Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1961, p. 15

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Thursday. July 27.1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Village of Sunnyside VILLAGERS MUST ABIDE BY RULES FOR SPRINKLING fchereae Schneider - EV. 5-1298 ' parting July 29 the villagers with uneven house numbers please sprinkle on the uneven qays observing the 4 to 8 p.m. intermission. Those who have even numbers please sprinkle on the even days also observing the 4 to 8 p.m. intermission. Brownies 'All seven year, second grade tv in the village who would like to join the Brownies (lease call Mrs. Alice Bieschke, EV. 5-6166. Also if there are toy mothers who are willing to be a Brownie committee woman, or a leader, please contact Mrs. Bieschke. Sodality News Anyone who wasn't contact- < «i^by the solicitors for the St. Join's carnival and wish to contribute, please get in touch vrith Alverna Miller^ EV. 5- '1262. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Visiting * Cathy Harrington went to spend a week's vacation at her aunt's home in Wonder Lake. ' Helen Koffski spent an enjoyable day with her girl flTend, Nancy Olsen, on a picnic at Wonder Lake. Vacationers ... Richard Schneider and family have left for a wonderful week of fishing, boating, and SWimming in Boulder Junction, Wis. Visitors ..flflr. and Mrs. Jerry Vonsotffc, their son, Marc, and Rita jfLnn Flowers from Oak Lawn, Stopped in for a visit with Mi's. Anne Schneider and helped her Celebrate her birthday. Edith Knudsen from Minneapolis is staying at the Schultz home for a week. ' Bob Kristensen is spending 4 few weeks at the Kasperski home v i s i t i n g h i s c o u s i n , Aren. Birthday Party The Harrington home was buz2ing with friends and relatives on Sunday. The occasion was a surprise birthday party for Mary Lou Pitt of Wonder Lake and everyone had a wonderful time. KSTAKEE TERRACE NEWS • Christenings ' Norb and Bernie Cisewski Drought their baby daughter. Jjtary Geralyn, home from the hospital July 15. The next day fchfi was baptized at St. John's- 4n Johnsburg with Rev. Joseph Blitsch officiating. Godparents v^ere Miss Judy Stephan of Red Wing, Minn, and Jim Lester of Chicago. Guests also inided Francis Schulta of Win- On July 16 Lorin Keith Toepper was baptized at the Lutheran Church Mission of all Saints in Fox Lake. The godparent was Robert Powell of Forest Park. Dinner followed at the Toepper home with guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toepper and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Toepper of Trevor, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell and four children of Forest Park, and Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Nelson of Salem, Wis. Ice Cream Social The social will be held on July 30 from 2 to 7 p.m. at the Pistakee Terrace beach. Sick In Bod Chuckie Lima and Ricky Patula have been ill and we wish them a speedy recovery. Picnic Ron and Marilyn Wiggerman and children went to a picnic at Park Ridge along with Mr. and Mrs. Kolan, Mr. and Mrs. Waldin of River Heights, and Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth of Chicago. Anniversaries Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weiss who will celebrate their anniversary Ausr. 2 and to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Merhaut, who also will celebrate their third anniversary on the second. McHenry Shores LOCAL RESIDENT ON FLYING TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Terry Coates - Sara Partoin Trent Middlekauff left by Jet for San Francisco and Los Angeles on a business trip. He will then go San Diego for a little fishing and will be gone about a week or so. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Simbourger had their two grandsons, Paul and Anthony Siebert, Chicago, visiting for a week. They had a wonderful time at the beach every day. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday to George Mecko whose birthday is June 27 and to Irene Seliga whose birthday is August 2. Brownies All seven year, second grade girls in Pistakee Torraee who would like to join the Brownies please call Mrs. Alice Bieschke, EV. 5-6166. Luncheon Guests Mrs. Mildred Snively, Mrs. Hazel MacLaughlin and Helen Smith were guests for luncheon at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Olsen of McCullom Lake on last Wednesday. