^felultsday, July 6,1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Bunilsyide Estates Temporary Ban On Sprinkling PMly Stevens - EV. 5-1256 EviK with the two wells and Vwef to supply water to Sunnysidfc Estates. Pistakee Terrace find Pistakee' Hills, there is a tfcrrific strain on the equipment for each of us to sprinkle every day. Therefore, we have been asked to follow the schedule of the past years, even numbered houses sprinkle on even numbered days and odd numttered bouses on odd numbered days. We are also asked ,^t t« sprinkle at all between the Htiurs of 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. If Wfe follow this schedule there will be equafl water pressure tor everyone at all times. NetV equipment added to the wells this past weekend should give bfetter water service in the futurfe. Meeting: Tonight Tonight, Thursday, at 8 p.m. the Johnsburg public school the new officers of the SEHOA will bfegin their term of office. They need your help and support. Won't you come and bring a neighbor? Success!!!!! Well, the rummage sale is over find it was a smashing success Chairman Helen Wegner and co-chairmen Norma j S y r i n a n d F l o r e n c e K e l s o :^wjuld be as proud of their efifdrts as we are. They worked .Apjircf and long and were ably "Wsisttd by Eleanor Fiedler, "TterhiCe Fry, Fran Fuqua, "Alice and Linda Janicki, Lillian Kelso, Carol Kennebeck, Lorrdihe Major and Marge PalmlM* doing yeoman . duty. The #kle of cake and coffee was Also successful and the &kes were donated by Mary Davis, Fran Fuqua, Mrs. Kiml »ro, Millie Kropf, Clif Sabby, Jackie Smolinski and Polly Stevens. A low bow as we say "a good job well done, gals." Men at Work We are indebted to Cecil Kant^t* for painting the speed signs Which Mr. Kimbro will ttiscrrtble and erect shortly. Mr. Kimbro mowed the grass at the beach last week. Who will do it this week? The street committee will soon be putting up the new signs of streets whose names were changed. It is time for all of us to change our house numbers and mail box numbers to conform with the renumbering system. ^ .. . . .Ju.mv. L ' s First Grandchild We. just learned that Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Indian ltidge drive became grandparents of their first grandchild on April 25. Their son, Walter, and wife, Jacque, of Dowriers Grove are the proud •Barents of Debbie Lynn who weighed 7 lbs., 3 ozs., at birth Congratulations. An Artist We have an artist in our midst. Jerry Olsen exhibited some of his paintings at the Country Art Fair in McHenry l> -- an<f also at Eden's Plaza Art Fair in Wilmette where he sold one of his paintings. Did it pay off the mortgage, Jerry? Visitors Mrs. Emma Olson entertained at dinner Sunday, June 25, her nieces and their husbands. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings of Northbrook and Mr. and Mi's. I,ester Haroldson and son. Ralph, of Skokic. Mrs. Olson went home with Mr. and Mrs. Cummings for a few days visit. Ordained Mr. and Mrs. William Schwieger were proud to be present Sunday, June 25, when their grandson, Edward D. Stach, was ordained a deacon in the First Methodist church in Evanston. Also attending the ceremony was Edward's aunt and cousin. June Banker, and son, Dennie, and Pastor H a g g e r t y o f M o u n t H o p e Methodist church. From Down Yonder Berhadine and Bill Grist are happy to have his dad, Bill. Sr., of New Orleans visiting them a spell. Coitsins Club Marge and„Jim Farley entertained their "Cousins Club" Sunday, June 25, with fifteen adults and twenty-five kids present. WOW! The relatives are on Jim's side of the family and came for the picnic from Chicago, Bellwood, Elmhurst and Elmwood Park. Everyone had a wonderful time even though it rained and all would liked to have stayed longer. Some of the kids are sold on Sunnyside Estates and are trying to get their parents to build homes here. Godmother Charlotte Gerke, daughter of Jean and Dick, was godmother at the christening of her cousin. Michelle Gehrke, Sunday, June 25, in Cai-y. You may remember that Michelle and Marshall, children of Bess and Marshall Gehrke, were the first twins born in the new maternity wing of the McHenry hospital. 1 Let's Go Visitin' This week we visit Lu and Jack Davis at 4416 N. Mayfair avenue. They moved to Sunnyside Estates in June, 1955, from Rogers Park in Chicago. Lu and Jack have a daughter, pretty blue eyed, blond curly liaired, Kathy, who is five years old and a 'teenager, Johnny, who is 16 years old. Her attends McHenry high school and loves to hunt. Kathy is attending dancing school and will start kindergarten come fall.