Thursday, August 17* 1961 J THE McHENBT PUUNDEALEB Eastwood Manor New Reporter Writes Column Edie Iverson This is your new reporter, rapnp reporter, until I get a telephone number so I can take your calls. This is all new to me so please bare with me until I catch on. The Association Our regular E.M.P.O.A. meeting will take place Aug. *18. that's tomorrow everyone. This is a very important meeting as nominations will be accepted ft# condidates to run for E.M. P.O.A. offices. Now is "your chance to get out and "get in - nominations will be accented until the first week of September: At anytime just take a » piece of paper and write down the name of your nominee, your name, and then have your nominee sign it. These will be accepted by Peg Garrelts or Tijja McCormack. ®hp E.M.P.O.A. picnic is being planned for Sept. 10. There will be more details on this in your next issue. Faith Presbyterian Church Sunday, Aug. 20, at f* a.m. the pastor will preach the third in a series of sermons based on the beliefs of the Apostles' Creed entitled "Jesus Christ, oiA Lord." Also, this is the date of the fourth annual Faith church family picnic for members and friends of the church. It is scheduled to starl at 12:30 p.m. and it will be held again this year at Veteran's Acres park in Crystal Lake. There will be games and fun for all. We look forward to seeing many of you there. '49 Sympathy We wish to extend our sympathy to the Robert F-Iewlon family. Bob's mother of Chicago was in a fatal auto accident. Hospital Notes Gil Moore is confined to the McHenr.v hospital after an auto accident on Rt. 120 Satuiiipy Milt McHale iust stepped out of the hospital hale and hearty again after 5-day slay. The Baseball Boys The playing is over for the summer so now comcs the picnics and celebratiins for all those be^t players. The Majoi Leaguers had a ball taking in the Sox game in Comisky P0k. From this subdivision went Mike Sobacki, John Anderson. Randy Phillippi, Rick> Hansen, Carl Perrino and Dave Patrysns. The 8-year-old Braves enjoyed an outing soaking themselves in the Fox River and gorging themselves on hot dogs etc. From this Manor went Edward Anderson, Steve Rohehr. and Ronald Patrysas. ^ Bridge Club Wednesday night bridge club met at Pat Kellogg's home. Peggy Anderson won travelling prize, Lee Landin won first prize, while Marilyn Truckenbrod look off wilh the evening's booby prize. Tripoli The Thursday niirht Tripoli club met at Judy Huemann's h<We where Lois Bianchi carried off first prize and Madeline Freckman • won booby. Lunch was served buffet style. Our other Tripoli Club was held at Gail Crokins, a newcomer out here. They all enjoyed the game with Betty Radner taking first prize and Pam Woodbury the booby that night. Hi Neighbor Welcome to the Jacobsons at 128 Manor Lane. Roger and Joan quite recently moved in with their three small children, Kenneth, Jacqueline, and Steven. Roger is a carpenter and his hobby is model cars. Both of them at one time loved to motorcycle, enough, so that they own some nice trophies! This and That Pat Borcavan gave a demonstration party and with sixteen women in attendance she was really a busy gal! The Sobacki family enjoyed a day helping Mother and Dad Groat celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They arranged the complete surprise at Diamond Lake where A1 berta's parents received man> nice gifts and with forty-eight of the immediate family in attendance there was food and fun galore! The Simpson family just returned from three grand weeks at a resort in Wisconsin. Visitors Jack and Amolee Mclntyre were visited the first week in August by Amolee's sister and husband, Rosalie and Chester Self, and their three small boys, Gerald. Arlin and Philip from Farmintiton. Mo. Chester is a grade school teacher and Baptist pastor there and this is their first visit up McHenry way. Visiting with the Weigmans this week is Karen Bartelt from Berwyn. Edie Iverson's mother. Mrs. Vanderberg from California, and sister, Joyce, from Not th Dakota left Sunday evening after a very enjoyable visit. Birthdays Aueust is just popping with birthdays out here. Wishing happy birthdays to, many belatedly. William