JJiursday^June 29, 1961 THE MeRENBY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park NEW OFFICERS WILL CONDUCT GENERAL MEETING Pat Gelwicks EV. 5-3712 Gloria Flannigan EV. 5-4710 Ehe next general meeting is ed fot* July 9, at 3 p.m., in the community house. We hope to have everyone turn out for this meeting. This will be the first meeting for the new board of officers. Improvement Jody Osman's condition is greatly improved since last week. However it is still t*H> early to say how she will fair or how long she will remain in the hospital. 1 Fisliing Rodeo The MeCullom Lake fishing rodeo will be held this Satur- , . day, July 1. The time for the e*rait is from 10 a.m. to f:30 p!w. and check out point will be at' thfc West Shore beach. All property owners and guests are eligible. Awards will be given for the biggest, rpost, etc. fish caught. Prizes will consist of fishing equipment. This evert is sponsored by the MeCullom Lake Sportsmen club. 1 i . ^ CWnival Results ^rhe lotig awaited carnival is finally over! There was a good turnout difc to the fine efforts and long hfnrd work of the carnival committee, all the helpers and the good weather we had. All four nights were a big success. New Arrival and Christening David John is the new blue bundle at the John Schaan resident of 1612 Meadowlane. He was born at the Harvard hospital, June 13. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 3\k ozs. and 21 inches long. Three year old sister Penny, and 18 month old sister, Vanessa, welcomed baby brother with all arms opened. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwed of Fond du lac. Wis. David was christened at §t. Patrick's Sunday, June 25. A dinner was given for the sponsors, Mrs. Mary Durio of Lakeland Park and George Blair of Madison, Wis. Happy Anniversary Happy anniversary to Helen and Larry Strandquist who started their forty-second year together, Friday, June 23. To Roy and Dorothy Meineke, who. celebrated their eighteenth anniversary, June 26. delein and Arlington Heights were present. New Neighbors Earl and Doris Basel just moved into our community last week. They have four daughters, Donna, Jane, Shirley and Sandy. Welcome! Dear Bill Bill Humphreys joined the Coast Guard June 14 for four years. He is now stationed at Cape May, N. J. His address is Bill G. Humphreys, SR 342- 114, Company Quebec 46, Barrack Uper South 170, U.S. Coast Guard Recruiting Center, Cape May, N. J. Dished from Smorgasbord All the dishes from the sinorg »bord, are at the home of Tcrots Gprstad EV. 5-4045. You may call her or stop and pick e up you^ dish at your convenience. Little League Scores Sunday, 6-18, Tigers 5 Cubs 4; (2nd:game) Sax 16 Pirates 11; Moiiday, 6-19, Sox and Tigers garrte rained out; Tuesday, 6-20, Sub* 11 Orioles 2; Wedn^ fday, 6-21, Pirates 7 Pirates 2, Thursday, 6-22, Tigers 11 Orioles 2. Little League Schedule Thursday, Jurie 29 ~ Sox vs. Cubs; July 2 -- Braves vs. Tigers; Sunday, 2nd garr.c, Orioles vs. Pirates; Moiiday, July 3 -- Tigers vs. Pirates; Tuesday. July 4 -- Braves, vs. Sox; Wednesday, July fj -- Cubs vs. oflhles; Thursday, July 6 -- Sox vs. Tigers, j Dedication' of ^the new field at the cbmmunit^ home will bo July 9. A program schedule will be given ne.^; week in this column. Mark ^his date on your calendar to; attend. Little League Mishaps Anniversary Doings^ Bill and Dorothy Humphreys had a very pleasant twentyfifth anniversary Saturday, June 24. The Humphreys were planning on spending the evening out Vvith their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Warrell of Chicago. When the four walked into the restaurant, Diane had surprised her parents by inviting relatives for a party. Tim and Louise McEnery of Shore Drive celebrated their thirty-fifth anniversary Sunday, June 25. The get-together was held at St. Patrick's church hall for about sixty-five relatives and close friends. The guests enjoyed a buffet luncheon. Sons, Michael, Father Jim from Shullsburg, Wis., and Bob, an engineer in Alaska, who was unable to attend, surprised their parents with this celebration. Son in Air Force Dennis Doering, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Doering of 1612 N. avenue, reported to. Lackland Airbase in Texas last week. Dennis just graduated from McHenry