Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1961, p. 15

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Thursday, August 10, 1961 Mc& THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEH Page Fifteen ienry Shores USE FUNDS RAISED TO PURCHASE NEW SWINGS FOR BEACH By Terry routes and Barbara Pojjor Through the efforts of Au- ' drejL Whitney and her co-! worttrs funds were raised to purchase new swings for the beach area. These swings have*1 been set up and will be enjoyed ; by the children for a Ions time 1 as they are very sturdily constructed and well built. ! kindly notify our deputies. Jack Ristiny or Fred Wetzel? Mrs. Robe.ri Tanner had a few neighbors in fbr coffee and i cake on Aug. 2. Her mother ' Mrs. Laura Wolf, was leaving ; for home after an 8 week visit. Terry and Willis Coates attended a birthday dinner on ; July 25 at his mother's home ! in Oak Paik in honor of his sister. Rertha. Happy Birthday To T-inda Schopp on Aug. anil to Sim Santiili and Warren Weber on Aug. 17. Mckenry Shores Club, Inc. No meeting was held during July but a social meeting was hekj^at the V.F.W. clubhouse on «ug. 3. Regular business ^ meetings of the club will be ;a11 scheduled will ~ i.i *_• . rrn '« I ho ohlo t r> ronr^t nnH LrOAn nn Beach Workers Those scheduled for beach' cleanup on Sunday, Aug. 13, are as follows: Jack Risting. William Pinkonsly, Sr., Clarence Schweikeit and Clus ui me eiuu win ue , --^ "•* •-- resumed on the first Thursday i"be able to rePort and keeP UP of each month beginning in 1 B°°d work. September. It is hoped that the meetings will-, be Well at- Koad Improvements tended as there are important.! A E"')up of McHenry Shore business matters coming up for ; discussion. residents haye contracted foi ainea Last Minute News Fred Wetzels entertain?& Ray and Jeanne Hauck (Doris's sister) and family from Columbia Ohio this pasl week. One day was spent ai grading and oiling the following blocks in our subdivision: Broadway from Still Hill Drive south to the Barden residence; Still Hill Drive from Broadway; to Carol; Beach Drive from Broadway to Riverside Drive; the 800 block of Carol . and Arnngton where Doris could do ' ^Peeaarril aannda itnhee 700 ibhloocckk oofi Mmcc-- no wrong. She came home with 1 Henry avenue. We trust that more than she took along. t,1P improvement will prove [worthwhile and that other see- On the Sick List : lions of the community may bo Allan Dilg of 611 Meadow i able to follow suit, as the dust had an unfortunate accident r ' He^11 off a scaffold at work, and injured his knee. He will be at home for some time. Good luck, Allan. Get well sooh. John Hinz of HUM Pearl is in bed with a heart strain and high blood pressure. Wo all wish him a s|>eedy recovery. New Arrival On July 26 af I^oretta hospital in Chicago, a little daughtetf^ kose Ann, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geds of 3214 Miller. She weighed in at 7 lbs., and 13 ozs. Vacation Xews v •» The Cicchini twins, Judy and Dianne, are visiting (heir grandmother at Rolling Meadows for a week. Have a good time girls. VlSltuo rs to McHenry Shores The Ronald Versteges had as their guests Beverly's mother, Mrs. Sviontek, and grandmother, also her aunt, Sister Mary Alvina O.S.F. and her companion, Sister Mary Elena, O.S.F., and Virginia Verstcge of McHenry Shores. Her aunt was here for a three day visit. They all enjoyed a boat ride. Mr. and Mrs. Trent Middlekaircf have as their guests their three grand c h i 1 d r e n. Lynn, Oris and Leslie. Here and There Daisy Smith had as her g u e s t s f o r l u n c h e o n , R u t h Dodge, Mildred Snively, a n d Irene Middlekauff. After luncheon they all went to Meadowdale. has been reported that some one has been tampering with boats in the channcl. Quite a bit of damage was done to the Peters boat moored there. Will anyone seeing strangers around the bonis from the roads has been very bad during the dry month of July just past. GEORGE CHANDLER ATTENDS EASTERN BIOLOGY INSTITUTE Ceorre Chandler of 1222 W. S i o u x s i r e e t . M c H e n r y , i s among those now at lending the biology institute in applied environmental biology for high school teachers which ltegan on July 2 at Rutgers. Ihe stale University at New Brunswick. N. J. Mr. Chandler leaches in 'the local high school. Using Ihe facilities of the stale experiment station, participants are afforded the opportunity to upgrade their practical as well as their theoretical knowledge of biology and chemistry. The Institute is under the direclion of professors of the Rutgers college of agriculture and re- I search specialists of the New Jersey agriculture experiment | station. | St. Helena, south Atlantic, ' home of Napoleon from 1815 to ; 1821, rises 2miles through Ihe sea, and extends a good half mile above the water at the highest spot. WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8=15 A.M. SI NDAY, Al'(il ST 13 Holiday Hills YOUNG PEOPLE RECEIVE AWARDS FOR SWIMMING ' Inez Young Swimming classes concluded at the lake beach last w&ek with very gratifying results. The classes this year were really rough. The teacher was veiy strict and demanded that they perfect each stroke l>efore they could advance to the next one. We are .grateful to our instructor. Miss Hansen, who was very thorough. Congratulations go to the following young people who received the following awards: Junior lifesaving badges; Viejor Justes and Gail Young. Swimmer badges; Tom Ary, Louise Couvillion, Bonnie Exline. Matthew Justes, Greg Paulson, Carol Schmidt and April Young, Intermediate and certificates; John Connell, Audrey Estes, Joseph Luna, Pam Pet ratz and Billy Schmidt, Advanced Beginner certificates; ! Connie Abbink, Nadine Estes, i Dean Heise, Scott Jende, Linda i Exline, John Laskowski and William Ritthaler, plus fortysix beginners who advanced to various classes according to their capabilities. Two (Jiils Born After reporting last week lhat boys are the style the;c days we're bouncing back wilh two baby girls born this week. Jane and Don Harjter welcomed their second daughter on July 27. Laura Lee weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. and has a sisler Mary Jane aged two. The second baby girl was born to Bernie and Mary Wemken on Aug. 1. Wayne, age almo.-. t 4, is anxiously waiting for his new sister, Bonnie Sue, who ' weighed 9 lbs. 9 ozs. at birth. ; Congratulations to both families. Back From Canada , Anna Mae and Leonard Jones of Holiday Drive recently re- ! turned from a month's stay in i Canada. They left home on '.Tune 13 and returned on July ! 19. During Iheir vacation they I visited with Anna Mae's mother and sister in Yorktown, three of her brothers, Amos, Evan and Jtobert, and Mr. Jones' brother, Allen in Bangor. and his twin sisters, Lydia and Claudia, in Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. Leonard tells us that they enjoyed warm weather in the upper 80's and 90's while there and that when they first arrived the days were so long he could sit and read the paper outside at 11 p.m. and it was light again al 3 a m. A sad note to Ihe vacation was the death of Anna Mae's mother, Mrs. Margaret Ellen Griffith. Our sincere sympathy. Connty Fair Ribbons We take great pride in announcing that Gerry Breede of our subdivision won three blue ribbons and one red ribbon at the Lake County fair in Grayslake. Gerry was awarded first place ribbons for . a baby quilt, some copper enamel iewelry and sport shirt that she made for Hal. A matching shirt for Roy won a second place award. This was a real thrill for Gerry since this is the first time she has ever participated in county fair competition. Congratula-1 lions! I H.H.P.O.A. Picnic ' Holiday Hills Property Owners association will hold their second annual picnic in the subdivision. The committee is still working out the details so the exact date is not available at this time. Please watch 1 his column for further details. Birthday Party The strains of happy birthday came fn.m ihe Abbink home again and this time if was Judy, celebrating her Ihird birthday. Judy's guests, Janet and Nancy Harper, Candy. Chris and. Penny Walters, April and Wendy Young and sisters, Connie and Linda, played games and stayed for supper. The highlight of the day was when Daddy arrived with a brand new tricycle. Camp Out Did you see thai strange array of tents pitched in an empty lot on Driftwood Drive last Tuesday evening? I hear Ringwood BETTY TRETOW WED TO DEAN GARRISON SATURDAY MORNING Ruby Stiepart' Mrs. Betty Tretow. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers, and Dean Garrison of Woodstock were married at the jMelhodist church at Ringwood I Saturday at 10 o'clock by Rev. James McChesney. A reception followed at the Sowers' home. Social Club Miss Lona Brever entertained the women's afternoon Social club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. In 500 high score went to Mi's. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. Lester Carr low. Bunco Club Mrs. Ruby Shepard entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday. A one o'clock dessert lunch was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Page, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Pearl Berg. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sebastian of Sidney, Mont., and Mrs. Stanely Sebastian and daughter, Margaret of Woodstock spent Monday in the Pete Sebastian home. Miss Mae Wiedrich of Harvard spent Tues.lav with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr s|>ent Sunday in the Clni'es Carr home at Hahard. . Mr. .'ind Mrs. ,Tohrsrv> of T'lgin called on Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday alternokn. Mr. and Min. Jim Wiedrich and daughter of Burlington eleven bovs had a ball, roasting weiners, sleeping < ? i out and making breakfast in the morning. We're not sure how much sleep the lniys or th< neighbors got but we know the boys had fun and I hear Pliyl Harper had fun helping ihe boys fry their bacon and eggs. called on their grandmother. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and sons of McHenry were visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruiekshank spent the weekend at Sturgen Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Pet" Srbastian were dinner guests in llic Stanley Sebastian home at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank Jr.. and family of Chicago spent Sunday evening in ihe William Cruickshank Sr. home. Mary and Jane Stanek of Elkhnrn. Wis. sjicnt ihe weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mi's. Roberl Low and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low an 1 fan - ily were Sunday dinner guests I in the Be\tty-I,o\v home. ! Dean Ehlert. Jr., of Kenosha (is spending a couple of weeks I in the home of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bow- | man. :•••• Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. 'Midi* Rush spent Sund. y in I the Tony Senkerik home at Smnyside Estates. | Dr. and Mrs. Essex of ! Rochester, Minn., and Mr. and "Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Wo-wist oek were callers in the IV ; ty-Low home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Stoffel of Chicago spent Thursday night with her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. On Friday she wr.n Mr. and Mrs. Ehlert were dinner guests in the Cyril Pacey home at Wiimot and supper geesls in Ihe Russell Ehlert home at Rich- ; mond. Mr. and Mi's. Henry Aissen and Dorothy sper.i Sunday a: Wood?' ock. . Mr? and Mrs. C'.uton Bruce and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aekermnn an 1 family attended the She A- reunion ai Belvidcro Park, : Mrs. Bob Bren - ni and children were-visito;s a* Mea-l t»v- ; dale Saturday and Called on her i>arents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt, at McHenry. Misses Alice and Marian Peel were supper guests in the Henry Hinze home at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alt^!l of Des Plaines called on Mrs. Hepburn . Friday evening. Sunday arternoon guests of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldan, Mrs. Annabel Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Kathryn Hamilton of Racine, Wis, • Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan visited Dick Wilder at Hart land. Sunday afternoon. Pfc. Richard Kunz of Ft. Leonard Wood was home over the weekend and attended the wedding of his brother, Roger Kunz. on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wdliam Cruickshank spent Sunday in the Don' James home at Pardeville, Wis. The South Allantic Equatorial Current carries 6 million tons of water per second across the equator, northward, between Africa and frazil. This is replaced by a deep, unseen, flow of cold water, from the North Atlantic. FOR THAT OLD FASHIOMED FLAVOR COME TO . WILLI KOEMEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAIJSAUICS • DRIJCIOdS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKF.D BACON • Vi VARIETIES OF HAIJSAMBS • TRUR HERMAN STYLE FUVOK8 Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 • Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 "SEASONAL AILMENTS CAN ; BE HEALED BY PRAYER") People explain how they were • cured of hay lever and colds. I radio. ; WAIT (890 Icr) Sun. 9:00 A.M. WJJD (1160 I") 8 00 AM lasi Sunday BI-LEVEL BEAUTY! Only $16,750 On Your Lot HIGH STYLE HIGH QUALITY 1713 sq. fi. of Living Space -- Beautiful Cabinets Vinyl Tile -- Oak Floors -- Etc. Come in and let us show the Plans. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS MN01D N. MAY BUILDERS, Inc. BLACK HAG / Richmond, 111. Ph. 4381 Wherever people of distinction and discernment gather, Cadillac is the one fine car so brilliantly prominent. Certainly no other car speaks so eloquently of its owner's good taste, good judgment and character . . . or gives him so honored an introduction wherever he goes. To the business or professional man about to purchase a luxury car, there is no more respected motor car investment than a Cadillac. mmimmmmmsm Ant _ and Scinch GUARANTEED ^ *** A*tS * KILLS ANTSROACHES KEEPS KILLING P TO 6 WEEKS ANT AND-- ROACH KILLED forms an invisible barrier to keep killing Ants, Roaches, Centipedes, Carpet Beetles, Silverfish. save 10< ON THIS BLACK FLAC INGGeT»etQGS VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY Find out how much better an insecticide can be! Cut out this coupon and take to your favorite store: Oct 10^ off the regular price of Black Flag Ant and Roach Killer shown in this coupon. To the dealer: This coupon is redeemable until October 31, 1961, for l(ty plus 2i handling. Offer gopd only in Continental U. S. A. Void where auch offers are restricted, licensed or taxed. Customer must pay sales tax. Cash value l/20th of 1^. Mail coupon to: Boyle- Midway, P. O. Box 33B, Mt. Vernon 10, N. Y. 1118 N. FRONT 8TEEET

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