Page Two THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, July 6 . i%i Padulas Observe 45th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Padula celebrated -their fortyjfifth wedding anniversary Sunday, July 2, at the MeHenry Country club, planned by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Padula and children, Rpbert, Karen and Janet. Others, present as dinner guests were Mrs. Marie Spantikojv, the mother of Mrs. Padula: Kale Padula, a daughter- in-law, her two children, Kathleen and Thomas, and a friend, Mr. Krisby, all of Chicago. A pleasant afternoon was spent at the Padula home following dinner.- The Padulas have been residents of Oak hurst subdivision for five years. TUNA KEERBERG Miss Keerberg Will Marry In Germany Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Keerberg • ^announce the engagement of -^their daughter, Tiina, to Nich- ^blas J. Freund, son of Mrs. -".Hugo Keerberg and the late "^Jathias Freund. ™ Miss Keerberg, who will be ? graduated from high school ")Jiext June, will be married that raame month in Germany, ^'.where Mr. Freund is stationed. '^Nancy Wohlert --Js Shower Guest Miss Nancy Wohlert was £"guest of honor at a pre-nuptial ""^miscellaneous shower held at ^ the home of Mrs. Ben Fout in ^Spring . .Grove. last Sunday. ^Twelve guests attended to en- -~-ioy the day and present Miss i~JVoWert with lovely gifts. <•» The gift table was attractively decorated with blue "'Streamers. She will become the bride of .^^^onald Fout at St. Mary's Catholic church on July 29. Philip Mangolds Surprised At Party V Mr- and Mrs. Philip W. Man- -~'gold of Sunnyside were pleas- ' antly surprised recently when friends and relatives gathered their home to help them celebrate their silver wedding ^.anniversary. A mock wedding ^ceremony was held to reunite £Uhe Mangolds in marriage, fewith the original wedding pparty participating. <*m A buffet dinner was enjoyed .Vilater by eighty guests. Hosts £i«for the party were Mr. and rsMrs. James Levy, Mr. and Mrs. -JElmer Levy, Raymond Levy ^and Mrs. Marion Erban. .*3 Four generations were represented at ihe get-together, ^including Mr. and Mrs. James isLevy and Mrs. Joseph Manrefold. great grandparents; Mr. * » « » » n d M r s . P h i l i p M a n g o l d , '^prandparenls; William Man- .^gold and his son, Randall, and ^Mrs. William Nimsgern, their ^laughter, and her son, William, Jr. MARIE SUNDE BECOMES BRIDE OF DENNIS HUFF PATRICIA SALLADE Donald Rasmussen To Wed. Patricia Sallade The engagement and approaching marriage of Patricia Sallade to Donald Rasmussen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R a s m u s s e n o f 4 3 1 6 S o u t h street, MeHenry, "has been announced by her uncle, Charles Cowles of Leniop t. Miss Sallade is a 1960 graduate of Lemont Township high school and has been employed by a restaurant. Her fiance attended Lane Tech in Chicago and is employed in Round Lake. An August wedding is planned. AjWi--H Jeffrey William is the name chosen for the first child born June 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnsburg Weber at Memorial hospital, Woodstqck. Weighing 8ra lbs. at birth this young man has several grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber are the paternal grandparents and Mrs. Nettie Weber is the maternal great-grandmother. Atto r n e y and Mrs. Herbert Krenz, Crystal Lake, are the maternal grandparents. The maternal great-grandm other is Mrs. Jane Wildauer, Crystal Lake, and the maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Krenz of Cary. -JUn-and Mrs. Lawrence Cullen, Crystal Lake, announce the birth of a daughter at MeHenry hospital, June 30. A girl was born at MeHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riemer, Ingleside, July 2. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Latimer of MeHenry are parents of a girl born July 3 at MeHenry hospital. A son was born June 27 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Best of MeHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dandy Evol, MeHenry, are parents of a daughter born June 30 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A boy was born July 1 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Palko of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mis. Roger Hjerstedt became the parents of a daughter, born July 2 at Memorial hospital. A girl was born July 2 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pate of Wonder Lake. Jit. John the Baptist Cattyp- Jic church was the setting for The wedding of Miss Marie Sunde and Mr. Dennis Huff, which took place Saturday, July 