Page Two THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 10, 19fr} Norman Eggert Claims Bride 411 end Past fJiiijii'SMeeting Mrs. Alpha Petersen, Mrs. Shower Honors Mary Ann Nooimn Miss, M;try Ami Noonan, a '•*.'iItii'ifiio Worts and- Mrs. 1 bride of next Saturday; was r.l In1! Holly ol Riverview camp j guest -of honor at a miscelianeand Mrs. A^nes Wissell ot Fox I <*us shower held Sunday al'terhi'v^ r Valley camp, R.N'.A., at- j noon at the Wood lawn Park tended tli« past oracles meet- ' home of Mrs. Herbert Harriin>^ af the home ol Mrs. Ma ' son, who was hostess. A buffet F.j'gers in Elgin last week. ; luncheon' was served from a ^ h p n e x t m e e l i n g w i l l b e 1 b e a u t i f u l l y a p | H ) i n t e d t a b l e held' at the home of Mi's, which featured a bridal center- ]-'Vank Huffman al Belvidere piece. • n Sept. 5. Miss N<x»nan will become the - 1- ; bride of Charles Pyles in an Miss VlcCiaeken .11:30 o'clock ceremony to be Honored At Showers [ performed at St. Mary's Caj P a i i i McCracken has ! tholic church. i.een enest of honor at three | |,i 11!* 1 showers- held recently. j John Sirtak, Jr., x ( " H i e-Was held "at the home of . To Wed Iowa Girl M; ,i.u:]sie Skidmore in Ring-; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Londrie ". (».„l uiih Anita Beekenbaugh i of Keokuk, Iowa announce the :.nd Shi> icy Kickert ot Crystal engagement of their daughter. La'ke MS (•(,-host esses. Al) three • Mary Katherine .Lundrie. to v, ill he attendants at Miss Mc- John F. Sirtak. Jr.. "son of the < ken's wedding. - Guests at senior Sirtaks ot Wonder Lake. 1-Iic surprise personal shower '; Sirtak is a 1958 graduate of apic- WH(h WaMi. Joan Baiier, i M c H e n r y Community . Iiiuh j ;>iice.flet termann. Judy Baur, school and will enter his senior 1 .<• i• May, Joan Blake. Lynn year at Caithage college. V.itkmson. Jill Gustavsori and VERA AHRENS WED SATURDAY TO JERALD ANDERSON Miss Vera Ahrens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ahrens ot .5914 W. Miljer road, Mc- Henry, Ijecame the bride of Mr. Jerald Anderson, son of Mr. jmri Mrs. Bride W. Anderson of , Mrs NoJimn „ tjg^ o( m ' a 5 ' l s " , n . . , i N . T i m o t h y L a n e , M c H e n r y , wedding ceremony solemnized | , ,i__ „ , J' at Zion Lutheran ehurch, Mc- McCULLOM LAKE COUPLE OBSERVES GOLDEN WEDDING ^bbdb Wed Iuly 29 I PERSONALS Miss Jeanne Lucille Mahaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Mahaney of 4344 Madisorrstreet, Gary,. Ind., became the pretty bride of Mr. Norman Henry Eggert, Jr., son of and the late Mr. Eggert, in a Henry, on Saturday. Au*. 5. ^ing which took Rev. O. A. LoMhc officiated .1 A"*' * the 43rd Avenue Presbyterian church, Gary. Dr. John Good- j pasture and Rev. Paul Shults officiated at the 2:30 o'clock ceremony. S o l o i s t w a s Dick 1 Wis$el I of McHenry, who sang "O the 6:B0 o'clock rite. Two bouquets of white stock decorated <1 he altar, which were designed, as were those of the bride and her attendants, by a cousin of the bride, H. erbi errttt Nordbrock, of Lom- . iP lruolmllliasre MlueC" ' adlnlldl '-TI hli^t; 'F1-ojUrIdIJ' as * 1 Praver" V The soloist was Miss Lois; 'w , ... s.. , TL i. nuberg of River F~o rest, wh. o I , The al,t ars .w.. ere, a_ ttra'c tively r san« "J«us Shepherd Be Thou I wl,h of Near Me" and "O IMct """•••T "jf* Lt ove." The organist was Miss , . . _ . . _ . , . Jeanne OAlmlh off ofr Sct.. JTo~s.e pht ," !en?th gown of tmnorted chan- . ,. . v 1 t4i.l,l, y .l ac*e over t. aftf.e t. a, the ,b o- M. ich.,' a ..c.o llege c»l assma, te, who g a fior.t rait nec,k - nln\;n/H " mcitc lr\\/ nt M an c ^ 1 line delicately edged in seed The radiant bride wore a full THE LAKEBEROS played "Jesus Joy of Man's Desiring" for the processional pearls, with long tapering lace The w. a s lovely as she ' s l, e e v e s . T h e s ,k i. r .t o ,f a l l ,l a c e approached the altar, attired had a soft rose trim with a scalloped hemline. The backfeatured tiers of lace and permanent pleated tulle tnd fell tones. a.t . th. e . a nd, c oming i i i n t o a c h,a p e l t ,r a i n . A, S w e d. i s, h T crown of pearls and crystals in a dress featuring a lace bodice with sabrina neckline decorated with pearls and sequins. and long sleeves but- Ftheridge. A buffet luncheon was erven, and a color scheme of reen and white was used hroiahout the home. The Lester Brooke home at 1'iystal Lake was the setting for a surprise linen shower. 