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Ed , Oblinski had a double birthday party for their two sons, Donny and Corkey on Sunday, July 16. j The boys received sleeping | bags Daddy put a tent up in j the back yard and the boys had quite a time sleeping outdoors. Little Paul Pogor celebrated his second birthday on Sunday, July 16. Uncle Jim Graham, while fishing with Paul's brother, had an unexpected bath as he fell into the channel. Appropriate newspaper names: The Brand, Hereford, Texas; The Echo, Eden, Texas; Attend VFW Picnic The Fred Wetzels and Jim Ruemelins attended a steak cookout at the V.F.W. and also celebrated Jim's birthday. Jim received a ring from his wife for the third finger, left hand. Candy Stripers , Sandy Wetzel and Cathy The Wheel, Ferris, Texas; The ' Barrows are devoting time Epitaph, Tombstone, Arizona. 1 during their summer vacations pna, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Foster; Sedal, Mr. and Mrs. Ted &e8ter and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Satiny Banasik, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prltchard and three children, and Reggie Michalak of Chicago. AM DID AND VOU FORGOT TO BUV FILM! GET K BOLGERS 1259 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 HOLIDAY LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS OFFERS YOU . . . A Cleaner - Whiter - Brighter Wash DON'T You'll be delighted with the way we make you* •hag rugs look "better than new." Our experienced personnel will brighten your rugs (anj size) the way you would never have time and patience to do yourself. Every one of your washables will come back to you cleaner-whiter-brighter than you ever thought possible. Here's what you get: Table linens, napkins, handkerchiefs, and all flatwork beautifully ironed; bath towels, washable rugs, socks, knitwear dried and fluffed . . . ready for use; other apparel fluff dried. All washables guaranteed against fading, shrinkage, and loss. Your satisfaction guaranteed. 22 lbs. ONLY *3 Shirts Included -- Only 14c Each QUALITY DRY CLEANING -- FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY L. V. Acksns, Jr. Phone EV 5-0189 Page Fifteen as candy stripers at the hospital. Entertain Parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Winters had as their guests ihe parents of Louise from Haddon Heights, N. J. They spent a week here and have taken their grandson, David, back with them for a month's visit. Sam and Louise flew to, San Francisco for a three day weekend, returning on Tuesday. The children stayed with friends .while they were gone. Box Social s* The Home Builders group from the Methodist church held a box lunch social and swimming party at the LeRoy Marshall home in Johnsburg on Wednesday, July 19. The Witners family attended. Extend Sympathy The neighbors and friends of the Matthew Ziemet family were very sorry to hear of th£ death of Mrs. Ziemet's father, Matthew Kallas of Chicago, on Friday, July 14. The funeral was held the following Monday. News Bits R o b b y and Patty Mueller are spending a week with their grandparents in Chicago visiting old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner entertained a group of twenty-five people at their home. They all attended our Fun Fair. Happy Birthdays To Donna Gunder, July 28, Walter Wilson on July 29. Also Craig Borrows on Aug. 1 and WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8:15 A.M. SUNDAY, JULY 80 "EVERY SHIP NEEDS A COMPASS" People tell how prayer gave them strength, health and wellbeing. Radlot WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9:00 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) 8:00 A.M. last Sunday •ach month to James Geds, Albert Liss and Jack Verstege on Aug. 2. Beach Workers Beach workers for Sunday, July 30, Jack Schramm, Clarence Mueller, Herb Clausen and William Ewald. Fix Idyll Dell Road , The subdivision is grateful to all who gave of their time in working for the Idyll Dell Road improvement. While we had hoped for a blacktop road we have been given to understand that the seal-kote job will stand up very well and will not buckle during the winter and spring. It is at any rate, much better ^HSn the dust we have had to stand for so long, to say nothing of the flying stones which endangered our windshields. Golf Outings^ The men will tee off from 8:35 through 8:50 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 6, at the Pistakee Country club. On Aug. 12 there will be a husband and wife tournament at the Minature Golf Course on Route 120 at 9 p.m. The Egyptians placed calendars and stellar clocks on the inside of coffin lids, so the corpse could tell time. I How Can I ?1 Q. How can I frost a window so that plenty of light will pass through, yet no object will show from either side? A. Try this mixture: Five parts boiled