Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1961, p. 3

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Jril W> 1.961 THE ItcHENHY PLAINDEALEB Wonder Lake /JUNIOR MEMBERS f WORK ON PROJECT "la FLOWER SHOW lane Ducev Gity Presented March . Wonder Lake Garden fijpfe juniors have been workon their project for the flower show, which will come Ufider conservation. Their projis birds. There will be rftahy things you will be able to learn from this display. So don't forget to stop and see what the girls have done. The flower show will be open to the public from 2-9 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 12, and 2-8 p.m. mi Sunday, Aug. ^3. wAny Junior who wishes to enter any artistic arrangement in the junior class may do so, or if they have any specimen of flowers or vegetables, they may enter it under junior horticulture. Junior Division Artistic Sec. 3 Cl&ss 1 -- "Country Style" igle place sietting with ar- 5(ngement on mat -- 8 to 12 years. Class 2 -- "Babes, in Toyland" Arrangement in a toy -- 8 to 12 years. Class 3 -- "Sleepy Time Gal" Arrangement using a candle --12 to 16 years. Class 4 -- "Alice BlUe Gown" A corsage to be displayed on blue fabric -- 8x8" -- 10 to 16 wars. Class 5 -- "This apuld be the "Start of Something" -- 8 to 16 years. Picture using various seeds suitable for hanging. NINE LICENSES SUSPENDED. ONE REVOKED IN AREA Secretary of State Charles Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Juhan, Raider of Woodstock for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions have been ordered for Richard Abatte of Algonquin; David Cohn, Robert Hanson, Walter Howard and Earl Sundberg of Crystal JLake; John Hanna of Woodstock; Nels Jensen of Huntley; flordon Roberts and Sam Root, JtfcHenry, all for three violations. Probationary permits have been issued to Robert Gavers of Woodstock, Donald Hayes of McHenry and Ralph Johnson of Hebron. SALES INCREASE Rational Tea Co. for the second quarter of 1961, following near-record first quarter results, combined to put 1901 profits at mid-year 22 per cent ahead of 1960. Thus, National Tea Co. continues the marked improvement which began in the fall of 1960. IN MOST FAMILIES SUNDAY BREAKFAST is the one leisurely breakfast of the week. So it calls for something extra special, such as these Caramel Honey Glazed Rolls. The glaze is ever so easy to make Since there's no need to caramelize sugar with caramel chips on the market. Of course the hot bread can be home-made, but packaged rolls 4-av canned ^^igerptar, fbiseuijs drizzled with the glaze make mighty good eating too! CARAMEL HONEY GLAZE % cup caramel chips 1 tablespoon brown sugar 4 teaspoons hot water 1 tablespoon honey Combine chips, hot water, and brown sugar in a saucepan, Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until chips melt. Remove from heat and add honey. Blend well. Use as glaze for cookies or hot breads. Makes % cup glaze. It pays to pay attention to your driving. A recent survey ^ the Institute for Safer Living indicates that momentary lapse of attention in some form is a contributing cause in 9 out of every 10 highway accidents. ?