Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1961, p. 20

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Pag® Twenty THE tfcHEMRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 6, lffil Lakeland Park DESIRE GOOD ATTENDANCE AT MEETING, JULY 9 Pat GHwicks KV. 3-3712 C.loria Flannigan EV. .">-4710 Don't forget the soneral meeting this Sunday, July 9. in the community .house at 3 p.m. President. Ted Kaminski. urges everyone 1o alt end. Dedication Cancelled The dedication of the new l.-all fiefd and park site behind the* community house has been postponed from July 9 unlil a Inter date. We will notify you of the new date in this column. Attention Attention all subdivision and association affairs and clubs! Mr. Herzog. coordinator of affairs, wishes to request that the dale of any event be okayed 'hrough him before the dale is nnde'. hoping to prevent conflicts.- ...... 1'nkept Beaches ' . ."It happened! A child : received a cut foot, due " t< broken glass on ;he beach. It's your children who play at the \ beaches, and for their safety. ; please help the beach committee keep ihe ground and water tree from all "refuse". Also a '.vrjuest for "No Dogs" is made Please notice the sign at the entrance of each beach. Little League Schedule Thursday, July fi Sox vs. Tigers; Sunday. July 9 - Cubs vs. Pirates (2nd game* P.raves vs. Orioles, Monday, July 10 Cubs vs. Braves; Tuesday. July 11 -- Orioles vs. Tigers; Wednesday, July 12 -- Sox vs. Pirates: Thursday, July 13 Pirates vs. Braves. Time weekdays n.m. and Sundays 1 p.m. with second game 1o follow. Anniversary Doings Happy anniversary to TTal {••no Pat Brunow, who celebrated thoiv fifth year together o.: July 4. The P.runows spent this special day enjoying a barbecue at Ihe home of Mrs. Tina Niema in Chicago. Daughter. Debbie, had spent the II'NM' weekend with Mrs. Niema and relumed 'home with her parents and brothers, Butehy and Stevie. Happy Birthdays Happy birthday to llobert Boyle on July 1 and to N'orb Kwiatek on July 2. To Rao Purns on July 3 and Edith Schram July 4. To Gladys Hafer July 6 and to Donna Kaminski who was 9 years old July- 6; U' Chucky Campo who | will lie seven years old this Saturday, July 8. I Birthday Doings I Esther Cygan was hostess at ia party given' for Fran Cina | who observed her birt hday on June 29. Guests were Jean Parisi, Olga Capoeci, Dorothy Humphreys, Mildred Pintozzi, Elaine Jett, Marge Franklin. : Rita Zimny, Ruth Roach and Vickey Bottari. Lee Gloreh \* as unable to attend. C, C and C were enjoyed. (Cake, coffee i and chat.) Cheryl Nuss, six years old Friday. June 30, was guest of ; honor at a birthday party Sunday. July 2. Guests Christy and Carol Jaenicke. Debbie Banvig. Barbara Tiffany, and Debbie George enjoyed cake and ice | cream. i Kenneth Chismar celebrated | his third birlhday. June ."0. iwith a party given by his mother. Dorothy. Attending 1 Kenneth's party were Larry • and Joe Koerper, Donna Barwig. Kurt Lauer,"Brian Nuss. Johnny Hemile. Kevin and i M a r k K a w a . H e r b y K a n e . : Richard No'well. Larry and ! Donald Glorch and Kenny's lit-, tie two month old sister, Kathy. Ice cream and cake and games were the highlights of jthe day. Welcome Home Jodv Osmon returned home. •1M5 W. Shore Dri\e, last Saturday, July 1, from the Mr- Henry hospital. The doctors : were very pleased w ith her progress and decided to let her ! return home. | Get-well Wishes ! To Bradley Quaiver. age 6. who broke his arm Tuesday, June 27. playing on the slide ( in his back yard. Farewell i Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed ITavden of B o n n e r D r i v e , L a k e l a n d Shores, moved June 30 to Main street. Crystal Lake. Indeed, we're sorry to see'them leave. Demonstration Carol Hafer was hostess to a dc monstrat ion M o n d a v evening,, June 26. Eight friend;-., attended the demonstration. j Attends Wedding j Bud and Dorothy Uttich attended Bud's brother's wedj ding lust Saturday morning. Robert Uttich and Rosalie Bills of Elmhurst were married at St. Alexander's church in Villa