high school. Good. luck, JDenny. Surprise llousewarming Chris and Gene Foszcz were surprised Sunday with a house warming party given by relatives. Those attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. John Zurawski of Chicago, Mrs. Erwin Oakley and daughters, Mrs. Jean Santore of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Foszcz and family of Round Lake. The guests brought lovely gifts and all the food i<>i the day. Vacationing Tom and Joan Nick and son, Kirk, are enjoying a two week vacation ift Tomahawk and Wausaw, Wis. guests Mrs. daughter, Sunday School Picnic The Meutcr, Gerstad and George families enjoyed their church Sunday School picnic last Sunday at the Hans home. Altends Cub Game Ron and Barb Meurer enjoyed the Ci.b - Brave game in Milwaukee last Friday, June 23. playing ball last week. Tom is catcher for his tpam. Cub Scout Outing The boys of Cub Scout, Den 4, Pack 361 enjoyed a day a I Veterans Acres ; near Crystal Lake, Wednesday!, June 28. The boys had fun at* their annual picnic, which included a barbecu^ and baseball Happy Birthdays To Eddy Bock who was four years old on June 21. To Rosalie Slonina, Arlene Bartos, Fran Cina and Alice Quaiver who all share the same birth date, June 29. Birthday Doings Johnny Koch, son of Shirley and Max Koch, enjoyed his seventh birthday party at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Neilahn, in May- TA'feday Lfav fatygarr was 8 nrignt one year old Tuesday, June 27. His family celebrated his birthday last Sunday. Relatives from Chicago, Wheaton, Mun- Baseballj Trip Twenty-eight boys of Cub Scouts, Pack 361 attended a Cub - Braves ball game in Milwaukee Saturday afternoon. suss Furniture Tops Glazing and Picture Frames Made to Order Mirrored Plaques Free Estimates McHENRY AUTO GLASS & MIRROR CO. (Across from Jewel Tea) 3715 W. Elm, McHenry, 111. McHenry, III. Ph. EV 5-3940 Boat Cruise Mickey and Ed Gladman and three children enjoyed a boat cruise last Sunday with several relatives, Lynn Young, Joey Young, Mr. and Mrs. B. Young of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. R. Tiderman of Antioch. They went through the locks and Chain of Lakes. Vacation Return Larry and Helen Strandquist returned home Sunday, June 16, after enjoying a wonderful and restlul ten (.lays at Star Lake, Wis. Friends, Mr. and Mrs. V. Pitlik ol V» isconsin, shared a cottage with the Strandquists. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mazonni, Sr., of Chicago Visited their daughter and husband, Vickey and Len Bottari, Sunday afternoon. Other guests were cousins, Julius and Lucy Celoni, of Chicago. Mrs. Mazonn> joying a week's stay Bottaris. Rich and Rose Mary V^ra and family enjoyed visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sciprtino last Sunday afternoon. / Mrs. Sciortino and Rose are old girlfriends. Everyone sampled a barbee. d Bill Casey's were Mr. and Gillespie and Diarine of South Holland, 111., also Dianne's fiance, Joe Miller. Don and Toots Gerstacf entertained Toots' niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis, of Madison, Wis., Tuesday and Wednesday. The Davises ai* on their way to Phoenix, Ariz, to make their home. Dick and Leonora Abbott are being visited this week by their six year old granddaughter, Regina Abbott, from Palatine. Regina will return home this coniingNyeekend. Bud arid Dorothy Uttich's guests last Sunday were Tom and Jetta Gleeson and four children of Manhattan, 111. The Gleesons are former residents of Lakeland Park. Meet Your Neighbor Welcome "Old-Timers" Glen and Delores Belohlavy who have resided at 5106 W. Home for 5'ij years. They moved here from Chicago. The Belohlavys have two boys, Doug, 9, who will attend fifth grade at St. Patrick's next year, belongs to Cub Scouts and Little League. Scott, 5, will be in kindergarten in the fall. Delores attended high school in Lake Page Twenty-One Ringwood LOCAL MINISTER RECEIVES DEGREE 4 FROM SEMINARY Ruby Shepard Last Sunday and Monday ev. McChesney received his graduate degree from the seminary, Garrett Biblical Instiute. The Bachelor of Divinity is comparable to professional training of doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists in those fields.,,,, Last Friday Rev. McChesney received the order of deacon