ftundar. '(tat It 1961 THE McHENST PLAINDEALES Pag« Sonatal# Holiday Hlll» LOCAL CtUtL GRADUATES AT McHENRY HIGH Bite Oleyar <^e Holiday Hills girl will receive her high school diploma and seven will be graduated from the eighth grade in exercises held this weekend in McHenry. Judy Uelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Uelman of-.Sunset Drive, will be graduated from high school Friday night in ceremonies at the high school athletic field. Judy active in choral groups while at McHenry high. She plans to do secretarial work in the fall. ' Junior High Graduates Sherry Hughes, Becky Oleyar, Pat Schuppe, Ron Jeschke and Danny McGrane will end their grade school careers at exercises tonight in the junior i . h$g£fe school auditorium. Sherry f is the daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. John Hughes of Tower Drive; Becky, the daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oleyar of Hickory street; Pat, the Jlighter of Mr. and Mrs. John huppe of Lakeview drive; >n is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Jeschke of Hickory street; and Danny is the son of ,^fr. and Mrs. Daniel Mc- GnPe of Beach Drive. Parochial School Graduates Victor Justes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Justes of Lakeview drive, and Arthur Jungwirth, son of Mrs. Mary Jungwirth of Lilac street will be graduated from the eighth grade at St. Patrick's school oh Sunday, June 11. A solemn 1*4. will be celebrated, followed by a breakfast for the graduates. Our congratulations are extended to all these young people and their proud families. The H.H.P.O.A, beach committee is cooperating with the Holiday Hills Woman's club in planning for the annual swimming classes to be conducted at aAhe Griswold Lake beach, bfe^nning about the middle of igThe lessons previously have been scheduled for six weeks, with two sessions per week for etch child enrolled. Chadie X£y, Woman's Club president, Sjjrorts that a teacher will £ hired within a few days aftd that club members will be calling each resident for names of children who wish to take instruction. Beach To Be Prepared Bill Boettcher, chairman of the beach committee, will direct the clean-up work at the beach and the installation of the ropes and floats which mark off the beach area. A new raft will be built or bought for diving purposes and there is a possibility that a life-saving class will be organized. The cost will be nominal, depending upon the number of children enrolled. All parents are urged to give their children the advantage of learning to swim under expert instruction. Young Husband Dies The death of a neighbor always touches our hearts, but doubly tragic was the death by accident last week of Gil Machnik of Sunset drive. Gil, who was just twenty-orS'e, was cleaning his shotgun in the living room of his new home when it discharged and killed him instantly. His wife, Marlys, was shopping and their daughter, Lorri Lee, was sleeping in the bedroom when the accident occurred. Marlys, who is an expectant mother, plans to make her home here in the house they have occupied since last November. Brownies To Fly-Up Six fourth-grade Brownies will fly-up into the intermediate girl scout troop at a campfire ceremony planned for Tuesday night June 13. The entire Girl Scout troop and the Brownie troop will be present. By the time the girls fly up they will have fulfilled their tenderfoot requirements and will be eligible to receive the Girl Scout pin and Brownie wings. The girls who are being prepared for scout membership by leader Shirley Haufe are Pamela Walters, Liz Kreuger, Betsy Haufe, Kathy Weyland, Nadine Estis and Barbara Best. in at 9 lbs. 6 ounces has been named Patricia Ann. Mother and daughter are reported doing fine., Neighborly Notes Midge and Don Teuber have moved from the house they've rented on Sunset Drive for a year into the home they have purchased at 217 Oak street. The Teubers have: three sons, Keith, Kurt and Patrick. The Harold Breedes visited relatives in Weyauwega, Wis., over the Memorial Day weekend but Gerry had to bring the family home a day early so that she could march in the parade with the Girl Scout troop. Talent Show Don't forget to circle the date Friday evening, June 16, the presentation of "Youth on Revue." Sponsored by the Woman's club, the show will feature a dance recital, with solo and group efforts, plus offerings by other talented subdivision youngsters. The place is the Island Lake Congregational church. ECONOMIC ILLS In his remarks to the Illinois P h a r m a c eutical association convention last week. Gov. Otto Kerner said, "We have tried to cure the economic ills of today with a remedy of the past . . . a Revenue Article 91 years old. Unfortunately the prescription no longer is effective." The governor went on to say that 91 years ago the state's total population was 2.5 million and two-thirds of these people suppported themselves by farming. "Today," the governor continued, "we are a state Of more than 10 million people with a farm population that has shrunk to but 855,000 people. Yet more than half of our state-local tax revenue comes from property taxes designed to reflect wealth consisting of farmlands, crops and livestock." Baby Born To Young Couple Gilbert and Donna Zelasko who have lived at 314 Catalpa Drive since January are parents of a baby girl, their first child, born on Wednesday, May 