&<as&r- Apni sr. mi Ttffi tacMkR? £LAiftb&Ai££ St. Mary's first Communicants Ringwood AWABD PRIZE TO MBS. ED WHITING AT SOCIAL CLUB ^ Ruby Shepard Kotalik Studio Photos Pictured above are members of the large class of First Communicants at St. Mary's Catholic church. They received the Sacrament at Sunday Mass on Apri] 16. Pictured with them are Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer, pastor, in center, Rev. Harold Nilges, left, and Rev. Albert Renn&l, right. The class included forty-eight girls and fifty-seven boys. OBITUARY f TOM BYRNES Thomas J. Byrnes, 62, of 5J17 W. Orchard Drive, Mc- Cuilom Lake, succumbed to a tqjrmin&l illness about 5 p.m. Thursday. His wife, Mary, was with him at the'time. His physician was summoned and a n|sh call to the Johnsburg Rescue squad was answered by that group. Mr. Byrnes was glfen oxygen, but to no avail. Abo!» two years ago, Mr. BJ&nes underwent surgery and diring that time he had been uider constant doctor's care at|d was recently released from Hlnes hospital at his request. Jte wae bom in the city df cago on May 23, 1898, and married Mary Davenport on April 10,| 1920. The couple recently passed their forty-fifst wifcling Anniversary date.t Mr. Byrnes Was employed as district manager in the circulaltion department of the Daily Nbws fof twenty-five years. He reared two years ago because of illness. The couple have owned their home in McCullom Lake for thirteen years and became permanent residents a short time later. veteran of World War I, Mr. Byrnes was ..buried with full military honors. An honor guard from the American Legion stood watch beside the casket u^til services were held from the George Justen funeral home on Monday morning. The cortege proceeded to St. Paul's Episcopal church, where Father Eldridge conducted the Mass. Interment was in Woodlaftgj cemetery. In addition to his wife, Mary, Mr. Byrnes is survived by one son, Thomas J., Jr.; four grandchildren, Peggy, Patricia, Tommy III, and Billy; brothers, Charles, John Paul and Richard; and three sisters. They are Mrs. Alice McGowan, Mi's. Helen Hansen and Mrs. Mary McGovern. A man who was dedicated in his devotion to his country, Mr. Byrnes was a member of the American Legion Post, No. 491, Wdrld7* War I Barracks, McHenry, and a member of the Last Man's Club--108th Engineers, Chicago. Many men go through life with an inquiring mind, but don't appreciate her. SLATE PROCEEDS OF HOUSE NUMBER SALES FOR YOUTH The McHenry Junior Chamber of Commerce reminds all residents of the McHenry mailing area that teams of Jaycte ntembers will be calling upon them shortly to handle the sale and installation of the new house numbers necessitated by the current postal readdressing plan. Attractive, functional house numbers will be offered at a nominal cost, and installed on the spot for no extra charge. Proceeds from the sale will be budgeted for future youth and civic activities. WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT of our Spring Paint Sale and C®lor Clinic in Next Week's Issue of this paper Alexander Lumber Co. On Highway SI -- South of Main St. -- McHenry, 111. SVergreen 5-1424 I J GIANT 250 size NOW \ • IV«r, m SAVE 1 Helena Rubinstein 5 Color-Tone Shampoos NOT A TINT, NOT A RINSE... RICH SHAMPOO WITH COLOR HI8HLI8HT8 Just once each year Helen* Robin* stein bottles her famous color-rich shampoo k lightweight, unbreakable plastic and oSers you a whopping 150 size lor only L501 Yoa me 1.00 on every bottle! $ Choose the color mode for your own hair shade. Tour own shade, but brighter, emerges from this creamy conditioning shampoo. Your hair U radiant with lustre. Blonde-Tone, Red-Head, Brunette-Tone, Brown* Glow, Silver-Tone or Silk-Sheen Cream Shampoo, without color. On sale at the same time: superrich Silk*Sheen Cream Rinse, a conditioning wonder that makes all hair easy-to-manage. Prices plus tax. BOLGER'S DRUG 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained the women's afternoon social club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. , High score went to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and low to Mrs. Bertha- Peet. Sewing Circle The W. S. C. S. Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon and the women embroidered in the afternoon. