Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1961, p. 19

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Tl&rgday, May 11. 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Plstakee Highlands MUCH BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT MONTHLY MEETING Hazel Money HT. 7-SS20 t|g May association was helalast Wednesday evening at' the barn. Mr. Haubold read a letter from the developers informing usv that they will no longer cut the weeks on lots that are sold, but vacant. Mr. Malek reported that book shelves are being built at the bam for the library. Books are still being accepted. Mrs. Haefliger or Mr. Megley or any other number of the library com j miiwe will be happy to take I .them off your hands. The group was reminded of the semii formal dance on June 3. * Mr. Kammerer of the Clean Streams committee gave a brief talk about toilet facilities on cabin cruisers and that there is, a fine of $100 if anyone is caught throwing trash, grass, weeds or any other debris into th^aterways. N@iv that the address change has gone into effect, it is not necessary to use Pistakee Highlands on your correspondence but . you may still do so if you wish; The expense of changing the street names on the markets is ours. -The issue of boat docks was discussed at some length. Howeyer after all the opinions, cri* i&stns and heated words the to^e was left in the hands of the executive board for further investigation. New business: In the immediate future a set of the new proposed by-laws will be mailed to- every home owner. You are asked to read and study them carefully. You will be given ample time to think them over before they are voted won. If you have any interest cit all in your comm mity then attend the association meetings and have your say so in what Is passed and what is not. Mr. Haubold suggested, (please note: suggested) that our system of electing officers be changed. This would elimi - nate the nominating committee^ It is that a board of directors and a board of trustees be voM in by the people and the board, in turn, select among themselves the persons most suitable to the various positions. This would do away with the popular vote system that seems to prevail. The meeting was adjourned and cake and coffee were served by capable Lee Conway. er Guild ger Guild is having its quarterly party which is to be a luau. It is for members and their families only at the home of Mrytle Bentz. Christening On May 21 the infant grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Erdmann will be christened in Mundelfein. _ „ An May 10 Lorraine Erdmann served as chaplin for her chapter's birthday. It was the plast officers' night at Western Springs Chapter 977 of which she is a past matron. TOWS tmra •e» ---w Furniture Tops Glazing and Picture Frames Made to Order Mirrored, Plaques i "' FrM EiMaaies I McHENRY AUTO I GLASS ft MIRROR ! £ CO. (Across from Jewel Tea) S715 W. Elm, McHenry, 111. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 8-884® Another item about the Erdmanns. May 18 will find Art and Lorraine off cn a spring fishing junket to Grassy Lake in Cairo, HL Spring Pick Up The annual spring rubbish pick-up will be the second Saturday in May. It is asked that the home owner pleases put out only two containers cf garbage for the regular weekly pickups, or there will be additional charges. Customers are asked to pay in advance cr rates will have to be raised because of the additional bookkeeping involved. Girl Scouts Helpers are needed to help at day camp. It will be one week in July. If you would like to volunteer your services you may call Mrs. Hayner at HY- 7-3144. P.TJV. Don't forget the May 16 P.T.A, meeting at the Johnsburg school. It will begin promptly at 8 p.m. MiY-F. You are all invited to attend the firnd raising family style spaghett^dinner being given by the Mount Hope M.Y.F. cn May 21. Proceeds will help to purchase a new piano for the church. The M.Y.F.'ers will be around with tickets shortly. Support them, won't you? Luau It's on Saturday, June 24, at the barn. Make plans now to attend. Receive Honor Congratulations to Diane Johnson and Jack Wilcox who were chosen outstanding students by their fellow classmates. They were honored at a banquet on April 27 given by the Kiwanis of Wonder Lake. Diane's sister, Pat, won the same honor in 1956. Women's Club The president of the Pistak e e H i g h l a n d s F e d e r a t i o n Women's club, Kay Sielisch, requests all members and new members to please join the club at the May meeting, so your names will be in the new year book. The year book will be issued to all members at the September meeting. The May meeting will be a card party. Cards of your choice or bunco for non card players. «>•' All members are requested to pay their dues at this meeting and if any members have friends or neighbors interested in joining the club, please bring them with you. /' V Dogs I am still getting complaints about dogs running loose and ruining shrubs, lawns and flower beds. I think it's about time we quit "pussy footing" around with these people who insist on letting their dogs roam. Anniversaries Belated congratulations to Richard and Dorothy Orlowski who celebrated their twentyfirst wedding anniversary on May 3. „ Don and Audrey M o r i n helped Audrey's