T&ae adtif. 1961' THTMISEIiKI' PUtSHDEftSEH* PageNlneteen Plri&kfli Highlands WOMAN'S CLUB CLOSES SEASON W BUSY MEETING Hasel JRoney ti¥. 7-3820 last meeting of the Woman's club, until September, was .held May 31, at the community center. President Kay Sielisch, announced the names of the committee women for the year. Refreshment Chairman, Jane Malek, cochairman Terry Oziminaki, who had just returned from the hospital, the proud mother of a haby boy; Joan Megley, public^ chai r m a n; Gertrude Shell, committee to aid vicepresident; Joan Zilligen, Doria Hansen and Lynn Roslinski, entertainment planning; Blanche Haefliger in charge of prize*. All'women who wish to have their names in the year booh; are asked to have their dues paid by July 14. After that you may still join but yoUir name will not be in the _ year book. The book will be distributed at the September ' meeting. The membership wili be open until the October meeting. After that date only new residents may join. The September meeting will be open to members and non mem bers, there will be a speaker, Mfo Redding, from the Woodstock Children's home. Hostesses for the evening were Mary, Seldon, Beverley Bickler, Meryl Fletcher, Joyce Heir and Marcia Weaver. The Woman's club will be guests of a laboratory in Waukegan on July 12 for a tour and luncheon. All women who plan to attend please call Kay Sielisch and chairman, Blanche H»^4iger. This is by reservation only and reservations must be in by July 7. Plans are being mac|e. for the annual rummage, bake and white elephant sale which will be held on October 7. Please bring your rummage and white elephant to the chairmen of the committees or call them and they will see it is picked up^Members of the sale commraee are Blanche Haefliger, Lynn Rozinski, Jocelyn Staudenittaier, Doris Hansen and Barb Sisk. The turnout for the meeting was very large and the women enjoyed an evening of cards and bunco. Kay Sielisch thanked the past officers for their help and preseqjjgl past President Lorraine Ullo with a bouquet of floweitt^ ih gratitude for her aid ana Kay expressed her gratitude to all who gave their help and support at the meeting^ Hostesses for the September meeting will be Emma Maces, Virginia Thoren, Sylvia Murray, Betty Zenner, Grace Reinhardt and Mary Maftbck. All members are to please call Joan Meg- 1 about any member who is ill, has a baby, or a death in the family. We hope you all have a most enjoyable summer and we are looking forward to seeing you all at the September meeting. LUMP The date is June 24 in the barn, not on the beach as some of you have been led to believe. Reservations must be in by June 12 to Lee Conway, Lois Mason or myself. The price of the ticket includes all your food, punch and dancing. asted le^al News Of Your Friends And Neighbors Lorraine Hurckes spent last Wednesday visiting in Meddow Dale, Happy birthday to Marion Mueller on June 11. The Mclnerneys entertained friends over the Memorial day; holiday. I am sorry to hear that Kip Novotny and Reed Bales are the latest mump victims. Dorothy Rodarmel entered the hospital again last week for more treatment. Martin Rogde is on vacation this week and he and Hazel are enjoying a few days away together. One of their visits was to Green Bay, Wis. The Ron Jacksons and Don Morins got together for a friendly back yard cook out on Memorial Day. The Dudley Greggs spent the afternoon of Memorial Day at Brookfield Zoo. Kathy Mclnerney was home over the weekend. Don and Wanda Dobecki entertained Don's folks from South Bend and Don's brother and family from Crystal Lake on Memorial Day. Happy birthday to Jim Hurckes who will be seven on June 11. I am happy to report that Harriet te Wilson has returned home from the hospital. She underwent surgery recently. All our wishes for a speedy recovery. entertained Tina O'Malley, On June 7 Wanda Dobecki Barb Sisk, Hazel Morley and all their children at a luncheon in her home. It was Wanda's way of showing her appreciation to the girls for picking her daughter up all year from kindergarten. The Dodges entertained Martin's sister, Mildred, last weekend. In the evening they drove her and Martin's other sister, Grace, who has been staying with them back to Chicago. Lorraine Lindemann is not looking forward to another visit to the hospital, but the blood clot in her leg has not responded to treatment and it is necessary for her to have surgery within the next two weeks. Enjoying their holiday together were the Morleys, Janquarts, Masons and Conways. We all got together for a perfect day at the Masons and Conways. That "sweet" Tom Mason took us gals for a boat ride and did his darndest to get us wet. Sympathy My sympathy to Mrs. Fellows on the recent death of her father. Congratulations Best wishes for a happy future to Marcia Dowd and Larry' Weaver who were married on May 26 in Waukegan. It's A Boy Russell is the name chosen for the new son of Terry and Ed Ozminski who was born last week on McHenry hospital. Congratulations. That's It For another week. Now that school is out I would like to caution motorists about all the kiddies and bikes that will be around all hours of the day. Please be careful while driving through the subdivision. Have a nice week, bye now. ASK CONDITIONAL USE OF LAND FOR SMALL CHURCH A petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for the Polish National Union, District No. G camp, a Corporation and St. Francis Polish National Catholic church. The petitioners are requesting a permit for a conditional use allowing the operation of a small church on said premises. The property is located in the vicinity of McCullom Lake, on Lake Shore drive, 1,000 feet west of the intersection of Martin, road and Ringwood road and approximately 3!i! miles northwest of the city of McHenry. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Tuesday, June 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the city hall in McHenry. Centennial Celebration On June 23, 24 and 25, Antioch will sponsor one of the largest Civil War centennial celebrations in the state. Gov. Otto Kerner has sent this community his congratulations upon the project, and all civic organizations in, the community are going all out to make it a complete success. LUfmew COMPLETE NEW STREET SIGN LETTERS SOON Shirley Scnuerr EV. 5-2*43 The Woman's auxiliary has ordered the new letters for our street signs. As. soon as thfey are received the sign committee of the association will be contacted to see the letters are put up. Won't be long now and our signs will be completed. Reminder Next Tuesday, June 13, is the monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association, time, 8 p.m., place, white schoolhouse. Rummage Sale This reporter's face is an the red side. I goofed on the date of the rummage sale. It will be held Saturday, June 17, at the white schoolhouse here in Lilymoor, instead of the porch of Club Lilymoor. Please bring your things for the sale Thursday or Friday, June 15 and 16, in the afternoon. Someone will be at the schoolhouse to accept the articles. Isabelle Karmel and Val Fradinardo are chairmen of the sale. You can contact Isabelle at EV. 5-4698 and Val at EV. 5-4498 for more details. PLEASE, CLOTHING SHOULD BE CLEAN. Remember proceeds from the sale goes into the beach fund. We want a good beach for our children. ttielr' wedding anniversary Tuesday, June 6. Congratulations also to Pete and Irene Capellani. They celebrated their twenty-sixth wedd i n g a n n i v e r s a r y T h u r s d a y . June 1. Irene is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rathke. Congratulations and best wishes to you Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Pete and Irene, and hope you celebrate many more anniversaries. Birthday Greetings to Sam Sances. He is celebrating his big day today Thursday, June 8. Many happy returns to you, Sam. Some Trip On Wednesday, May 24, Eunice Tobey left to attend the funeral of her uncle in Highland, Ind. To try and save time Eunice took the toll road. It took her longer and she was lost for awhile, winding up in Lansing, 111. To make things worse she had trouble with her car. With all of this Eunice has come to one conclusion, if ever she returns to Highland she will not use the tollway. Has Aecident W i 11 a r d Christensen met with an aecident»._WedneSaay, May 24, while out fishing. Willard got a fish hook caught in his eye lid. This is serious Willard. but we are all glad it wasn't your eye. Library Hours A reminder that the library in Lakemoor is now open TUESDAY evenings instead of Thursday evenings. The days and hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoon? from 2 to 5 p.m. andf Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. The library is also open Saturday afternoons frorr$&l:30 to 4:30 p.m. If you are not registered'a^* the library the librarian, BP' ane Zundel, will gladly register you, so you too can take books out. The library has a nice se lection of books. Anniversaries Greetings to Mr. and Mrs. William Gray. They celebrated P R Q F E f f i o n ; : DIRECTORY BECKER'S mm Mile East of the Skyline Drlve-Vn Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE. .. For Most of ih© Popular Breeds BOARDING ... Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving JUNE ssm SPECIALS ^SssBsBs w&eshy fiilQ •OJHH vlG Sl„ wecuL ?%0DT ttK and ants. "ita* i6 * ***** 0%Titos- fit* Mm mm-'m us . «aPO^\ £ol «£ cob®* «he imping co\A .^Jdo9 be„era9«* EARL R. WASjSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm * Life Iu» Represaeattag RELIABLE COMPANIES When Too Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone EVergreea 5-0048 or &-GS5S 8429 W. Elm St., McHenry, I1L OR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0180 Res. Phone: EV 5-6101 Hours: Dally 0:80 - 5:00 Tues. FfL Evening* 6:§© to 0 p.m. Closed All Hay Wedmesdays Byes Examtned-Glasses Fitted Contact ILensea Fitted ' Repair Service 8-61 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Olsssai fitted Contact ILeasaa 105 Richmond Honrs: EvaMaga Tnei^ Thurs. A FrL 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 0 pA Phone EV. 5-226S 241 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS ud Visit Our Shot Fireplace Eqnlpnwl f Miles Seoth on Rt. 81 Ph. EVergreen 8-61 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professions! Engineer Perc®MSjta Stents SannEto&loim Eoyoati Water Ssspply Programs Richmond 4188 Yi Mile Sooth of Rt. IS on lohnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-61 Hardware 1228 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Grcsimafe# CMZROPRACTOH 8616 W. Main, McHenry, DL Office Hosnss Dally except TMsFGloy 1-5 Moa* Wed. & WA 7-# Attends Graduation Party Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr and family attended the graduation 'party Sunday, May 28, ot their nephews, John and Jim Schuerr, of Fox Lake. Also there wej| IVjtr. and Mrs. Walter Sdhuerr a"pd Mrs. Kate Caswick and friends* John and Jim graduated frobuSt. .Peter's school in Spring. Grove. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy goes to Eunice Tobey"on the death of her uncle. Otto Haekenyos, of Highland, Ind. Mr. Hackenyos was 82 years of age. In Hospital Mrs. Frederick has been in the Harvard hospital for the past couple of weeks. We are all wishing ydU a very speedy recovery, Mrs. Frederick. Surprised Eunice Tobey was pleasantly surprised recently when two of her long and very close friends, Mrs. Hose Kriesinger and Earl Muller of Chicago, paid her a visit. T^ev all enjoyed the day and had a nice luncheon. Broken Leg Seems like one little female tried to jump a fence and as a result she has a broken le;j;. It will be sometime before Princess trys that again. Connie Johnson is nursing one hurt puppy. More News Mrs. Karmel of Chicago visited with her son and daughter- in-law, Fred and Isabelie, AND YOU FORGOT TO BUY FILM! GET KODAK FILM HER (30*52 BOLGER'S 125S4*. Green St. rnmst Ph. EV 5-4500 and grandchildren; Dennis and Marlene, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr and Mrs. Kate Caswick of Chicago spent Friday to Sunday, May 26 to 28 out here in Lilymoor. Mrs. Massey was out Sunday for awhile. It was nice to see her again. Diane and Sidney Finkelman and sons, Jeffery and Michaiel, of Chicago were * out to visit Diane's mother, Mrs. Bertha Burger/ of Lakemoor, and sister, Shirley Schuerr, and family Tuesday, May 30. Also visiting with them was another sister, Mrs. Audrey Pinkonsly, and daughter, Carol, of McHenry. Vacation Time is Here By the time this column is out some of cur children will be on their vacation, and some will be out in a few days. I would like to say this. PLEASE children, watch yourself on the roads. We don't want anyone getting hit by a car; And drivers watch for the children, we don't want you to hit any child or children. So children and drivers watch cut for each other. Have a nice vacation kids. Ronnie Wagner is home for *"'• his summer vacation. Ronnie attends school in Wisconsin. -is* Flag Day p Next Wednesday, June 14, is Flag Day. Be proud of our country and our flag and dis- 7C play it with honor and pride. ;; There are a lot of people who would be more than glad to live in this great country of ours. II BOND SALUTE The American community x.' and the organizations ,that ~ make it go are the subject of" a special Treasury department salute marking the 20th an- • niversary of the U.S. Savings" , Bonds program. The tribute was expressed in a public'" _ service newspaper ad proclaimipg June as "Community?. Month" in the bond program's^ calendar of salutes for the an- --, niversary year!- ','v The man who has nothing to boast of except his ancestry is iT' a lot like a potato -- the best . part is underground. « ' 11 Reasons Why T© Sea Ui II Yen Need A Water System ot Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes Including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are complete^ insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for gill makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY Mas THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK HcHenrf County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Senta ALL MAKES of PUMPS! *r2 THE FLAMELESS ELECTRIC KITCHEN •••iV # WHIN VOU MODBRNIZB YOUR KITCMBN, MMIIMIIR.H imeless iien won't M® mit of dale Phone EV 5-0098 EVergreen ft-OiM Ml Tte lady above demonstrates the amazing flexibility of a flameless eiscfcric kitchen. Because there are no fuel pipes to get in the way, she can have her automatic electric dryer wherever she wants it. There are no vents to install, no pilot to burn. So the entire laundry unit raw fit into a small area behind attractive sliding doors. Of course, the electric range is t-Hp heart of every flameless electric kitchen With it, yoe can cook your meals ivaihoul your kitchen (or yourself). The oven is insulated on all six sides, not just five. Hardly any heat escapes. The surface units transfer heat directly into pans and into foods--not into your kitchen. And because electric ranges burn no fuel, no dirt is created. Your kitchen (and everything in it) stays clean twice as long. Before you spend a penny on kitchen remodeling, get a professionally- prepared plan based on your specific needs and budget. An experienced kitchen specialist can sh@uy©uhowimaginativeplaimiBg caia cave you steps and eliminate unnecessary bending and reaching. He can also help you work out color schemes and fighting effects and help solve storage problems. For the names and addresses of kitchen modernization specialists in your area, call your nearest Public Service Company office. 'ic Service Company FIAMEIESS ELECTRIC KITCHEN SaCfcdi So Safe. So Oeommaoweplth Edison Company