AursQay, Jane 15, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER l| ||^f £ JANE BARKER ^v:x X%-Xv .•»:•:•:• 1-Lfi. LOAF v • ••:V*ssv».v.v 25 « £**> m Ally & Not a reducing loaf-but a delicious source of many of the minerals, vitamins and proteins that calorie-cutting may lose. Sold exclusively at A&P Food Stores &*:*:% W£ %) COfftlB'"- SPECIAL SALE!... MILD & EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE j LB BAG Pago Imi Wllageof Sunnyside N6MINATIONS FOR TERRACE OFFICERS ARE MADE KNOWN Irma Guntlier The "fiexf Terrace meet ins; will be on July 10. and you all know It is election time. The nominating committee has the following nominations thus far; • President, Len Toepper; Vi<jepresid& ht. Ewald Pradelski; secretary, Eleanor Moore, directors, Fred Woerner, Bill Pritch.ird and Mitch Sabaj. "Don't forget, at the meeting nominations can ix> made from The floor. Bark on Job Well, it seems that l am still writing this column. I hope we have someone in the village who would like to take over 1 his job. Irene has her hands full with her four little ones and it was harder than she expected to get everything done, so I am looking for a reporter again. Village Meeting Our last meeting was very well attended and many new faces were seen, it turned out to lx> more of an open forum rather than ihe way the meetings were before. Many questions were asked and answered, we all got to meet our new I lawyer, William Carroll, Jr., |and I'm sure^. everyone got i sumething out of this meeting. Vehicle Stickers and Dog Tags It is hoped that all the cars in the village have their stickers and that all the dogs have tags localise if not. they can be tickeLed by the police. There still are some dogs who seem to bother other people's • property and they will be picked rp and the owner fined. j Graduation News j Carol N i e m i e c graduated | from McHenry high and their i house was jumping with the j many friends and relafnffis who ' eame on Sunday to help her j celebrate. Therese Schneider was a graduate of Marian Central high. She will be going on to | business college in the. fall. A '• dinner was held in her honor | on Sunday evening and among the guests who were present | were Grandma Schneider, Mr: j and Mrs. Nick Just en and 'daughter from McHenry, Mrs. : Florence May from McHenry, , Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and [daughter froni Johnsburg. and I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred May and i children from our village. Larry Cammarata graduated from McHenry high and his party will be held later, on July 2. I arry's niece, Barbara, ! Scrimenti, will be graduating ! from high school in Northbrook on June 15 so there'"will be a party for both of them at the Cammarata house and the families will cejebrate together. Pat Smock. Joan Phillips and Karen Bush, are M.C.H.S. graduates. Congratulations to all you graduates and many wishes are offered to you on your future steps. FRESH-GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN! Then, as now, fresh-grinding was the te* cret of big, fresh, wonderful Coffee Mill Flavor. You get that same fresh flavor today from whole-bean A&P Coffees . . • ground only when you buy . . . custom- it 9roun<l for your coffeemaker! YOUR COFFEE GROUND TO ENJOY* Mill MINI REMEMBER THE DAY. r * t pmmcj < rKMIrSIb 1 PARTNER > ' SALE! SAVE 22* i JUNE 18 TEAMWORK; Inh/J/Ubf atiwb ik ikt Hotxt at . . -- «£ ^TORE for MEN » N. Oreen St. Phone EV 5-0047 n Daily K a.m. to (! p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 5) a.m. Mil 12 noun SK TIIK IK I" K stkikt parkinc. area Busy Time at Our Again Son, Charles, got out of school on Friday and left that same night with his uncle Otto for Cassville. Wis., for a week's vacation. Last Sunday we attended the christening of our new granddaughter, Laura Ma rie, in Melrose Park. Golden, Wedding Guests Mr. and 'Mrs. Art Kunkel attended the golden wedding Celebration in Wonder Lake of Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Murphy. Their son in California is married to the 'Murphys* daughter, Delores. $4>cial Club On June 24 the Social club will have a party at the home of Dean Cios. If the weather is nice it will he held outdoors. Anniversary Party Rich a n d Kay Fredrick helped celebrate the wedding anniversary of Rich's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Filia, in Fox Lake. Beaeli Passes Most of you have them and if you "don't, you can get them from Don Zamastil. Speed Signs Up There are eight signs posted already and more will be put up on the speed limits. If you exceed Ihem, the sheriff's police will show you that these speed limits can be enforced. Sick List It seems that this tune it tai the parents