1, wjth Rev. Fr. Blitscli officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sunde of Finch Trail, MeHenry, :ind Ihe groom is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Huff of Salem, Wis. The children's choir provided music for the nuptial ceremony in a church beautifully decorated with bouquets of carnations and glads. The attractive bride approached the altar in a full length nylon tulle dress, with bodice*, of chant illy lace, featuring i- high neckline with small collar and long sleeves. The chapel train had inserts of chantilly lace. Her nylon tulle fell from a rhinestOne and pearl crown and she carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations with detachable orchid. Acting as attendants were Virgene' Huff of Salem, Wis., Janet Fedc-rsen of Spring Grove and Gale Gouchar of Bcrwyn. All were attired in ballerina length silk organza dresses in pale blue color, with matching headpieces and white, accessories. The maid of honor had yellow carnal ions and the bridesmaids carried bouquets of pink carnal ions. Their gifts from the bride were pearl necklaces and matching earrings. Marvin Huff of Trevor, Wis., served as best man anc) Jesse Larson of Genoa City and Frank Weber of Union Grove, W is., were groomsmen. Mrs. Sunde wore a beige silk and lace dress, beige accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Hufl was attired in a pink lace dress, white accessories and a similar corsage. The bridal couple and imm e d i a t e f a m i l i e s e n j o y e d breakfast at 11 o'clock at the clubhouse. Later, 200 people gathered there for a reception. The bride attended the MeHenry high school. The groom attended Central high in Salem, Wit,., and is employed at American Motors. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harasha and daughter, Kathy, of Wautoma. Wis., spoilt the weekend in McHep^y-wit h Mr. and Mrs. John RT Freund, and also attended the wedding of Janet Rosing and Rex Ellington at Libertyvi lit. „Those from Mc" Henry Who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and daughter, Clarice, and Ronald Howard. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors' for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes received on the occasion of our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Vic and Marie Howe *7-6-61 The earliest known use of the word skyscraper was for a triangular sail, used high on the mast of sailing vessels. Nitz-Streske Nuptial July 1 As fielen Nitz of McCullom Lake walked down the aisle of St. Mary's church on Saturday to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Walter Streske, she was rewarded with the sjght of her own two sons, Ronald and Paul, who were helping to serve the 9 a.m. nuptial Mass. Father Baumhofer officiated at the single ring ceremony. Mrs. Nitz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrington of Phoenix, Arizona. The groom'3 parents are' deceased. Mrs. Nitz was loyely in a st reet length frock of lemon yellow nylon over taffeta which featured a full skirt, with a cummerbund effect of the waist. Tiny satin bows of the same color were scattered over the skirt and each was accented by a tiny seed pearl. Her hat was pale yellow flowers, with just a hint of veiling! A corsage of white roses and stephanotis completed her out-, fit. • For her sister's wedding, Miss Lorraine Farrington of Schiller Park, as maid of honor, was gowned in pink nylon over taffeta which was also full skirted with a lace bodice. Matching accessories and coiv sage created a lovely efect. George Streske, brother of the groom, served in the capacity of best man. The bride's parents were unable to make the journey from Arizona to attend the nuptials. At 6:30 p.m., about seventyfive relatives and friends gathered at Club Lilymoor to rejoice with the newly wedded couple, for an evening of dinner and dancing. Miss Farrington and a girl friend arc staying with the bride's three sons and caring for them while the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Walter Streske enjoy a week's honeymoon in northern Wisconsin. Upon their return, they will reside at 4715 W. McCullom Lake road. The groom is employed with the Milwaukee road in Chicago. July 8 Third Annual Fun Fair and Picnic -- Noon -- MeHenry Shores Picnic Area -- Public Invited. July 12 C.D. of A. Annual Piqpic. July 86 - *•-- • • Annual Summer Dessert Luncheon and Card Party -- St. Patrick's Church Lawn -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality. • MARRIAGE LICENSES Thomas Thorne and Margaret Thorne, both of Wonder Lake. Kenneth Knadt and Geneva Jerrie, both