\CT% 'TALK" By Henry Heise of Bolger's Drug Store ~-SCORE FOR PROGRESS «One of my neighbors is firmconvinced the world has been sliding down hill since Mr. Ford stopped building his Model T's. So I didn't expect him to give my new Kodak Automatic 8 Movie Camera a roaring welcome when he saw me trying it out in the yard the other day. "Another one of those newangled cameras of yours," he orted. "Check," I said. "This one's fully automatic. See. This electric eye does all the lens setting. All I have to do is aim and shoot." "Mmpph," was his sole reaction. "And look at this builtin Type A Filter," I said. "I just load up with 8mm indoor Kodachrome Film, and I can use it outdoors too, by sliding ^pp filter in front of the lens." "Mmpphg," was his eloquent reply. Undaunted, I said, "Read what it says in there around the lens." "Kodak Ektanar f/1.6," he replied. "Imagine," I said, " a lens that fast on a camera that costs just $49.95. That means you can take movies on real dull days. Indoors, you can «ove way back with your rht bar." "How much did you say that gadget was?" he asked. "Only $49.95," I answered. "Don't be surprised if I drop around to your store to see one of those," he said walking away. And I wasn't •.» . when he did. Kotalik Studio Photo John Yardas, left, member of the McHenry municipal band and a band leader himself, receives the congratulations of Mayor Donald P. Dohertv, at left, for his new composition, "On the Shores of the Fox," composed for the city's anniversary Celebration. Presentation came as a surprise at last Sunday's pageant, after which Mr. Yardas led the band in playing the march. Looking on, in center, is the band's regular director, Stanley Vvcital, who did such an outstanding job of conducting the musical unit that night. nday Breakfast Special ILLINOIS FAIR FEATURES LIST TALENT SEARCH July 20 is the deadline for applications in the t a 1 e n t search for young singers, vocal groups, instrumentalists and combos at the Illinois state fair. Applicants must be between 10 and 20 years of age. Winners will have an opportunity to ,make a recording, copies of which will be sent to major record companies. Information and entry blanks may be obtained by writing the Illinois State Fair, Springfield. Horse Show Shetland pony owners from all corners ot the nation are entering their animals in the light horse show, feature of Ihe Illinois State Fair, Am;. 11 through 20. Most colorful" and probably most expensive of the classes is the lancy turnout in which each entry has a viceroy. harness and the most -extreme in children s formal attire. The increased number of entries anticipated for the Illinois State Fair Horse Shov^, will require quarters for mori?" than 1.000 horses. The Coliseum show ring' is being resurfaced and i he make-up ling, rebuilt. Special attractions between classes will include Belgian and Clydesdale six-horse hit dies, a six-ponv hitch, and a clown act with a trick horse. Purchasers of a section Of box seats, usually six, will have their names placed on the section. Awards totalling $50,000 and a diversity of classes in all departments is resulting in increased interest and activity P?ge Three by 4-H, FFA and FHA members. Any boy or girl between 10 and 20 years of age who has conducted a supervised program in agriculture or home economics can enter the judging, demonstration and other contests in the junior department. Livestock exhibitors must be at least 12 years old. Junior Department classes, premiums, and regulations are listed in Rook II, available upon request, from the Illinois State Fair, Springfield. ,, l'xills totally constructed or d r e s s e d b y t h e e x h i b i t o r a n d historical china made- to commemorate a special event are an lung the new features in the 1961 Illinois State Fair hobby show. Closing date for entries is July 20. Inquiries and requests for premium lists and entry blanks should he directed to the Illinois State Fair, Springfield. COURT BRIEFS The following cases were heard- in police magistrate court. . Angel Rodriguez paid a $10 fine far driving too fast"1 for condit ions, Jerry G. Golberg of Lilvmoor was fined $10 for leaving the scene of an accident. A $10 fine was imposed on William T. Heintzelman of BesPlaines for driving too fast for conditions. Roy A Died rich of McHenry was fined $10 for improper lane usage. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS ATTENDS CONVENTION Robert J. Conway, local agent for State Farm Insurj ance, will attend the national J convention of the sales force at | Toronto, Canada, Aug. 6 i through 8. To qualify, it is j necessary to exceed production (goals and maintain superior I service. j He has qualified for one pre- ! vious convention in his six years with the company. COUNCIL MEETS IN CITY The McHenry Savings & Loan association has invited members of the Fox Valley Savings and Loan council to have their meeting of July 20 at the McHenry Country club. Master of ceremony at that time will be Arnold Rauen, vice-president of the McHenry association and of American National bank. The principal speaker will be Milan Hiben, vice-president of the , American National bank, who will talk on a timely subject of interest to all. ON DEAN'S LIST Sixty-four students have been named to the dean's list of the University of Illinois C o l l e g e o f J o u r n a l i s m a n d Communications for high scholarship during the spring semester, and this list was released on Wednesday. Included was Carroll E. Useman of McHenry with a 4.26 average. Read The Want Ads The Drivers Seat "Signs and signals are most important to strangers, yet they are put up by people who live in the neighborhood," Ellis Armstrong, commissioner of roads, U. S. Department of Commerce, said recently. Although speaking of the traffic sign situation generally, Mr. Ellis' words apply particularly to rural areas. There, traffic signs, or the lack of them, are a serious problem. Frequently, stop signs or caution signs are located so close to dangerous intersections or curves that they seem to act only as reminders to drivers who are already completely familiar with the roads ami who -have already begun to slow their ' sjieeds before they reach the signs. A stranger, on the other hand, frequently finds tltar the illplaced signs offer insufficient warning and that he is already ujion the danger spot before he has had time to reduce speed safely. A recent national survey of signs pointed out that too few rural roads have adequate warning signs of railroad crossings ahead, particularly reflective signs which can be seen at night. Because most traincar accidents occur when drivers crash into the sides of trains, it would appear that these signs are badly needed in rural areas. M a n y c i v i c , s e r v i c e a n d women's clubs in rural areas, alerted to the need, have a d o p t e d t r a f f i c s i g n s u r v e y programs as their major contribution to their communities. These groups torn--their local areas inspecting traffic signs, then report damaged signs eft*' the need for new or bettet signs to local authorities. It's a program that could well be adopted by many more rural groups. Dogs never try to give advice >r borrow money -- maybe that's why they are still man's l>est iriends. L-- It must be a sad day in the life of any sixteen-year-old to realize that in 20 years, shefU j be as dumb as Ma and Pa •i now. ANNUAL DiSSilT LI and CARD PARTY <iiven hv St. Patrick's Altar & Rosary Sodality WEDNESDAY. JULY 26 -- 1P.M. St. Patrick's Church Lawn sliced bacoh .T.5? ocurfMatMt&uud Ueai' Colorado Corn-Fed Beef •UARAMTKO TO PUASf O* YOUR MOHEY BACftl SWIFTS BEE1 GEBS . . . .t 99* 2*89' NATIONAL'S TOP TASTE Skinless TOSiEHS. Buy 'Em mickelberrvs old Farm By the Piece! LIVES IAUSAGE . . . CSOA Impacted>• Beltsville or Sim TURKiYS 39' Hygrad* Samt-Bon*Ua V/att Virginia SMOKED HAMS lc ROUND STEAK Cut & Trimmed The National Value-Way! REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOU 35 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wiffc hrduic Ono 2-Roll Ant. Colon VANITY FA!