Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1961, p. 15

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Thursday, May 25. 1961 THE McHENHT PLAMDEALEH r Sofiniyld* Pag* Fifteen; POLLY REPORTS GOLDEN WEDDING OF HER PARENTS Polly Stevens - EV. 5-1256 It is with extreme pride and great pleasure that I report thejplden wedding anniversary of tpy parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kimbro. Mother and dad knew each other from childhood when dad chased her with lizards and pulled her long red curls. She thought he was the meanest little boy alive but as they grew older her opinion began to change. On May 28, 1911, they were married in Haley, Bedford County, Tenn., in a fan#, rubber-tire buggy. The first three years of their marriage dad farmed with his father, next two years he was assistant foreman on a railroad experimental d e m o n s tration farm at St. Andrews, Tenn. For two more years they lived in Tullahoma, Tenn., where he was general farm foreman at the Tennessee Vocational School for girls. On May 8, 1$9 he was employed by the Ns&hville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad in Nashville /.where they lived for thirty-six 'years. During these years .^mother was a good wife and i'fVery wise motherland a homemaker. Mother and dad iost two sons and I am the only surviving child but they have a wonderful ^son-in-law, namely, Jim St^flbns. They came to Illinois in September, 1954, after dad retired and the four of us moved to Sunny side Estates on January 1, 1955. Their two wedding attendants, Mary Barrett, nee Patterson, and William Ayers are still living in Tennessee. Congrats, mother and dad. ® Reminder Don't forget Boy Scout Parents Night, Saturday, May 27, at 7 p.m., at the V.F.W. hall In McHenry. ding of Mary and Rose's nephew, Robert Szabelski, to Rose Ginacola, on Saturday, May 13, in Chicago. Both families wert well represented in the wed" ding party. Seven year old Joey De Francisco was flower boy and his oldest brother, Louie, was an usher. Rosemary Felicetti was the very pretty maid of honor and her brother, Louis, also served as usher. All the aunts, uncles and cousins enjoyed the evening reception that followed. On the same day, Jean and Joe Benoche and daughter, Susan, attended the wedding of Carol Frisby to Charles Olson Jeanniejo got baclt from her outing to attend the 8 o'clock dinner and reception at the J o h n s t u r g C o m m u n i t y c l u b with the rest of the family. A New Arrival On Saturday noon, May 13, at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan, a tiny, squirming daughter was born to Ann and Rick Rfldike. Linda Lee weighed a heanhy 8 lbs., 10 ozs., on her arrival. She was greeted at home by sisters, Terri, Laurie, Rqhpin and brother, Jeff. Congratulations, Ann and Rick. Weddings The De Francisco and Felicetti families attended the wed- Visits Former Residents Pat Spindj^r visited Kay and Burt Reece in Elgin last week. She reports that both are much improved from their recent illness. lif s Go Vlslttrf Let's stop at 4307 Wilmot Road and visit Jean and Joe Benoche and their daughters, 14 year old Jeanniejo and 11 year old Susan. Jean and Joe moved to Wonder Lake from Chicago in 1951. They lived there for seven years then moved to Sunnyside where they operated the village grocery. On January 23, 1961, thoy moved to Sunnyside Estates. Joe is a butcher by trade and his hobbies are water skiing and boating. Jean loves to sew and makes most of her daughters' clothes. The girls attend Johnsburg public school but in the fall Jeanniejo will be a freshman at McHenry high school. They enjoy water skiing, swimming, dancing and all sports. Brownie News Brownie Troop 150 h^d its weekly meeting last Thursday and made headbands for themselves. The bands were made of plastic covered with felt. They then decorated them with sequins and the Brownie emblem was stamped on. Debbie Noah was cookie hostess for this meeting. The Mother and Daughter lunch at the home of Betty Lakowske on Saturday, May 20, was enjoyed by the girls and their mothers. The centerpieces were Brownie and mother dolls and each mom received a vase of flowers made of detergent bottles and facial tissue. Today will be the last meeting of the season for the group but there will be many activities during the summer. Home Anin Mr. and Mrs/ William Schwieger returned home recently from a visit to their daughter and son-in-law, Chrystal and Ed Stach, in Granite City, 111. We saw Mrs. Schwieger with her daughter, June Banker, in church on Mother's- Day wearing a beautiful orchid corsage. Picnic The school patrol children of McHenry County attended a picnic in.Woodstock, Thursday, May 18. Jeanniejo Benoche, Elaine