Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1961, p. 18

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• \ 5 * -• Eighteen McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pisiakee Highlands L«.YJ. SPONSORS SPAGHETTI DINNER SUNDAY. MAY 21 Basel horny HY. 7-SS20 The Mount Hope M.Y.F. will Sponsor a fund raising family style spaghetti dinner this Sunday, May 21. It will be from |5 to 7 p.m. at the community Center. If you don't have your ticket you may purchase one at the doer. Semi-Formal Dance . The library committee Is having a semi-formal spring dance on J\xne 3 at Chapel Hill Country club. Tickets are being Sold now but you may purchase them at the dance. Get a group together and plan to attend. Luau Also in the making are the plans for the Luau on June 24. This is by reservation only. Call Lois Mason, Lee Conway, Jay Story, Clarence Shastal or Hazel Morley for reservations. Woman's Club - The officers of the Woman's Club met at the home of Kay Sielisch, president. They alotted their years activities. Past President Lorraine Ullo, attended and gave the officers much help and they were grateful for her advice. St. John's News On May 9, the Blessed Virgin Sodality held its regular monthly meeting. Those from the Highlands attending were Kay Sielisch, Dorothy Orlowski, Betty Sandelin, Mary Madock, Marilyn VanZevern and Bev Lewandowski. On May 28 the Sodality will hold a bake sale after all Masses^ Donations of baked goods from the women of the parish will be most welcomed. - Sewing Guild On May 10, the Pink Lady Sewing Guild auxiliary met at the honje of Nellie Bergener of Johnsburg. The usual members from Johnsburg and Mc- Henry attended. From the Highlands were Vi Schuble, Marge Moreth and Lorraine Lindemann. Gert Snell was welcomed back after a long vacation. Around the Highlands Belated birthday wishes to Jim Malek who celebrated his birthday on May 9 with Jane and three daughters. Congratulations to Mark VanZevern who made his first Communion on May 7. A large family gathering was held at bis home. Hazel Rogde, Audrey Morin, Cris Sorenson, Dee Gregg and Mrs. George VanZevern attended a "come as you are" breakfast at the home of Mrs. H. Juul last week. Proceeds went to the Ingleside Methodist church. Dud and Lee Gregg were pleasently surprised when their good friend, Jack Brooks, from Phoenix, Ariz., dropped in Oil them last week. Happy birthday to Susan Conway who celebrated her birthday on May 8. Last Thursday, Rose Fries of Wauconda was a dinner guest at the home of Herb and Lorraine Lindemann. Marge and Bill Moreth spent Mother's Day at the home of their daughter, Margaret, in Chicago. Joe and Sylvia Murray celebrated their anniversary by dining out in Antioch. Later in the evening they stopped to Visit the Joe Ullos. The Greggs entertained their parents on Mother's day. Dug took Dee out earlier in the week for dinner. Harriette Wilson spent a few days in St. Theresa hospital last week. Birthday wishes to Elinor Brill on May 13. Kathy Mclnerney was home from college this past weekend. Edith Howton and Lorraine L i n d e m a n n w e r e l u n c h e o n guests at the home of LaVerne Madock last Tuesday. Dorothy and Richard Orlowski bowled in' a tournament, Sunday, May 7, in Waukegan. They will bowl in two more to close the season. The Orlowski home is decorated with many bowling trophies. Happy birthday to Dorothy Johnson who celebrated on May 14. Members of one of the Highland card clubs went out foi their yearly dinner on May 17. The gals dined at a nice piace in Libertyville. Out for a good time was Mrs. G. VanZevern^ Janice Janquart, Lois Mason, Dolly Novotny, Carta Bales, Dot Erbin, Wanda Dobecki and Hazel Morley. Frank Krumwiede's ^parents will be making their home with Judy and Frank. The parents have sold their farm in Wisconsin and will retire. The grandchildren will be plfeased to have grandma and grandpa with them. Carter Gregg^ made a trip to t h e M c H e n i y h o s p i t a l l a s t week. Wanda Dobecki is glad to be home after spending two Weeks in South Bend caring for Don's mother who was ill. Glen Kayner was struck by a car last week while riding his bicycle. He received a badly bruised leg. I'm glad it wasn't tbo serious. The driver was not held. The library board has started to sort the books. The work is progressing and it won't be long before the books will be available. Congratulations to Wanda and Bob Dobecki who chalked up another year on May 15. This is number 13. Celebrating on May 14 were Chester and Terry Oziminski. Best wishes to William and Emma Rosengart who mark May 22 as their wedding anniversary. My best to Ed and Terry Pfingsten who celebrated another year of wedded bliss on May 20. Wally and Eleanor Lindemann of Antioch were guests recently at the home of Herb and Lorraine Lindemann. Going out to dinner was the way Bill and Marge Moreth celebrated their