^Trawday, June 29, 1961 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER TO MAKE YOUR INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERYAN MORI FESTIVE-CHOOSE FROM... COME SEE... YOU'LL SAVE! TO ROUND OUT FESTIVE HOLIDAY MEAIS. Enjoy a festive weekend as well as a gala 4th of July by doing your, shopping for both -- early -- at A&P! Right now there's a taste-dazzling variety to choose from, including qualityfamous A&P Exclusives: refreshingly-good Jane Parker Baked Foods, Ann Page Fine Foods, and fresh A&P premium-quality Coffee. . JANE PARKER PKG. OF 12 " Rolls SANDWICH or REG FRANKFURTER * * *' * \ •••••• .. Jane Parker Baked Foods! JANE PARKER GOLDEN, CRISP REG. 59e Potato Chips ® 49( For festive dippin' or just plain munchin', these cninchy chips are tops for flavorful good eating. Stock up for a tasty weekend -- SAVE! 3. GOLDEN, SUGARED or CINNAMON PKG. OF 12 29' Cake Donuts ~ 25" Large Peach Pie Spanish lar Cake Jane Parker 8 inch Reg. 65c ea. Jane Parker Reg. 43c ea. 55' 29* Glamour Irsad Cinnamon lolls : YOU imusf SEE YOUR COFFEE GROUND TO ENJOY Not a reducing loaf, but a supplement to calorie-cutting. Jane Parker Jane Parker Reg. 43c lb. loaf ea. 60EFEE MILL FLAVOR FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET !N A CAN! ^ To get "good old days" flavor, coffee must be ' ^.V.X freshly ground. Whole bean A&P premium-quality Coffee is never factory ground. You see it ground in the store . . . custom-ground for your coffeemaker to give you big, fresh, wonderful COFFEE MILL FLAVOR . . . hot or iced! Enjoy it over the weekend. You can't buy finer coffee in any package at any price! ENJOY IT HOT OR ICEDI «ei I-IB. BAG mm MILD AND MELLOW E16tt . jraocx - 57« 3$|65 RICH AND FULL-BODIED RI 1 -LB. BAG 61 3-LB. BAG « M TJ y©£/ m VIGOROUS AND WINEY 1-Ltf. BAG BOH! M ME3 3-LB. BAG •yw AM PAGE Fine Foods! ANN PAGE rims fine /bode tfeeefntSe &pensMs ANN PAGE PURE Grope Jam * CMianiMd Goad HaiisckMfU| Here's a terrific value--just in time for the weekend. A wonderfully luscious spread on breakfast toast or muffins, just great for picnic sandwiches, stpwte • ESS (FOR SALADS) 8-OZ. BOTTLE c gas- # Salad Dressing Peaol Pres Ann Page Brand jar Do Cherri-Aid Ann Page Assorted Flavors Ann Page 11-oz. i«r Ann Page 2'.b 49c In Pag§ lluiird 25c Ifig 11 2*29' wmm. ROOT BEER FRESH A&P Drill Iriil Fotita Cnii Iff It 1® A&P Asparagus Eferta Peiiles Lunchet leaf Kola, Grape, Orange, Strawberry, Cherry, Yukon Club or Hill* 3" 901 btls. ^ J (Plua DepotU) 4 SUNNYFIELD 93 SCORE 1 LB. CTN. (IN QTRS.) SILVERBROOK 90 SCORI 1 LB. PRINT Pineapple 46-oz. Grapefruit o CE CREAM A&P Brand Whole MARVEL • Vanilla • Chocolate StrawEb@Ens*y A&P Brand Golden Michigan 14Vi-oz. Vx Gal. Cfn A&P Brand Freestone Halves THE GREAT AUAJfflC & PAOTC TEA COMPANV, E?{C AmericanCheese Page Eleven PERSONALS Misses Kathleen and Maureen Henn* and Miss Joyce Weber left last week by jet from O'Hare Field for a visit in the George Deusler home in California. Maureen and Joyce will return on July 4 but Kathleen will remain for a longer visit. Chester Howard of Japan, a former McHenry resident, has been spending sometime here. Walter Anderson, Edward Kennebeok, Henry Weber and Howard Cairns left last week on a trij5 to Alaska. Mrs. Carl Courier and a friend of Marengo were visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Thursday. Mrs. Sophie Kosti has returned from Chuluota, Fla; and is occupying her apartment' or Main street vacated by Mi ss Shirley Ross, teacher, who has returned to her home in Salem, Wis. Mrs. Thomas Phaiin, who graduated from the Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers college in Chicago, recently, was honored by a group of friends at a luncheon in Gurnee. Those p r e s e n t i n c l u d e d M e s d a m e s Elizabeth Walsh, Velma Douglas, Kathrvn Conway, Julia Kent, Grace Murphy and Miss Genevieve Knox. Gary Vycital is spending a com ile of weeks at the Ray Meyers camp at Three Lakes, Wis. Miss Margery Wolf of Honolulu, Hawaii, who is visiting relatives in Crystal Lake, was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. Frances Thorne. Clare Whiting and a friend of Washington, D. C., spent a few days the past week with relatives here. Robert Beckenbaugh, Harold May, Raymond Franklin, Charle.s Miller and Richard H i n i p e l m a n n a r e a t t e n d i n g Roy's State at Springfield this