Frekman Jack Smithson, Lew Kellogg. Winnie Hansen, Alice Perrin" Pillv Brogan. Margaret Halstead, Peggy Ann Cary, Barbara Kuck. Tom Lawrence Billy Butler. Charlene Noontm. Melvin Stephenson. Pat Birmingham, Ar'.hur Weirich, Jr Shirley Campbell. David Dalton, Annette Brogan. Bill Krogman, Lloyd Davis, Robert French, Butch Kellogg. Donald Roewer, Peggy Ann Cary, Mat Mersch. James Sobacki aild Robert Perrino. Well that right up through Aug. 23. Hope you had or have a very special day. j August Anniversaries i Aug. 1 was celebrated by ' both the James Longs and the j Harry Brodins. The Harry I Durkins' was on the second day j and the Gus Millers celebrated ; on t he fourteenth. Civil Defense Assistance Anyone interested in working with the Civil Defense organization or desires any information regarding shelters, fall-out, etc.. are asked to contact the Civil Defense director, John J. Shay, at his home Jar 3804 W. MiHstream drive or bycalling EVergreen 5-2404. 9fmm Mtuethemem SPSCIAL" W 9U is NEW# exclusive (ItfTQtfVHER sand Slips over agitator. Easily rapiovabls for cleaning. FAMOUS F701 "SPECIAL" CAMERA CLUB TO SPONSOR CONTEST IN NEAR FUTURE This past week the McHenry Camera club held its monthly meeting at Kotalik's Camera Center in McHenry. The highlights of the meeting were the colorful slides of the Fiesta day parade, taken by Joe Hudetz. Joe's slides were so good, in fact/ that he literally walked, off with the color con-: test. He took first and second prize, and the majority present felt he should have taken third too, but the judges felt different. The club has decided to have a repeat of his slides with a sidewalk siide show for the public. The time will be announced within the next article. The winning black and while picture was made hy Jack Salika, who in keeping with last year's winner of the Fiesta Day parade contest, won with a reflection shot of a big brass horn. (the 1960 winning shot was taken by David Kennebeck). S The club's advanced competion is really going all-out on a competitive basis and all the pictures are showing much more thought and creativity than ever before. We hope it continues at this pace. The man we feel is. responsible for this surge of better pictures is the president of the club, Jack Salika. Jack at the present time is leading the advanced division by a good margin; however, with eight months to go, and the stimulation he has created, he will have to really work hard to hold the lead in this division. The intermediate division i.s a much closer race, with David Kennebeck ahead of Art Keevil by one point. The intermediate is open to all comers, with no subject matter or picture size designated. So if you have any snaps or otherwise taken recently- why don't you enter them in the intermediate con- White cloth#* or* being wosned. Speed Queen's rolling woter oction flushes through the LINT CATCHER which screens out lint, fuzz and loose dirt. Also serves as a soap disoenier Quality Cerrspares Wilh Waahws Priced $40 to $50 Higher •Unl Catchar aSupor-Duty • Double Wall Aluminum Wringer Construction • Speed Queen 'Sealed Traiumtuion Teller" *'bngte-Proef « •Maximum Guorontco Agitator • Bowl-Shaped Tub CAGtSY APPLIANCE, INC. 1241 X. (ireen St. EV 5-5500 McHenry, 111 NOTICE THE OFFICE OF Dr. Henry Freund OPTOMETRIST WILL BE CLOSED Aug. 14 through Aug. 26 PageThirleett test? (Cash prizes are awarded in this division only). _ The club will be sponsoring a free snapshot contest in the McHenry area. There will be a total of twenty prizes in all. The first three prizes will be camera outfits, the remainder will be rolls of film to/Tduplicate the type of film tfjat shot your winning snap. Particulars of the contest will be shown at your local merchants in a very short pieriod of time Club members and their relatives may not participate. Don't forget, this Sunday at 1 p.m.. we are having a family outing and field trip to the Lake Geneva area. The club will congregate at Kotalik's Camera Center, and promptly leave at 1 p.m. Transportation will be made available for all. Cecil Canter Playing cards were used in provincial Canada as money for some 65 years, in the late 1600's and early 