly located. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOH COME TO :V WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OP SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS •onto 129 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, nt Phone ^Vergreen 5-6260 DEPARTMENT BIG DAYS! APRIL 27-28-29- 30 and MAY 1 5 BIC DAYS! ARDEN'S BONUS Hrr«r«rt * f* h Anftitepr Appliance FREE • FREE • FREE Any One Item I • Ladies Ice Cube Watch • Men's Wrist Watch • 72 pc. Set Stainless Steel Silverware t Portable Transistor Radio FREE PRIZES & REFRESHMENT A Hit OVER FOR ALL! ,000.00 SN and PRIZES No Purchase Necessary GIFTS SATURDAY, ONLY Cooking Demonstration In Cooperation With NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO. 1 4 LOOK! $100 WHAT I F# "HP V N SAVE $ $ ON EVERYTHING YES! You Gin Believe Y@ur Eyes! This dotqplete Bedroom Suite May Be Purchased For Only $1.00 With The Purchase of Any 2 Piece Living Room Suite or Sectional. Double Dresser Mirror Chest Panel Bed SECTIONALS RUGS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS TABLES , DOM SUITES G ROOM SUITES E SETS BEDDING CARPETS LL ACCESSORIES TELEVISION REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS RANGES AIR CONDITIONERS STEREO HI-FI WASHERS DRYERS BUNK BEDS RADIOS JUVENILE FURNITURE SAVE $> $ ON IEVE3Y o G THIS SALE AT ESI 1LY ID LAKE Omi SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. ARDE STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday 9 aon. to 2 p.m. FURNIT C TING - TE TWO LOCATIONS F0I YOUt COIVI E ILI Rd. Put Your Heart in Your Home .. . Your Confidence in Arden's We Sell THE S1ST -- And Service THII REST! 219 N. Cedar Kimball 6- ROUND LAKE, ILL. 318-320 E. Hawley St. MUNDELEIN . LO i