sister, Jackie, and husband, Larry, celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on May 7. On May 1, Betty and Tom Warczak celebrated their seventh anniversary. I know all of you will want to join me when I wish the best of every thing and congratulations to Ed and Virginia Thoren who celebrated twentyyears of wedded blisfe on May & Around the Highlands Elizabeth Hanish has accepted a position in Spring Grove. She is enjoying her new life in America. Wanda Dobecki spent all last week in South Bend, Ind., caring for Don's mother who was taken ill. Milt and Betty Sandelin am son, Bobby, spent the weekend visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Healy were happy to have their son, Buddy, and their daughter and hei family out for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fries from Wauconda were guests at thr home of Lorraine Lindemann last Thursday. I am sorry to hear that Carl Haefliger has been home from work with a bad caso of shingles. A card game "that lasted to the wee hours of the morning was held at the Conway residence last Saturday evening. Also in on the fun were the Harrons and Janquarts. Congratulations to Jo Anne Mclnerney who made her first communion on May 7 at St. John's in Johnsburg. Grace Reinhardt, Gert Snell, Lillian and Leo Orlowski and Kay Sielisch were among the many from the Highlands to attend the dedication of the new hospital. They were impressed with its beauty and modern facilities. Sylvia Murray and Mary Lou Sabielny assisted on April 29 in the preparation of the open house. Larry and Bernice Ford, Leona and Frank Gabris from Chicago, Vern and Jim Mausrnann from Cicero and Mrs Withowski from Algonquin were guests last Saturday at the home of Herb and Lorraine Lindemann. I am pleased to hear that Joe Ullo is coming along nicely after his heart attack. It will still be another month before he will be able to return to work. , Happy birthday to Aimee Jo Jackson who will be two years bid on May 11. Over the coming Memorial Day holiday, Bill and Jeanene Barron will drive to Virginia. Minn., where they will leave their three children for the summer. Sherri, Billy and Jimmy will stay with Jeanene's parents. Your reporter, Dick and family had a house full last Sunday. Dick's two sisters and their families drove out to spend the afternoon and early evening. Bob and Lorraine Hurckes and boys will spend Mother's day in Kenosha at the home of Bob's brother, Dick. Other guests will be their sister, Pauline, and their parents. money will be used for the class trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. Deaths W a 11 y Sielisch's maternal aunt, Mary Rhody, of Berwyn died April 28. She was buried May 1 in our Lady of Peace cemetery. She was 90 years old. A1 Gagne, uncle of Pat Jackson, and brother of Raina Betz, died, on May 1 in Columbus hospital in Chicago. He was buried last Thursday in St. Joseph's cemetery in Elmwood Park. Our Wash Success The car wash held on April 29 by the Johnsburg eighth grade was very successful. The QUIET NmNn Climifr§l All CONDITIONING You Hnay ks surprised at how much fcfeQ prica of top-quality central air conditioning has come down . . . thanks to the big volume of Mueller Climatrol units in Chicagoland. The public acceptance of Mueller Climatrol is based on the quality built into every unit --and the integrity of Authorised Dealers, like ourselves. Look around and you'll ses the 102-year-old Mueller name on air conditioners in luxury mansions, in modest bungalows, in huge new suburban developments. Only a quality product ratec such recognition. Get our estimate before you decide! « VZ----^ CatI for your copy. McHenry Heating 8c Air Conditioning 120 E. McHenry, HI. EV 5-0101 FREW S SON. HC. Builj ESTABLISHED IMC Residential and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices ^ • Fastest in Service Pboiw EV 5-3976 » ?. Located on Hwy. 120 -- % Mile East of Fox River Bridg* Die HENRI PREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS DOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 PJL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 PJ1 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE SVcrgveen 9-0452 THE FLAMELESS ELECTRIC KITCHEN Don't Forget To remember Mother this Sunday. When God created the world he1 must have kept a place in the human heart that only a Mother can fill. Deadline Call A last minute call has revealed the news that Gertrude Eldridge of Chicago was a weekend guest at the home of Lil and Leo Orlowski* That's It For another week. It looks like spring has finally arrived although these past few nights have been pretty chilly. Have a nice week. Bye now. The Henry Ford Museum of Dearborn. Mich., has an exact replica of the Independence Hall, Pa. Lilymoor APPROVE NEW BY-LAWS DURING MONTHLY MEETING Shirley Sclluerr EV. 5-2645 The Woman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, May 1. At this meeting the constitution and the new bylaws for the auxiliary" were read, discussed and approved by the women attending the meeting. The auxiliary voted a certain* amount of money to the Lilymoor association for the new letters for the street signs. The auxiliary received a new 50 star flag from the Woman's auxiliary of the V.F.W. Kathy Fuhler presented the flag to the women. Plans were also discussed to aid the children at the Woodstock Children's home. A demonstration is planned for the June meeting. More details to follow on the demonstration. Hostesses for the May meeting were Marge Polinski, Sally Rogers and Connie Johnson. The hostesses for the June meeting are Lee Bassi, Maria Stritar, Lil Wijas and Eunice Tobey. Eunice Tobey is in charge of the demonstration for June. The monthly prize was won by Marie Behrench. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, June 5, at 8 p.m., place, the large hall at Club Lalymoor. cAwnings . Brownie News The Lilymoor Brownie Troop 267 has a sponsor for their troop. They - are sponsored by the Lilymoor Woman's auxiliary. The young ladies of this troop and their leaders. Leona Fantus and Diane Fuhler, are grateful to all the women of the auxiliary for being thejr sponsor. Home From Hospital Laura Belford has returned home from the hospitr.l. Friends and neighbors were glad to hear she went in for a checkup and could return home so soon. Dennis Karmel has also returned home from the hospital. We are all glad to see you both home Laura and Dennis. Hit by Car Master Kevin Epperson was hit by a car Sunday, April 30, on route 120. Kevin was taken to the McHenry hospital. A speedy recovery is wished to you, Kevin, from all your friends and neighbors. Here's* hoping we can report you are home and well on the road to recovery next week. Baseball Season is Here Any boys from Lilymoor whtTare interested in playing base-; ball, here's a chance for you to . play. If you get in contact with" Eddie Wagner at EV. 5-2886, he will give you all the information and details on it. . Right now there are two teams from Lakemoor playing,. the Braves and the Indians. Itenough boys from Lilymoor are.. interested in playing they • might be able to make one oi;, two more teams. It would be very interesting to see whichsubdivision would be cham^ pion's, Lilymoor or Lakemoor.,. How about it boys from Lily-* moor? Games are played or Sunday afternoons. The last game played (Sunday, April., 30) the Indians beat the^ Braves. New Arrival Yours truly and husband, Lawrence, are proud parents of a little boy. Richard Lee arrived Tuesday, May 2, weighing in at 7 lbs., 3 ozs., and 19 inches long. The proud grandparents are Mrs. Bertha Burger; of Lakemoor and Mr. and Mrs." Walter Schuerr of Chicago. IDHI PATiO COVER CARPORT For a more beautiful, more comfortable home at low cost.. GET NAVACO AWNINGS Choose from our big selection of beautiful NAVACO Awnings . . many styles, colors and sizes ... in finest aluminum or practically indestructible rigid-vinyl. Whichever awnings you ehoose, you'll get top quality at low cost . . . the best values in town. mt ismmrt • EASY mm CALL US TODAY JIM KREIN > F.H.A. Financing -- Insured Ph. EV 5-4648 or EV 5-3789 A flameless electric kitchen won't go out of date The lady above demonstrates the amazing flexibility of a flameless electric kitchen. Because there are no fuel pipes to get in the way, she can have her automatic electric dryer wherever she wants it. There are no vents to install, no pilot to burn. So the entire laundry unit can fit into a small area behind attractive sliding doors. Of course, the electric range is the heart of every flameless electric kitchen. With it, you can cook your meals without overheating your kitchen (or yourself). The oven is insulated on all six sides, not just five. Hardly any heat escapes. The surface units transfer heat directly into pans and into foods--not into your kitchen. And because electric ranges burn no fuel, no dirt is created. Your kitchen (and everything in it) stays clean twice as long. Before you spend a penny on kitchen remodeling, get a professionally- prepared plan based on your specific needs and budget. An experienced kitchen specialist can show you how imaginative planning can save you steps and eliminate unnecessary bending and reaching. He can also help you work out color schemes and lighting effects and help solve storage problems. For the names and addresses of kitchen modernization specialists in your area, call your nearest Public Service Company office. SPRING SALE! DRESS UP YOU* CAR for spring & snmm \ Treat your car to something NEW See ALL the seat covers Hi at ProteetO YOUR FROM WONDERLAND ^KlEER-VUE" : CLEAR PLASTIC FORJ){] CARS; INCLUDINGt. 2 • AMERICAN CMS • FOREI^KJ (2ARS; NEW COMPAC? e SPORTS ; CARS Also for previous yean and model?.. PROTECTO guaranteed not to splits crack or jpeoL 2495! MTA1UD The Fabulous FIBRANT A new design for smart styfs. Hoavy* duty plastic coated fiber with rich vinyS trim. 4 asw colors to choc NO MONEY DOWN EASY CREDIT AUTO TOPS Now b tfie timo to put a new top on your convertible*. Protecto offers more selection -- colors -- fabrics. Every top is registered and guaranteed in writing. Your best buyl ROM S«ot cov«r prim ar* for cempUt* Mil, tnstalM FREE In most popular ProteetO \j Public Service Company FLAMELESS ELECTRIC KITCHEN 9 Commonwealth ftriiw S* CklA, So Stfe, So Modtrn CONVERTIBLE TOPS i ROUTES 14 AND 31. CRYSTAL LAKE AUTO SEAT COVERS PHONE 459-4120 Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 9 Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, 9 to 6 . . . . . L PPiSS : ll imw

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