of Wonder Lake. Robert Krickl, MeHenry, and Betty Meister, Woodstock. Any feller who waits till he can afford to get married isn't much in love. Thomas Jefferson once owned Natural Bridge, Virginia, and built a summer home there. cool yet satisfying -- Oatmeal Bread, Fruit Salad, Punch Surprise Party For •-Patricia Ann Tucker A surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. C. Skinner of Chica- ' "£o for her sister. Patricia Ann Tucker of Sunnyside, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, on her eighteenth birthday. "*•» Friends and relatives gathered in the basement of the thorne, which was decorated in <pink. A feature of the serving table was a beautiful (rake, along with other delicious food. ' Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Szaro- *wicz, Mr. and Mrs. Michael "TJocek, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. 'I'ucker, Mrs. F. Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kane, Hyl- _Jis and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Tempttn and Scot tie, Helen .-and Dennis, Mrs. Anna Pflauni- ':'er, Lillian and Gertrude Young, ^.Mrs. Maybelle Behnke. Mary " and Maureen Conoboy, Mr. and "!!Mrs. Plfaumer, Miss Karen !Pflaumer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schultz of Sunnyside, jJtonald Garrity, Mrs. Anna •^Botulinski, Casimer Botulinski, p3etty Botulinski, Gerald Skinnier and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck •fekinner. Congratulations were sent io the young lady from a numiber who' were unable to attend. " Miss Tucker received records, as well as a variety of oth& gift* MeHenry Hospital Patients at MeHenry hospital during the past week included Nancy Wilson, Woods t o c k ; L a u r a D a n g l e r a n d George Kemler, Wonder Lake; Rose Ann Williams, Winthrop Harbor; Helen Overton, Ingles i d e ; G u n h i l M i l i n a c , L i l y Lake; Edward Tegtrneier, Mundelein; John McDonough, Car pentersville; William V a n c e , B a r r i n g t o n ; A r t h u r Burgett, Crystal Lake; James Vandale. Deborah Gordon and Karen Wilson, Chicago; Alicc Hein, Cary; Bradley Quaiver, Bclsy Haufe, Daniel Bcngston, Lorraine Ferreri, Anna Garcia, Esther Prell, James French, J a m e s B r o o k s . T h o m a s Knaack, Gerald Williams, •lolyne Vanek, Paul Tanek and Margaret Winkle, McIIenry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Emanuel Macaluso and Charles Hadsell, Wonder Lake; Irene Hanna, Edward Smith, John (jet net' and B a b y Frank Blakemore. MeHenry. Harvard Hospital Ella Kolar, Wonder Lake, was a patient during tlie pasi week in the Harvard hospital. There is no substitute for money in the bank. Saye at MeHenry State Bpnk. 6-29 . 7-6-61 PERSONALS Mrs. Eleanor Manning and son, Robert, Gertrude May and Diana Barrington of Oak Park spent the yveekend . in . MeHenry. Mr, and Mrs. Bennett Goodell of Kissimmee, Fla., visited Mrs. C. W. Goodell recently. Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and family were visitors in the William Riggs 'home in Silver Lake Wednesday and helped them celebrate their fifty-first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda have returned from a weed's visit with relatives in Cloquet, Minn. Mrs. Claribal Fish of St. Petersburg, Fla., who is spending some time in this vicinity, visited MeHenry friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hefner were called here from Brecksville, Ohio, by the illness of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Hefner, a patient at St; Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Frank Low has returned to her home at 3816 W. Main street after a few weeks visit in California. Mrs. Edward Wright of Chicago spent the Fourth of July holidays in the home of her niece, Mrs. Dale Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Regner, Mrs. Anna Diedrich, daughter, Van, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Regner attended a celebration of the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harbst, in Chicago, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway attended a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunlap at the V.F.W. hall in Elkhorn on June 18. Mrs. Dunlap is the former Mrs. Clarence Conway of Janesville and their marriage took place at Elkhorn earlier that day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the Fourth ol July weekend in the Donald Givens home. Mrs. Edward Nickels and daughter, Marie, have returned from an enjoyable motor trip to Colorado, where they spent some time at Estes Park, Denver and Colorado Springs. The John Reed family of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the Nickels home. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Tonvan of Tucson, Ariz., are spending the summer in MeHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin spent a few days last week in the Robert Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son, Mike, have returned from i vacation at Rhinelander, Wis. Al-c Dennis Conway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway, who is serving at the Elmen.- dorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, Alaska, was made happy by a surprise visit from f o u r M c H e n r y i t . e s , H o w a r d Cairns, Henry Weber, Walter Anderson and Ed. Kennebeck, who are vacationing in Alaska. Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh and Mrs. Velma Douglas returned Sunday from a few days trip to Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Rothermel have moved from 1613 N. Riverside drive to Long Island, N.Y. The place they have vacated has been purchased by William Diedrich. The William Coleman family moved recently from one of the Kent apartments on Elm street to Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. James Abner are now making their home in a front apartment in the Kent building on Elm street. Mrs. Phil Brautigam and daughters, Patsy, Cheryl, Peggy and Kathy, of San Jose, Calif., spent the weekend with the Bill Hay family. The Braijtigams are former residents of McCullom Lake and this was their first return visit in ten years. For a cool yet satisfying luncheon, serve Oatmeal Orange Nut Bread and butter sandwiches with fresh fruit salad, and lemonade or punch. This moist, tender bread is a good keeper. Homemade cereal quick breads can add so much flavor and interest to summer meals. Ready to serve just as they come from the refrigerator or after thawing from the freezer, they eliminate a lot of last minute preparations. The ingredient use of breakfast cereals is one way to insure that a well-balanced diet is served. Oatmeal Orange Not Broad 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour cup chopped nuts FUN SPOILER Of all Vacatiofi fun spoilers, the common cold remains one of the most effective. The Institute for Safer Living states that vacationists may be particularly susceptible to colds due to temperature changes, strenuous activity leading to fatigue, changes in rest habits, and mingling with crowds. These preventive measures are listed: Use common sense eating habits, avoid extremes ol of rest, scrub hands with soap two or more times daily, avoid heat or chill, try to get plenty contact with anyone suffering from a cold. FOR YOUR GIFTS - CARDS and NEW OFFICERS OF MARIAN CLUB PLAN ACTIVITIES 4 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons salt 1Y2 cups rolled oats, quick of regular, uncooked 2 teaspoons grated orange rind IV3 cups orange juice % cup honey Vi cup melted fat Sift together flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Stir in oats and nuts. Combine orange rind and juice, honey, and fat. Add to dry ingredients, mix only enough to moisten ingredients. Pour into greased 9 x 5 x 3-incfa 1oaf pan. Bake is iofiAoipx ugtil done, afapqt 1 Y$efcfc 1 toaL The newly .plfFcted officers of Marian Central high school Father's clu^ will meet with club advisory board and copimittee on Friday, July 7, at 8 p.m.^ at the Knights of Columbus hall jn Woodstock. The purpose of meeting will be to develope plans for the club's activities during the coming year. The new officers are: Gerald Smith, president, of Woodstock; Maurice Clark, vicepresident, of MeHenry; Ambrose Thillman, treasurer, of Crystal Lake; Thomas Simpson, secretary, of MeHenry. The Rev. Thomas C. Brady, newly-appointed superintendent of Marian Central, " will attend the meeting as club's moderator. Marian Central high school Fathers' club sponsored a successful dinner-dance on Tuesday, June 27, in MeHenry. Over 200 fathers, mothers and friends of Marian Central attended. Officers who will pre- I side for the new year were | installed, and a beautiful rosary was presented to the outgoing president, Art Desmond. Father Baumhofer made a short, inspiring talk, after which there was music and dancing. WATER SAFETY TIPS Rules for safe conduct in the water should be familiar to all lake and seashore vacationists. Yet, disregard of basic swimming rules results in hundreds of drownings each year. The Institute for Safer Living recommends strict adherence to the following simple "know hows" for water safety: Know how to swim well, know your physical limitations, know how to float, know