Fail, and Teddy Biorchen of Sunnyside Estates en joyed the hot dogs, ice cream and milk. Later the children returned to McHenry park to finish their outing by playing all sorts of games. Graduation Outing Jeanniejo Benoche, Mike Major and Johnny Rau of the Johnsburg public school Juno graduating class went on an outing Saturday, May 13. They visited the Museum of Science and Industry and Riverview Park. This class has been having car washes and all sorts of jobs to raise, the money for this trip. S.E.H.O.A. Election Meeting The Sunnyside Estates Home Owners association meeting will be held Thursday, June 1, at 8 p.m. at Johnsburg public FREUND'l DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products !-- FREE DELIVERY Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 ON HAlf IKE SIORf (The other--and even more satisfying^Mf ym'E discover fe Mm you drive a Corvair!) And when we say low price," we mean more than merely the pint-sized figure Ml the window sticker of a new Corvair. You're going to be saving like sixty on gas. And on the antifreeze you won't buy next printer, and the radiator repairs you'll never have to pay for. About the only things Corvair doesn't skimp on are room, smooth-" style and pure driving joy. But that's tik; other tialf o! the story. Talk to your Ch@wolet dealer about it soon! CORVAIR BY CiIW!§iEf See the new Corvair school. As you know 4he June meeting is very important to each resident fo^ that fe the night of election of officers for the coming year. Those nominated are as follows: President, Frank Babarsky, Jerry Olsen; Vice-President, Ted Bierchen; Corresponding Secretary, Florence Kelso, Polly Stevens; Trustees, Tom Felicetti, A. S. Kimbro, Steve Major and Jim Tyler; recording secretary, Marge Palmer and treasurer, Bernadine Grist. If you would like to serve or know of anyone who is willing and able to serve these offices please contact Carol Kennebeck at EV. 5-1184. Please have your nominations in by May 26. Absentee ballots may be obtained from trustees, who are Ray Bieschke, Dick Janicki and Harold Palmer, for those of you who cannot be present at the meeting.. These ballots must be returned to the judge of election before election day. The homes of Carol Kennebeck and Helen Wegener will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the convenience of those who cannot attend the evening meeting. It is for the good of your community and to your advantage that you come out and vote. Birthdays Happy birthday today to 4 year old Mary Kanter, 9 year old Joanna Roy, 2 year old Ronnie Fuqua, and Herman Mooha. Little smiling Tammy Bieschke will blow out two candles May 26. Danny Schneider will cefe* brate number one 6n Memorial. Day. * ' The following day, May 31» Louis De Francisco will\be midway in his 4,eens. ON THE JOB - ALWAYS ON • BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 PROFE^IOim DIRECTORS' c c t . a i r »-* of your local authorized Chevrolet dealer*» 3609 W. Elm Street McHenry, I1L EVergreen 5-0277 EAJFtlL Gk WALSB Bite, Auto, Fun I'tite'hh- Represaiaflto[j •mi.lAHT.r. COMPANIES Sick List Joey De Francisco is recovering from the mumps, w "Five year old Bobby L&snek has jbeen very ill with a summer virus. Mary Anderson missed school because of tonsillitis. Arthritis and I have been fighting over my left shoulder and ,the arthritis won out, hence this column was typed by a friend who shall remain nameless. Anniversaries Fifty years of marriage will be celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kimbro on May 28. Congratulations to Norma and Leonard Gunn on May 31. V.F.W. NEWS J. B. Smith (Buddy Poppy Time In HcHeniy) On Friday p.m. and Saturday until 3 p.m., May 26 and 27, veterans organizations and their auxiliaries will present this community with the annual Buddy Poppy Day. We hope that every citizen will contribute generously to this protect. As you know, every cent of our net take is spent, for local needy veterans and their families. Albphol seems to preserve most everything except secrets. Lakemoor Teenagers Help Beautify Beach David Heckmann EV. 5-0582 The residents of Lakemoor certainly showed by donations of fence posts, hot dogs, buns, milk and marshmallows how much they appreciated the beach beautifying work done by the teenage boys of our village. Mrs. Norman wishes to commend Ed Wagner, Dave Heckmann, Sam Kisla, Dick Heckmagro, Chip Cynowa, Eddy Atkins, Frankie Pogany, Mickey Wojtanek, Irish De Cicco, Thel • ma Rains, and Peachie Pogany for working so hard all day last Saturday, and hopes to see this fine crew next week. Such cooperative effort is very heart-warming.