Page Foiirteeft THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 13, 1961 PERSONALS , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye; 'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weingart; Mrs. Helen Miller, son, Neil; Mrs. John R. Freund; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, daughter, .Clarice, and Ron Howard attended the wedding of Miss Janet Rosing, daughter of Mr. iand Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville, and Rex Ellington of "California, which took place at St. Joseph's church in Libertyville Saturday, July 1, with a ^reception following at V.F.W. hall there. * The new Mrs. Ellington has i>een engaged as a teacher at air bases in Iceland and France "meeting her husband in the latter place, where they returned from recently. They will make their home in Germany where lie has a teaching assignment for the coming year. " Mi$s Margaret Ward of Denver, Colo., spent a few days the past week in the Robert Bums home at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman accompanied by Mr. and, Mrs. Elroy Winkelman and Mrs. Florence Winkelman of Arlington Heights visited the Elroy Winkelman cottage, at Potter's Lake near East Troy, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Teddy, and Mrs. Laura Minteer, of Elmhurst, were guests of McHenry relatives July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigeiow and daughter, Cheryl, of Fort Jennings, Ohio, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake. ' Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Whittemore and son, Craig, of San Francisco, Calif., arrived Monday evening, of last week, via jet, for a few weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Justen, and other relatives here. Mrs. Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin motored to O'Hare Field to pick them up. • Mrs. Elizabeth Husch, daughter, Leona, and Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel have returned from an eleven day trip through the south. Among the points of interest visited were Dauphin Island and Mobile, Ala., Biloxi and Gulfport, Miss., New Orleans, La., and Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Louis Althoff and daughter, Mrs. Charles Vycital, spent a few days, last week, irt the C. W. Beckanbaugh home in Clinton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harasha "and daughter, Kathy, of Watoma, Wis., spent a few days, recently, with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson, Stevie and Susie, of Skokie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron and Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake, were the out of town folks here to attend the annual get-together held at the Robert Thompson home on July 4. Mrs. A. P. Freund and Mrs. Peter A. Freund have returned from a sixteen day bus tour in which they visited sixteen states and covered 4.000 miles. Included in the many places they stopped for sightseeing were Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec, where they visited the Shrine of St. Ann, P o r t l a n d , M a i n e ; B o s t o n , Mass.; New York City, Washington, D. C., and Pittsburgh, Pa. Martin Schmitt of St. Louis, Mo., visited relatives here the past ten days. Miss Helen Frett and a friend from Chicago were callers in the home of the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel on the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. John Pepping and children of Montgomery are vacationing with relative^ here. Mrs. Edla Antonson arid brother, August Landerholm, spent a few days last week in Elburn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke spent a few days last week in the Leonard Larsen home in Minneapolis and while there r e n e w e d a c q u a i n t a n c e w i t h many other old friends made while Mrs. Pat/ke operated a tea room in that city. They were accompanied by Dr. Milda Liepins, who visited friends she had not0 seen for sixteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe spent a few days last week at the latter's cottage near Fort Atkinson, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns of Hollywood, Fla., have been spending a couple of weeks in the home of their son, Robert K. Burns, at Hickory Grange and with other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl spent a few days, last week, at the Robert Brugger cottage at Three Lakes, Wis.; and from there motored on to Manitowoc, Wis., where they ferried across to Ludington, Mich. Mrs. Irene Guffey and granddaughter, Pat Guffey, of Richmond, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock to St. Charles, Sunday, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Hugh Murphy and children, Maureen and Sharon, of Waldwick, N. J. are spending a few weeks with her parents, the Joseph Gilmores, and his mother, Mrs. Grace Murphy, who will return home with Ithem for a vacation. Air. Mur- ! ph>^\who motored here with them, returned home after a j few days visit. i Miss Clara Miller spent last ! week with relatives at Milwau- : kee. Wis. j Mrs. William Freund and Miss Laura Weber have returned from a week's bus tour in which they did sightseeing at Colorado Springs, Est?s Park, Denver. Grand Lake, Pike's Peak, Colo., and Cheyenne. Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughters, Clarine and Sister Nicele, and the Thomas W h i t t e m o r e f a m i l y v i s i t e d friends at Wood Dale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daughter, Karen, of Chicago spent Sunday .with her mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Other callers during the day were Mr. and Mrs.- Edward Hall of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckley of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altman, Sara and Tommy, of Dearborn, Mich., spent a few d,ays this week in the Dr. J. E: Sayler home. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and brother, Leo Heimer, were in Chicago, Wednesday evening, where they made the acquaintance of their grand-nephew, Paul Michael, the first child born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bickler. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schoewer, Miss Helen Wegener and brother, Dick, of Chicago, called on old friends in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. John Bolger and Misses K a t b r y n K o r t e n d i c k , N e l l i e Doherty and Genevieve Knox returned home Saturday from a fifteen day tour in which sight-seeing stops were made at Albuquerque, N. M.; Grand Canyon, Colo.; Los Angeles, Hollywood, Disneyland and San Francisco, Calif.; portland. Ore.; Seattle. Wash.; Victoria and Vancouver, B. C: Lake Louise and Banff, Canada. They also called on relatives and friends in Seattle and different places in California. Mr. and Mi-s. Joseph Glosson, son, Don, of Richmond, Ind., and another son. Jack, of Fort Wayne, Ind., were guests in | the home of their son and | brother. James Glosson and j wife, last week, and also visit- I ed other relatives in this vicin- | ity. On July 4 the group attended a gathering at the home of Mrs. Albert Vales. Out of town folks in attendance at a reunion of the family of the late Peter and Mary Freund held at the home of j their grandson, Elmer Justen, at Pioneer mad near Ringwood S a t u n l a y i n c l u d e d : B r o t h e r Paul of Tanganyika, North Africa; Sister Nicele of Wood Dale; who is attending summer school at Milwaukee, Wis.; Dr. and Mrs. Jhomas Whittemore and son of San Francisco, Calif.; Miss Alice Cole of Milwaukee and the Thomas Smith family of Harvard. Miss Rita Martin entertained at a family gathering at her home Sunday. Included in the out of town folks were Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brink; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Loretta McMahon of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday and attended the pageant that evening. Mrs. Charles Owen, son, Donald, of Skokie; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owen, Edwin and Martha and Miss Carol Waller of Lincolnwood and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Elgin were guests in the Robert & FEN SHOP Complete Accident Service ^ Frame Straightened -- Wheel Alignment Window Glass -- Complete Painting McHenry, 111. >6 4 917 N. Front St. Tel. EV 54 Thompson home and attended the pageant Sunday evening. Mrs. Agnes Nieman has returned from a few days visit in the home of her sister, Mrfc. George Smith, in Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and daughters. Ellen Mary, Louise and Cathy, of Chicago, spent the weekend with McHenry relatives and attended the Weber-Vacula wedding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Green and family have returned to their home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., after a visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Mabel Powers to extend congratulations on her birthday included Mr. and Mrs. William Powers of Batavia; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge of Grayslake; the George Powers family of Woodstock; the Jack Powers and Kenneth Powers families of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and daughters, Sandra, Nancy, Joanne and Julie, have returned from a motor trip to Denver, Colo., where they visited their daughter and sister, Miss Peggy Whiting, an R.N. in St. Anthony's hospital in that city. Mrs. Kathryn Biehlke of Park Ridge visited relatives here Sunday and attended the pageant that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertrang, daughter, Mrs. Regina Stiel, and the latter's daughter, Helen, of Aurora, visited relatives in this vicinity a few days last week. MBS. DRAPER TO ATTEND MISSION LEAGUE MEETING Mrs. Glenn Draper of McHenry will represent local Lutheran women at the ninth biennial convention of the International Lutheran Women's Missionary league which will convene on July 26 and 27 in Pittsburgh, Pa. The women of Zion Lutheran church, McHenry, as well as 203,000 other women throughout the United States and Canada, belong to the Lutheran Women's Missionary league. This league is an auxiliary organization within the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a church body numbering close to 21/a million members. More than 500 delegates and several thousand guests are expected for the gathering which will include visitors from every state of the United States, provinces of Canada and foreign countries. Since the Lutheran church i s i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y a c k n o w l edged as "the singing church" very appropriately, a pageant entitled "A Christian Sings, from the Cradle to the Grave", will be presented. Entertainment planned includes a three-hour -- threeriver cruise, starting from the historic "Point" in Pittsburgh, and a tour through colorful Pennsylvania Dutch country, with stops at Hershey, with its beautiful rose gardens; York, the first capitol of the United States; and Gettysburg, site of the famous Civil War battle. THE CLAIRE BEA1 1222 N. Green EV 5-0010 Miss Eleanore Springman is now with us and welcomes her friends and patrons to her new location. Hours: Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. by appointment Honor 1936 Royalty Kotalik Studio Photo Sharing honors with the 'teen-age queens selected lV to rule over Fiesta Day activities were the young ladies who reigned at the time of McHenry's centennial in 1936. The queen, Miriam Sayler Altman, is shown being pre-" sented with a bouquet of flowers by Mayor Donald P. Doherty. In her court that year were Mercedes Hayes Gus- • tafson, of Chicago, at left, and Jane Heimer Gitzke, of . Cary, center. CARNIVAL ST. PETSl'S CHUiCH , SPRING GROVE, ILL. SAT. - SUN. JULY 15-16 CHICKEN DINNER - 12 to 3 p.m. ;R - 5 p.m. Prizes -- Games -- Refreshments Sunday Mass 6:30, 8, 9, 10 & 11:15 Sponsored by Members of St. Peter's Church CoNGKA TULA TI0NS LOUNGE & RESTAURANT 3924 W. IV In S EV. 5-©< M nry, III. r f khkiWY & AIR E»Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Don 2815 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. EV 5-0101 rs & fh 1 ;tors McHenry, Illinois Phone: EV 5-1736 RAY ELECTRIC 3919 W. Main St. EV5-0 McHenry, 111. m