Pag» Sixteen THE MdHENRY PLAHTOEALER Lakeland Park .WOMAN'S CLUB ENDS CURRENT SEASON THURSDAY Pat GelwTrtts EV. 5-3712 or EV. 5-4043 Hope we have a good turn out .for our Woman's club fepeeting tonight, Thursday, May 4, at 8:30 p.m. in the qommunity house, being the jlpst social before the summer vacation starts, and Jo Rizzo and her committee's last doings. The committee .has a leal surprise in store for you, rib hope you can make it. Bring ••jjpur new neighbors and help them get acquainted. The new officers will be installed into their new positions. Quarterly Dues Now Payable ApriL 30 or MJiiy l enc|ed and liegan another fiscal year of Wir assqeiation. Thus association dues and quarterly dues "j&re payable. If this has slipped your mind, take your payment right over to your block captain before you forget once again. New Resident The new resident is in the Holas home on Shore Drive. Rose Mary and Frank haye added another daughter to their family. This little Miss was born at Harvard hospital on Friday night, April 28. She weighed in at a wee 5 lbs. 4 ozs. Ready to help all they can are her brother and sisters -- Debbie, age 5, Cheri, age 4, and Bobby age 2. Roaring Twenties The Roaring Twenties is the gay theme for our LPPOA spring dance that is slated for Saturday night. May 13, at 9 p.m. at the American Legion hall. Flapper style dress will be allowed too. Time is nearjng, so pick up your ticket from your block captain now. Little League We wish to thank all the -hoys who came out for the geld try out§ last Sunday, ;-April 30. Watch the paper for fhrther notice next week. Sympathy We send our sympathy to the family of Peter A. Julian ot 312 Park Avenue, Lakeland Park, who passed away Sunday morning, April 30, after a six month illness. He was 60 years old and was born March 7, 1901 in Hinsdale. The Julians moved here three years ago from Elmwood Park. Peter was a model maker for a Chicago firm. He is survived by his wife, Delia, and son, Richard, and wife and three children of Maywood, two sister^ and two brothers. Burial services were held Wednesday, May 3, at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's. He was buried in St. Mary's cemetery in McHenry. Sympathy is extended to Jeanne Neault of 611 Hilltop drive, Lakeland Park, upon the death of her father, A. J. Neault of 733 Woodbine, Oak Park. Mr. Neault passed away April 24. Services were held April 28 at St. Giles church in Oak Park . and he was buried in the Queen of Heaven cemetery in Hillside. New Arrival John and Vivian Steele ' of 4700 Willow are the pleased parents of a charming little Miss. Pamela Ann was born April 18 at the Oak Park hospital in Oak Park. She weighed 7 lbs. 13% ozs., was 21 inches long, has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Mother and baby returned home April 22 and are doing fine. Pam is the first child of the Steeles. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Archie Steele of Bellwood, and Mrs. Florence Williams of Berkely. First Communions Mary Frances Deja received her first Communi6n at St. Patrick's church on Sunday, April 30. Present to celebrate this occasion were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Deja, and Pat, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palm and famuy; her great grandmother, M|rs. Frank Palm; great aunts, Misses Marg Jansen, Kate Jansen, Mary Jansen and Mabel Palm; a friend, Arhe Carlson; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Morrisey and family; all of Chicago; and Mr. and Mrs. John Bazan and family of Wonder Lake. Debbie Gladman, age 8, also made -her first Communion that day at St. Patrick's. A dinner was given by her par ents, Ed and Mickey, later Sunday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Gladman and Ed's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Barna and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young, Mickey's sisters, Lynn Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Foudos and daughter, Diane, Mickey's nephew, Joe Young, all from Chicago. Later in the evening Bob and Gayle Laursen and two daughters joined in the fete. Patti Rogers, daughter of Jerry aiftl Dolores Rogers, received her first Communion at St. Patrick's Church on April 30. Attending her Communion reception were her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Figueroa, and Mr. and Mrs. August Coutre both of Chicago, mid other aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. John Lohse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rogersand family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers and family, • all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers and family of Glenn Ellyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogers and family of Lake in the Hills, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rogers and family of Oaklawn. the rtpoud medals he destervingly wtfn. Bradford Grote, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Grote of 416 Home Avenue, was also eligible to compete as he t*JO receive^ a district first place rating in a clarinet solo. At the state finals Brad received a second place rating and also medals to keep. Band Winners Paul Schwegel, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schwegel of 81 Clearview, received another first place rating in a clarinet solo, and this time at the* state-finals of the Illinois Grade School band contest, which was held April 28 at Ashton, 111. For this year, this is the extent of his competing but he will always hold Get1 Wett Wishes To Lee Hulbert, age 4%, came down with a severe case of hives rfecfently. The measlefc are on thfe War path again^! Both Elaine Berttari and Eddie Bock flowered out with the