17, at St. Therese's hospital in Waukegan. The little girl who weighed PLANT SHIPMENT Certain plants classed as nursery stock must be inspected for insect pests and plant diseases before being offered for interstate or instrastate shipment, says Ralph S. Bradley, director of the Illinois Dep a r t m e n t o f A g r i c u l t u r e . Transportation companies will not accept shipments nf plants unless they are properly certified, he added. GRANDSON OF LOCAL RESIDENTS RECEIVES GRANT Dennis Ciesil of Williams Park, Wauconda, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Bisbee of McHenry, Tias received a second grant from Quincy college in dramas In his two years at college he has received two awards in the drama class, his first being an award for the most improved actor of the year, after appearing in three plays in his first year. In his second year, his second award was received for best actor of the year. He appeared in two plays this year and was stage manager of the third. He also assisted in building and planning all the sets for all the plays. His professor, Mr. Fitzgerald, is responsible for Dennis receiving the two financial grants from the college. Actually, Dennis joined the drama group as a lark. His mother, daughter of the Bisbees, says he's doing what she didn't have the courage to do when she was in school. Needless to say, both his parents and grandparents are quite proud of his drama awards and his financial grants which are helping to further his college education. Spring Grove Parties Held In Honor Of Grads Mrs. Charles Freund A party was held in honor of Harold Smith on his graduation at his home on Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mc- Daniel of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Miller and family and Ann Miller of McCullum Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Loo Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby and family, Steve Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petska. The George W. Mays entertained in their home to honor their son, James, on his graduation day. These present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund. Dan and Vic; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul May, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson, Denny and Pammy. Wedding Receptions Two Wedding receptions were on our calendar for last Saturday. The first one we attended was in Glen Ellyn. Terry Britz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz of Woodstock, marred Miss JanaLee Miles in St. Gertrude's church. Franklin Park at an eleven o'clock nuptial mass. In the evening we went to the reception of Tom Williams and Miss Vi Larson at Twin Lakes. Wis., who were married in an eleven o'clock ceremony at St. Peter's church, Father Lehtti&n officiated. Visit Mrs. Charles Korus of Bangor, Maine, is spending several weeks at the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Charles Freund. Graduation Party Miss Jody Weber entertained in her home on Sunday in honor of her graduation from Marian Central high school Friday night^ Guests enjoyed a delicious buffet supper and a pleasant everljng of visiting. The guest of honor was the happy recipient of many beautiful gifts. Serviceman to Germany P.F.C. Richard Monhardt has completed his training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in the combat engineers. He will leave for duty in Frankfort, Germany, where he will be stationed for thirty-two months and will be attached to the ski patrol. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monhardt of Spring WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8:15 A.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 11 "HEALING THROUGH ACCEPTING GOD'S GOODNESS" Tuberculosis and rheumatism cured through God's healing power. Radioi WAIT (820 kc> Sun. 9:00 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) 8:00 A.M. last Sunday each month FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 3-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Memorial Day Parade We stood at attention, those of us who had gathered, and watched the parade march down Main street in observance of Memorial Day. Those who participated were the RBCHS Band, The American Legion, the Firemen, the Boy Scout Troops and the Girl Scouts. They were led by the band to the fire house where the flag was lowered at half mast as taps were sounded and a three gun salute was given. Rev. Carlson gave a most impressive talk and we all .bowed our heads thanking God that we are now at peace. . Christening % The christening of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs; I<arry Gaylord was held last Sunday, Rev. Edward Lehmanr officiating. The baby was named Julie Anne, after her maternal grandmother. Sponsors were LaVern Meyer and Donald Gaylord, Dinner guests at the Charles May home wen?" Faftier Lehman, Father Monohan, Anton May, Mr. and Mrsi Donald Gaylord, LaVern Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Lari^f Gaylord. - Great minds have purposes? others have wishes. - I? iiil REMEMBER THE DAY. JUNE 18 Select his gift at... STORE for MEN 1245 N. Green Sfe Phone EV 5-0M7 Open Daily *8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 aan. to 9 pan. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN 'STREET PARKING AREA VALIANT .. . 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