week. Mrs. Velma Douglas has returned from a visit with a niece in Nashua, Iowa, and other relatives in Dodgeville, Wis. Miss Anita Beckeiibaugh is serving as counselor at a camp at Algonquin this summer. Mrs. Stanley Collins of Salt Lake C'iiy, Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Frances Carlos and son, Jack, of Hillsdale, Mich., are guests in the A. J. Schneider home this week. Mrs. Jack Boone, Mrs. John Kiggins, Mrs. Fred Rogers, Mrs. Hugh Murphy and Mrs. Mervin Kent, who are all connected with St, Mary's school, enjoyed a luncheon at Gurnee Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Richter of Silver Lake, Wis., and. Mrs. Elsie Dean of Belleview, Wash., were recent visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mrs. Ann Rodenkiuch, trustee, and Mrs. Madeleine Schroeder, treasurer, of Joyce Kilmer Court C.D. of A. attended a banquet sponsored by Court Elgin at the Elgin Country club, Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sherman and son, Gregory, have returned to their home in Denver, Colo., after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Laura Sherman, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sourek of Cicero were overnight guests in the home of her parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Martin Conway, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cameron ot Tucson, Ariz., were guests of Alford Pouse Friday evening. Mrs. Neva Battern of Woodstock spent the past week in the home of Mrs. George Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams, Joan and Joyce, enjoyed a vacation at Minocqua, Wis., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson spent a few days last week in Minnesota where they at- 'welcome to Kodak Cimeraland Big Celebration of Values -- Here Now! BROWNIE SbwrnltL OUTHY Newest in flash ... in a complete gift outfit! Everything for indoor-outdoor snapshooting! Brownie Starmite Camera is small in size, easy to use! A tiny but efficient built-in flash reflector that uses low-cost AG-1 flashbulbs keeps you always set to shoot! Camera takes black-and-white or color snapshots and color super-slides. Ideal gift for any occasion! S 1259 N. Green Si. DRUG STORE Ph. EV 5-4500 Holiday Dancing JULY 1st 8:00 P.M. AT Tl m 'X McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB FOR RESERVATIONS CALL EV 5-1072 tended the National Peony Show in Minneapolis where Mr. Thompson was awarded two seconds and a third on his Victory peony. Later they visited a cousin, Miss Estelle Thompson, in Lansing, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. William Lathen of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold of Mount Prospect were Sunday guests in the Elmer Winkelman home. Mrs. Frank Meyer and granddaughter. Miss Debra Meyer, attended a celebration of the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Pohlmann at Lake Zurich Sunday. Mrs. Pohlman j is a niece of Mrs. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Patzke and son, Jeffrey, of Champaign spent a few c|ays last week with McHenry "relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kierman of Arlington Heights were callers in the Joseph Williams home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patzke of Elgin were visitors at "Decatur Thursday. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlson to attend the Art Fair were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Kruchten, of LaPorte, Ind,; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richard of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Denne of Palos Park. Miss Margery Murray of Geneva visited McHenry relatives Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley and son, Bobbie Joe, of Chicago were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon observed their forty-second wedding anniversary at a family gathering held at the Gerald Hcttermann home, in Johnsburg last Sunday. Those present were the James Wagner family of Milton, Wis.; the Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights; the James T h o m p s o n , C h a r l e s H a n s e n , Joseph Simon, Carl Elshoff families of McHenry and the Gerald Hettermann family. i Mr. and Mrs. George E. | Joh n s o n , S t e v i e a n d S u s i e , o f ; Skokie, were weekend guests in the George H. Johnson home. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, daughter, Mrs. Richard Clark and children were Sunday visitors in the John Thompson home in Kansasville, Wis. Mrs. Tena Kist of Chicago visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Chuck Miland Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller attended a party at the William J. Miller home in Fox River Grove recently honoring their son, William, who graduated from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb this year. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes and sons of Chicago were Saturday visitors in the home of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. The Robert Conway family attended a picnic held at community park in Sycamore Thursday where a cooperative dinner was served and golfing, baseball and other games were enjoyed. Edward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Saturday evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kinnel of Elgin and callers on Sunday were the Edward Dwyer family of River Forest. MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose One of the biggest affairs of the Women of the Moose Is their annual installation of new officers. Officers were installed recently to fill chairs until the end of June of 1962. In charge of the evening was the outgoing junior graduate regent. Hazel Struwe, who was the installation chairman. The installing regent was College of Regents member, Mabel Thomas; installing guide, College of Regents member, Ann Rodenkirch; installing chaplain, Loyal Order of the Moose member, Dale Thomas; installing pianist. Loyal Order of Moose member, Irv Lishamer. The following are the new officers: Senior regent, Ethel Bruce; junior graduate regent, Marjorie Fernstrom; junior regent, I )a Hogan; chaplain, Lona Brever; recorder, Olga Johnson; treasurer, Alyce Kowal; guide, Olga Lishamer; assistant guide, LeeAnn B lodge tt ; argus, Lillian Cox; sentinel, Ethel Hagberg; pianist, Eunice Tobey. Helping out by serving as escorts were the following men: Edward Ozog, Bill Bruce, Rudy Bryant, Stanley Johnson, Bill Struwe, Henry Kozabal, Dick Jager and Alf Heggeland. On this evening the outgoing senior regent, Marjorie Fernstrom, and the out-going junior graduate regent, Hazel Struwe, were presented with gifts from the chapter. After the close of the program, refreshments were ^ served by Hazel and her committee. Music for dancing was furnished. June 20 has completed another year in the history of the Women of the Moose, the last meeting for some as officers. An invitation for the Academy of Friendship chapter night on June 27 was read. Hazel Struwe was guest senior regent at Crystal Lake for the night. June 27 was also enrollment night "for the Loyal Order of the Moose of McHenry and also their birthday party. On July 5, the first meeting of the new year will be held. The chairman in charge of the evening will be the College of R e g e n t s c h a i r m a n , M a b e l Thomas. A very interesting and sociable evening is being p l a n n e d f o r a l l m e m b e r s . Neighboring chapters are being invited as guests for the evening. On July 11. the chapter is invited to Crystal Lake for theh^QpHegft of fifcaP; ter night program. Mabel Thomas is to fill the chair of graduate regent for the evening. County Investment In Bonds Tops '60 McHenry county resident* purchased a total of $121,549, in series E and H United States savings bonds in the month of May, according to Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake general county chairman of the savings bonds committee. Illinois sales were 9.5 per cent above last year, totaling $28,614,610. according to T. Merle Paul, state director of the U.S. savings bonds division. An Underseas river? The Scripps Institution of Oceanography recently announced a subsurface current in the Pacific, some 3,500 miles long, 250 miles wide, and about 1,000 feet deep, flowing 100 feet or so under the surface of the sea. Aid Association For Lutherans Announces Mr. MILTON J. VOIGBT, 8901 Memory Trail, Wonder l.ake, 111. has completed the basic Purdue course in life insurance marketing. Also the fraternal basic course. Mr. Voight was appointed district representative with the aid association for Lutherans in. ^pril last year" and is therefore qualified to council synodical conference Lutherans in every life insurance need. LIFE INSURANCE FOR SYXODICAL CONFERENCE LUTHERANS