Thursdayy.. August 3, 1961 THE McHENKY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM SOCIAL SUNDAY, AUG. 6 Gloria Flannigan - EV. 5-4710 Chris Fos&oz - EV. 5-4942 The old-fashioned ice cream social will be held this coming Sunday. Aug. 6, at the comniunitj' house. The event is being sponsored by the Women s chlb. Four to seven are the serving hours. Some of the attractions are to be a fish pond, cookie walk, games, pantry auction and a prince and princess contest. Children, todays through 4 years of age are eligible. Entries must be in by Aug. 4. Call Gloria Flaniiigan EV. 5-4710 to enter your child. The judging will take place at 5 p.m. Have your child dressed in her Sunday best. So lets, have a good turn out for this event. .£ ^cavengrr Service 'lease see your block capis about scavenger dues. It would be of great help if everyone would get their monies, to the block captains instead of having them chase all over collecting it. The dues are for the second quarter of the year. Little League Schedule r The schedule of' games for the coming week: Sunday, pves vs. Pirates (first pa me > 3s vs. Orioles (second game); Monday, Cubs vs. Pi- • rates; Tuesday, Sox vs. Orioles; Wednesday, Braves vs. fc figers; Thursday, Orioles vs. Pirates. Like we said in the last issue, let's get out there and root our boys on to victory. * Sympathy wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Tee Bujak and her family, Raymond and son, Upon death of Tee's mother, Hattie Kledcik. Mrs. Kleddk passed away Saturday. July 29, in Chicago, after a long illness. She was a former resident of Lakeland Park for five years. The wake was at l£>rake and Son Funeral parlor in^ Chicago. The body was s^)ped to Forest Hill, Calif., where it will be laid to rest at the end of the week. t»«r 1 ttrnal A Pink Bundle! Colleen Patricia Sweeney was born to Frank and Theresa Saturday, July 29, at W o o d s t o c k h o s p i t a l . C o l l e e n tipped the scales at 7 lbs., 10 ozs. and is 20" tall. Happy the new addition are pagrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney of Chicago, maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pfammatter, also of Chicago, and brother, Frank, Jr. and sisters, Mary Therese, Alicia and Christine. Congratulations! Baby Shower Toots Gerstad was given Thluu rsday evening. Mimi Ladd Was the hostess. The girls who afttended the affair were Pat Gelwicks, Doris Bock, Jan Kozy, Joan Nick, Petey Oakford, Shirley George, Barbara Meurer, Peggy Casper of Mc- Cullom Lake, and Bonny Ladd of Crystal Lake. There were beautiful decorations and wonderful gifts. Coffee and cake ty&te enjoyed by all. But this was just the beginning. She was lured over to Petey Oakford's house Friday morning and lo and behold, another baby shower. It's a good thing Toots has a strong constitution or she would have been on the way to the hospital by this time. Those attending this affair were Pat Gelwicks, Mimi Ladd, Jan Kozy. Joan Nick and Doris Bock, I'm sure this is one baby that will be remembered with many happy memories. Happy Anniversary A belated happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barle. They became man and wife 18 years ago, on July 17. We wish >ftu many more happy years. Anniversary Doings Shirley and Marvin George celebrated their tenth anniversary Saturday, July 29, with a picnic reunion of school mates. There were six couples and twenty-two children attending the affair. They hadn't seen or been together since they ail married. All had a good old time talking about' good old' times. Birthday Doings Happy birthday to Jackie Laursen. He was 9 years old July 29, and he had quite a number of guests. They were Kevin and Dennis Druml. Kevin Lavin, Bobby Rode, Ray Bottari, Ronnie and Danny Kamp, Stewart Tihinin, Guv Rosendahl, Jimmy . Franklin and Jackie's brother, Jim. The children enjoyed a weiner roast and lots of games. And mom Laursen also had a birthday, July 29. Eddie and Mickey Gladman spent the day at the Laursen home and gave Gayle a wonder birthday present by helping Bob put in new windows in her kitchen. 