Park. Anc afternoon reception took place in Elmhurst. The newly married couple will make their home in Villa Park. Attends Funeral Lee Glorch attended a cousin's funeral, Mrs. Esther Geaslin of Chicago, last Thursday. !On the way to the cemetery. J the car Lee was riding in was | side struck by another car. ' Lee was shaken up a bit, but ' is feeling fine now. Day of Fun Shirley George and family and Barbara Meurer and family spent Wednesday. June 28, \vith Barb's mother, Mrs. Miller, in Lombard. The children had the pleasure of going horse back riding on the Millers' farm. Vacation Return Jack and Brenda McGue returned home last weekend, after spending an enjoyable two weeks with Brenda's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray, and daughter, Paulette, in West Frankfort. Marion Barle is spending a week's vacation at' the home of her grandmother. Mrs. Agnes Barle, in Chicago. Kathy Flannigan is vacationing in Cicero at the home of a friend, Miss Barbara Smith. Visiting Gene and Chris Foszdfc and family ertjoyed a weekend in Highland, Ind., at the home of Chris's sister, Mrs. Ed Rak. ' John and Dorthea Zimny and family spent last weekend in Indiana visiting with John's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Stainley Tarnowski, and family. July Fourth Doings Jesse and Bob Matthews and family enjoyed the Fourth of July in Sharon. Wis., where they attended an All-Star Little League game. Frank Gampet ro, the Matthews brotherin- law is manager of a Niles 1eam which played against the Sharon, "Wis., team. The day was highlighted by the attendance of most of their relatives. Ron and Barbara Meurer and family spent the holiday in Maywood with Ron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Meurer. After an enjoyable picnic, everyone had fun visiting the zoo. Gene and Chris Foszez entertained July 4. Chris' brother's family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bargo, and niece, Cinthia, of Chicago with a cook-out and games. Jack and Petey Oakford anil family spent the Fourth with Petey's mother in Chicago, Mrs. Eileen Grondy. Everyone enjoyed seeing the afternoon parade in Evanston, dinner at Mrs. Grondv's home, and back to Evanston for the evening fire-works. Visitors John and Gloria Flannigan were visited' Thursday, June 29, by friends, Mrs. V. Pisarczyk and family and Mr. and Mrs-. J. Harris and family from Cicero- Ann Hirshberg enjoyed a visit June 29, with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witta and niece, Elaine, of Niles. The Wittas stopped on their way home from a vacation in Wisconsin. Elmer and Juanita Harris enjoyed a two day visit from Juanita's parents, Mr. and Mrs Herschel Isaacs of West Frankfort. Don and Carole Humann are enjoying a week's visit from Carole's mother, Mrs. Audfey Neuenfeldt, from Chicago. Frank and Jean Parisi were visited last week and July *1 by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Capocci, Darlene and Christine, from j Chicago. Sunday, July 2, Don and Toots Gerstad entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don Coon and family from Darien, Wis. The Coons spent the day visiting. Paul and Alma Brushaber were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gafrich of Chicago Wednesday afternoon, June 28. Mr. and Mrs. John Behrandt of Lilymoor were the Brushabers visitors last Thursday. Ted and Fvelyn Kaminski enjoyed a visit from relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stein and family, from Chicago last Thursday. The Kaminskis are enjoying a two week's stay from Evelyn's nephew, Rickey Doyle, age 11,2. Meet Your Neighbor This week we welcome "Newcomers" Carl William and Nancy Weber. The Webers have resided at 1703 N. avenue for Ihe past three months after moving from Mundelein. They are parents o» their first child born June 30 Nancy was born in Pasadena, Calif., attended high school in Crystal Lake and Moser Business College in Chicago. Bill is a native of McHenry, ant' spent four years travelling in tlie Pacific for the ?