McHenry Shores LIST REGULATIONS FOR BEACH, PIER TJSE Tins SEASON Alice McKeDy - EV. 5-2661 ^he beach and pier area in McHenry Shores subdivision is provided for the benefit and enjoyment of those who own property in this community. The McHenry Shores Club, Inc., within the scope of its charter is coordinating the efforts of the community t;- maintain the beach in such a manner that the entire comngigpity will benefit. Certain restrictions in the use of this recreatioh facility and restraints in our personal conduct are essential if we wish to safeguard the rights of everyone entitled to share the property. Animals are not permitted in the beach area either attended or unattended. Boat launching from the beach is not permitted. Boisterous behr^ or or personal conduct that ' would offend the public morals is forbidden. Remember that there are homes adjacent to 'the beach. The MSC has appropriated funds to provide a new life line to help safeguard bathers, and additional lighting for the piers and beach are being erected. The cooperation of members of the community is requested in cfPylng out the club program for the care and maintenance of the area. »Because the maintenance of tfce beach area receives no tax support and the collection of money for this purpose is both expensive and undesirable, the men of the community are requested to give an hour or so on one weekend during the BugBmer season to the task of p<n!cing the area. Cutting the grass, raking the sand area, and cleaning up is the job. A roster has been piepared and will be distributed shortly which wiii serve to notify the individuals of their duty day. Four names have been selected for each Sunday, May 28 through Sept. 24. The time of assembly for the detail each Si^day may be arranged by the group. It is suggested that the man whose name appears first on the list for the week do the coordinating. The lucky names for the first Sunday, May 28, are Ray Olszewski, Bob Dobbertin, Charles Geds and Dick Barrows. It is possible that some of us are the executive type and not skilled in production, so Tl,nitr isijjkuthorized to get into the act with financial arrangements up to Dad (of course). Roller Skating Party Last call for the adventurers among the population. The first annual skating party given by the McHenry Shores Club, Inc. on Thursday, May 2i, at a local skating rink premises to be a gala affair and everyone is going. Be assured that a lot of the folks going to the party haven't been in skates foi^ (X) years so be there to encourage them and win a lot of side bets or just watch the fun. Call Alice Brunke, Herb Clausen, Charles Ramage, or just open • your front door and shout and the action to get you a ticket will i be^mmediate. Allstates 1 Piiicy for Homeowners • Now get all 4 baric kinds of home protection in one £bnvenient "package" policy. Fire insurance on your house ... Fire insurance on itt contents » . . Theft protection . I . Liability protection« • One low premium.. • one . ^newal date ... one company to serve you and toik after your interests. • You don't have to wait until your old fire insurance policies expire. Credit can be applied to your new Allstate Homeowners policy. Allstate Insurance Companies. Home Offices: Skokie, 111. For devils call: Allstate Insurance Office 1398 N. Richmond Road 'McHenry. Illinois %h.: EV 5-5487 %buYo tra ©sod hands wHh! JUUTJKnT INSURANCE «s- New Recording Secretary For MSC Appointment of Marilyn Mtibre to the position of recording secretary for the MSC effective May 11, 1961, was announced by the board of directors of the club. Bernice Wilson has been acting as recording secretary in addition to her duties as corresponding secretary for several months because of the resignation of Moravec. Thank you Bernice for the help and we welcome Marilyn to . the club's official family. Welcome Home AE3 Jerry Mueller, U. S. Navy, stationed at the Naval Air Testing Center, Patuxent River, Md., came home last week for a short visit with his folks. For the benefit of oar civilian readers, Jerry's rank AE3 means that he is an Aviation Electrician. Among the boys at the center, his specialty c ar r i e s the title of "SPARKY" or "SPARKCHASER". SSAG Meeting Members of the Shores Social and Athletic Club will meet at the home of Harry Tiggemann, 3215 West Biscayne Road, on Saturday evening, May 20. Birthdays A happy birthday to Marie Cicchini on May 20, and on the same day John Valek will be celebrating his tenth birthday. Little Nancy Hattan will be four on May 22. Congratulations to Diane Clark on May 23, and to Lee Whetherhult on May 25. Happy Birthday Everybody. Social Event Irene Middlejkauff invited twelve ladies on Wednesday, May 10, for luncheon and cards. Refreshments included tasty and stimulating orange blossoms and straight grape juice resulting in some very daring bids at the bridge tables. Thobe fulfilling their contracts and getting the highest scores received prizes. A very nice party and everyone had fun. Baptism On May 7 our newest arrival in the subdivision, little Debra Marie Vilim, was baptized at St. Patrick's church. The godparents were Mrs. Emil Gustafson and Elmer Snyder. Those on hand to celebrate this joyous occasion were the grandparentajadHr. and Mrs. ViUatand Mr. and Mrs. Jacek. Also the Gustafson family and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and daughter. Lilymoor DISCUSS SEVERAL PROJECTS AT LAST ASSOCIATION MEET Shirley Scftuerr EV. 5-2645 The Lily-moor association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, May 9. Several things were discussed at this meeting. One of the things brought up was having & rummage sale the second week of June, to be held on the porch