Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1961, p. 15

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Thursday, June 22, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER I&ymoor ASSOCIATION HEARS REPORT OF ROAD COMMITTEE Shirley Scliuerr EV. 5-2645 The Li ly moor association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, June 13. William Schmidt Round Lake was guest speaker of the evening. At this meeting the road committee gave a report on the roads. Gravel is being put where needed most on the roads and work could be finished in the near future. There are still letters for the street signs to be put up. If you wish letters you can pick them up from Bob LoPresti. ^he next association meeting will be held Tuesday. July 11, time, 8 p.m., place, white schoolhouse. Correction I have a correction to make. The proceeds from the rummage sale will go into the general* fund and not the beach fund. There are matters to be straightened out about the K#ich. Auxiliary News Friday, June 9, was af busy day for a lot of the ladies or the auxiliary. Those ladies who gave their time to raise money for a worthy cause were Lil Wijas; Pearle Stineman, Connie Johnson, Helen Haines, Marion Leske, Marylyn LoT ftjesti, Edna Crawley, Lee BasiWand Toni Ehredt. The ladies served doughnuts a ml coffee a n d r e c e i v e d d o n a t i o n s f o r t h e Salvation Army Dough-Nut day. Ladies don't forget the next monthly meeting of the auxiliary will be held the second Monday of July, because of the holiday. The date is Monday, July 10, time, 8 p.m., place, ]^ge hall of Club Lilymoor. Birthdays Greetings go tQ^ little Miss Susan Johnson. Susan was seven years old Monday, June 19. Greetings also go to Master Butch Mercure. Butch celebrated his eleventh birthday on Saturday, June 17. Still more greetings go to Carl Ritter. He is celebrating M, big day today Thursday, ne 22. To each one we wish you many happy returns. tion. May the next four years of high school just fly, and with honors. Hawaiian Party Herb and Marge Polinski and daughter, Kathy, attended an Hawaiian luau at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bloner of Barrington Sunday, June ll. Marge and Kathy went Hawaiian all the way with grass skirts, orchids in their hair, the works. Marge and Kathy had a ball doing the hula dance. Everyone attending the party Ijad a good time. Gardens Have you taken a look at the beautiful gardens here, in Lilymoor? With the different flowers blooming they really «re colorful and picturesque. It's a shame that persons have to go around digging other people's flowers. It is a lot nicer to ask the party if you could have some of the flowers, not just dig them. Deadline Next week the column must go in on Thursday, June 29, because of the July 4 holiday. If you have any news please phone it in to me by Wednesday night. I have Been asked again Why this or why that hasn't been in the column. Like I have said often about the news for the column, I can not put in news if I didn't hear from you. So please call your news in and I will gladly put it in the column. Anniversaries Greetings go to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rathke. They will celebrate their fifty-fifth wedding a n n i v e r s a r y t h i s S a t u r d a y , June 24. Th^ Kroncke family has many anniversar ies to cele- T ite4MH> Sunday/>Jun0^25. filer and Ruth will celebrate their thirty-fourth. Their sonin- law and daughter, Arnold and Dolores Abraham, will celebrate their twelfth. Another daughter and son-in-law, Dorothy Ann and John Cunningham, will celebrate their sixth. Ruth's brother and sister- in-law, William and Kay Heining, will celebrate their ^enty-second. To each and everyone we wish you congratulations and hope you celebrate many more anniversaries together. Wins Trophy Kathy Polinski won a trophy for her bowling team for being in first place. She also received a tag from the W.I.B.L. for champion of the '60-61 season, ^pngratulations, Kathy. Graduation A party was held for Dennis Karmel. Many relatives and friends attended the party. To you Dennis, we all say congratulations on your gradua- More News Mrs. Grunke of Chicago arrived at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Herb and Marge Polinski, Saturday, June 17. She is spending the week with them. Herb and Eleanore Gribinicek and daughters, Nancy and Cindy, of Chicago were out to visit Eleanore s mother, Mrs. Kate Caswick, and both Schuerr families. Observance of the development of most family woes too often looks like this, to an outsider: 1) boy gets job, 2) wants and gets car, 3) likes to go driving. 4) gets gal for company, 5) the question slips out, 6) wedding bells, 7) bills, babies, bills, babies until 8) obligations exceed paycheck. Custom T.Y. Topics By .Ray- Zetasrsky Antenna Importance Mosl folks don't give much thought to their television antenna unless the wind blows it down. And then, they will register surprise at the clear and sharp picture they receive with new antenna equipment. The reason is that antennas have improved greatly in the past five years. Also, many antennas move out of position over the years and become weather worn to a point that very weak signals come through to the TV receiver. If your antenna is five or more years old, you could improve your television receiving by antenna service. Phone EV 5-3757 or EV 5-5659 and let CUSTOM T.V. evaluate your antenna. We do many insurance jobs after windstorms, too, and would like to give you estimates for guaranteed, satisfied replacement. To Eqq WO A Wito YOE Sfcsi <m WoUfl 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVEIi 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHeny Comfy Well & Pnip WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-07 IS Lakemoor MANY PROJECTS DISCUSSED DURING VILLAGE MEETING David MecEanann EV. 5-0582 A motion was passed at the last village meeting, to have the arterial roads seal coated and paid for from the Motor Fuel Tax. Better than fifty per cent of the roads will be seal coated. The papers for this work are being processed and should be completed in a short time. Also passed was the appropriation ordinance. The information on this ordinance you will find on another page of this week's paper. M a r t i n T u s h k o w s k i w a s sworn in at this meeting, to serve out John Bonder's term. Weeds along the roadsides and beach on Route 120 will be cut this week. The following appointments were made by the President John Bonder, Finance, Donald Whytiot; Building and Zoning, James Krein Jr.; Streets and Roads, James Krein, Jr.; Fire and Police, John Sulok, Jr.: Public property, Anna Brzezi n s k i ; O r d i n a n c e s , D o n a ! d Whynot; Water, Septic Tank and Sanitation, Donald Massheimer; Publicity, Anna Bivczinski: Licenses, Martin Tushkowski; Streets and Septic Inspector, John Foute, Jr.; Building Inspector, Norman Morrison; Electrical Inspector, John Krai and Village Treasurer, Larry Booster. The next village meeting will be held on Thursday, Juiy 13. at 8 p.m. Final Notice The final pick-up will be' made on Saturday, June 24. Place all refuse, old refrigerators and other things in front of your homes near the road. Parents At the last village meeting i a report w as turned in that children are climbing a n 1 jumping from the kitchen roof j at the rear of the fire \buikling. , They have been warned a numj ber of times. The building cori poration will not assume the responsibility if anyone is injured. Pagi Fifteen Committee Meeting The committee for Boy Scout Troop 161 held a business meeting at _,Ted Beahler's garage Tuesday^ night. An overnight camp-out is in prospect for this weekend. It will be in charge of Wally Para, Scoutmaster, and "Butch" Fort his able assistant. the hospital suffering from rhuematic fever. He must remain for 10 days. Then at home for 4 weeks this youn;.,' fellow must remain in bed. All of us extend our sympathies and pray for your speedy recovery. The weekend visit of his mother's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Falcone, and then sons. Terry. Phillip. Russell, and Chris, helped brighten his horizons. Chris is going to spend the summer. John's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Falcone, Jr.. and daughter. Ginger, were also very welcome visitors. J0HNSBURG COMMUNITY CLUB Young Patient John Miceli. Jr., has entered 1960. SAFETY RECORD For the second consecutive year the Illinois Division of Highways has won a National Safety Council award for maintenance of traffic accident records. Illinois was one of 17 states receiving an outstanding achie\emem c e r t i f i eale for traffic safety activities during ANNUAL JOHNSiURG MEMORIAL PARK R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for vourself. Brake Service All Mwliatiicnl Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SKRVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, 111. Fri., Sat. & Sun., June 23-24-25 GRAND AWARDS - CASH PRIZES Fish Fry Friday Night -- 5:30.-p-.m. GAMES -- RIDES -- REFRESHMENTS Fun for Young and "Old! Hot Lunch will be served on Saturday and Sunday \\ ybody invited u It Pays To Advertise In The Plaindealer FIne> Food, L&m -AtJJeweS Food CrxtA Lew -AtJJewe£^^^FOt/>, Food Lew -AtJJeweS Cook-Out Ideas-From Jewel! i cJoodMOtlS US0A CHOICE Choose any one of these flavorful U.S. Choice Pot Roasts from Jeweli, and marinate in a spicy sauce overnight in the refrigerator. Then, grill over hot coals, roast on the rotisserie, or cut up in U.S. CHOICE--EXTRA VALUE TRIMMED BLADE CUT lb. Roast BOSTON CUT OR ROUND BONE Pot Roast ,b- 43* small pieces for kabobsl Just can't beat that charcoal- beef flavor! You'll have an ECONOMICAL outdoor feast--never before thought possible! 2^3(771100 > WHEN YOU BUY 3 PIECE PLACE SETTING FOR $1.79 SIC only t Reg. Price $1.79 Royal 100% PURE, FRESH & : * S&M &$H/7lU0 CREAMY OR CHUNKY SMppy 12 oz- Peanut Sutter Reg. Price 43c GATEWAY FARM Whipped Potatoes'0,;; SOUTHERN GROW! Extra raw Pi®ch< (oj SANTA ROSA Red Plums CALIFORNIA 0* Strawberries O1 CHOCOLATE, DARK & SWFET. VANIUA, LEMON •och 25c Royal Puddings *°<h 7C 3 VARIETIES O"01 Libby'sBeans JL AO B Gifts For the Kids! TMWS0AY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY Free Lollipops, Balloons, Comic Books, andMore , WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS1. Even the kids lo*® shopping at Jewel-it's more fun than a Carnival! MINUTE RICE <*IIT 00113° >UM VI CHINA BEAUTY Bean Sprouts If OI LIBBYS Sweet Relish QUICK COOKING Minute Rice STA FLO Liquid Starch «... 59c pi's- ' half gal. toll. 16 oz. can Only CHOCOL ATE Nestle's Quik QUART ReaLemon BANOlliT Boned Chicken !Vi" WAITER S ^ 3 lbs. Honey 3lb 09c 16 oi $1 PORK* beans TOMATO ***** 8 NO DEPOSIT--NO RETURN A -.YN - Nehi Beverages O ^ HELLMAN'S Mayonnaise FINK, YEUOW, 61UE. WHITE ScotTissue Reg. Price 2/29c BanQUC FRISKIES CUBE 29< 33c VANILLA, CHOCOLATE M CO Liquid MetrecalO I Lcmor Dog Food Juice . Price 29c OSCAR MAYET Luncheon Meat SOAP PADS Br HERSHEYS Giant Bars BREAKFAST DRINK Instant Tang BORDEN'S pk s of gionl WATER CONDITIONER Calgon 2V. lb. HANTER'S PeaoBoati Emitter SWIFT AMERICAN OB PIMENTO Sliced Clieese a"~ YUMMY--STRAWBERRY ~ Reg. Price Preserves Ftuvu£b& £kop -At •f-taf?pt£As Etuni&ea £k/>p^t Families S>k/>p At

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