>Javy. This young, attractive couple met IK RA FLASH BULBS Carton of 8 No. 5 Bulbs 59c 120, 127 or 620 BROWNIE Camera Reg. $9.95 Flash Attachment Film Bulbs 6UITIT LIQUOR SPECIALS Crystal Kosher WINE Reg. $1.29 Full Qt. 69 Briarcliff Blended WHISKEY Reg. $3.69 $ 5th BOURBON SUPREME Straight - 90 Proof Semkov VODKA Reg. $3.59 $ 5th Walkers GIN Reg. $3.79 5th op Reg. $4.59 $j 5th < Schenley's Prepared COCKTAILS 5th Manhattan & Extra Dry Martini U. S. Made Trans. Bat., Reg. $1.35 Now Dolph $i Insect Bomb, $1.96 Value Economy 48's -- Reg. $1.89 $109 Sanitary Napkins -- Nuvel Now A Reg. 49c Milk of Magnesia Now Walgreen's -- 135 MM - $1.99 %i 8 MM Film Includes Processing Shulloif -- Friendship Garden $n joigj Hand and Body Lotion, $2 size Only Tussy Deodorant -- $1.00 Value Cream, Roll-On, Stick Only NYE Inc 1325 N. Riverside Dr. 'WALGREEN AGENCY' Ringwood Ruby Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and sons of McHenry and Mrs. Hiss and daughters, Kathy, Karen and Nancy, of Camancn, Iowa were Sunday dinner .guests in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Younger of Harvard spent a few days the past week in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellriclge Vanatten of Flint, Mich., Mrs. Vera Loveless of Allen, Mich., and Miss Jane Loveless of Jonesville, Mich., came Saturday and spent over July 4 with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. M-Sgt. and Mrs. John Woodroller skating and have been married one happy year. Bill is in the shipping department of a Libertyville company. His hobbies are skating and puttering around the house. He is a member of the V.F.W. Drum and Bugle Corp. Nancy enjoys skating and being a good domestic executive (housewife.) Mandy is the family doggy. ward and sons of Madison,, Wis., spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughters and Mrs. Charles Ackermen and children were Elgin visitors Wednesday afternoon. Ida Mae Walkington and Linda Low of the senior high M.Y.F. are attending camp at Conference Point this week. Donna Low and Nancy Kane will attend next week. Susie Low and Betsey Fossum of the junior M.Y.F. are at Wesley Woods this week. Mrs.' Hepner is visiting her sister at Atchison, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent the weekend and July 4 with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burkett at Crete, 111. Ben Walkington is spending a few days in the Ansel Dewey home at Penfield, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent Sunday with Mrs. Williiam Hepburn. Some 200 years ago, mockingbirds, native to the New World, were caught • by the thousands, and sent to Europe as cage birds. They made as great a hit then as parakeets have now, it seems. mm I SON. INC. ESTABLISHED 1926 Residenfiei and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Ilwy. 120 -- % Mile East of Fox River Bridge "ESPANA" sheath... a swimshape-by-the-ouncet> print of lovely Spanish roses, light as petals on your skin, yet truly figure-controlling thanks to its knitted Helanca® stretch-nylon. Shaping lightly but surely from the inside is a Rose Marie Reid Circolair* bra; 10-16, 25.95 "For Your Styles of Today" 3717 W. Elm St. EV 5-2713 McHenry, 111. Open Mon., Tues;, Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays FIESTA Copr. Advertuers Exchange Inc. 1961 ALL PURPOSE What's so special ABOUT A SPED- ccou EV 5-4426 There are marry things, but probably the most special of all ;wi can afferd a C at the ^kHemrav "State Account it. There is no service charge -- you purchase the checkbook at a cost of only 10* per check. No charge for deposits -- no statement charge. Special GIFT for All New Special. Ckg. Acct. Opened during Fiesta Days, July 9-16 For a cost of less than money orders, you can have a special checking account at . McHenry State Bank Established Since 1906 \ "McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution" , 3% Interest Paid on Savings Deposits Member Fedoral D©p©sit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EYergreen 5-1040

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