of Club Lilymoor. The roads are to be graded and graveled. The gravel will be pu,t where it's NEEDED MOST. This work should begin this week or next. The association wants to take this time to welcome two new members. They are Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr. The next monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, June 13, time, 8 pjm., place, white schoolhouse. beach and either stay and wait for them or make the trjjfliracli' to pick them up. With our beach and playground cleaned up they could walk over there by themselves. Some of the men have volunteered to do the work. But as you know it takes money for materials, such as sand and what ever other needs go into a beach and playf ground. Let's all show our children. of Lilymoor we are concerned about them and back this project. Even the adults could enjoy the beach too. How about it Lilymoor? Beach and Playground As you read the association news yoti learned about a beach and playground fund. What is it for? The association is trying to raise money to clean up the beach and playground here in Lilymoor. This is for our children who really have no place to swim and to play at a beach. Right now our children have to go some distance in order to swim. And you know mother and dad a lot of times you haw to drive them to a Here and There Mrs. Dolly LaTessa of Chicago was a guest of Mr. and Mi's. Charles Ramage for four days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valek with their three boys joined twentythree guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosek in Cicero on Sunday, May 7, to celebrate the Barto.seks' golden wedding anniversary. The affair was a very happy one liecause all the Bartosek children were present including a son who travelled from Cape Canaveral, Fla., to be with his folks. The successful launching of Commander Shepard into space permitted his presence at this wonderful affair. A news item worthy of special mention is Helen Smith's progress in bowling. She turned in a score of 177 for one game -- how's that boys? In Closing j&ge is the mootl(. for .graduations, marriages and travel. Your neighbors in our community are interested so why rot tell $our reporters. Rummage Sale The association is going to run a rummage sale the second week of June. The date to follow later. The proceeds from the sale will go into the beach and pl&yground fund. So- scout up anything, you would want to give for the rummage sale, such as clothing, china, knickknacks, jewelry and kitchen gadgets. Sorry no furniture. The only thing they ask is the clothing be clean. Here's a good chance ladies to clean out your closets of the clothing that is too small and articles that are good but no longer useful to you. Fashion Show The Woman's auxiliary is planning a fashion show for the last week of June. When more details are known they will appear in this column. Let your friends know about it. A reminder, that the next monthly meeting of the auxiliary will be held Monday, June 5, 8 p.m., in the large hAll of Club Lilymoor. There will,: be a demonstration vat this meeting. Eunice Tobe^ is chairman of the doings. The public is invited to attendthe demonstration. • Brownie News The Lilymoor Brownie Troop 267 has been enjoying films showing pictures from the Girl Scouts International Chalet in Switzerland. Also about the Juliet Low Friendship fund. The girls are now busy preparing for the Fly-up ceremony in which the following girls will fly-up, Judy Fantus, •Valerie Schuringa. and Karen Schiavone. The girls will fly-up into the Intermediate Girl Scout Troop in Lakemoor at the ceremony Tuesday, May 23. Welcome to Lilymoor The welcome mat is out to new residents df Lilymoor. They are Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and their two little sons, who are three years and four months of age. They formerly lived in Lakeland Park, and now reside on Crestwcuod ave- ' hue. The residents of Lilymoor all say welcome to our community, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and sons. Congratulations Go to young Glenn LoPresti who made his first Holy Communion Sunday, April 30, at St. Patrick's church. Sorry it's late Glenn. Congratulations on your big day. * Birthday Greetings,go to Judy Fantus. Judy celebrated her tenth birthday Tuesday, May 16. Re-elected Jim fantus has been ° reelected to the student council for his sophomore year. He attended a student council banquet Wednesday, May 10, in Waukegan. Jim and the rest of the people attending the banquet had an enjoyable time. David Fantus a junior at Milliken university of Decatur has been elected to the honorary society "Phi Kappa Phi". This honor is usually bestowed only on seniors and members are elected by the faculty. It is one of the highest honors given at this university and only three juniors received it. Besides David, another student, Vincent Cina, from McHenry also received the honor. Congratulations Jim and David for the honors bestowed on you. AsmSvsrssry Earel and Laura Belford celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Sunday, May 7. Couples dropped in to congratulate Earel and Laura in the P®ter W* fasten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED _ AMBULANCE] SERVICE _ Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Dorothy Hollander provided musical entertainment for the veteran patients at Downey hospital on our last visit. Rehabilitation Chairman Elaine Gray, Hattie Marzahl, Helen Co veil, Ruth Mrachek, Delia Freund and Stan and Dorothy Diedrich distributed cigarettes, candy and other treats to the veterans. Our next trip to Downey will be made June 1. Why don't you attend? The McHenry County council met in