^Atorsday, May 11. 1961 THE McHENRY~ PLAINDEALER McHenry Shorts INCREASE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY SIX NEW MEMBERS Alice McKelly - EV. 5-2661 • T U. fmjFhe monthly meeting of the nrcHenry . Shores Club, Inc., held at the V.F.W. hall, May 4, was highlighted by the election of six new members for its board of directors. The membership of the club approved an increase in the number of members of the board of directors from three to nine, which required- the election of six additional members. Successful candidates for the vacancies ffld the term of office for which they were elected are as follows: For 3 year terms; Charles Ramage and John McKelly; for 2 year terms; Mrs. William Corcoran and Herbert Clausen; for. 1 year terms; Charles MacCallum and Gu.; Smith. Sorry Kids tfgffW SSAC regrets to report tnat plans for a trip, to an airport to witness the usual Alined Forces Day demonstrations' on May 20 have been cancelled. It was learned just recently that air shows are not scheduled for this year. The Army reports that a ground exhibit would be open to the public at O'Hare Field but at Glenview operations would be norti^ l. Fort Sheridari and Great Cakes will be represented in the Armed Forces Day parade in Chicago. New Addresses May 1 was the effective date for the change-over to new addresses throughout the county and, of course, our community is just one of the many that are adjusting to new house Timbers, and in some instances, street names as well. We can assist visitors and drivers of delivery trucks if we know the new street names. So remember-- Fox avenue is now South Orchid Path, Park avenue is now West Vista Terrace, and Grandview drive is now West Biscayne Road. Simple, isn't it? So, if we all get our new numbers on our own 4$>mes and "the-man" puts up the new street signs, order will be restored. Spring Planting and Clean-TTp Fair weather seems to have imspired the folks in the Shores to beautify their areas. The paint brush, rake, hoe, and roto-tiller seem to have temporality replaced the golf club, tennis racquet and ball bat. The results are becoming quite noticeable and - soon our community will be the best in the Northwest. (OUR MOTTO) Welcome Home To the Clausens upon their return May 1 from about three weeks of other ^places and climes. It seems that they chose the right time for a car trip to Florida. No rain -- no snow. Their journey took them to Clearwater for a visit with old friends. After an enjoyable stay there, the itinerary included such delightful places es Tampa, Sarasota, Ft. Meyers, Miami and Palm Beach. An interesting sidelight of their travels' was the "Dog Races". Winifred chose - the winner quite a few times. Scientific approach, you know. The dog s name, Time of Day, and position of their tails, all contributed to making the proper selection. Herb said that the next time they go to the races he will take Winifred's advice. GJad to have you back folks. Also a welcome home to John and Daisy Smith who have returned from an extended vacation spent in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Wo missed you. Hi Neighbor Our visit this week takes us to the center of "town" or to be more exact, Vista Terrace (formerly Park avenue) the home of Bill and Joan Dostal. These folks came to McHenry Shores in May, 1959, from Chicago. Thelf two sons, Billie and Jimmie, nave become very acclimated to this area that is so ideal for the small fry. Billie will be five next month and Jimmie will be two in October. Father Bill commutes to Chicago daily where he works as an electronics technician. Golf and baseball fill in his schedule of activities for the days off. His training includes schooling at Morton high school, Morton Junior college, and Illinois Institute of Technology. Joan attended schools in Gage Park, before assuming the big responsibility of home manager for Bill. Her service to the community as recording secretary for the MSC during I960 are remembered by all of us. Joan's brother, Don Musielak, of Chicago will become a mem- Page Srnntecn St*;fx.1 --* " ®V" -- ' •» - NORCROSS Once t year we pamper our : ladies, send diem our love pjjand thanks. And the nicest • . way to do it is with a beau- CsSfy/f tiful Norcross card. BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 Mr. Sorlie has rented his farm, and will offer the following personal pjroperty for sale at public auction on the ^ Silver Maple Farmslocated 5 miles East of McHenry, 111., 3% foiles North of Wauconda, 1 miles East of Route 12, being 1 mile South of Route 59A on the Volo-Gilmer Road, on m Y. Commencing at 12:30 o'clock DST LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TRUCK -- 1957 International S130 truck with dual wheels and Mid-west combination stock and grain body, steel bed, hydraulic hoist, only 10,000 miles. BARN EQUIPMENT -- 38 stanchions, drinking cups and pipeline; 3 barn fans; 2 Surge compressors with motors, 1 new; 1 box stall. 3 TRACTORS, BALER, CHOPPER & FARM MACHINERY-- Massey Harris 44 Special tractor with 3-pt. hitch and mtd. 3/14 plow; Massey Ferguson ftfodel 50 tractor with power steering, Davis front end loader and 3-pt. hitch rear blade, only 649 hours; MH 33 tractor with cult.; Case 30 baler with Wis. motor; Gehl chopper with corn and hay head; Gehl blower with pipe; Case 8 ft. grain drill with fert. & grass seed attach.; Oliver 4-row corn planter; NH PTO spreader; Mayrath 32 ft. elevator with drag line and gas engine; NH ^de rake on rubber; Cobey 12 ft. hyd. disc f.ii rub.; JD 10 rt. disc; NI mower; 4-Sec. rotary hoe; MH 2-row mtd. corn picker; JD 2/16 plow on rubber; Gehl portable hammermill; cultipacker; 4-sec. steel drag; 3 Cobey RT wagons and a com. plete iine of farm machinery. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT & TOOLS -- 750 bu. cap. steel corn crib; Bolens 24 in. Ridemaster riding mower with ,4 HP'motor; 2-wheel trailer; 3 feed bunks; saddle, bridle and falters; Champion air compressor with % HP motor; 2 Jamesmy hog feeders; chicken nests, feeders and waterers; drive sits; doors; windows; several overhead door tracks; and many other miscellaneous items. 4tOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS including Walnut dining room set with buffet and chairs; refrigerator; chest of drawers; desk and other items. SILVER MAPLE FA O. T. SORLIE & SON. Owners Rollers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 ber of our community about May 6 when he moves into that new house at 3213 Terrace drive. We wish continued happiness and success for this happy family group. Sick List Bill Pinkonsly, Jr., is home recuperating aft e^"^urgeiy. Good luck, Bill. Good Deed Clarence Mueller has erected a sign on Idyll Dell and Route 31 for the Fun Fair. Birthdays A happy birthday to George Gunder on May 13. Also to Helen Simonsen who will celebrate oh May 14. B£st wishes to Louise Winters on May 18. Anniversaries Happy anniversary wishes on May 12 to Bill and Gladys Lokay and also to Gus and Helen Smith as they start another year of togetherness. On May 16, Clarence and Irene Mueller will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Congratulations and best Wishes folks. Here and There Ladies from McHenry Shores who attended a luncheon in Geneva were Bea MaoCaliuiv. Helen Smith, Mildred Snivelv Irene Middtekauff and Marion Barrows. Afterwards everyone toured the shops and other places of interest in Geneva. In Closing SIGNS OF NEXT WINTER Fred Stark chopping logs for next winter's fires. Harry Mi>- ler building a fence to stop nexi winter's snow drifts. Pinon trees have been known to live 375 years, and produce seemingly rot-free wood. Many of these timbers, put into pre- Columbian homes, are still in excellent condition. Eastwood Manor RUMMAGE SALE SCHEDULED FOR MAY 13 AT BARN Rnsemarle Newlon The rummage sale will , be held Saturday, May 13, at the barn between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. You may still bring any items you have for sale to Marilyn Salo, so get busy cleaning the attic, garage and closets and what has no more value or use to you may be just what someone else is looking for. Wedding Bells! They will soon be ringing for Sandra Monahan, and to show this lovely young lady- how much she is thought of, Sandra's ^grandmother held a personnal shower at her home in Mundelein. Sandra was invited to her grandmother's for a demonstration, but when she arrived she found about twenty ladies gathered in her honor. Those, attending from Eastwood Manor were Ann Meyer, Lois Krcbs, Delores Lawrence, Kal.hy and Mrs. , Monahan, Alary Hartley, a former resident., was unable to attend but she sent a gift and her best wishes. Sandra will be married June 10. Faith Presbyterian Church News Saturday, May 13, at 9:30 a.m. -- Meeting of Freeport Preshyterian at Dakota, 111. Sunday. May 14 -- Sermon topic, "The Priesthood of Parents". New members will be publicly welcomed on this Sunlav. ' Tuesday, May 16, choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Meeting of the Christian Education committee at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 18 at 8 p.m. -- Monthly meeting of Women's Society and Bible study group at the church. Sick List Arnold Eklund, father of Pam Woodbury and Irene Betke, is wry ill in St. Francis hospital' in Evanston. If anyone is able to be a blood donor contact Irene at EV. 5- 5068 or Pam at EV. 5-4312. Also on our sick list is Billy Butler who is recovering from pneumonia. Billy is at home now, but I hear he was hospitalized for awhile. Sorry to hear this Bill, hope to see you outside playing soon. Little Ronnie Wiegman has chicken DOX now, and his mother is just biding her time and hoping Linda doesn't come down with them. Although I could not get in touch with the Huemanns, reports are that Bill is coming along fine after an accideni with some paint. Debra Rvan was ill for a cotaple of days with an ear in*- fection which has been plaguing the Ryan family for 3 months. This and Th:it Jim, Dee and Kathy Pennick attended a fashion show and dinner in Antioch on Sunday They attended with their friends, Tom, Rita, Marcia and Gwen Thompson, of Duck Lake Woods. The Duck