1 Hher hostesses were Mrs. Heibert B'ooke of Wooster L.-tkc and Mrs. Roy Latham of C.'v--:al Lake. Cuests attended from Del- la 111. WtKxlsiock. Crystal Lake, M-'Henrv and Bensenville. <~,;.n,os provided divei-sion, and a tJCTffet supper was served. A . - s u r p r i s e m L i c e J l a n e o u s •^hower was held at the home c,f Mis. Tjfan-y Stinespring at Pir takee Bay, with Mrs. J. J. i Cmenfeld as co-hostess. ; Approximately forty -guests j attended the shower last week Wednesday evening, enjoying a bullet supper followed by sanies. Miss McCracken will be married Aug. 19 at the McHenry Community Methodist church at 8 o'clock to Gene Brooke of Crystal, Lake. An early planned. fall wedding is to a point. The back of the dress had ruffles of alternating net and lace, while the Couple Wed froni had lace in an apron ef- ... 4. „ „ . , . f . TT f , , I white carnations and s.^h feet. H, er, c,r,o w. n o. f pearls . .a nd n o t i s , c e n t e r e d w , n a„ w'hu.i Patriria Crue To Marry Siigust 19n Announcement has been made by MrJ and Mrs. Richard Conway of Wauconda of the approaching marriage of her sister.T.'Patricia Anne Crue of Crystal Lake. She will be married 19 to Dean Delbert Kingston,- son of Mr, and Mrs. Delbert H. Kingston of Cary. Miss Crue* is' well known in McHenry, where »she-, formerly made JJPr hoflne. C'arola Charles To Marry In Aagust Mr. and Mrs. Vincent William Charles have announced t he engagement .of their daughter, Car6l& Ann, to Ronald E. Blubaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Blubaugh of Portland, On?;*"" Mis^ 4s a graduate of the "TWVHenfy high 'school and Loyola university, while her.fiance graduated from the University-ef»Notre Dame and is sttioytrrg for hiS" master's degree from Northwestern university's Medill school of journalism. Both young people are employed on the editorial staff :A a Chicago newspaper. Miss^Charles and Mr. Blubaugli will be married Aug. 26 in St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Kotalik Studio Photo THE DONALD FOLTS St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a wedding which united in marriage Miss Nancy Kay Wohlert of McHenry and Donald Fout of Spring Grove. They are residing at 4414 Riverdale road, Sunnyside. HOME-SCHOOL GROUP SPONSORS FASHION REVUE The Home and School association of St. Mary's church will hold its annual style show on Aug. 23 at the V.F.W. clubhouse, opening with a chicken salad luncheon to be served at 12:30 o'clock. Fall fashions of the Betty Nielsen shop will be shown for the twenty-fourth consecutive year. Mrs. Raymond Spohr is chairman cf the event. Tickets may be obtained from Betty Nielsen, or may lie secured at the door. MARRIAGE LICENSES • Harry J. Smith, Wonder Lake, and Theresa Murphy, Chicago. G o t t l i e b K l o e p f e r , L a k e - moor, .and Anastasia Kabus, Gary, Ind. Charles L. Pyles and Mary Ann Noonan, both of McHenry. Charles Lewis Pyles and McHENRY GIRL LOVELY BRIDE IN CHURCH RITE A pretty wedding look place at St. Patrick's Catholic church last Saturday, Aug. 5, when Patricia Dixon Ray, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Dixon of River road, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Jack Whiteman of Grayslake. Rev. Fr. Parker officiated at the 10 o'clock nuptial rite. A reception followed the ceremony at the McHenry Country club for fifty guests, after which the