'That's so she can watch her children grow old and remind her that she has another birthday coming next year.) Toots Gerstad had a surprise birthday party Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerstad and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbine. They are both from Sun Prairie, Wis. But the jist of it is the birthday cake was forgotten at the home of the parents and was the bull of the joke for the rest of the day. Toots birthday was July 31. Many happy returns. " Gene and Chris Foszcz held a birthday party for daughter, Debra, who was six years teold. The children who were Mary Ann and Annette Nicolai, Mary Ellen Johnson, Suzanne Gerstad and Barbara Cherman who is a visitor to our fair town from Tomahawk, Wis. The oldsters also had a jolly good time. There were Mrs. Pat Held and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bargo and daughter, Cinthia, from Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nick and son. Kirk, neighbors, who enjoyed a barbecue. A birthday party was given in honor of Debbie Schaedel, Thursday, July 27. It was Debbie's fourth birthday. Attending the party were Lynn and I^avid Cygan, Elaine and Kenny Bottari, Kristie, Johnny and Kelly Flannigan, also, mothers, Vickey Bottari, Esther Cygan. Gloria Flannigan, aunt, Mrs. Wooley of Meadowdale, and neighbor Ruth Roach. Cake, ice cream and drinks were enjoyed by all. Trip Pam Schwegel spent the week at Methodist Junior camp in New Lenox, 111. Prior to this Pam spent ten days travelling with grandparents, and Mrs. H. Douglas of Iron River, Mich. Her brother, Paul, is at Holiday Home camp in Williams Bay. Wis., for three weeks. And here's a bit of good news, Paul is co-editor of the paper out there. Well, the Kraters have finally come back to our town. Bill and Joan and son, William, have returned from a three month cruise. And from what Joan told your reporter, it is a Page Fifieeft cruise we would all like to take. They really did it up brown. They went to the Medlt e r a n e a n , T a n g i e r s , v i s i t e d thirteen different countries in Europe, went through the Caribbean Sea and South Amerij Kunowski. A good time was , had by one and all. ! Gene and Chris Foszcz were I surprised Monday by a visit | from Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rak (knnd family, daughters, Vickey ! and Leslie, and sons. Ed.. Jr., LAKE GENEVA SITE OF CAMERA CLUB FIELD TRIP ea On the way back they v^-j Curtis and Billy, of Highland, jted an aunt and two" cousin?: j Ind. They stayed overnight unin Scotland and England. That j lil Tuesday, when Mr. and Mrs. is a trip they will be talking Paul Bargo and daughter, came about for a long time to come! Welcome home! Bill and Lyda Radisch went on a vacation to Colorado with Lyda's brother, Ralph Kendig. They spent an enjoyable week at Manitou Springs and went touring up Pikes Peak and through all the ghost towns. Vou'll have to Gho-o there again sometime! to visit until Wednesday evening. They had a gay old time with a cook out and all the trimmings. Jack and Petey Oak ford had company from Hazel Crest. They were Jeanne and Lou and child. They spent an enjoyable day at the beach and had a barbecue and all the goodies. Vacations Marge and Bill Casey are enjoying a visit from their nephew. Danny Casey, of Schiller Park. Danny is spending a week, as he says he likes "the | ijon kid farm." . | j Jack Cuevrfs. Jr., is spending a week in Galesburg, visiting his aunt. Mrs. J. Higareda.. Ronnie and Lorretta Jarnjan have two little visitors (his week. They are Tcrrv and Linda Schultz of Oaklawn. SrttLong With the notice of the new | reporter. Chris Foszcz. at the : • op of this column. Pat Gelj wicks w ishes to acknowledge I with gi-atitude their coopera- Fhe McHenry Camera club held its third monthly board meeting this past week. One of the- highlights of the meeting was the planning of this coming month's field trip to Lake Geneva. Wis. It will be a combination field trip and picnic for members, their families and friends. The head ehof will IK? Mce shal La Brown, whose specialty of "Filet de Charred Ash" is quite well known among gourmets. The club will leave from Kolalik's Camera center on Sunday. Aug. 20, at 1 p.m. fransportat ion will be made available for anyone without^ car. Tho next item of discussion was the need for a permanent meet-ing place. Once we obtain in wi'iting- ibis .column. | a permanent place Ave intend have enjoyed rcporiing for ! lo have special movies and . this paper immensely and am slide shows for l>o1h member i sorry te say so-inn';. My only - flnd- the public -- admission ro;>von ,.ior leaving • is lha't j 1 free. don't' have sufficient