during the. ordination service of the Rook River annual conference. Bishop Marshall Reed of the Detroit area presided in the illness of Bishop Brashares. Mr. Lau, Mr. and Mrs. Gillette and Mr. and Mrs. McCann attended. Church School Program The annual church school program vVill be held next Sunday morning at 9:30. The church and school will be combined for this program. Ringwood has three men going to the third National Conference of Methodist Men, at Purdue university on July 14, 15, and 16. They are Art Lau, Floyd McCann and Rev. James McChesney. Social Club Mrs. Pet.» Sebastian enter- Gene\a. Wi ... and Glenn went to sihool in Swanion, Nebr. This very attractive and happy couple met at a dance in Chicago. They have l>een married 14 years. Glenn is in the sales department for a Chicago firm. He Spent time with the Navy and was stationed on the Admiralty- Islands in the Pacific. He likes to fish, and belongs to the McHenry V.F.W. and is chairman for the park committee. Delores likes swimming, belongs to »he Women's club and is a den mother lor Cub Scouts. Both belong to the "Squares". AKE SALE St. Anne's Sodality ST. PETER'SVOLO JULY 15th at Justen Furniture - McHenry BI-LEVEL BEAUTY! X , On Your Lot HIGH STYLE *r - • HIGH QUALITY 1630 sq. ft. of Living Space -- Beautiful Cabinets Vinyl Tile -- Oak Floors -- Etc. Come in and let us show the Plans. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS. Inc. Richmond, 111. Ph. 4381 By Henry Heise of Bolger's Drug Store ALL GROUCHES PLEASE LEAVE jA . because summer's here, and anybody who doesn't go in for fun in a big way had better hibernate till September. It's picnic time, trip time, beach time. Picture-time, too. Of all the seasons, none has the picture potential of summer, when things just naturally happen fast. Where are you headed for vacation? Grand Canyon or Gewysburg? North Carolina or the north woods? Take a Kodak camera and film along, and bring back memorable scenes to enjoy again and again when the days shorten up and everybody's indoors. Just planning a take-it-easy home vacation? Snap Dad snoozing in the shade when he thinks no one's looking. Mom bribing out a tray of lemonade that pparkles in the sun. The kids kicking up spray as they romp in the plastic pool. / We'll help you start, show you through Kodak Camerland. That's our store, where you'll find a terrific array of Kodak still and movie outfits to fit any budget, plus all the topquality Kodak films. We'll be gla^to answer any questions, tooi Don't miss the fun, the color, the picture excitement of summer '61. Come to Cameraland -- look for the Cameraland girl in our window. She's waiting to show you the way to picture it now so you can enjoy it again and again. ANOTHER BIG REASON BEHIND THE BIG BOOM IN FORD SALESR) id Dealers were first with a long-term warranty .. .because they have me car to back it up For 1961 the warranty* on all Ford cars was extended to 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. It proved the confidence your Ford Dealer has in the finest, most durable, most reliable Fords ever built. The *61 Fords also have new service-saving 3936 W. Main Street features now most other cars are just planning for the future. Stop, Swap, Save... now! 'EitendeitWarniiilr-- Each part of '61 Fords, except tires, is dealer warranted against defects in materials or workmanship for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Owners remain responsible for normal maintenance service and routine replacement of maintenance itema such *ms filters and ignition parts. ALE McHenry, 111. If You're Interested in an Used Car--Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer tained the women's afternoon social club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and low to Mrs. Bertha Peet. Home Circle The Ringwood Home Circle will hold a picnic dinner in the park at Wilmot Thursday, July 13. Deaths Mrs. Louise Beckman of South Bend, Ind., passed away at a rest home Friday, June 16. Mrs. Beckman was a sister of Mrs. Cora Woods and was 95 years old. Miv Woods is 93 and in pretty good health and has another sister 101 years old. This community was saddened by the passing of one of its beloved citizens, Mrs. Rose Walkington, who passed away at her home Wednesday morning June 21. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kuir/. were ' visitors in the Bruno home at Lake-in-the-Hills Friday. Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Mae Wiedrich visited Mrs. Mildred Munshaw in Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. William Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard visited Mrs. Hat tie Curtis at a rest home at Silver Lake, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin were dinner guests in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhorn, Wis., Wednesday evening. Mrs. Henry Aissen was a Woodstock visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno and daughter, Carol, of Lake-inthe- Hills were Sunday dinner guests in the Earl Kunz home. Mr...,and Mrs. B. T. Butler were dinner guests in the Alvin Benoy home at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and daughters of Huntley spent Sunday afternoon in the Beatty-Low home. Misses Alice and Marian Peet have returned home from a visit with relatives in Missouri. Mrs. Earl Kunz was a lunchein guest of Mrs. Ann Haerle at Fox Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Dolzal and daughter of Skokie spent Tuesday in the Clyde Wright home. Mrs. Ri^by Shepard with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry spent Friday at Meadowdale. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mrs. Millie Rush spent Friday in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Mrs. Jack Leonard and children of Lake Geneva and Mrs. Louis Winn were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred AViedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Weiser and family of Volo spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright. Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lr.w and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond s|>ent the weekend with her sister and husband, Mr. Mild Mi's.'John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan spent Saturday aft- Peter W- $uiten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Ptone IW®r<areen 5-0063. ernoon in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Park Ridge called on Mrs. Hepburn Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce entertained a group of relatives and fi-iends at their home Sunday evening honoring their daughter, Yvonne, who was confirmed at the Woodstock Lutheran church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lester CaiT' visited John Phannenstill at the sanitarium at Waukegan Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. McLean and daughter of Chicago, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brack of Dallas, Texas, are visiting in the Pete Sebastian home. On Sunday the^all called on relatives at Ggfroa city and Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kunz, in Chicago Satr urday. Mrs. John Hogan with members of the Ringwood Home Bureau and Wonder Lake Garden club went on a tour .,of some factories in West Bend, Wis., and had lunch at Port Washington, Wis., Wednesday. SEARS POEBUCK AND CO BUILDING MATERIALS FREE ESTIMATES ON . .. Alnminum Combination Windows and Doors Railings -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wail and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive EV 5-1878 - McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN m STAN AS YOU TRAVEL ASKUS S Anywhere you hang your hat is horn*-- v just turn in at Standard i Oil Dealers where v> s W , you see the sign--"As you travel--ask us." This friendly sign makes you feel at home for it stands for local Information service ... which road to take ... where to get that special steak ... where to stay ... where to play. Make it a happy habit to ask us, as you travel. You'll be home. Free. P.S. When you travel outside Mid-America, check jn with American Oil Dealers where you see the sign "As you travel--ask us." OIMI STAN0ARD OIL • DIVISION OF AMERICAN OIL COMPANY DUCK'S STANDARD SERVICE 3310 W. ELM STREET PHONE EVERGREEN 5-0472 PLACE'S STAMMI SiPflCE ROl'TE 120 (EAST OF McHENRY) -- EASTWOOD MANOR PHONE EVERGREEN 5-3839 S TIMER'S ST AWA1D SERVICE "COMPLETE STOCK OF SUMMER CAR NEEDS" ACROSS FROM NATIONAL TEA PHONE EV 5-0720 JUSTEN STANDAiD SERVICE "NEXT TO THE BANK" PHONE EVERGREEN 5-1150 T M #