couple left on a trip into Wisconsin. They will make their home in McHenry. The bride is a 1958 graduate of the McHenry high school and has been employed by FitzGerald Real Estate. The Mary Ann Noonan, both of I bridegroom is a teacher in McHenry. I Harrison school. Wonder Lake. crystals held in place an elbow length veil, and she carried a bouquet of Amazon lilies and stephanotis in a cascade effect. Ann Friedt of East Detroit, Mich., former college roommate. acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Darlene Behling of Dearborn, Mich., and Joyce Bauer of Auburn, Mich., college classmates. Dorothy Ahrens of McHenry, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. All were attired similarly in dresses of white silk organza over light blue taffeta, styled with lace bodice, sabrina neckline and lace shirred sleeves. Lace was also featured around the bottom of the skirt. They wore blue cummerbunds tied with a bow in back. Headpieces were of matching blue taffeta in the shape of a bow, and they wore blue linen shoes and lace mitts. Their cascade bouquets were of blue and white mums. The dresses were made by Mrs. Marilyn Roerig, a close friend of the bride. Dile Reuter of Elmhurst, t»rother-in-law of the groom, s e r v e d a s b e s t m a n a n d groomsmen were Richard Ahrens of McHenry, brother of the bride, and Ralph Larsen of Chicago, friend of the groom. Dale Anderson, brother of the groom, of Sister Bay, Wis., now serving in the Navy in New York, and Delbert Nordbrock of Lombard, cousin of the bride, were ushers. Mrs. Ahrens chose for her daughter's wedding a blue silk organza dress over blue taffeta, with white accessories. The groom's mother wore a blue silk sheath dress with white accessories. Both had corsages of Amazon lilies. A reception followed the ceremony for 225 guests at Zion Lutheran church social hall, with a buffet supper served. The couple left later on a honeymoon trip into northeastern Wisconsin. They will make their home at 86 Pomeroy street, Crystal Lake. For her going-away ensemble, the. bride wore a white sheath trimmed with navy blue, made by a college classmate of the bride, Miss Betty Dahlke of Cullman, Ala. The bride graduated in 1958 from Burton high school and attended Concordia Teachers college in River Forest for three years. The groom graduated from Gibralter high school in Fish Creek, Wis., in 1953 and also attended DeVry Technical institute in Chicago. She is a teacher in Immanuel Lutheran school in Crystal Lake and he is an employee of Western Electric in Cicero. Read The Want Ads IJounfl Radiant IJi ou . . . Sun drenched days & the livin' is easy . . . But oh, so hard on the hair! To keep you young & radiant as the out-of-doors, treat your hair to that necessary extra bit of care at the . . . Kiveriide J4airity(ing. Studio "It Costs No More To Gel The Best!" 1320 InT. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C A Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. *•-» •- • r j secured her fingertip veil of French illusion, and she carried a cascade arrangement of 'jhawhite orchid. Miss Ruth Mnh.iney of Gary, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and bridesmaid.-, were Miss Barbara Eggert of McHenry, sister of the gr-x>m, Mrs. Larry Odar of Gary and Miss Sarah Neely of Marion, Ind. All were attired in mint green organza over taffeta sheath dresses, styled with scoop necks, cap sleeves and soft pleated over-skirts accented with bows at fhc waist. T h e y w o r e m a t c h i n g h e a d On Saturday, Aug. 5, Mr. and Mrs. August Lakeberg of L a k e w o o d road, McCullom Lake, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home with more than fifty relatives, friends and neighbors attending. The couple exchanged marital vows in Seattle on Aug. 5, 1911. Formerly Chicago residents, they have been spending the summers at McCullom Lake since 1925, and have been permanent residents for the last eight years. 