Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1961, p. 10

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Paoe Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. August 10, 1961 Wonder Lake BARBARA HANSEN IS FOOD GRAND CHAMPION AT FAIR June Ducej H |i Inm on tools n crmnd < Vi>7i>n .'iw.'H'tI'm foods; l>oniri M;-o» 1 u ill st;ikv f'or for hrr flower :n^omrnt I'irvl :ui<! K.itliv \hr:<ns l'. .1 ilclr; ,ito I,* vT:il<> (".lir with llm A r.iiiri", on 1 ii r (!piii<>N£Jj-h.v t i'oi I ..tid.i K.iv 1 )iptlrich's • l.i-uif l .!.!»' <•• vn-. wci'p pit'ki I 1 lir ii ii! 'P I •. !n> •-(Mil i o lit" I.mi in Sjiriv.'l'irld ::lso. Tlii ;n'|i: •'•- i\i1 ni".;ty i o t |>!i i!;u"v toppod tho | I'm i.-ilhCJ up by thr i V. \;<»rv 'l-H rhih .-it : 1 k ' < i t i ' \ I ^ i i i ' . T h e i r l e a d e r . Mi. I Haii-on. -i wares tho m! lo • ei ;fhr\r roford^ in ns • • ' • h i ; i - i i o s . s i ) ; ] ' '1 n o w , s - t h . i t ' they may hr nehievement 'M'- "I' tho, flub. A |iMo I's-lmy (<!f nwflrd- '-'mii b\- ihe • ii!s wilt appear in . ncM v. eel.'- column. i> irl Scouts Win Honors At Fair ! W.nuler'e Si'outs jnnde rV' fine •'!:< \vm< .ii I lireoyjitv f;iir ..••! c. I '-itr ii'«-oi>s ewfere<i. inio . i lie ('i i,;;t>i•! i; i'hi -nd twa won ! 11 ' place awards. 'I <.i>p ;;!S. whieh i« led by : "Mi . Stanley Wilson vpopived a i.i i li-r llii-ir display. The ii• I> ipd mi their w<vxl era i t ! .'i r- ilii- _\ our and made • a.m s far ibp schivil for re- ; i i i - d c h i l d r e n h e r e a t t h e "ke. 'i'bpy made riiiii loss .aid bnan kt'/ i"ss • ;.nio.- out of v.< "»d. Tliry ai-o displayed • •>.>,elry ;ird w.-j; plaques made of (Vood. Scuiitv, are Linda ! Piedrieh. X;mcy Reuelin, Pan; j 1 !:ifi'. I\a!h\ McMillan. Kathy Mini on and I'\UI; 'Vil.-on. linn; nie 1>...ip 1201. led by M'v. ,i-'r::nk'.'\(':>ii'Kn\ski, Mrs., Tl. i'olii Y.'iui:/ and Mrs. VVil-, liaai ?>Tthire won fir-~t place in both t!"iii«»nit;alion aiul ; their display. An Indian ranop danop and ""TPip Old Indian's j Talr'\ a sound Yffeel skit, were [ the winnint; detnonstralions. •Flower Show This Weekend Did you know that the flowpi- show is open for ALL exhibits; bouquets, arrangements and specimens of any kind that may be of interest but not for eompet it ion? Also that fruits and vegetables as well as flowers will be judged. These classes are all open-to the public 1o enter. Have your entry at. Harrison "- ('boo) I eVfher Friday night from-7 to 9; or not later than 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 12. The show will have music dtn inn "the afternoon and evening of~Augt 12_and 13. Gordon Fossum will play baekrroundjjiusio on the organ and in addLtioru. ibe. Harrison school rhorus-"«nd'--the- choirs of the Bible churcflV and Nativity Lutheran cliurch will sing proprams during the afternoons and evening of both davs. See yon at the Wonder Lake (Jarden cliib show this weekend; it's open from 2 to 9 p.m. on Saturday and 12 to S on Sunday. "The Glorified Brat" One of the tuo pla.v; which the Drama club of tho \oiitb i center Will produce was cast at ] i the Aug. 1 nieei'n:'. The club 1 plans two one-act play* to be | : |.ml (Mi in December or ,lanu- I ary.. In ibe inlet mission be-.' tween t h< two plays lionet ; Summers will do a rnunuloviie. | "The La'ior ito,A | "ThP (llorified I'.ral". whii h j J will bp direeled by Charles j i Paetow. is llie lirst pla_\' select-I : ed. In the easl are Kathy Ah- ' reus Leslie 1 vckei• HiCKy Ru-| 1 /icka and ( \a! by Me'Millan. • | Carolyn T.iylor. who with! Mr. Paeiow ha- been workiti'r j with th? club, will direel the.! second play. The commit tee j which'read" Ibe play* and made! the selection we composed o! , the follow ing: Pam Parker. Cathy McMillan. Patty Hansen. Marilyn Marke and Picky Hu/i« ka. Donna Mae Dean was appointed- ticket 'manager and Kathy Alliens, senior manager ; at the last nieei in-.r. Also a | call is going < at foi *ta..\e j pmpert ies. Sent" ilen"1* wbicb; the club will n< ed to cuaitt- | late are lamps, clvuis. rug*. t sola and tabic*. A." h.iv- j ing' room lunii.