1700's, with different cards representing different values. They were harder to duplicate than paper or coin money, easier to handle, and more durable. In 1936, a steamer was trapped when the upper Nile dropped quickly, and the captain and 22 of his passengers died of starvation before they were found. why don9t we hide onr m FAIR RACING PROGRAM The three-day racing program at the Walworth county fair in Elkhorn, Sept. 1 to 4, will bring together some of the fastest horses in the middle west competing for $16,400 in purses. The night entertainment includes the finals in the horse show on Friday night, The Lone Ranger and Silver on [Saturday night, Myron Floren of the Lawrence Welk show on Sunday and the Trans-World Aulo Daredevils on Monday, Labor Day night. The Germans destioyed all of the city of 'Hammerfest, Europe's most northerly city during World War 2, except ihe chapel. COMPARE THE 'JEEP' UNIVERSAL A6AINST ITS LATEST IMITATOR. I Curb weight 1 payload front ante payload capacity tire sixas accommodated •Jeep' CJ-6 2336 lbs. 1564 lbs. Vehicle "S"| 3000 lbs. | 900 lbs. 600 lbs. 200 lbs. 9 3 Because a winch should be out in front % and in the clear. Where you can get at it easily. This may not give the 'Jeep' Universal a high fashion look but it sure makes work a lot easier. JOB-PROVED UNIVERSALE ® McHENRY GARAGE 926 X. Front St. TUNE-IN h mOaNT!CcOkno Ph. EV 5-0403 McHenry, 111. (Sunday) Evenings 6:80 P.M. (Wednesday) Eveninp» 6:30 P.M. Jewel Pastry Shop Special Iters., Fit, Sat., Only! 1 SMALL UNICED o'ilous TEA CO. availablIwow AT... Jewel in MeWenry 3718 W. Elm St., f-lne> Food, Guti LeM -At*Jeu/e£ €J£j&Ftne- Food Leu ^g^Flne, Food GmU Lea& -Af>~Jewe£ ND AT JEWEL'S LOW PRICE, YOU CAN BUY SEVERAL! MOV6 outdoors this wstkend--with chicken on the grill, basted with butter or your favorite sauce til it turns gold and crispy. Then bite into that plump, tender meat that's just bursting out pf the golden brown skin I Freshness makes all the difference in delicious chicken ... and Jewel Fryers are delivered fresh fronvthe farm to your Jewel store three times a week-! More and more people are discovering fresh Jewel Fryers every day ... (That's Why We Can Sell Them For So little!) U.S. GOVT. tNS^CTED-GRADE 'A' COLUMBIA-BONELESS BRISKET d Beef ,b 5. U.S. GOV'T INSPECTED-GRADE A Jewel Cut-Up* Flyers n Fryers CHERRY VALLEY JO ol. Frozen pWg- Peas Ren. 2/29t ^'5 ";v "" '•S-V -'"'-.- V ALL VARIETIES Lifefey's Beans 14 oz. can Cider Vinegar AlUMINUM FOIl Reynold's Wrap ss?i' BANQUET Boned Chicken LAUNDER MAID Liquid Bleach half •ol. 25c HEUMAN'S Mayonnaise 14 oi. jor PHlSftUtY CAKE MIX White Angel Food 16 •!. pkg. 39* BROADCAST Chili Con Carne 15 V. oi con WMITf Hudson Napkins pkg. of 70 10« BlUEIROOK Chunk Tuna OI. can STiAWiftir Kraft Preserves 11 OK. i«r 29* CRYSTAL Apple Juice 44 oi. can JEWEL 48 Tea Bags ef 4$ 49* CHHIY VflUY--CUT SPlAffS Asparagus 2 1 JVi oi. cant MIIK AM»llFlt* Bosco 24 Ol. 49* CHOCOLATE Giant Hershey fliant bar FRENCH OS MIRAGE A 4* _ Kraft Dressing VS* 23c HUNT'S - Tomato Sauce IU J u v d o ( j o t S u M e t YOUNG, TENDER ^ , o i> dozen ears JUMBO SIZE-SWEET, RIPE l©neyfew^|0ci ©a. jtoodStaw Two fih, Juat /// ALL FLAVORS V quart btl. Reg. 2/29c pkg. of 200 DAISY Cream Cheese L" HEINZ Tomato Soup 10'A •« FACIAL Kleenex Tissue HARDY--SOFTENER SALT Zeo Tabs or Zeo Gran II Of. 79 Rctq **.95 VALUE TAN OR GREY BREAKFAST DRINK Instant Tans FRENCH S Mustard Bonus For Jewel Shoppers Only! Sovo Almost On»-Holl On Thit All Purpose J»wl fx trot A nationally known genuine Sam»onite Folding Tabic <or if«t J3 99 --four bonuf (or trading ot Jfwel ! $o durable and »a,y to wipe rlran. your Samionile Folding Tobl. will come In handy hundredi o< timei (or ploying cordi, sewing, lunrheoni, homework, and dinner! indoori and out *nd perhaps yotir woman 1 club or church organization could uie leveral of theie Now ii the time to buy a Som«o<iit< Folding Table when you con (ove almost hoM. And th« matching chain will be offered toon! Samsonite WITH A PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE (Matching Choir* T* Comal) ~7fvu/fy Ftunx£ie& £kop -At Jeivet 45^ Tfvufo/ Fiu>u&e& £kop At ~7hu/hj ua i to ^Jeu/e£