1 Mr. Lakeberg is a retired carpenter and building contractor. His favorite hobby - and one which he pursues with great success--is singing. He sings bass in the Methodist church choir and is featured in a quartet at the church which has been acclaimed throughout this area. Gardening is also a favorite pastime. The Lakebergs have just returned from a tour of the eastbands, to which blusher veils ern states, where they spent were attached, and carried j considerable time with his brosemi- colonial arrangements of ' ther, who is a minister. tinted carnations in the cen- j -• ter, surrounded by white carnations and stephanotis. Edward Cepulis of McHenry served as best man, and groomsmen were Larry Thomas of McHenry, Richard Patterson of Dayton, Ohio, and William Hampton of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Mahaney selected a pink organza dress over taffeta, with matching accessories, and had a white gardenia corsage. Mrs. Eggert had a blue shantung linen dress witll lace bodice, with which she wore blue and white accessories and a glamelia purse cor*1 sage. A reception followed at the Gary Country club for about 300 guests. The couple left later on a trip to Logan, Utah, where they will make their home. The bride graduated from DePauw university, majoring in elementary education, and was a member of Alpha Gamma social and Phi Kappa honor society. She will teach second grade in Logan. The groom is a graduate of DePauw university with a major in mathematics, and now has an assistantship at Utah State university, where he will be teaching mathematics part time and working on his master's degree. C.D. of A. Court To Observe Anniversary The Illinois State Court of the Catholic Daughters of America will observe the fiftieth anniversary of its founding with special religious and civic ceremonies in Chicago Sunday, Aug. 27. Members of Court Joyce Kilmer are invited to attend. Anyone wishing reservations is asked to call Bertilla Freund before Aug. 12. 0SRITAL McHenry Hospital During the past week patients at McHenry hospital included Berdie Shannon, Charles W. Ahsmann and Joseph Obis, Chicago; Vahan Hussissian, LeRoy Raiche and Ignatz Vavra, Barrington; Burneal Detwiler, Claudia Palmer and Gregory Schultz, Wonder Lake; Marion Eugene McCrary, Metairie, La.; Gerald Stiles, Round Lake; D. Anthon> Byrnes, Woodstock; Timothy Jqhn Hoyle, Antioch: William Thje, Wheaton; Myrtle Anderson, Fox Lake; Laura Citizen, Mabel Zelus and Vincent Mc- Cormick, Crystal Lake; Lucinda W. Gilmore, Nancy Carlson, Jam&s Smith, JoAnne M. Holthusen, "Michael H. Morley, Denise Mary Thompson, Lenore A. Camasta, Howard W. Thomas, Fred Lomax, Ellen Bolich, Denise Kimm.el, Wanda Behl, Bernadine Grist, Kathrynne Mitchell, Catherine Williams, Richard Malstrom, Laverne Aehlert, George Posthuma, Jean Kawa and Frances Adams, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Mrs. Ellen Swanson, Harry Dixon, William Malpede and Randy Feldt, McHenry; Anthony Carrado of Wonder Lake; and Katherine Frazier, Ringwood. Harvard Hospital Mrs. John Hose, Mrs. Eugene Foscz and Mrs. Roy Bradley of McHenry were patients during the past week at the Harvard hospital. iCIAL CUCUMBERS PEPPERS 6.25* MARTIN'S FARM 31/2 Miles N.W. of McHenry Hi way 31 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wemken, are parents of a daughter bjorn Aug. 1 at McHenry hospital. Twin girls were bom Aug. 2 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson, McHenry. A son was born to Mr. an l Mrs. Charles Tonyon, McHenry, Aug. 5, at McHenry hospi- ; tal Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Ander- | son, McHenry, announce the birth of a son Aug. 6 at Mc- McHenry hospital. A daughter was born Aug. 