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crispy of. Crystal Lake announce the arrival of a daughter born April 21 at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. She has a little sister to welcome her. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy are' the proud grandparents. Demonstration Party Miss Lona Brever entertained at a demonstration party at her home Thursday evening. There were eighteen present. Personals Irving Herbert of Chicago is visiting his sister, Mrs. Emily Beatty. * I; Mrs. Ernest ReinWiall and sons of McHenry visited he* parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Hawley, Tuesday. Miss Lona Brever attended a birthday party at Btlrlington Wednesday evening. Mrs. Peter Sebastian and Mrs. Cora Woods spent Sunday in the Robert Woods home at Genoa city and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Cora Woods. Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Lona Brever attended a meeting of the Moose at McHenry Tuesday evening. Mr. and ifirs. Pete Sebastian were visitors at Twin Lakes Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Lutz of Fox Lake spent Tl.urscay evening with Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. William Cruickshank; Mrs. Shandlemeier and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, attended a district meeting of the W.S.C.S. and installation of officers at Arlington Heights Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Lisk, Jr., of Richmond spent Sunday in the Earl Kunz home. Mrs. Mayers of Hampshire called on IVIrs. William Hepburn Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Annabel Blasius and family of Round Lake were visitors in the Earl Kunz home Satuttiay. Mrs. John Skidmore, Mrs. Fred Bowman and Mr. and Mi's. John Ehlert spent Tuesday evening m the Russel Ehiert home at Richmond. Mrs, Ruby Shepard was a Sunday dinner guest in the Rav Page home at McHenry. Mrs. Arthur Larson of Antioch called on Mrs. William Hepburn Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent the weekend with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, visited relatives at Woodstock Sunday evening. Mrs. Roland McCannon of Normal and Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago are caring for their mother, Mrs. Ben Wslkington, this week. Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Charles Frey and Irving Herbert visited relatives in Elgin Friday. William, Jr., arid Elizabeth Ann Cruickshank of Chicago spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Fred Wiedrich were dinner guests in the Bob Brennan home Thursday. Mr. and Mi's. Walter Wilcox of - Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. William Cruickshank was in Denmark, Iowa, on business over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family were supper guests at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Butch Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the FretP Wiedrich home. Mrs. William Cruickshank and grandchildren, William and Elizabeth Ann Cruickshank, spent Saturday in the Francis Hallisy home at Hartland. Mrs. Ottoson and Mrs. John Hogan attended a county Home Bureau meeting in the city park at Woodstock where they enjoyed outdoor cooking. Mr. - and Mrs. John Hogan and family, Ruth Ann Schoenholz of McHenry, Jim Brady of Lakemoor and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood celebrated John Hogar.s sixtieth birthday Sunday. Mr. apd Mrs. Armentrout and son, • Ron, of Cedar Lake, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nfelson of Sterling were Sunday dinner guests of" Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Robe tit Oxtoby and family of Spring j Grove were supper guests. J Mr. ana Mrs. Earl Kunz and Mr. anc^ Mrs. Michael Reidy of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in the Mrs. Annabel Blasius home at Round Lake. NELS OLSON Jerry Cristy and daughter of Crystal Lake, Susie and Cristy Fossum were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Sunday. The Ringtfffcia oaseball team met at the John Hogan home Wednesday evening. They ordered new uniforms. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy visited their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jerry Cristy and new daughter at the Woodstock Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Culvey and daughter and Karen Brown of Belvidere spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family, Yvonne and Cindy Bruce spent Sunday at Brookfield zoo. r Charles Sowers was a suppex guest in the Sigurd Jacobsen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and daughter, Jackie, spent Sunday in the George Miller home in Chicago. >'Mr. and Mrs. v'harles Brennan, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Lilly Boyd visited Dick Wilder at' Hartland Sunday afternoon. TIPS ON WATER HEATERS The water heater is a 24 hour a day appliance. It is the most automatic and most used appliance in the home. It should be chosen carefully for quality, durability, and capacity. Future requirements for hot water as well as present needs should be kept in mind in selecting a water heater. ACTION TAKEN § ON LICENSES OF f FOURTEEN DRIVERS* The driver license op Irwin Nicholls of Lakemoor has beerj, revoked by the state drivers' license division for drivings while intoxicated. The license! of Robert Nabors of McHenr^" was suspended for three viola-.' tions. t! Probationary permits hav£ been granted to William Fitf^; ton of Harvard; ' Donald H:' Grant, Lorenz Kaufmann, Cafjj. G. Martin, Herman Phillipsl* Milton C. Reha and LeRoy J. | Rollins of McHenry; Robert! Harris, Stanley Lojko a«<L Werner Scholz of- Crystals Lake; John Sisto of Algonquin^ and James Jones of Lake in tl«53 Hills. - S Likely, more children wouldg follow their parents, if theyj* only knew Where they were. 9 AT GAtLKE SALE BARN -- Olson and Calhoun Sts. Woodstock, Illinois W. H. Russel, Auctioneer SUNIMY, APRIL 30th. 1961 12:80 p.m. Daylight Savings Time Having decided to discontinue my store, will sell at public auction the following: NEW BUILDING MATERIALS In and Outside Doors; Screep and §torm Doors; Sash, frames and trim; 3x8 and 3x6 flrritters; ROOfiftg Aw# Caulking Comr pound; Spraying Machine with motor and gun; 25 HP Motor with tank; Hardware; Tile for Floors and Cement; Venetian Blinds; Metal Outside Awnings; Electric Generator w/piump and tank; Cash Register; Scale; Gas Engine; Motor Boat and Trailer; Used Motor Boat; Electrical Supplies; Overshoes and Rubber Footwear; Many articles to numerous to mention. NELS OLSON, Owner Telephone FE 8-034® FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK Clerking1"' Member Federal Reserve Rank and F.D.I.C. OR LIMITED TIME ONLY! If pi wiift the finest caisistir ilianir pi 11 owi...wisf8 pfi a ffiil buy fir yi Mo<M M has sift tin price on ti§ nw ConsteSSition " SOW ONLY $4050 Here's your chance to so^ll €@®o In, 8®© ©Sfl ftho 'cjofksaving feature* Carey Appliance, Inc. Reasons To Save New Home? # New Car? # College for your children? # Retirement? SAVE where It is SAFE and CONVENIENT -- where dollars earn healthy dividends Current Dividend Rate 4% Plus Vi% Extra Per Annum Marengo Feder Savins abb mm ASSOClJOTOIf MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7*68 A Mutual Company Serving; Northern Sllinclb gfflnwn 1930 Total Assets Over $13,0O8J8M9 CLINTON MARTIN 3 Rt. 4 McHenry, I1L EVergreen 5-0527 ferrf litHe tires l-sized tires on jour compact? WHICH IS THE RAMBLER AMERICAN? - 1 | RAY BOOKt COMPAR28 Small compacts like Falcon, Cor- Rambler American is the economy vair, use 13-inch tires that turn a compact with big 15-inch tires that million times more every 10,000 look better, run cooler, last longer, miles--run hotter, wear faster. give more load-carrying capacity. 119 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-5500 +FREE 28-Page Illustrated X-RAY BOOK At Your Rambler Dealer Compares '61 Cars Side By Side | Get a Rambler American! X-Ray shows, it's BETTER Compare Falcon, Comet, Corvair, Valiant, Lark, Lancer with Rambler American's thorough excellence, such as 9,000-weld Single-Unit construction. Deep-Dip rustproofing up to the roof. X-Ray shows it's a BETTER BUY The better-built Rambler American officially carries lowest price of any U.S. sedan. It is priced from S67* to $485* LESS than ALL other American-made compacts. •Price comparisons are based on manufacturers' svg* geued factory detirertd prices for lowest-priced models. World Standard of Compact Car Excellence 405 W. Elm St., McE