-liiii'. . m ^:o«'id | condition to do.vite - -ked to ; i'all W.L. "171 and the item 1 will be picked up. | j The next <>K'i date for new j • ( iii't V.ill 1>P . i oflice. Prefaced by a parade from the fire house to the post office, the ceremony has been planned for p.m. on Saturd? iy, Aug. 26. It is sponsored ilocal ly, by the Kiwanians, Chamljor ol Commerce, Legion and Legion auxiliary, and the | fire department. I The new postal building is pari of a' $269 million dollar postal construction and modernizaiion program at the national level. Special speakers and guests for the dedication will be announced shortly. Harrison Registration Schedule Harrison school will open Aug. 2K with the first full day of classes. Registration will, be held before the opening of the school year. The schedule is as follows: A through G, \9 lo 12 Thursday, Aug. 24. Ii throufh L, 1 to 3 Thursday, Aug. 24. M through S. 9 to 12, Friday, Aug. 25. T through Z, 1 to 3, Friday, Aug. 25. All school fees are to be paid at' the time of registration. They are as follows: Text rental -- grades 1 through 6, $7.25; grades 7 and 8, $7.50; milk, for year $2.25; insurance (optional) $2.00. Registration may be made by either the student or the parent. Canadian Sojourn Mr. and Mrs. Robert 15nd and three children spent a very enjoyable two weeks in Canada and the New England states. They went through Sault Ste. Marie to Sudbury, a mining town from which 90 percent of the world's nickel is obtained. At Ottawa they watched the changing of the guard and tour- ! ed the city. They noted the j language change from Ottawa, | which is. half French and half j English, to Quebec which is all , French, but 17th century' French, and as hard to under- , stand as Shakespearean Eng-1 lish. In quaint Quebec they encountered Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stork who were enjoying a mid-summer trip to Canada. From Quebec they followed the scenic route to St. Anne de Beaupre, and saw the natives making bread in front of their homes along the road, at one town. At Camden, Maine the boys saw four masted sailing ships which had been pressed into service locally in the last war. Heda's choice of the entire trip was New Hampshire (atl 21 miles of coastal terrain) and the children were impressed by the tides. They are going back another yea«. New Kiwanians Postmaster Paul Eberle and Harold Steffen were accepted into membership in the Wonder Lake Kiwanis club at the July 31 meeting. Installation of new members will be held on a ladies night the second week in September. Christ The King Church News The seventh annual weiner roast of the Holy Name society will be held Monday, Aug. 14, at 8 p.m. At the residence of Ed Waldy, 5318 Marshall Drive in Hickory Falls. After a very short business meeting the gathering will enjoy refreshments and good fellowship. All men of the parish are welcome to come and bring a guest. The Holy Name men will receive Holy Communion together Sunday, Aug. 13. All young single adults beyond high school age are urged to come to the meeting of the Young Christian Workers at the parish hall Tuesday evening at 7:30. Father Thomas Caughlin, moderator, will explain the purpose of this movement. H o l y Day o f O b l i g a t i o n -- Tuesday, Aug. 15 -- The Feast of the Assumption. Special Mass schedule--^8 a.m., 10 a.m.. 12 a.m., 8 p.m. Confessions 30 minutes before each Mass. Teen Town for all high school students meets at 7:30 Sunday night at the Youth Center. Bible Church News Sunday, Aug. 13, Rev. Luther Cook will be speaker for I both services. Rev. and Mrs. ! Cook are members of the 1 church but spend much of their time in home visitation missionary work. They also have j been engaged in teaching in , churches and colleges, instructing many young people in the | work of bringing the Gospel into homes by door to door visitation. They have just returned from an extensive trip through several states and already have a heavy fall schedule planned. The Youth for Christ monthly rally will be held Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Barringtqn camp grounds. The program begins at 7:45 p.m; Bill Eakin, National YFC club director, will be the speaker, and Gene •lordon., marimba virtuoso, with his wife. Ruth, will do a package of fine musical duets. The film "Operati^ A