* • 1 PAPER TOWELS Limtf On* Coupon tm Cintomor--Coupo* ExpbtsMf 1$ Rolled Colorado Corn -Fad Boo? QonoYatS u. 79 RUMP i Rolled Colorado Corn • Fed ROUND Bonelett Y<mr Choice MOIEM THIS VALUAIU COUPON FOt 60 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Th« Putch.w Of Ono 26-ox. VIV FLOOR WAX limit Ono Coupon P«r Customer--Coupon Eip'rot Jafy TS REDEEC3 THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Mm hichtn Of OH It-at. J«r PARAMOUNT Fraak GARDEN SALAD LlmiTOn*Coupon Per Codomtr -Coupon Erplrro Jaly tS W. Inm TU KgM To Umtl (?o»r!TfW. . . . Meat BfcefN. Jim July IWfc t» Cfclcago And \\lfeeb SuWb*n St©ft Ext»pt 1--fiifr S. Hill it. Crtnt* CWc«90 HH» DoW IMG during MJ11LY AFTER NATIONAL FOOD STORES Gtodot1**' PICK A M fronn • • . Beef, Totlwy Or Ctiiefon TASTE MEAT PICS 2-39* REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR v 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With lb* PnrckiM Of On. 6«n. Bri. MILAN! IM0 FRENCH DRESSING timft Ono Coapon Per Cwtom«r--Coupon tip'iritMf IP Yoa git cbotca chunk of chicken, turk»y or beef in rich natural ... all corarad with a light flaky crust. Just haat Md Mi M Haat AW Sana--Frama CHIEFS WAFFHHS . PICK A PJyM S EtBERTA--Slicad "BUY TWO AND S'/z-OZ. Cans Brings Out Tfc. Flavor Of Foods ^ „ ___ P u l l Hovorod _ a. .a MCTT r«v^ -- s CATSUP . 2a 35 NA¥6S> COFFEE . 2^1 *| SIR'S: PEAS. . . 2 Full Flavored garden fresh SMAol two & save:" NEW PACK NATCO SPECIAL OFFER! The Tireless Detergent GIANT PICK A PAIR SALE STOJCH.rS-.WhoW Karnal Or CruM Styfo-- My J--a ®r CORN AND SAVE Mada From S Tropical Fruit RitM BIPY T Giant Pkg. Only mmmmm 5c OFF LABEL! CKOAOCAST--wab Baans LET IIS RESTORE YOUR SILVER TO IIS ORIGINAL BEAUTY. Take your precious worn silverware, heirlooms and antiques out of hiding and have them gorgeously QUADRUPLE. SM.VERPLATED by skilled silversmiths at ^reat savings. Prepare now for Hie holidays ahead... bring your silver in today. ARTICLE REFLATING SALE PRICE Creom Pitchers .......7.95 Sugor Bowk 8.95 Waste Bowls 8.95 Tea and Coffee Pots, ea.. 13.95 Water Pitchers ........ Serving Trays (per sq. in.}. REPAIR SERVICES AVAILABLE: • Dents Removed • Broken parts repaired or replaced, etc. 13.95 8c Any item whether silverware, church ware, trophies, etc., can be rep'ated in silver, gold, copper or brass. Sterling and pewter polished ... bong in for free estimates. LIMITED TIME ONLY : V BRING ARTICLES IN TODAY! 1331 N. Riverside Drive &C McHenry, Illinois MH3I--TTKIN BSCB3 tICON CABHE. . .3^79 DR. MOMTE ' IE! ilMION S 95 optN pit Queen Size! BARBECUE SAUCE . , , . tt TOP TASTE -- 6*n»» ALMOltl WIE CAKE . St 4F <7udmti'/uut ftufat fimfadcae* SOUTHERN GROWN Peach; 01 Asserted SparWing Havers . SEVER TOP TASTE -- SEcod . . . Rod . . # Aad El» > WARSW 1YE 'Low Priced! w KRAFTS--sncad SWISS CHEESE • rooa CHOICE OF TOUR FAYOMTE BRimfMSV CiRI TBK . . . . jm HOIl CHEERI0S * WHEATIES. . ^ CORN FLAKES £ Qxjfgo STx» (51f(5UMBSR§ o • • . • * 10* Ftrm Hood (Slim €I11ME. 10' For Silidt LEAF LETTUCE . 10' 1 Gef Dishes Clean WHhoaJ- Wiping -- 8c Off I LIQUID in ~49e 3006 West ESr n Street'. IDAYS 9-2 F@it Y.OtJR SH No BottW d»- poiit. No Mod £NoA reTtuCrnO b ottUt. UVH yom botk- A)1 n««r bof RtTtr mod btfora, Mo DoposJt-- A GIFT TO TTQ3 RON NATiorm tt-n. PdriciQQ Q Con vers o{J on iliilw o-OO fee patios cad patfiio Haro is • glaiswar* lov* to ontortaio ofik„ .„Q bMutifnl m» pdtnite captures ti» oM Ro t

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