how to rescue a drowning person, know that you can correctly handle a boat or canoe, Know safety rules for water traffic, know your boat's safe capacity and see that it is equipped with life preservers, know how to use an overturned or capsized craft for survival purposes. ^Be Wist? Use The Classifieds See Fred & Lil Wirtz At 3428 W. Elm - MeHenry (Next to the Toddler Shop) Phone EV 5-3520 How To Enjoy Your Own GARDEN CLUB PLANS ANNUAL PARTY JULY 12 Mrs. Arnold Schaettgai graciously offered her home for the June meeting of the AIc- Henry Garden club, when Mrs. Comes was forced to withdraw because of a bereavement in her family. The club feels fortunate in having as new members the M e s d a m e s S n i v e l y , P e p p e r , Sand and Stinespring to replace those members forced to resign for various reasons. With a full quota of actively interested members, thfey^re now able to honpr the riSny invitations receivpd to enter other flower shows in the neighboring communities. The MeHenry Garden club is piroud of its record of consistently winning honors in these events. Activity of the club at present is centered around its annual invitation card party to be held on July 12 at the home of Mrs. Milton J. Smith. The committee has been wor$ig hard, and while most of the plans are being withheld even from the members of the club they know that this year's event will be even more attractive than those held in the past. There is no substitute for money in the bank. Save at MeHenry State Bank. 6-29 - 7-gjBl About the best way to save face is to keep the bottom part of it closed. It takes skill and experience to bring home the bacon without spilling the beans. Don't just give a party, go to it yourself! Planning and precooking a company meal lets you enjoy your own party. Next time you entertain, why not prepare a luscious and substantial meal and store it in the freezer and refrigerator? Today's slimline unit, with its neatly organized "pantry. door" liner of easy-to-clean plastic, provides both freezer storage and refrigeration to keep food appetizingly fresh and garden crisp for weeks or days. Favorite refrigerator party-fare includes chilled shrimp in the round, baked ham, macaroni and cheese (which can be reheated to a bubble), frozen berry souffle, homemade biscuits, cookies, assorted relishes and beverage. • A spectacular sort of appetizer, chilled shrimp in the round is prepared a day or two before the party, and kept in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Chilled Shrimp In The Round Vi cup canned tomato sauce IVi cups rich mayonnaise 3 tablespoons lemon juice Dash Tabasco 1 envelope unflavored gelatin Vi cup cold consomme or water 2 pounds shrimp, cooked and peeled Sliced cucumber Sliced radishes Toasted slivered almonds Combine tomato sauce, mayonnaise, lemon juice and Tabasco. Soften gelatin in consomme or water, then dissolve over hot water. Stir liquid gelatin into combined ingredients. Add additional seasoning, if desired. Chill in refrigerator until mixture begins to thicken. Arrange a few shrimp on the bottom and sides of a buttered round-bottom bowl. Halve remaining shrimp and stir into mixture, turn into prepared bowl and chill until firm, or overnight. To serve, turn out on plate and garnish with cucumber and radish slices, slivered nuts. Makes 6-8 servings. D O L L A R S a n d S E N S E JOHN DIP .-- jm piDN'r I) EDDIE the EDUCATQfi soys proptrty tans 70% Approximately 70 percent «f lb* r«venu« of Illinois peblic schools comes from local properly taxes. Other sources M m*M> (i iHMois fcfatoftow ^ ^ - Start your sayings account today with McHENRY STATE BANK 'A Full Service Bank' Since 1 !)()•; Member F-D.I.t'. Aid Association For Lutherans Announces Mr. MILTON J. VOICAT , 8901 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, 111. has completed the basic Purdue course in life insurance marketing. Also the fraternal basic course. Mr. Voigt was appointed district representative with the aid association for Lutherans in April last ySfcr and is therefore qualified to council synodical conference Lutherans in every life insurance need. LIFE INSURANCE FOR SYNODICAL CONFERENCE LUTHERANS ') C^efebrcitinxj ? Vacationing or. whatever you are doing out-of-doors, remember your hair and treat it with kindness. Let us safeguard your beauty with the proper treatment. "Put Your Hair In Our Care" l^iverside ^J4airstit(!ina Studio 1320 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 MeHenry, 111. Member of N.II C.A. Open: Tues.,\iThurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6: Snt . 8-5: Closed Mon