b o l i t i o n " , s h o w i n g s c e n e s from communist demonstrations in San Francisco, Calif., will be shown. Andrew Anderson, one of the deacons of the church, passed away Sunday, Aug. 6. This faithful member will be greatly missed by the people of the church, who extend deepest sympathy to Mrs. Anderson, f According to the Chicago Heart association, cardiovascular diseases each year have been estimated to account for more than 69 million lost mandays of production in the U.S.. an estimated loss of $1 billion. H e a r t a s s o c i a t i o n p r o g r a m s are geared to achieving control and, eventually, conquest of these diseases through r($ search, education and service. The Chicago Heart association points out that ordinary physical effort does not produce, or under normal circumstances, - aggravate heart disease. memoer* km Sept. 1 '.at 1b- Deilieate New I'lwt Oflice , An-./. 26 i-- ibe date selected , for formal de.licnijoii eeremn- ; nies for the Wonder Lake postj OVERHEATED MOTORS fkcChto Off du Road A dogged radiator lan mean real damag* MomTi Poefory-AWfhod How Test onvrM 100% toofing •ffidency. ADIATOR toning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATf PRICE* •ra csnmarv m»f*a Complete Stoek Of Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS' BROS, REPAIR SERVICE SS31A W. Elm St. Mellenry Phone KV. 5-0783 SPECIAL FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY - ONLY F R E E Beautiful-Useful-9 inch Vegetable or Salad BOWL with each fill-up of 7 gals, or more BUY NOW AND SAVE Gallon Cash and Carry GO@B BULK OIL. . . qt. 15* J. & l. OIL ROUTE 120 LILYMOOR 2 Mi. East of McHenry on Route 120 Mrs SUFIHIIHT--FULL 61' ROUND S.TEAK Tender, flavorful. IT you like beef a la mode, sauerbraten or Swiss Steak, tfien you'll wantseveral pounds of this delicious beef. fi&P's SUPI1-ISIHT--BONELESS SMOKED BUTTS C Weighing iy2 3 pounds, these tender, smoked pork butts for boiling or baking are small in size but mighty big, buys . . . lean, meaty and mellow. Certo for Jelly Hiking Id Jar Rings Zinc §i!S z33c 2 ^ |5* A&P*s Super-Right, Boneless, lolled Tied dot > « 4 1+ •> Ann Page Brand Prepared Spaghetti 2 "Sr 27c ROTISSERlt ROASTS A&P's Super-Right Quality, All Meat SKINLESS FRANKS Beef Swiss Steak * 69* Ground Roiid Steak A&Ps Swper-Rifh} f*2*6Za Lucheti Meat Finest Quality tin Sultinlni lakes 2 iiueimetfllargarine 2 Top Round if sal Fresl P§rl 1 Piit Tendsrl® BoiwIms Be«f A&P's Super-Right or Butt Rent BoneUu No Wast* lb. lb. Rump, Round lb. or Sirloin Tip mm Thigh* 2'A-lb. Frown 59' 5 1 -2B\ Chicken L§g: 69c Fresh Chicken Legs Him 79e Fancy Iferl N9 Scallops ade Msditw IP Si- lb. Ready to Eat Cap'n John's Froxen Banquet Brand Ann Pag* 100% Corn Oil Jane Parker Oven Fresh Reg. 69c 37-ot. Brand Pig. Mhh a Quart AxcftfJ Flavors Ihe Cake . .. WATERMELONS Red, Ripe Beauties, Also Available in Pre-Cooled Halves and Quarters Whole Melon 49 B J. No. I GRABE A POTATOES MICHIGAN GROWN WHITES 1 (k 39125 89c nn 5V2"®2- pks- Fancy Wisconsin ieken ^ Sea Tuna £ Mushrooms H Staafc S»ue« 10 iff iisiii Folger's Coffee lisl litis Vel Liquid Lipid "Hlfl" Ditirgent Lux Lipi Detirgiit • Swan Lip or Baflard [ Bafca'n Server Rag. or Drip j 15c Off Label ( Nandy Liquid Detergent Detergent Unbreakable Container for 8-oz. pkgs. ss lle iorden Cheese Spread *1= Vel !®S@rgent ilc Fil Detergent ra M!f "III" Detergent e DiSswnt Blues As It Washes Detergent Perfect for Dishes M 22-m. 22-oz. btl. 10 22-oz. Mar-Vel-Ous Washday Helper Ultra Violet Whiteness 2 2 IVa-lfc. loaf 15-oz. pkgs. l|§ ilc 19-ox. pkgs. m Blue d" Lite CSiiiir abri |f J For Auto. 9-lb. 13- |^29 Washers QZ. pkg. £ AO Purpose 49-oz. pkg. 49° loftiiir 17-oz. pkf. 3 ^ 79* Cellulose Sponges 2 -- fide pkg** U^ir Nylonge Brand Waied Paper 45' ~2S* IM-fl. rail Perfect for Diihes giant pkg. 83° AMERICA'S roHlMOST POOD RBTAIIM . . . SINCB 1 B3» 2uper Markets THB CHEAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TIA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU AUGUST I2IH r L Scot Tiiil ildorf lis Scot Tissue New! Soft Absorbent Colored ? T White Bathroom Tisstte Facial QuaiHy I9e 4 £ ZV pkg. MM 3 «• 40*

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