linseed oil, 2*/2 parts turpentine, one part clear varnish -- all mixed well. Add powdered whiting to this mixture until It turns very white. Apply to glass with a brush, then make a pad of cheesecloth and press or tap all the glass lightly while the mixture is still wet -- and when the glass becomes dry it will look exactly like frost had formed on it. Q. How can I repaint golf balls? A. Stick black-headed pins in the balls, then attach strings to the pins, and dip the balls Into a can of golf paint. Hang them up to dry. Be sure to scrub the balls thoroughly before painting. Q. How can I fill cracks in furniture? A. By using beeswax; it should, of course, be melted to the required consistency. Q. How cam I improvise a safe ashtray that will avoid the THE CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOP C 1^22 N. Green EV 5-0010 A Short Casual Permanent For The Hot Weather Is Tops In Styling Call Us Today For An Appointment Claire, Eleanore & Mary Ann Hours: Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. by appointment danger of fire in my home workshop? A. One good one is provided by inverting a small flower pot on a saucer. You can then drop your matches and butfis into the hole in the bottom of the pot, and any remaining sparks will be smothered. Q. How can I determine if carrots are fresh? A. If the green portion near the leaves is firm and tender, the carrots are fresh. If this green portion has spread, the vegetable is overgrown and will usually be tough. Q. How can l remove the top from a bottle^' of glue or library paste without difficulty? A. All that's necessary is to Immerse the bottle in a vessel of hot water for a few minutes. Q. How can I remedy casters that persist in falling out of a piece of furniture every time it is-lifted ur moved? A. Remove t h e o f f e n d i n g caster and hacksaw a slot about lA -Ihch deep in the end of the caster post. Then wedge this slot slightly- apart, and drive it back into the furniture leg. It'll fit much more tightly- Q. How can I keep the hair in curl for a longer time? A. It is claimed that the hair will keep in curt longer if a teaspoonful of ordinary tea Is steeped, a little sugar added, and applied to the hair. ^ Q. How can 1 remove yellow stains from porcelain?- A. Rub with a paste made of cream of tartar and hydrogen of peroxide. The Lever Building, New York City, has 1,404 windows in its twenty-one stories, and not a one of them will open. JOSEPH FRETT S SON. INC Builders ESTABLISHED 1926 Residential end Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on IIwy. 120 -- >/4 Mile East of Fox River Bridge Atk your dealer about a real coal ertra-cort opflon-CTievrolat air conditioning, New Chevy Corvair 700 l-Door Sedan-- a bundle of fun at a save-a-bundle price. New Impcda Sport Coupe with elegance you'd expect to pay a lot more for. e is Chevrolet dealer's one You just can't beat your Chevy-dealer for a July buy! Summertime savings are in full swing. And--because those Jet-smooth Chevies are outselling all other makes--he's in a position to make the savings even better. Take your pick from luxurious Impalas, popular Bel Airs, thrifty Biscaynes and that best selling bevy of six full-size Chevrolet wagons. Corvair your dish? See those trim, easy going sedans and coupes (including New Bel Air 4-Door Sedan Popularly priced, the Bel Airs pack all the Chevy virtues, such as Jet-smooth ride, a cavern for a trunk and Body by Fisher elegance. New Nomad 9-Pass. Sfafiom Wagon Most luxurious Chevy wagon of them all. Low loading deck, cargo opening almost five feet wide--and all the comfafrt you could possibly want. yonir stop shopping center the sporty Monzas) and the family-minded Greenbrier and Lakewood wagons. Corvette bug biting you? America's goingest sports car is just itching to make you happy. And so is your Chevrolet dealer, who has about everything on wheels you could want, wish for-or fall in love with. Thirty-one models in all. Live it up, save it x . /1 up, see him now. Jct-SIllOOtll LllCVy iliillill New Impala Convertible Wonderful way to meet the sun! Lots of hidden treasure, too, like extrarigid X-built Safety- Girder frame and four ride-gentling coil springs. New Chevy Corvair Monza Gub Coupe Sports car spirit family style! Just plump down in that bucket seat and try this one for easy steering, for "git" and for road-hugging traction. See the new Ckevrolets at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shipping Center R0LET 3609 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. EVergraen 54)277

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