Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1961, p. 11

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T$piftsd£y, Auguii 17, 1961 Tmmcmmt puamtkLm Johnsburg RESIDENTS REGRET DESECRATION OF SCHMITT CHAPEL Betty Hettermann In this modern age, we all at one time or another, made excuses for each other's mistakes. We give the excuse that we live in a fast moving world so many of our errors axle made because we act fast, without thinking. But there is no possible explanation that could excuse the action of the person or persons who committed the disgraceful vandalism recently to the chapel on C^pel Hill road. Many things have been written about this incident and a similar one which occurred in Diamond Lake so I won't go into the disgusting details. The only i thing left to be said is this disgraceful action is on their cqnctence so they will have to live with it. Rpsoue Squad Calls vWice last week our rescue squad was called out to assist those in need. Last Tuesday an occupant of a truck received severe injuries when his wheels locked and the truck ran into a ditch and hit a tree. He was taken by the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. On Sunday, Henry Durkin fitted while attending church service and was taken by the squad members to the doctor. He was checked over and then returned to his home. How about your tickets for the rescue squad dance on Sept .2? Have you got them yet? Better do so soon. Golf Get-Together The adult members of St. Court No. % C.O.F. will tee off between noon and 1 o'clock on Sunday, Sept. 17 al the Pistakee Country club.^It' you are a Forester and are interested, please make your reservations by Sept. 10. Mike Schaefer is the chairman so contact him for any further information or entry blanks. S! Resident Passes On ur community is beginning to feel the void left by the recent passing of "Bones" Smith. "Bones" was a familiar sight to one and all and will be missed very much. He was stricken with a fatal heart attack while watching a ball game in Chicago. This was s sport he enjoyed to the fullest. Our sirt- Pag* filetiift cere sympathies are extended to his mother Mrs. Catherine Smith, six sisters and a brother. Funeral services were conducted Monday with burial in St. John's cemetery. Little League Coming Events The minor league all-stars will play their gj'me on the Tiger diamond at (i o'clock p.m. on Aug. 23. The next day. Aug. 24. the major league allstars will play their all important game on the same diamond and at the same time. \ partv for all lie little league players will be hold right after the major league all star game. Diaper Line News Friends of Capt. and Mrs. Bill Herdriok of Dayton, Ohio will be interested to learn of their newest addition. A young man by t h e n a m e o f R a n d y joined their family on July 18. He weighed a healthy 7 lbs. 8 oz. at birth.. Besides his parents, he will also enjoy being cuddled by Ellen, Tony, Billy and Judv. Bill is the brother of Mrs. Ed Hettermann. Close Move The Charles Boak family moved from their recent residence into their brand new home over last weekend. The Broaks didn't hsve to hire a big moving van as most people do as they moved next door. They were so satisfied with our community that their new home was built right next door to the one they had rented for about two years. The residents of Jak-Ana Heights are most happy they decided to remain here and all join in wishing them lots of success and happiness in their new home. Birthday Corner Belated greetings to Harry May who observed his birthday on Aug. 8. Mrs. Catherine Freund was surrounded by her neighbor ladies in honor of her natal day on Aug. 12. Allan Stilling will be turning nine this month Aug. 25 is the day when Jackie Hiller will be lighting nine candles on her cake. Best wishes to all! Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and Mrs. Irene' Tamasy spent several days recently visiting relatives in Sheboygan, Wis. The Ray Bugiier family of Fostoria, Ohio spent a few days last week as guests in the Alvin Freund home. Norbert and Lorraine Hiller and Rog and Georgia Bauer returned earlier this week after spending a week's vacation which took them to Mackinac Island and other points of interest. Bill 'Tamasy and son, Billy, of Florida arrived here last week to spend sometime visiting the Joe Smiths. Mi's. Tamasy arrived sometime last month. Mr. and Mi's. Lee Hettermann and sons of Arlington, Va. are enjoying several days here visiting at the Joe E. Freund home. While here they will also visit other relatives. About forty-three families were represented when the men Foresters held their family picnic in the Joe E. Freund woods last Sunday. All types of games and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Helen Hettermann helped to celebrate the first birthday of her first great grandchild over last weekend. Dor. and Betty Lou Dowe of Blooniington brought one year old Debbie to McHenry for her birthday celebration at the home of her paternal