Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1961, p. 3

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"Ipsppl^ &t0 icir i8, itei THE McBtENRY PLAINDEALER v.- Page Three\ St. John Communion Class m Kotalik Studio Photo Pictured lire the seventy members of the First Communion class at St. John the Baptist church in Johnsburg, shown with the pastor of the church, Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch. The children .are shown in the beau-tiful church following the recent ceremony. • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska have returned from their winter home in Chulota, Fla. Mps. Mabel Powers visited relatives in Elgin and Batavia over the weekend where she made the acquaintance of her first ' great grand-child, Kimberly Sue, the new daughter bom to Mr. and Mrs. William Ftapers, Jr., of Elgin, last week. Mi*, and Mrs. Bernard Frisby of Kirkwood, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby, Ginger, Gary and Donald, of Chicago, called on relatives here, Saturday, where they came to attend the Frisby-Olson wedding in Johnsburg. Mrs. Carl Blanner and son, Vernon, of Rockford, visited relatives here Monday. Ullr. and Mrs. Riotti (Adeline Vogt) of Geneva, were callers in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Thursday. Mrs. Edith Hayes spent the Mother's Day weekend with her children in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin spent a recent day with McHenry relatives and friends. They returned recentiIsjLyi rom a three months sojourn i™California. > Mrs. Charles Jensen of Woodstock spent Wednesday Sthe home of her mother, rs! Fred Ferwerda. . John Aylward of Elgin called McHenry relatives Thurs- Mrs. Neva Battern of Woodstock Ai{6S a guest of Mrs. George Jones ] a few days the wOM*'"' vrnef* Wnlr. and Mrs. Richard Croak and daughter, Cathy, of Chicago, visited relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of :Wat*kegan, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kimmel of Elgiij, were Visitors in the home of Mrs. Walter Walsh S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g . Edward ttyyer of Chicago was a weekdid guest. Mr. and Mrs. Dar Granger of Hayward, Wis., former local residents, have been visiting relatives, in this vicinity. Mesdames Alpha Pedersen, Ethel Holly and Ann Moellenkamp attended a penny social and card party sponsored by the Wheeling Camp of the Royal Neighbors of America at the y*\W. hall in that city Friday evening. Mrs. Harry Anderson of Morton Grove visited relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman, Mrs. Rose Walinder, Misses Clara Miller, Olive and Jessie Corbett attended the annual luncheon of the Elgin Council of Telephone Pioneer Pensioners held in St. Charles ^dnesday of last week. Mother's Day guests in the Paul Patzke home were Mrs. ^Bessie Sund of Crystal Lake, 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patzke and daughter, Michelle Ann, of Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooney of Fort Worth, Texas and John Cooney of Pocatella, Idaho visited relatives here, the past week, where they were called by the illness of their father, Martin Cooney, a patient in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sylvan and Mrs. Paul Riebl of Oak Park, were guests of Mrs. Edla Antonson Saturday. Mrs. Marie Berndt of Des- Plaines was a McHenry visitor Thursday. The Robert /Brugger family of Kenosha, Wis., the Richard Sedar family of Waukegan and the Glenn Dixon family were Mother's Day guests in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickler of DesPlaines were Sunday visitors in the home of his aunt, Mrs. F. J. Aicher. The Carl Schnied, James Crocker and Richard Crocker families of Chicago were guests in the Ted Crocker home in Hunterville Park on Mother s Day. Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Miss Clara Miller were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Helen Jacoby has returned from Pompano Beach, Fla., wl\ere she spent the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stoller, who expect to join her here in the near future. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger attended the spring luncheon, of the Daughters of the American Revolution, held in Bensenville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Teddy, and Mrs. Laura Minter of Maywood, spent Sunday with McKenry relatives. The Leo Blake family were entertained in the home of their daughter. Mrs. John Wolowic, at Druce Lake on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, of Hebron spent Sunday in the Robert Thompson home! In the afternoon the Thompsons, their guests and Miss Maud Granger, visited Mrs. Charles Owen at Powers Lake. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pape and children, Joan and Joseph, Chicago, were entertained in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews, on Mother's Day. The Elmer Justen family of near Ringwood, the Joseph Justen family of Richmond and the Carl Martin family of Channel Beach were Mother's t)ay guests in the Nick M. Justen home. Read The Want Ads EVENTS BOOKLET AVAILABLE The eleventh annual edition of the popular "Illinois Calendar of Events" is available frr distribution., Carl A. Bertmann, supervisor of the Illinois Information Service, announces. The 20-page booklet lists information about centennials, fairs, home shows, festivals, summer theatres, regattas and other special events scheduled in Illinois during the remainder of the year. Non-residents of Illinois may obtain the booklet by writing to Illinois Information Service, State Capitol, Spring-" field. Todays and yesterdays are the bricks with which we build the future. By Henry Heise of Bolger's Drug Store CAP, GOWN AND CAMERA Won't be long until the big day. After the exams and the anxious waiting, -your favorite young guy~ or gal will be marching down the aisle to get that diploma. Pretty serious moment. But it's a fun time, too, full of parties and fond farewells. So how about a graduation gift that's not only a great gift, but also a great way .fpr the grad to see treasured places and faces again and again? I'm talking about a Brownie Starmatic Outfit. The Brownie Starmatic is a camera that all but thinks for itself -- all. the lucky grad has to do is aim and shoot. An extra-sensitive electric eye automatically meters the light, and automatically adjusts the three-element lens for bright, clear pictures in color or black-and-white. This automatic beauty can also be used manually for flash shots. A "Low Light" signal tells you when to use flash, and the brilliant optical viewfinder shows a special tint when you set the camera on manual -- so, no slip-ups. No double exposures, either. Prevention's built right in. In ^the outfit there's also a handsome field case, Kodalite Midget Flasholder for sparkling indoor shots, six flash lamps, two penlite batteries, 127 film and comprehensive "instructions. Come see the Brownie Starmatic Outfit, before the orchestra tunes up for the first bars of the processional. PANCAKE DAY Given By Scouts of america, troop H2 Sponsored By AMERICAN LEGION H & on Al rSt^a TO A M. to 7 P.M. at AN Li©!©N HALL tickets - Adults $TL@§ - ©hildren 50* CAN BE PURCHASED FROM THE SCOUTS OR AT THE DOOR Lt. and Mrs. Leonard J. Mahoney, (Mary Bacon) of Oscola, Mich., are parents of a son, born May 12. Little Mark Christopher is the third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake and the tenth great-grandchild of Mrs. Nellie Bacon of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marine are the parents of a girl, born May lO at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born May 10 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Baumstark. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Conway welcomed a son May 10 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born May 11 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Benson' of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finney are the parents of a son, born May 11 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Genteman became t hp parents of boy, on May 12 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was Born May 12 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Tilierson. McHenry Hospital A son was born May 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ponio of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, McHenry, announce the birth of a daughter, May 11. On May 14 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Landin of McHenry. Many of our so-called marriage failures are caused by failures marrying. St. Patrick's Communion Class McHenry Hospital Patients during the past week at McHenry hospital in- j eluded George Schelkops, Bar- j rington; Alexander Pray, Louis j Sherman, Elmer Rasmusson, Genevieve Wade, Mayme Vroskovak, Crystal Lake; Alice Grothmann and James Mahal,- Wonder Lake; Camilla Gegenheimer, Algonquin; William Schmidt, Herman Folkman, j Jeffrey Eogseth and Henry Andrzejezak, Chicago; Sally Davis, Mundelein; Catherine Breier, Johnsburg; Nancy Gleason, Wauconda; Stella White, St. Paul, Minn.; Dona Crispe, -Cary; Jack Smithson, Joseph Geneser, George Colomer, Ann Scarbrough, H a r r y Brodin, Olaf Quick, Robert Walson, Adam Przybyszewski, Timothy Witherington, Michael O'Hara. Peter Miller, Norman Falk, "Robert Burns, Jr., hdna Hamlin, Yvonne Barnes, Eleanor Rutmelin, Victoria Ryczkiewie/. and Wanda Behl. McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Wayne Sajrtwell im< Edmund Vanderstrateri oi Wonder Lake; Tina Fendt. Daniel Wolf, Mark Alderson and Russell Schiller of McHenry and Mrs. Jerry Kunz of Ringwood. Harvard Hospital William Butler, Jr., Nancy Kane and Mrs. Robert Newlon were patients in Harvard hospital this week. Eighty-five children who are pupils at St. Patrick's parochial school in McHenry were members of the First Communion class this spring. Pictured with them are R^v. . Fr. Edward C. Coakley, pastor, at left, and Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker, assistant pastor, nt right. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for their cards and visits during my stay in the hos-. pital. Your kindnesses to me .ire greatly appreciated. John Dreymiller 5-18-61 CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. The William H. Langusch Family *5-18-61 55 SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND! * FRI., SAT. & SDN. Medium - Grade "AA! EGGS 3 dot. $1. AK LEAF POULTRY FARM 3rd Farm West of Rt. 81--North Side of Edgewood Road R.F.D. 1 Crystal Lake Ph. 459-3971 •.'Ji :sr ctl AlNabcnal "VtliaVfoa" Colorado v^orn-rea Beet . . . value- SIRLOIN Colorado Corn-fed Beef CUBE STEAKS . . • NATIONAL'S TOO7. Fm-tM JiHe MOUND BEEF . . . » 1Y Mk. Hit.... 2.W TOP TASTE ^ Meat 14X gagC SKINLESS WIENERS % 55 TOP TASTE .. . N R By T»te Ke^e! ^AC LIVER SAUSA&E . . »• 3T MCKEUBtRrSOMfacL £Ac BOILS® SHAMo ,,.*07 SWIFTS PREMIUM Egtffei SLICED BACON ».*Sf hJh "sticks. , . SO FRESH--FILLETS ^ ^f-e OCEAN PKfiSI. . .« 3b -- COOK oat swems Top quality b««f from National... Lean and tasto-tempting with all the natural juices and flavor of corn fed beef! Value-Way trimmed to save you mondy ... Buy it today at National! Colorado Con>M teef itIB EYE STEAKS Rottiierie -- Roffed • . , Benoicst tE sHMnnruaur 1 mm Tke "King Of Steaks"--Value • Way Cut & Trimmed PORTERHOUSE.. . Bootless -- Rolled . . • Value-Way Cut ft Trimmed RUMP ROAST Folding Aluminum LAWiS 3HAIRS Sturdy end stable . . . Buy several at this low, low price! Ete Tm Oet It StMps With Percfcea* To«! ' C*AHO Mtttts- ¥fflf 4 UQMC *Xpmc B e ONVs' if e„t. J? G'«Wal/u1- Modef H,ank ihe HoMip eiShts anw .• Tlffi.1 WCoor*mr<Ae 't fuy°rnU'lr»s J'Zm 7thi"e Si**"** •5=5. uu sea . ' T*0 4r eAsyr" jJl / NOT*** ^ of H.'V1 *' rovr st* NATIONAL cv* rrc •vi Folding Aluminum CHAISE LOUNGI Idoal for th« patio • • . or CCfeSiA backyard relaxing • • . Available in most stores . • • ^1^ Th Get M ttaapi WlHi Perekeie Tee! DEL MONTE --The Lfeht Dousort 60CC3MEE DEL MONTE _ M AA( AR HALVES. 4 TO KI9EEM THIS VALUABLE! COUPOM FOB 2i iirraA stamps WliA Th* Pmhxi Of Om J-Piw s«t B^AMELED SAUCE PANS YaHow Clinf --Halvai Or Sliced DEL MONTE PEACHES 3 79 Pineapple - Grapofruif DEI MONTE DRINK I Wtnli Kernel Or No. 303 Cream Style DEL MONTE CORN. . . 4 79 DEL MONTE 0^ TOMATO SAUCE . . . .9 AMERICAN O.LUXt AAc Decorator Colors-Facial - ^ .. SALAD DRESSING KtEiNEX H5SUE. Z&. V* Om Cawarn Per CMonr--Cape EMm Wm JW tfDBSM THIS VAL0A9U COUPON POt 25 EXTRA SftH STAMPS Witt itt hirtm Of Oar aa. HIRES ROOT BEER ta Cssiapcr--Cocpw May 2K> FREE Wt Have Tkt HEW S«H B r e e d Stamps IDEAB00K Come in for your copy TODAY! 132 exciting colorful page* packed with famous name*Drand gifts. New compact book form for oajy reference. Get your free copy, today\ GET A 2-PAIR SET LIFETIME GO * Inlaid sfoinloss iteet blade* * Razor iharp lasting edges * Rustproof radiant golden finish * New shaped bows that make cutting easier * Spring bearieg construction trhd Scheeti 7•lack Sheuii , farted la Gift Box Oily WHk $11.00 la Cetfc Rt«bt*r Tmpn 1H3 VAS.0AD1S 60UP0M FOU 25 EXTRA SM STAMPS Mk tte FWdaa CJ rro«o St/xti-bany DRESS BL'S SHORTCAKE tM Om Oaapm Ontnrn^--Coopae txslra LI27 23A FilSH TOMATOES QEDBH THIS TALOASU COOfOM POS SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS vae or riniaM «r acnoa 7 GARDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPHJ1A Cs> --OgMC. Fresh BROCCOLI Head 25^ •EBEEM tils VMWEiB e®S?«K3 csn SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS «Na n» MK « sqeim • GARDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA Firm-Large Size-HEAD LETTUCE 2 •L InamI k Ml Te 1WU o--wrlf lsle. .H. o. MSuad>. DCT»»rf-lt» »c TtJ|im A sMa aCr IKSiAu« o> t*W.fbbt aC WAkraVe De MoMJIo. DM Sib @306 West Om Street FOOD STORES HILLSIDE ^ ' FLSRSH Biff itt coupe purchase TOP TREAT HSSSSS3S •com* THIS valoabu cejips:: 25 mm S»H smvm WHh Tl* Pvctytf* Cf Two Lo*« Or Pt?». AUY TOP TASTE BREAD OR ROLLS Unit 0m Cave* Ccst^-r -- Cx&o Eipim UOIIM THIS VAIUAIU COUPON PO®. 25 EXTRA S&H STAMP5 enui The w 0/* 15-« Jar ImUrtl HORLICK S MALTED MILK Qbc Covpoa Ptr Ct^iDcrcr ---Ca=poa Egirn tej 2QO iSiStvi HOaM TNtS VA1UABLE €03?©^ 25 EOTEIA S&H STAMPS CI Ou 4-RoU BLUE R1880* BATHROOM TISSUE e=2 ftr Cntaw-OB^ss NALLEY'S SCISSORS California STRAWBERRIES 3 Pints $1.00

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