Lake Woods Teen Club members were rnqdels in the show. he Ryans had a surprise ALL NEW DIALCET the modern tvatf to bathe JJ. E. BUCH & SONS ' Plumbing & Heating Hwy. ' 120 East Ph. EV 5-0048 ] NOTICE The Riverside Bake Shop 1309 N. Riverside Drive ' McHenry, NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 7 A.M. to 12 Noon Fresl Baked Good ; -V raon visit from Jerry's brother and his wife, Pfc. and Mrs. Robert Ryan, who are on leave from army life for two weeks. They are staying with Jerry's folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ryan, is Arlington Heights. Bob had never seen Judy, Lois and Jerry's 8 month old baby and was quite surprised to see her all grown up and not an infant. They are stationed at Ft. Meade, Maryland. Bridge Club Elpha Phillipi was the hostess this week for bridge. Marilyn Truckenbrod won travelling prize and Rita Simpson won first prize. Tripoli Club Marilyn Fultz was thA hostess for Tripoli last week, Marilyn won a lovely bud vase.^We enjoyed the delicious desseft, Marilyn made. UMAUL •.. for smart movers Across town or across the U.S.A., you'll save when you take household goods with you in an orange and white (J-Haul Trailer. Rent it here, leave it there, wherever you go, and enjoy U-Haul't low, low rates! • Hitch Furnished • Cargo Insurant© • Guaranteed Tires • free Moving Booklet Spring is Here? ?? As of this writing Mr. Shepard has been launched into space, cold weather has returned and our hot-rodders are still racing around the streets. Won't you observe our speed limit signs, especially in the morning when children are leaving for school. These children have no sidewalks to walk on, therefore, they must walk in the streets. So be a little more careful when driving to work or school. Happy Birthday To Elmer Urban, whose birthday is today. On May 12 Mike Kellogg and Neal Barry share their birthday and both boys will be 4 years old. Michael Dalton will be 4 on the thirteenth. Charlottee .Urban celebrates on May 16, as does Jackie Radner who will be 10 years old and Jackie Dalton who will be 6. Our anniversary wishes go to Jim find Dee Penick as today is their special day. Mistake And this time it was not ray fault. In last week's edition I said E.M.P.O.A. meets on May 19 and by some error it came out to be May 9. I hope you didn't all run over to the barn to attend this meeting. Don't forget to call in your news items. I hope you all enjoy Mother's Day and let mother rest on this day. (won't it be won- - derful, breakfast in bed, dishes washed by anxious husbands and children and dinner out at some quiet little restaurant, and the children so well beyj> haved on this one day of the yearv ? ? ? ? ? I must be dreaming! Read The Wani Ads A lovely kitchen like this ' can be personally-planned Just for you So 2-XL All kinds of trqilon for all kinds of mows 7>f NfpHbo* CM 3943 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-2916 Open Daily: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wed. & Sun. 8 a.m. to 12 Noon fftee, indeed, is the unmistakable look of Dtncuxy la Bat design and cabinetry. Sculptured Spicemi cabinet fronts ase fully paneled -- no applied moldings. A lustrous finish enhances die sculptured beauty with gracious warmth, a - burnished glow, a touch of elegance. Delightful, thought ful conveniences, too -- "Sta-dose"-}" drawers loQ gently into place, stay firmly shut Pull-oat shelves in base units. Adjustable shelves 5ra mil units. A lovely {•Jtchen Ilka. this can be personally-planned just Sor you -- affidl at a mt that's surprisingly moderate. Come in and ess €3 today* ' Wtfaot appasSte, -- McHenry Window & Awnintj So. ART BOGBR * , u " : 3318 W. Waukegan Rd. ° " "McHenry* ' i Phone EV 5-1180 Mi The climate couldn't be better for buying anew (and that's the car more people are buying !) The wish-I-had-a-Chevy season's here! Summer's in sight. Horizons are brightening. Vacation plans are percolating. It's the most rewarding time of the year to stop by and talk buy with your Chevrolet dealer. • And why not do more than just talk? Take a Jet-smooth Chevy out OH the road. That wonderfully gentle ride you'll feel is what we're so proud of (Full Coil suspension and a chassisful of other road tamers are JET-SMOOTH CHEVROLET responsible). Inspect all the advantages of the finely built Body by Fisher (none can match it in Chevrolet's field). Look over the full model selection and compare prices (18 Six and V8 Jet-smooth Chevies are priced below comparable competitive models*). • So now you know why more people are buying Chevies than any other make. Just one other thing--check the sweet trade-in allowance your Chevrolet dealer can offer you now. See how easy it is to blossom out in a new Chevrolet? tutt «• t wmptrboq of miaufKturwi' imintid rtfall pric« (Indidha Mini tu] t*r w The Impala Convertible and the new Corvette--two of SI models awaiting your pleasure at your Chevroiet (faohr't See the new Chevrolets at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center 3609 W. Elm Street CLARK CHEVROLET SALES McHenry, 111. EVergiwa 5-©2ff # x