^ Error In Spelling We wish to ttorrect an error in spelling. It was Mr. and Mrs. Janiszewski who attended and danced on Ron Perry's polka show. North Woods Trip Arden and Pat Heald left for Maine on Tuesday the twenty-third. They attended the graduation of his daughter from high school. Don't Swelter this Summer Install Quiet, Dependable fc,: Mueller Climatrol AIR CONDITIONING 11 You doutvu tiie comfort, the heart-easing relaxation of the finest in home air conditioning. And Mueller Climatrol Central Air Conditioning is considerate of your neighbors. Outdoor unit purrs, never roars. ..quiet--am only quality can be. (M mir tMmmte nmr--mo obligation. CmUfaryomraapy^ McHenry Heating and Air Conditioning ftMpJT mu9. Route 120 East EV 5-0101 McHenry, 111. Party for Younger Set Pat Heald celebrated his birthday Saturday the twentieth with a party for a few of his little friends. Congratulations Patty! Police Magistrate Due to an oversight, Harry Brady's name was omitted in the installation party. Harry will be the police magistrate of Lakemoor for the next four years. Though a little late, we all wish him success in his term of office. Special Meeting On Thursday, May 18, a special meeting was called by President John Bonder and trustees. At this meeting Larry Booster was appointed to be the village treasurer. Congratulations, Larry. Clean Up On June 4 and June 24, there will be pick-ups of any trash or old things, each as, bathtubs, refrigerators, furniture, etc. Please mark above dates OVERHEATED MOTORS MM PK3SE3 .efewEsgeh hloWi FederyVL-c;£cd Haw Tt» •nwrso RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairilf AT IOW, PlAT-RAfl Mm **p»s£fco miitttszSco Complete Stock Of Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS" BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 3SS1A W. Elm St. McHenry Phone EV. 5-0788 on your calendar, should your notice get lost. Notices will fiHI passed out to each home. Please Note The next village meeting will be held on the third Thursday, June 15, at 8 p.m. Due to some of the schools closing and graduations the^meeting has been changed for the month of June only. The meeting after the above will again be held on the second Thursday in July. U-HAVl ». . for smart horn* ganhntn Home gardeners hav* grown wise to low-coM U-Haul Rental Trailan for hauling shrubs, young trees, gardening equipment. Have you? NffcK furnish md Alt ftindt IriKin for all •# mm UmUnd^int'\ a KbSfat 3948 W. Main &% McHenry, I1L Ph. EV 54916 * • Open Daily: 8 aM. to 0 Wed. A Snn. 8 num. In 11 Wmb When Too Need Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0048 or 5-0058 8429 W. Elm St., McHenry, I1L DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1286 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-6180 Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:80 to 9 pjn. Closed All Day Wednesdays Byes Examlned-Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-61 DR. LEONARD L BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - ©Bggsss Fitted Contact ILemssa 105 Richmond Dond Hours: EveaSmg® Tues., Thurs. A M 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: i to i pjn. Phone EV. 5-2M2 261 BCHROEDER IRON WORKS BtnsBteal SSss] snd (TOranimsgafta!! Visit Oar Fireplace t Miles South on BtfSI Ph. EVergreen 5 8888 8-61 GORDON E. SftBGANT Registered PraSssaioMd Esgtesev Percolation IfciB SorofltaffiloEB Loyceea j \W7ottsi? Urograms Richmond 4188 ft Bflle Be Johnsburg Sooth of Bt 12 on id 5-61 DR. EDGAR E. [PBASLEE Palmer GrciEEoto CHIROPRACTOR 0 8616 W. Main, McHenry, HL Office Honrst Dally except Thsnrcioy 1-5 Wed. A FrL ESvcnafingi 7-8 «4I tnnmsnrmtinf<m innjj w.Mim TOMORROW'S TELEPHONE NUMBER TODAY McHenry Has 7-Fiqure Dialing Progress can only be achieved through constructive change and foresight. That's why McHenry is receiving tomorrow's telephone numbers today. To meet the telephone service demands of a thriving and growing country, seven-figure telephone numbers are ^being introduced throughout the nation. These new numbers began replacing McHenry two-letter and five-figure numbers last April 22. Eventually, all telephone numbers will consist of seven figures. Some of the telephone customers who received the new numbers were going to have their numbers changed anyway -- so we thought it would be better to give them the "numbering system of the future" rather than the old system. That way another number change won't be necessary. Seven-figure numbers will care for the calling netds of McHenry not only for today but for tomorrow As well. The new service is designed to make c«!i|ag easier, faster and more accurate. It will also open the door to improved and extended telephone service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 1811 N. Court Street

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