who are on the sick list. Marie Kern weht to McHenry hospital with virus pneumonia, Barb Zamastil's mother, Laura Zimmerman, is in Elmhurst hospital to undergo surgery, and we hope that Marilyn Wiggerman is up and around Jegljng better wh£n this paper comes out. Pot Luck Don and Barb Zamastil. attended a pot-luck given by the combined Mary circle and Sarah circle of the Methodist church in McHenry. Women's Auxiliary Meets Tonight the Terrace wonien meet at the home of Bonnie Sabaj, so all you ladies com?? and bring a neighbor. Anniversary Wishes To Val and Marsha Pattila. Party Carol Lima had thirty-four of the graduates of her class from St. John's at her home for a party. The garage was decorated with mariy balloons and lanterns, delirious food was served and the-kids had 6 wonderful time playing garnet and dancing. In fact, they had such a good time no one wanted to go home. Bake Sale Make sure that you attend the bake sale at Lorreta Kerns home on June 17. Proceeds will go toward the new McHenry hospital. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO BUILDING MATERIALS FREE ESTIMATES ON . .. Aluminum Combination Windqwsand JjgaW Railings -- ^tSlmAs Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Til© Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive ^ EV 5-1878 - McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN Birthday Party Barb Childers took the children to Fox Lake to help her friend. Barb Moats, celebrate lier birthday. Many fish were caught and her son, Billy, caught his first fish. CITY HOST TO FIRST ANTIQUES SHOW NEXT MONTH McHenry's first annual Antiques show and sale will be held Friday, Saturday andl Sunday, July 14, 15 and 16, according to Mrs. Harriet Dodd, chairman. Sponsors p of the event is the Guiding Stair Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem. The show will provide an opportunity for antique lovers to see the specialties of about twenty dealers who have promised to come to McHenry fair the event. ; Hours for the show, which will be held in the high school, will be noon to 10 p.m. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS The McHenry County Medical society will meet at tlfe Memorial Hospital, for McHenry County, Woodstock, Ofl June 15, for dinner at 6{3D tftnf Hie**veflSHi %«! "be voted to work on by-latfs fat the society. The women's; au:Ciliary who meet with the ntffli will show a mobile unit whicti they made and exhibited &t <!fe Chicago Conventioh oC Wtittfen's Medical Auxiliaries. \ Those who marry in peration often live in deSpttiir. 'JANE PARKSR-lteg. 49c iPPLEPIE * 8 INCH C 39 FANCY WISCONSIN SHARP Aged Cheese CHEDDAR l, \Kr 59 "Ml get the best buy on the best selling brand at jour Chevy dealer's Thick Rrnmduj)! f r &>uJpriced OMA LUSCioUS.,. 4b I % I I JuP's OWN Matve/ ! ICE CREAM i • VANILLA t CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY I I Gallon j Carton ^ ^ ANN PAGE, PEACH Preserves ITALIAN DRESSING All AGE '1 -LB. IN QUARTERS TABLE WWWINE MADE FROM 100% CORN OIL for greater nourishment, better taste, easier spreading. Sold only at A*P. Try it, love it, or we'll give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! FOR FANCY SALADS BOTTLE High quality Ann Page Italian dressing is a jp@sf©ct blend 6f the finest ingredients available. It will make your most refreshing summer salad even better. • SPECIAL 0FH ANN PAGE RED RASPBERRY Prei@r¥fs fctory Jelly 12-OZ. JAR THE GREAT ATLANTIC k PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC Ann Page Brand Ann Page Brand AMIRKk'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE 1859 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE TIHliU JUME H7?h GM°lid Assorted Flavors 29c 25* 25' 6^19° |ar 12-oz. far Chevy Fleetsidc Pickup Now it's easier than ever to own America's easiest riding truck. And, thanks to their own special br&Bd of Independent Front Suspension, Chevrolet trucks will keep on saving for you every mile you • If you've been needing a new truck, but waiting a spell till the best buy-came your way . . . wait no longer. It's truck roundup time and the best buys are here as only the best seller can offer them. Just head for your Chevrolet dealer's full corral of bargains and take your pick. Put your truck dollars where the truck value is. With Independent 'Front Suspension smoothing the way, you'll finel a Chevy thick is worth loads more to you. Drivers get less tired. Cargoes ride easier. And, best of all, your truck fceeps going for extra thousands of miles. A good deal? Yov bet! Even more so now -- during truck roundup tunes. CHE VROLE T TRUCKS See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer 3609 W. Elm Street CLARK CHEVROLET SALES McHenry, 111. EVergretn 5-6277 >