anniversary on May 12. Your reporter, Dick and boys spent last Saturday evening visiting Dick's- folks in Round Lake Park. We celebrated Mother's day and Dick's mother's birthday all in one. On Sunday we spent a few hours at my fplk's home in Spring Grove. Happy birthday to Millie Shastal on May 23. I would like to send belated wishes to Helen Massell on May 11 and LaVerne Sarver on May 13. Many happy returns of the day to you alL News of more birthdays have come my way. Hazel Rogde celebrated hers on May 15. She went out to dinner with her family and the Rogdes' son, Roger, had his birthday on May 9. Little Karen Staudenmaier has a birthday coming on Mayfi 26. She will be five years old. | Herb and Lorraine Lindemann spent Mother's day at their son's home in Chicago. Also there were the Lindemanns' two daughters. Besides Mother's day they celebrated their granddaughter's, Pamela's, first Communion. Lor raine went back with her daughter, Marilyn, to Lansling. She-returned home Tuesday Dr. and Mrs. Haniseh of Thursday, May 18, 1 &1 Edgebrook were guests of Kay Sielisch last Wednesday afternoon. Jim and Ann Mclnerney at tended the wedding last September of Miss Carol Frisby to Mr. Charles Olson at St. John's church. A reception was held later at the Johnsburg Community^hall. Congratulations... to Lola Du Pree who made her first Com tnunion on May 14 at St. John's. The bowling group including the Hurckes, Wilsons, Johnsons, Vrbiks, Murgatrcyds ani the Wroblewskies won their third place trophy and presented it to their sponsor May 13. Welcome The Highlands extends a hearty welcome to Polly and Earl Eilers who moved recently from Waukegan to 7710 Hickory. On April 26 their first child, a son, Lane Michael, was born. Congratulations to this new family. Cub Scouts At the pack meeting on May 10, Mr. Zenner told the boys that a trip to a missile base will be made on May 20. There will be a parade on Memorial Day. The details concerning these things will be passed on to the boys by their den mothers. June will be the last pack meeting. Den mothers will be needed for next year. With more boys coming into scouting about ten den mothers are hoped for. Awards were given for Bear Badge; Ted Finger and Doug Ferris; wolf badge; Steve Sorenson, George VanZevern and Larry Lutz; gold arrows, Dick Morley, George VanZevern and George Mayer; silver arrows, George VanZevern and Syd Jones. Three dens entertained. Den 4 under the direction of Mrs. Gladys Jones put on a puppet show. Den two, Hazel Morley, den mother, paid a tribute to Mother's day. Den 5 with Mrs. Jost as den mother also dedicated their skit to Mothers. A program about training a dog obedience was given by Johnsburg GIRL SCOUTS HONOR MOTHERS AT ANNUAL TEA Betty Hettermann The annual Mother-Daughter tea held each May took place last Tuesday evening in the community club hall. This r tea is sponsored by the local Girl Scouts and Brownie troops. The three troops participating at this time were 408 sponsored by the community club, 295 sponsored by the Johnsburg public school and 378 sponsored by Jacob Fritz. Close to 100 mothers and scouts were present at the tea whibh was opened by the year pinning fly-up and investiture ceremony by troop 378. Troops 408 and 295 were awarded various badges by c their leaders. "Eaph of the three troops put on a short skit for the entertainment of their mothers. Refreshments were served immediately following the entertainment. The leaders of these three troops are: 408--Dorothy Steinbiss and Mary Kodos, 295 --Marge. Barth and Lois Anderson, 378--B e 11 y Hettermann and Marge Peterson. A word to' the mothers -- Marge Barth is looking for help at the scout day camp which will take place from July 10 through 14. If you can spare the time to lend your assistance please call her real soon. gratulations to them and the paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Three days later at the same hospital a son was born to Kathleen and Glenn Moehling of McHeniy. It is the first child for this young couple and the first grandchild for the maternal grandparents, Ben and Anita Freund. Our best wishes to alL Girl Scout News Troop 295 held a get-together at the home of their leader, Marge Barth, last Wednesday. The troop spent this time outdoors enjoying hot dogs and the trimmings between ga^es of baseball. This troop as well as troops 408 and 378 will hold no more regular meetings until next fall. Each troop has a summer outing planned. Young Fellows In the News Bill and Judy Huemann of Eastwood Manor welcomed their third son on May 5 at the Woodstock hospital. Con- Honored at Dinner Ronnie Smith, son of Millie and Walter Smith, was honored at a dinner on May 2 at DeKalb. Ronnie, along with sixteen other students, had the esteem honor of being straight A students. These seventeen young people will be honored by escorting the graduating class for their