measles last Thursday. Elaine and Ed are reported to be doing fine. Larry, and, Billy Oakford were sick with the flu lttst week. The flu hit hard Sunday afternoon, April 23, but, we're glad to say it only stayed a few days. Johnny Meurer, 2, was rushed to the McHenry hospital April 25, in the ambulance after falling out of a cat. He was treated for facial cut's and scratches and had one stitch over his eye. Brian Nuss, 4, of 1516 Ramble road, is resting hr the Woodstock Memorial hospital due to an illness after receiving a severe blow to the head. Brian was admitted * t& the hospital last Friday and the date of his exit is indefinite. snow Mfezafcd Would not permit their travel. Tfiey finally reached their home ftt 11a.m. Monday morning. Happy Anniversary Bill and Gloria Sedorenko celebrated their sixteenth year of togetherness April 27. Paul and Jo Rizzo observed their twenty-second anniversary April 22. Ken and Marion Hulbert celebrated their sqndtline (ninth) anniversary on April 9. Judy and Fred Ludwig's anniversary was April 27, and as usual, hubby forgot. Happy Birthday To Joan Dort on May 1 who was one year old, to Donfta Kwiatek on May 1 who reached thirteen, Matt Bott on May 2; to Janice PariBi on May 3, Dorothy Humphreys on May 4, Jean Hahndorf on May 5, Mary Ladd on May 7, Pat Gelwicks on May 8, and Ray Grote on May 10. Belated Birthday Doings Patti Anne Grizely celebrated her first birthday, April 8. The celebration took, place at Patti Anne's grandma's, Mrs. Jack Gribely, ht Chic^o. Relatives and frJerida dropped in for a party. „ The Grizelys left for home SuncSay evening around 6:30 p.m. They reached Mundelein and were forced to remain over night with some relatives as the PRomsionst TORY R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car eosts for you. Call us today and find out for yourseif. JSraka Service All MeciiEiiileal Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH*S Au4fe> Serwfei "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE: 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-®8|l McHenry, 111. SAFE BIG BOX FUU exclusive of cleaning all woo lens safe! &•$ easy, simple, fhriftyt We supply yoo with a large storage bo». Y&u fill it So the brim with your Winter weolens. We ct©an, insure and store all garments, safe from moths, fire, theft! & Let your furs take it easy our safe storage vaults Protect your fine fuFS hi our reliable Summer Storage. All garments insured. Low Rates. Layndif & Dry Cleaners L. V. Adams, Jr. Phone EV Trip To Wedding Larry and Helen Strandquist returned home Monday night, April 23, after attend ing their son's wedding in New Orleans. They left for Louisiana March 29. Their son, Wayne, wis married April 4 to Cathy Breaux in Lafitte, La The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Jessie Breaux They Spent their honeymoon in Grand Isle, La. Wayne and Cathy will make their home in Gretna, La. Wayne is making the Navy a career and, is stationed in New Orleans. He has been with the Navy for the past five years. Larry Strandquist, Jr. and family of Wheaton and Mr. and - Mrs. A. R. Moore of Antioch attended the wedding also. • Mr. and Mrs. Jesste* Breaux returned with , Larry and Helen for a 'few days yid headed back to Lafitte Thursday, April 28, by train. Larry and Helen had a wonderful time fishing, boating and spending time on the Breaux's camp^jotjut on island. Celebration Bob and Jessie Mathews, Waited and Inge Pissowotzki and Bob and Audrey Koczor observed their wedding anniversaries on Saturday night by going out for dinner and dancing in Des Plaines. The Matthews, and Pissowotzkis celebrated their ninth anniversaries and the Koczors their seventh anniversary. And many more happy anniversaries to all. Grandma's Visit Marion Hulbert's mother, Mrs. Haake, from Chicago spent several days visiting and baby sitting with the children while Ken and Marion celebrated their ninth anniversary by taking in a movie and enjoying a delicious dinner. Grandma Haake had visitors Saturday evening, April 22, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Lipke from McCullom Lake. , • Visitors "•; Ken ahd Marion Hulber entertained several guests Friday and Sunday, April 21 and 23. Friday guests were Marion's brother Earl Haake from Wau-< conda and' Mr* and Mrs. Fred, Land from Lake Villa. Their Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dittmer, granddaughter, Susie, and Grandma Jessie Hulbert, all from Marseilles. John Somners surprised Alma and Paul Brushaber recently enroute to his Chicago home from Florida and leaving some Florida fruit for them to enjoy. Saturday afternoon Alma's sister and husband^ Mr. and Mrs. F. Paulus, and Joy Dawn of Chicago surprised the Brushabers with a visit. Wednesday, April 26, Alma attended a club luncheon at the home of Mrs. John Behrendt of Lilymoor. TBurwfoy, May 4 lS@f PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the .public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. 'Our only, request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone- number.. We ask, too, that one indi- • vidual not write on the same subject more thgn once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste. >_ Visiting Ron and Barb Meurer and family went to Lombard Sunday in honor of the birthday of Barb's mother, Mrs. Miller. MILK PRODUCTION Milk production in- Illinois totalled 348 million pounds during March, accorling to the Illinois Department of Agriculture's Division of Agricultural Statistics. This was 2 per cent below March a year ago and 14 percent below the average for the month. The family tree of some characters must have been a slippery elm. Our younger generation will soon be the older generation, and then will start worring about the younger generation. The Communist Threat "To the Viewers of "Operation Abolition:" "On Tuesday, April 25, we were witness to an incredible a n d0 f r i g h t e n i n g d i s r e g a r d , abuse and revilement of a legally constituted committee of our representatives of the Congress of the United States by a mob of students led, directed and incited by known Communists. One viewer challerfged Capt. Hampton Cof Glenview Naval Air Station) on the authenticity, accuracy, and credibility of the film. "To those of you who harbor any doubts as to :he validity of what we saw, may I suggest that you write to: Education for American Security, Post Office Box 43, Glenview, 111. Phone: Park 9-1898. "Capt. Hampton recommended this organization as a source of further information on Communist activity in this country. Among the verifications you will receive are: (1) A copy of a letter to the Washington Post from Chair- EARIL...ffi, WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Kile IN. COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Aug Kind Phom© IWes'gFeea '5-02KL3 ®z? &»#$•. 8429 W. Kim St., McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0180 Res. Phone: EV 5-0191 Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:00 Taes. ft Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-61 DR. L BOTTARI Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hoars: Evening* Tues., Itei. & VrL ? to 9 p.m. Saturdays: S to O p.m. Phone EV. S-826S 2-61 ACBBOEDER IKON WORKS •tesstaiHa! ESaal Visit Oar RnplMe 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 8-61 GORDON E. 8ERGANT Registered Professional Engineer PereoIa£k3 TOsofto 8an#tc®sa Losmntts Waftoi? Snuusply Programs Richmond 4198 Yi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wllmot Road 5-61 DR. EDGAR E. PfiASLEE Miner Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 8816 W, Main, McHenry, 111. Office Honrs: iifly except Thursday 1-5 Itaa* Wed. dk FH. Evenings 7-9 EVergreen 5-0489 Ml LOOKING FOR A HOME? Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our mode^ •home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, II Open Every Sunday Afternoon -- Weekdays "f11 . . Lee Cooney General Contractor f • J EVergreen 5-4345 Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing man Francis E. Walter of the House Committee" on Un-American Activities. Included in the letter are statements by F.B.I. Director J, Edgar Hoover in support of the committee hearings, and condemning „ the student demonstrations. (2) A statement from seven ministers present at, and witness to the proceedings in the hearing room on May 12 and 13. (3) Testimony before the Un-American Activities committee by Dr. Fred erick Schwarz, head of Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, etc. "'Let all those who then doubt, rise and be numbered -- as are our days, if we do not Wake Up, Inform Ourselves, and Enlist in this battle for Our Freedom!.! 1973 is not far distant, is it?? That is the Communist timetable for engulfing the world (this includes the U.S.A.) --- and not as a result of a "Hot War". "Bernadette B. Davis "525 Golf View Road "McIJenry, Illinois" "Dear Sir: "I wonder if the people of your area are aware of the major contributions made by the Scouting units of Richmond, Spring Grove anc. points in between, at the. Decent Scout-O-Rama. Ypur area units comprised at least a quarter of the total number of exhibits. "The unit leaders and com,* mittee members and. your corps of neighborhood commissioiAu deserve the highest commendation for the work they have done in and "with these units; but most of all, I was impressed with the performance and deportment of the Scouts themselves, because they certainly demonstrated all of the good things that Scouting stands for. This was true of Cubs, Scouts and Explorers alike. £ "The members of the KMIwaukee district committee in charge -of arrangements were highly appreciative of the cooperation of all who participated in the event. "Sincerely, "C. W. Cocns' v Program chairman . Children who ride school buses often spend more tMe and travel more miles on the highways than do their parents who drive their own cars. SAFELY GET GLARE PROTECTION WIT! BAIISCI & LOMB'S SUN GLASSES. Dazzling glare is hard on your eyes and harder for safe driving. Best bet for true eye protection, is a pair of Ray-Baa Sun Glasses. Lenses are ground and polished like prescription glasses, unlike ordinary sun glass lenses. Choose from over 70 styleB and colors to suit every outdoor need. TRY ON A PAIR...YOU WON'T SETTLE FOR LESS/ BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. $ EV 5-4500 FLAMELESS ELECTRIC WATER HEATING So Clean. So Sale. So Modern Today's New Fast Electrics heat water really hotreally fast--enough for 6 tub baths in one hoiir! Twin heating units in a Fast Electric Water Heater heat water so fast--you always have plenty on tap (even if the shower and your automatic washer are going at the same time). One electric unit heats water at the bottom of the tank, the other at the top. Thus, New Fast Electrics supply 150° water faster than any other kind. INSTALLS ANYWHERE New Fast Electric Wfiter Heaters go anywhere you want--under the kitchen counter* in a closet or down in the basement. Electrics are not tied to a chimney by a flue. They require no long pipe runs or vents. There is no pilot to light, no flames or fuel to worry about. Fast Electric Water Heaters last longer than any other kind. You can expect service of 15 years or more from any electric water heater you buy. For complete facts on the special low rate on electric water heating call our nearest office. ^7 Pabtic Service Company £> Commonwealth Ediaon Company o