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bauer of McHenry at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John McNish, McHenry. announce the birth of a daughter Aug. 3 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Roseann is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geds 'of 3214 W. Miller drive,. McHenry, for the daughter born to them at Loretto hospital on July 26. She weighed 7 lbs.. 13 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Geds have two other children, Jimmy, 12, and Thomas, 9. & ART AND FASHION WILL BE COMBINED IN AUGUST EVENT A combined social and educational event which should be of great interest to many McHenry folks is the art showing and fashion revue which will be held at the V.F.W. clubhouse on Tuesday evening, Aug. 29. Models will make their way along the path of the paintings, which will be coordinated with the fashions. Risers will be located at each end of the hall so that the children who are models can be easily seen. Plans for the event were discussed at the last meeting of the sponsoring organizations, the Creative Art Guild and the Democratic Women's club. The two groups discussed one of the major problems to be considered, the manner of hanging the paintings and the display of fine art works. Refreshments will be served between 7 and 8 o'clock, during the art exhibit which precedes the fashion showing. August 13 Bake Sale -- St. Mary's Parish Grounds -- 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.--Sponsored by St. Mary's Home and School Association. August IS Women of the Moose Meeting. August 23 Junior Police Picnic -- City Park -- Noon. St. Mary's Home and School Style Show--12:30 p.m. V.F.W. Clubhouse. August 28 Annual Picnic Dinner -- McHenry Country Cluhs^ 12:30 p.m. -- Riverviiw Camp, R.N.A. [ August 29 Art Exh i b i t a n d F a s h i o n S h o w -- M c H e n r y V . F . W. Clubhouse -- 7 p.m. -- Sponsored by Democratic Women's C l u b a n d C r e a t i v e A r t i s t s Guild. The first known skyscraper built in U. S. was erected in Chicago in 1883. It had 10 stories, with steel frame supporting building, and brick facing. Kotalik Studio Photo J THE GEORGE HAYS' j A double ring ceremony J July 29 at St. Mary's Catholic 1 church united in marriage Miss j Bernice Ann Tushkovvski ol | McHenry and George Hays of Crystal Lake. The average watch has 175 to 190 parts, produced by about 2,400 different manufacturing operations. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson and daughter, Patsy, attended a family dinner at the Lee Whiting home in Woodstock en Sunday, after which they attended 'he parade. ifrr. and Mrs. Fred Brink£f Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Friuav evening. Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews and children returned home Monday from a week's vacation with • relatives In Roshalt and Stevens Point, Wis., and Wayzata and St. Peter, Minn. Miss Marjorie Wolf of Honolulu and Mrs. Bernard Gofc deck and daughter of Crys® Lake called on their aunt, Mrs. Frances Thorne, to offer congratulations on her eightieth birthday anniversary, which occurred Sunday, Aug. 6. A group of neighbors surprised Mrs. Thorne on Monday. Mrs. Eldred Johnson of Fort Meyer. Fla., is visiting in McHenry. , Mrs. Arline Johns and Mbl Audr?y Fredrickson of Ki"m accompanied Miss Ann Frisby home Monday evening after the» latter had spent a week's vacation in Itasca and Elgin. w? e7~ ---- * ifi pi. k-iZ&v Our pharmacist ha» both pride and patience...pride in the modern, up-to-the-minute equipment he hai to work with...pride in the fine, fresh drugs he has on hand - pride in his ability, experience and performance. He has patience, too, in being doubly sure your prescription is compounded exactly the way your doctor wanted it. .(at/.VMS /I.Y.r.'.T.' Itayw&A </»* •{% vaw^,; •£> Ifyolf eK* drug store GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL*? D O L L A R S S E N S E MARY HARGf DIDN f r Start your savings account today with McHENRY STATE BANK "A Full Service Bank" since t !)(H> Member F.U.I.C