^Lu is a fisherman, hunter, golfer and collects stamps and old coins. Last but certainly not least comes Jack. He is a photo engraver in Chicago and commutes daily. His hobby is fishing, fishing and more fishing. Newest One Clif and Andy Sabby were pleased to receive a visit from their newest granddaughter. Missy Ortbal, her mother. Joyce, and brothers, Jimmie and Kenny. Everyone enjoyed the hot dogs and 'burgers but Missy stuck to her bottle. On Leave Carol and George Kropf. Jr.. were recent weekend guests of his parents, Millie and George, and brother, Ray. Sick List Marge Farley and daughter. Kathy, have recovered from the flu but another daughter and son, Mary and Stevie, are ill now with the old bug. We are glad to see Jean Hammershoy at home and looking so chipper after her recent surgery. v We are glad to report that little Terry Kanter is in the best of health now. She was so anxious to get here that she was bom 4 weeks early and had a little trouble for the first few days. Birthdays Happy birthday today. Thursday, to Johnny Senkerik. Greetings to Mary Rose o:i July 7. Donna Jensen celebrates her birthday in California on July 8. Best wishes to 12 year old Susan Benoche and five year old Rosemaiy Kayler on July 9. Connie Marie Hanahan celebrates her first birthday and Beity Lakowske celebrates her ?? on July 10. July 12 brings birthday wishes to 4 year old Heather Siepm& n, Christine Fail. Marge Fischer and Mike Tillich, Sr. Many happy returns of the day to you all. Whorerrore! We're off (aren't I always tho'?). Jim and I are heading for the w-i-d-e--open spaces. I mean Texas, Colonel Suh! We are going to visit Jim's brother, Harry, wife, Mary, niece, Harriett, and Mary's mother, Granny Stevenson, the FOHTH AT©LID FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KGiNiyANN • COUNTKT MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY 8MOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES t TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, IIL Phone EVergrssm 5-6260 St. Joseph's Parii CARNIVAL & DINNER Richmond, Illinois 7-8-9 FAMILY STYLE SPRING CHICKEN « HAM DINNER Sunday --12 to 3 p.m., D.S.T. "NO WAITING IN LINE" TO BE GVEN AWAY VALUABLE FliZES Games of all kinds - RIBIS for chidren & adults Location: U.S. Hwy. 12 & 111. 31, Junction 173 WELCOME FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Parishioners of Si. Joseph Rev. Frank J. Miller, pastor _____ Johnsburg PLAN SUMMER OUTING FOR GIRL FORESTERS JULY 26 Betty Hettermann A picnic and swimming party for the juvenile girl Foresters will be held at Shady Shores in Griswold Lake on July 26. Permission slips for this outing can be picked up at any time from any of the directors. Please obtain your slip and have it signed and returned by July 19. All preschool children who wish to participate in this outdoor Activity must be accompanied by their mother. All mothers are invited t« attend and if you can drive that day please check the slip so the directors know how many cars are available. best coffee maker in all Texas. Lois Anderson has graciously consented to be your reporter while I am gone. Will you be as generous with your calls to her as you are to me? Call Lois at EV. 5-2065 and she will be happy to take you,r news. See you all soon. Future Ball Player Doris and Perry Walker of McHenry welcomed their fifth member of a future baseball team. The husky youngster weighed over eight younds when he arrived at the McHenry hospital on June 25. Grandma Freund (Mrs. Joseph L.) has been keeping house for the four other Walker fellows and their Dad while Mom .was nospitalized. Congratulations to all! Queen Contestants We were all real happy to see Johnsburg will be well represented in the Fiesta Queen contest. Ardis, daughter of Frank and Connie May and ,Mary, daughter of Jim and Rita-Daly, have become candidates for the title along with fifteen other young ladies. We wish them both success; although we know there can only be one queen. Time will tell as the judging will be held on Sunday evening, July 9 at 6 o'clock in tl^e high school. Good luck to both these young ladies*. I one of those calendar markers, • be sure tb^ircle August 4, 5 land 6. These are days of St. '• John's annual carnival. Remember them when you are making plans for the month of August. Rescue Squad Calls The Johnsburg rescue squad received a call from one of the l o c a l b u s i n e s s p l a c e s l a s t Thursday when Joe Nett fainted. The squad members administered aid and took Mr. Nett to his home. COOkS CORNER by Marie Schaettgen Baseball Notes There is always lots of action when McHenry and Johnsburg meet in competition. So I'm sure July 9's game will prove most exciting when McHenry comes here to play our 1 Tigers at 2 o'clock. j Don't forget there is lots of | baseball activity on the V.F.W. | grounds each Tuesday and ! Thursday when the softball | players have their fling at the j game. Why not get out and do a little old fashion rooting for ! our local team. They \yill appreciate it and you will get lots of enjoyment from it. Some of the simple oldfashioned desserts our ancestors served are still remembered by some of us. Most of them were pretty heavy fodder that just dbn't seem to "go" with today's passion foist reamlining. Two extra pounds and ycu'd have to turn in your little foreign job on an old fashioned four-door sedan, (sedan: obsolete term used for automobile large enough to seat four comfortably.) But anyway, live dangerously aid try this recipe. Peach Cobbler Line square or oblong baking pan with several layers'of sliced peaches (canned will do). Pour off syrup if using canned peaches. Sugar lightly. Beat one egg with fork in bowl. Sift together one cup flour, one cup sugar and tsp. baking powder and pinch of salt. Add gradually to beaten egg with fork. When all is absorbed. put crumbled butter ever peaches and bake threefourth of an hour in 325 degree oven. Let cool before serving. CONGRATULATIONS McHENRY Carnival Weekend Reminder It's a ' little early to bring this up but just in case you are ON/YOUR Re, J The Wart A J, 125tll BIRTHDAY BUY THE BEST - iyY QUALITY - IUY PROTECT You know it's Summer with NEW By Henry Heise of Bolger's Drug Store SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW A father of a bride-to-be came striding through the front door the other day with a fistful of color slides and a great idea. Seems his daughter is getting married next month and he's come up with a surprise gift for her Stad the groom. He wanted us^to make color prints of the pick of all the hundreds of slides he'd taken of his daughter from her diaper to debutante days. - Assembled in an album, the color prints would make a dazzling gift for : the new couple. And dad will still have all the slides of his favorite girl. Having color prints made of your best slides lets you share your best efforts with friends and relatives --^without putting a dent in your slide col-, lectioh.' Reall.i- big' * enlarge* ments can add a splash of color to your walls, can keep your best work on display at all times. And of course, if you need them we can also make duplicate slides -- of your original. Turning slides into prints and duplicates is easy and iny expensive. Just spend a pleasant evening viewing your slid^ collection. Pick out the real show-stoppers. Bring 'em in and we'll carry the ball from there on. We'll have your prints or duplicates ready for you in no time. But the first move is up to you. See ydu soon? They're made beautifully! . MODEL 221-MM *S8S Get ready to really enjoy your convertible by having Protecto make it new again! Protecto's famous stock of factory matched tops and their factory trained installation means your satisfaction is guaranteed--and in writing, up to 36 months! Don't gawble with your convertible pleasure--guarantee It with Protecto Tops! ^ r---, „ ™ ^ Prices start at only )) K //\ \ jU ONLY $5.00 DOWN • FREE ESTIMATES • CHOICE OF COLORS AND FABRICS • FREE INSTALLATION • EASY CREDIT TERMS • COURTEOUS SERVICE • FREE PARKING • TOPS, T0NNEAU COVERS, BOOTS FOR FOREIGN AND SPORTS CARS • REPAIR SERVICE FOR TOPS, REAR WINDOWS, STUDS. PADS • ... »d of course Iht fimoas PROTECTO SEAT COVERS ROUTES 14 and 31 (In the ERO Mfg. Bldg.) CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Phone 459-4120 Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Tue., Wed., Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m MOST SERVICEABLE WASHER EVER BUILH Newly designed inside and out to stand up under the washing needs of today's Family! Exclusive "Service- Simple" design never has to be pulled away from the wall! Service, If ever needed, it fast and low CMU With Deluxe Automatic Features -v. At No Extra Cost! "fa 2 AUTOMATIC CYCLES-NORMAL for a* •I your regular fabric*--GENTLE for tpaclal fabric* and Wash 'N Wears • FIVE FRESH-WATER RINSES • BUILT-IN SEDIMENT REMOVER • DURABLE BAKEO-ON CABINET FINISH • SUPER SPIN-DRY-NO WRIHKLIN6 • OFF-BALANCE LOAD RESET BUTTON L & H Television 814 N. Front EV 5-09Q9 McHENRY Cadillac styling has always been styling with a purpose. Even Cadillacs of 5, 6, or 7 years ago are instantly recognized and respected as Cadillacs. This continuity of styling--rather than change for changc itself--has been an important factor in maintaining Cadillac's famed resale value. The 1961 Cadillac is designed to Enhance Cadillac's fashion leadership among the world's fine cars . . . and to protect your investment for years to come. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED AAACAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STRFKT