grandparents, the Herman Dowes. If you tried to call me the earlier part of the week and failed please try again. Our family "flew the coop" for a couple of days. Accompanying us on a short vacation to the Wisconsin Dells were Ed and Dot Hettermann, Kathy, Diane and Eddie. Rlngwood IDENTIFY W.S.C.S. SECRET PALS AT CRISTY HOME Rdby Shepard Lady Foresters to - Hold Meeting The regular meeting of St. Agatha's Court No. 777 for the month of August will he held on the twenty-second. This will be the third round of the current summer card tournament. The refreshment chairman will be Evelyn Deidrich and her committee is as follows. Diane Neiss, Joyce Thiel, Marie Kruger, Nancy McAuliffe, Martha Schmitt, Clara Nell and Mary B. Schmitt. In 1833, Charles Darwin found 3,000 Yahgan Indians in extreme South America, living outdoors the year around, completely naked, without fire, and sleeping on the frozen ground, during rain, snow, and hail. Kind people sent them blankets and clothes, which brought disease, and killed off most of them promptly. In 1578, Sir Francis Drake raided Cadiz, Spain, and hauled off 3,000 barrels of sherry. England liked it so well, that it has been Spain's best customer ever since. The Woman's. Society of Christian Service held its secret pal party in the home of Mrs. William C'risty, Wednesday evening. Each one received a gift and discovered who her secret pal was foi the past year. New names were drawn for the ron^inst year. nice lunch was served at ihe close of a pleasant evening. Home Circle The Home Circle held its Secret Pal party at the home of Miss Lona Hrever Thursday afternoon. Tach one received a gift from her secret pal and found out who had beeh rememliering her with cards and gifts for the past year-.-Luncheon was served. Mrs. Millie Hepburn received a special prize. , Smith Reunion The Smith family reunion was held at the B. T. Butler home Sunday. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Riee Lake, Wis., Lonnie L. Smith. Pistakee* Bay; John Smith of Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle' Hopper of Skokie; Mr. and Mrs. Tivitian, Morton Grove; Billy Smiih of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and family of Elkhorn; Mr. and Mrs. William Wurtzinger of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. James Krien and family of Lakemoor; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family of Huntley; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith of Freeport; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Lake Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swari of Crystal Lake; Lyhn Hanford of Round Lake; Mr. and Mi's. William Hoffman and daughter, Sandra, of Ringwood. Personals Mrs. Vera Loveless of Allen, Mich., and brother, M. Sgt. Waldo Leach of Kansas City, Mo., spent Monday till Tuesday with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ziebill of Chicago spent Sunday in the Earl Kunz home. Mr. and Mrs. John Resgler and family of North Lake, spent Wednesday with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pugsley. ttor* more foods, With a new electric refrigerator-freezer you can shop just once a week (and keep a huge selection of food at your fingertips) Imagine having Itash fruits and berries any tiflae of the year... or teadar asparagus. All bought at bargain prices wh©aa they are at their best. You can keep a food choice of meats in stock at all times. And prepare whole meals in ad* vance--then heat and serve. You'll make real savings in Hmq (and money) with enough storage space to ol&op just once a week--and take full advantage of the best buys. A new refrigerator-freezer can help feed your family so much better for less that it really doesn't pay to "make do" with your old refrigerator. So start to enjoy year-round mealtime pleasure at bargain prices--get a new ohctrio refrigerator-freezer. \70ur electric appliance dealers He's featuring special values and convenient easypurchase plans on his fine selection of new electric refrigerator-freesem. * Service Company <> Commonwealth Edison Company ELECTRICAL. APPLIANCES CAREY APPLIANCE, INC. LIS & RAY ELECTRIC 1241 N. Green St. McHenry 3919 W. Main St McHens-y Mrs. Maud Diffenbaugh of' Chicago spent a few days the past week in the Louis Hawley from*. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Ernest Refnwall and sons spteht Tuesday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Gehrke and family of Pell Lake spent Tuesday evening in the Henry Aissen home. Mr. ahdf Mrs. Wolf Shadle and Miss Loha ferever attended the Kunz-Brunb wedding at Algonquin, Saturday. Miss "Tena" Anderson of Twin Lakes spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kunz are vacationing at the Wisconsin Dells. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Maud Deffenbaugh spent Sunday in the John Woodward home at Madison, Wis. Mrs. C. J. Cantrall and children of Albequerque, N. Mex. and Mrs. Ted Mikita and children cf Wheaton spent Friday in the B. T. Butler home. M. Sgt. John Woodward and i 8 o n ; J o h n , J f . Of M a d i s o n , Wis., and Louis Hawley spent Thursday afternoon at Ft. Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent the past week with relatives at Waupaca, Wis. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a get-together of teachers in the Clark home at Ostend Wednesday. Mr. Ahd Mrs. Arnold Harvey and family and Judy Bruce spent Friday at the State Fair at Springfield. l)ebby Harvey and her baton twirlers won the governor's trophy for the best baton twirlers. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent a few days the past week with her daughter at h£r cottage at Lake Beulah, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis and family at Deerfield. Saturday evening. Miss Dorothy Aissen is spending a week in the Gerhrke home at Pell Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley and daughter, Linda, of Woodstock spent Thursday evening iri the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John B^hlert and Mrs. Millie Rush attended the Wilmot Fair, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Rice Lake and Mr. and Mrs. tyte Hopper of Skokie spent Saturday night and Sunday in the B. T. Butler home. Miss Alice Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page, Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Sunday in the Walter Wilcox home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton of Des Plaines called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and daughter, Dorothy, attend-, ed the fair at Wilmot Saturday evening. Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago and Kathy Holdorf are spending a few days in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Merril Colvey and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Colvey of Belvidere spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Yvonne Bruce returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mi's. Peter Mazanis of Chicago arid Mr. and Mrs. George Provich and children of Chicago were dinner and supper guests in the Pete Sebastian home. Misses Alice Price and Mabel Acuncius of Elgin spent Sunday with Alice and Marian Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz at-, tended the dinner at St. Patrick's church at Hartland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bullis and children of Genoa City spent Saturday evening in the Pete Sebastian home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz were visitor^ at WAUkegan Friday. Gerry Harrison of Greenwood spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family attended the wedding reception for Mary Shook and Ed Turner at the County Line Grange hall at Belvidere Saturday evening. A 12-year-old boy in Omaha, Nebraska, recently put his address in a bottle, and tossed it in a neighboring stream. Some 7,300 miles later, it landed on a beach in Germany, and was found by a housewife, who recognized the boy as the son of her girlhood chum, with whom she used to play on that same beach, but who had migrated to the States years earlier. There's more to an iceberg, too, than meets the eye--about nine times more. Pelt, W. Jujfen & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SSSV1CE Phone E^ss^reen 5-0063 AMEND MILK ORDER The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced its final decision on amending Chicago Milk Market Order 41, effective Sept. 1, subject to a referendum of qualified producers on a date to be announced sdon, according to word received by A. L. McWilliams, general manager of Pure Milk association. The amended order is expected to improve prices paid to producers shipping to the Order 41 market, McWilliams stated, but will n o t i n c r e a s e p r i c e s f o r m i l k used for bottling purposes. The changes in the order apply only to milk utilized for butter, cheese, and dry milk. Speediest Way To Get Cab Service No matter where you are, our Radio Dispatched Cab is always ready to serve you. Your call brings it over fast. MeHenfy Cafe Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Gall us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Serace "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, HL I SAVE t.OI playt©x ma§ie=©Slif?s0 bra cott®fa *bra tasi NoixSp panels in bock and elastic in Ifw Mkcps S3 the back won't ride up. Whit*, m to 40C. fog. $2.50-2 for $3.99. Unwry in Ifw toft, EGCSSi feSK/Je. The aess of cotton, the Cszy « of docron polyester. Whit*, 32Ati» 400. tag.18.30 --.J fsw - 2 for $3.99. Spoe:J So 4BC. r * 3 for Take ye<sr cheico of Shoso {Ssroa ©jjeifiHg [bssa c? o ipodal wh Wfc» and] C. for yourself the EXTRAS that moan EitTflA vafco 'n ad Pfaytsx QJO Brsa Each of those three Playfex Bras has tfo Pfayfex eXTOA feature «= dssfclO •lasfic in Hw back to give doubt* wear! Hurry and tdto odNMfafO of Afc mtm special offer today. You save $1.01 far a thoif An only. GLADSTONE'S 1219 N. GREEN ST. "STORE FOR EVERYONE" PHO EV 5-C1S2 0p®s 7 Dnfo A WqqIc McHI§i&Yt ILL *

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