diplomas in June. Needless to say how proud Ronnie's parents are of him as well as our whole community. We all join in wishing him continued success in the f&ttne. . Rescue Squad Calls After being inactive as far as going out on calls is concerned, the Johnsburg rescue squad was called out twice last Sunday. In the afternoon t' e squad was called to the Miksek home where a visitor suffered a severe nose bleed. Late that evening they wefre summoned once again when a car went out of control and hit a tree. The occupant was taken in the ambulance to the Mc- Henry hospital for further treatment. Season In Full Swing The baseball season is in full swing now as we find the Johnsburg Tigers playing host to Richmond next Sunday, May 21, at 2 o'clock. Why not get out in the fresh air and see a few of these games/ The team will appreciate your rooting and you will get enjoyment from it. Wedding B ills Ring Two of our local young people repeated marriage vows last Saturday, May 13, which made them lifelong partners with their spouses. At 11 o'clock a beautiful ceremony united Carol Frisby of Sunnyside Estates and Charles Olson of Island Lake in Holy Matrimony. Father Anger performed the rite at St. John's church. A reception fit 5 o'clock held in the community club hall honored the young couple. Following a honeymoon east the new Mr. and Mrs. Olson will take up residence in Hunterville Park. A most impressive nuptial Mass performed at St. Mary's church at 11:30 found Robert Smith claiming Rose Linden as his wife. Bob is the son of Leo and Mabel Smith. Many of the newlyweds' friends and relatives were on hand at their reception at Club Lilymoor to wish them much happiness and good luck. Happiness and best wishes for a most happy future is sent to these two young couples as they embark on a whole new phase of their lives as man and wife. Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith spent last Sunday and Monday in Rockford where they attended the First Communion celebration of Genene Morick. They also visited other members of the family in celebration of Mother's Day. ^ Belated wishes to Carol and Wally Frett who celebrated their second wedding anniversary on May 3. % If everything goes, alright and we certainly hope it does, Mrs. Jacob Fritz should return to her home this week. She has been a medical patient at St. Theresa hospital for two weeks. Present in the home of Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Mamie King on Mother's Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick, Mrs. Alex Friend, Mjrs. Nancy Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreutzer, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer, Mrs. Florence Geier and son, Larry, Bob Breier, and the Gene King family. A RUDY BECKER'S itou KENNELS • 1 Mile East of the Skyline HMve-In v J Phone EVergreen -5-243S STUB SERVICE. .. For Most of the Popular Breeds BOARDING ... Training, Obedience* Hunting & Retrieving Mr. Clayton Holmes. He showed various routines with his German Shephard and answered questions put to him by the group. It was very interesting. Refreshments were served by Den 1. That's It I hope you all have a nice week and I'll be glad to hear from you. 'Bye now. JOSEPH FRETT & SON. MC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1988 Residential and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Price! J0 \j • Fastest In Service Pfme EY Located on Hwy. 120 -- % Mile Bart of Fox River Bridge PLAY IT OVERHEATED MOTORS fkctkuCjUib £> dogged HQ C2QQO CTCCO DSESAGTK I ilHjf; RADIA1§R Clearing ui tipairiig AT IOW, HAV-OAl! PRKIS ' \ **3 OK5 f-wC? Complete Stock Of Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS' BROS. BEPAIR SERVICE 9331A W. Elm St. McHeniy Phqne EV. 6-078S MO BOX PUli exclusive of deputing Let yosai? take IS our safe storage vaults iAuepi V$ %o.uge dapJo, Wo c®pp?y «?S5li © targe f>®7<3®0 (W&, V©>3 00 D TO cSJO FOCFO WISH your wddHens. We «9ean, insure end store alt garment*, safe from moths, lire, theft! Ik Protect your fine fur[ in our reliable Sum mer Storage. All gar m©nts insured. L<m Bates. Holiday Phone EV 5-0189 ry & Dry Cleaners Free Pick-Up L. V. Adams, Jr. GRAND OPENING FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY , Maf 19-21=21 GIFTS o 51-15 FIRST QUALITY DUPONT 1 - LADIES NYLONS USEFUL WALL TYPE 2-CAN OPENER BEAUTH 3-WALL BEAUTIFUL BECOKAfWE with fultups of 7 gal. or more ®ff Better J. & L. THE KIDDIE' TRANSMISSION OIL <*. 50* GOOD 2 Gal. Can BULK OIL Qt. No. 1 Clean Burning R1IGE OIL Gal. FREE QUART 01 on AN EVERY SPECIAL Minimum 5 Quarts POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES iv 22* Q 4 --SET 5 KING SIZE & FILTERS 24c CBClfill ' AN ADDED SPECIAL GIFT WITH 0 0 A I L\A Jr E^ifilL • ALL PURCHASES BEFORE 10 AM. 5 F • \ SAVE ROUTE 120 J. & L. OIL (2 Miles East of McHenry on Rt. 120) LILYM@QR f

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