time to donate M the"eoltimn. Get-Weil Wishes We want to wish Rose ITolas a quick recovery from suruerv on Sunday. July 30, at Harvard hospital. I'm sure we'll see her up and about in no I ime. Visiting Elvira and Jack Cuevas and family spent a weekend at Elvira's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rendon of Chicago. They visited a carnival Saturday nk'ht and Sunday spent an enjoyable day at the Trade Fair. Visitors The Bottaris were visited last Monday by Vickey's god- ! mother. Mrs. M. Marianetti, j Mrs. E. Mori, lifelong friend, , and Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Donough a n <1 son. Rickey. Tuesday, July 25, they again had visitors, Mr. and Mrs. L. j.- Mazzoni, Sr., Vickey's parents attended land Mrs. Larraine Mazzoni and d a u g h t e r s , G a i l , J u d y a n d Joyce. A good gab-fest was enjoyed both days. Carole and Don Humann are : bab y - s i t t i n g f o r t h e i r n i e c e , l i t tle eight month old, Debbie Neuenfeldt of Chicago while the Neuenfeldts are on vacation. The Barles were paid a visit by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wierzba and child. They reside irf B r i d g e v i e w a n d s t a y e d t h e H weekend, when another couple came to join Ihe festivities. They were Mr. and Mrs. Len HOST MOOSE MF.F.TINC. E!mhur*:t Moo';e Lodge, No. 155.'*. will host the booster of Meeca legion. No. , 9, on Friday night, Aug. 4. | The meeting will start at N:30 ; p.m. All Legion members are | urged to attend. New plans | and ideas aired at the national [convention in Memphis. Tenri., will be discussed. Plans will be made covering the gigantic j ceremonial to be held in Sep- A reminder to all McHenry residents who missed the Fiesta Day parade. The camera dub will have a slide . how cf the whole affair in all its glory on the seventh of August, Monday night. Admission is free. Members may bring friend-., r e l a t i v e s , a n d e v e n I h e i r u i ; < > if they wish. The club will congreuate in front of the Camera Center between 7 and 7\'tt) p.m. and from there will go to the meeting. Members of the club who arc in need of polyetholync boitlcs for their chemicals will receive tember. Ladies are invilcd to I twe quart bottles apiece at the accompany ihe men, with a social hour following the meeting. coming meet mi; Kcad The Want Ads LOOKING FOR A HOME? Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our mode* homo in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, II Open Every Sunday Afternoon -- Weekdays call . » Lee Cooney General Contractor EVergreen 5-4345 Homes Built Anywhere. Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Open Thursday, Friday, Monday til 8 p.m. "BEAT"THE HEAT! \1 * "mi fibrju THE IDEAL SEAT COVER FOR SUMMER THe e&oling secret is fin the pordus weavS of'" these deSuxe, plastic-coated fiber covers. ~ Thi* special weave breathes end ullows cooling (ttir to circulate through the covers. Trimrtied in attractive, matching vinyl and avqilabia ift your choice of many colors. BOLGER'S II! FOR SWIMMING NITAT -I / EE NSTAILATION / Keg. • ALGICIDES • CHLORINE DISINFECTANTS ^ • ALGAE SETTLING PREPARATIONS Wkam summed breeze! feeling. Assorted * SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT $15.95 oo Most XX Popular Cars SEE ALL THE 19C>1 STYLES NOW OX DISPLAY IX( LI DINCi ] ('LEAK PLASTICS FOR ALL CARS i GUARANTEED WMVERTIBLE .OPS More styles More fabrics • More colors WRITTEN GUARANTEE Up to 36 Months # Wall to Wall Carpeting , 8 Colors to Choose From 31.90 INSTALLED Thursday, Friday & Saturday Only BOLGER'S Easy Credit Air Conditioned Free. Parking! 1259 N. Green St. DRUH> STOII EV 5-4500 ProtectO AUTO SEAT COVERS & CONVERTIBLE TOPS ROUTES 14 and 31 CRYSTAL LAKE (in Ero Mfg. Co. Bldg.) Look for Giant Ero Water Tower PHONE 459-4120 * Open Thurs., Fri., Mon., 9 to 9 Tues., Wed., Sat., 9 to 6 I CLADSTONE'S STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 27th SHOES for the FAMILY VISIT OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FOR LEADING BARGAINS CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT ONE GROUP SOME SIZES LARGE SELECTION Mosi Sizes Values *2.99 - *5.99 Pt/„ 1 CLOSEOUT LARGE SELECTION MOST SIZES LAR©I SELECTION MOST SIZES BETTER GROUPS OF MEN'S - WOMEN'S SHOES STORE FOR EVERYONE 1219 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY*. ILL. PHOHi EV 5-0182 Open 7 Days A Week