Hebron for the regular monthly meeting.. President Marie Howe, Ruth Mrachek and M&ta Schroeder represented McHenry unit. Memorial services were held for the twelve auxiliary members from McHenry county who passed evening. Refreshments were served. Earel and Laura were married in Orangeburg, S. C., Laura's home town. Congratulations Laura and Earel, hope you celebrate many more anniversaries. Attends Musical Donna Schiavone, Marlene Karmel and Diana, Cynthia, Earel and Christina Belford attended the Sound of Music Sunday, May 7. Also attending the musical With the children were Earel and Laura Belford. away during the year. T^ominaltion of officers Was held and the election will take place June 2, when the council will meet in Hebron. Plans are well under way for our fifth annual cabaret dance May 27. The theme of our show for this year will be western to coincide with all the fine beards being grown by our men. You are invited to dress in any type western costume you desire, even Indian. A prize will be awarded to the most authentic attire. We still. can use talent for the floor show, help to decorate the hall, take tickets, etc. If you can help in any of these capacities please contact Dorothy Diedrich .or Betty Lingenfelter. This has always been an evening of fun and we Rope to see many of you there. Tickets are available at the Legion home and other places around town. nThey also may be purchased at the door. An appeal for volunteers to help sell poppies on Poppy Day May 26 and. 27, is being made by the McHenry Unit 491. Poppy Day, held each year in Illinois for over a quarter of $ centujy, is your chance to help needy and disabled veterans and their families. In addition to wearing your poppy proudly, you can assist the cause volunteering to join your neighbors and tag on Poppy Day. If you have free time on May 26 or 27, call Poppy Chairman Alyce Brda, EVergreen 5-5173. The American Legion Will lie grateful for your help on behalf of the veterans. All pop** pies sold in the state are made by hospitalized veterans in Dlfnois. All monies raised go to help the sick and needy vetei> ans and their families. Won't you help? & In English amusement parksU small cans of..peaches, complete, with opener and spoon, are soM in large numbers, and compete: quite favorably with hot dogs and ice cream in volume 4*Jf' sales. The American Indian ail* so admires canned peaches, and will use them on any and afll occasions possible. JSS20&': fiomvhaelat./frJoe Marskt HADIATOB HEPAIR Automotive, Trucks and Industrial 1 DAY SERVICE All Work Guaranteed McHEit: Y ;©DY satisfied SIS N. Front, Ph. EVS-0444 "We Fuggy flooiwla Mi a Eulf-toen important positions around town--chairman of the school board ineladed---bat he's still the same modeat fellow tSaat I grew op wMb At the last PTA Fuzzy made a point of getting together with some new teachers. One of them, a lady with some strong ideas about education claimed that nooe of the others had gote to t&» right college--hen. "Well, Miss,, fifes* tea* s» bad," Fuzzy told her. "OoecC our hoard members dkinft^yen Teadter a Lesson •D' la- Hrita wteoL to Am? college." -WW Whet" *ralfc? "Me," he said. - Wnm where I sft, aatoe 'it «r" want people to bacaiti nirt tnjisi- •f ourselves. Bat thai Jast latft" the American way. itofe mt ftritiil--i fctapmi t tight to be dtyffosat, ma little thtnp-1ft* ef tea 4* coffee and enee ef a gba ef hear. K **be' to be CoftyrigjU^ JBjjl, (failed Sietm JhiNri imm'aia, jjy % k vvSC- s - s' *! !^v. V.v._ .'J' - v- ' RAMELESS iKHBsooame TRY AN ELKTRIC RAN6E IN YOUR KfTCHEM FOR SO D MONEY-BACK If you're tired of scrubbing kitchen walls and looking up at dirty ceilings, change over to electric cooking. There, are no flames, burners or pilots to create dirt or soot. Your kitchen stays clean twice a» long. You cut painting and decorating costs in half. Sixty days of clean, fume-free electric Cooking will prove the difference or all your money back. 5#e your mhctric applicmc* dealmr today V Public Service Company Home Interphone lets caller identify himself through outside speaker Room to room calls can while you answer the door confidently by picking up the nearestphone. be answered hands-free. SPRING PHONE FAIR BRINGS YOU A "HOME FCJ1A." OF TELEPHONE COM^NIENCE Color Extensions--to harnfonlze Witli any zoom in the home. Don'( miss Illinois fell's Wonderful Spring Phone Fair. Fill your every need in home communications from thiff colorful carnival of telepfiohes^rvifces. Mjspme tnierphone letfe you USe your phones as a handy Borne communications system. Color Extensions for comfort and convenience. A variety of styles and colors to chooser ffom. You'll esp& cially like the Princess extension phone... the dial lights up when you pick up the receiver--it's ideal for your bedroom. Wall Phone* to save you space and steps. Perfect for buiy activity centers in your home. Bell Chime has three different jVeil Chime--Centrally located in your home, it tbuiouftces calls with a pleasant chime. sounds. A £leatant chime, a loud bell to fering you from outdoors and the familiar telephone ring. Extrd Lines permit two people to phone at the same time. Each line Can haveits own number and share all yoiir extensions. AdMiimnal Listings in the telephone directory make it easy for other people to find any meniber of your family. Call your Illinois Bell business office or ask your installer-repairv man about the many new services that cost so little--yet do so much for you. Better still, come on down to yofir telephone business office and see for yourself, at the Spring Phone Fair. ^LONOIS BELL Telephone service makes a ' beautiful «fft tut u Jtaie ttttOfe or Grad. TELEPHONE 1311 N. Coarfe >: