Ttoadqi Augwtf 17, ^ THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEB Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken front the riles of AW. 17, mi Just as the citizens of Me- H#-y were congratulating themselves on the e^ood fortune that they had not been molested with the gan? of burglars who had been operating in this vicinity, three bold safe blowers stepped in. cracked the safe in the West Side postoffice and relieved that place of $165 in currency and $200 worth of stamps. See the great Quaker MedidirSP Co's. free shows, near Riverside h o t e 1 with every nieht a full change of program. The old Quaker doctor can be seen at his offices at Riverside hotpl on all kinds of chrolnic diseases peculiar to men and womep. Tapeworm taken in a few minutes, rheumatism, »kin and blond treated, cancer, 'goiter and gail stones, removed wiUgput pain or the use of kn.l?. Wilson Howell. Jr., a nephew of Mrs. M. A. Howell, who has a f'vine machine entered in the Chicago meet, may give the people of the vicinity an ooportunitv of seeing his machine in operation. Tt would be well to wiitch the heavens nexi Sunday. Mrs. James Quinn passed a>W a1 ^er home eas* ^*nx Rivvi last Fridav after a Ion;/ illness. Mrs. Quinn an old time resident, here, returned recently from Elgin where she made her home with a daughter the past few years. Mrs. John J. Fluskv, assisted by Mrs. B. Butterly of Chicago, gave a lawn party at her home recently honoring her grandchildren. Eileen and Ks^Jileen O'Reilly. Mrs. James Hi^ghes and family helped make the event an enjoyable one. "Larrabelle" the houseboat that has been on Fox rivoi\ here, the past few years and has been the scene of many a good time, has been sold by its owner, C. W. Edwards, to John, J. Buch. According, to renorts there are big times coding up for Commodore Buch and his friends. Just to shqw the former owner of the "King of the Fox" that his heart is in the right place Commodore Buch has made him. vice commodore. The regalia of the two commodores is now. being made in Germany and when the boat leaves for the south about Oct. 1 the departure from Buch's pier will be a si^R to behold. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the flies of Aug. 11, 1921 in frtSnt of St. Mary's church, Sunday, was found badlydamaged on the road between Fremont Center and Ivanhoe Monday afternoon. Mrs-. George C. Steilen and sons, Charles and Jack, attended the Pageant of Progress exposition in Chicngo Tuesday. Baby Jack, an entrant in the Chicago Herald-Examiner contest, was selected as o".e of the high score babies of Illinois. Formal organization of a new golf club in this village, will take place next Sunday morning, when a meeting will be held at the West McHenry bank building. The site for the ground has been chosen or> the Owen estate property now owned by a syndicate composed of Charles Owen, Chicago. Atty. Charles /\llen, Cary and C. W. Stenger, McHenry. The Hunter boat line will operate moonlight excursions, on Fox River and the lakes,, each evening during t he season, leaving the Riverside pier it 7 p.m. Fare, 50 cts. R. F. Clement, who' recently opened a new subdivision on Fox river, south of this city "reports the sale of twelve lots the first week the tract was placed on sale. At least thirty lots have been sold the past three weeks: PERSONALS Rfm Su^hi Rev. Charles Nix of Virgil, 111., is the new pastor of St. Mary's church succeedine Rev. Edward Berthold who has been in charge the past seven years. Berthold is leaving for lurlick Springs to regain his health. John F. Freund, one of oqr esteemed townsmen was exhibiting a sample of field oipn on our streets last week, the finest brought to our notice in many a day. The stalks measured ten feet in height with ears a foot long. The/ were grown on the farm of his soatajNieholous, on the Johnsbui^- Spring Grove road. Officers Walsh and Knox picked up a fully equipped whiskey still near Lake Defiance, on Wednesday of this week and brought same to this village. The operator >was not to he foupd. Peter Thelen, one of the few surviving Civil war veterans of M c H e n r y t o w n s h i p , p a s s e d ' aw$> at his home on Washington street Friday morning, at the age of 87. A new Ford sedan owned by Anthon P. Freund, stolen from TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the files of August 6, 193<» The biggest event McHenry has ever known, the Centennial, home-coming and celebration of its one-hundredth anniversary is over. Thousands of McHenry's native l>orn anil foster children thronged the streets of McHenry ;ind enjoyed the reunion with old friends and former residents. Old settlors returned for the firsl time in fifty years, they canio from all parts of the Unite*' States, New York. California, the Dakotas, Nebraska. Florida and slates in every direction. One of the most amusing attractions of the Centennial was the Old Timers ballgame at the city park Saturday afternoon. "Dutch" Thurlwell, former star in these parts took over the pitching duties for one team and Joe "Fishhook" Miller served up his famous "Dippy- Do" ball for the opposition. Frank Meyer, who was in charge of the game, signed up Lester Adams and Paul Gerasch for catching duties. These two couldn't meet the 60 year requirement, but in the interest of broken bones, it was deemed advisable to put these young fellows behind the plate. The team with "Dutch" Thurlwell and Paul Gerasch as battery mates took the game 18 to 12. R. L. Overton shared the pitching duties with Thurlwell. The winning lean1 was composed of the following players: Joe MeOmber. Herb Bennett, Fred Yurs, Mike Schaefer. Paul Gerasch. Dr. Chamberlin. George Steinlen. Jake Schaefer, "Dutch" Thurlwell, R. I. Overton and Pete Weber. The losers lined up with Nick Barbian. Joe Miller, S. H. Freund, Lou Althoff, Mike Bauer, Matt Ifeimer, Frank Thurlwell, Matt Blake. "Cap" Bickler, Gib Howaidv Dar G r a n g e r and L e s t e r Adams. Walter Krause. 43'years old who was injured when struck by an automobile, Wednesday evening, died at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Friday. Mrs. Esther Beers, a former McHenry resident and wife of the late Dr. Beers who practiced medicine here at one time, died at the home of her granddaughter Mrs. William White in Chicago. Aug. 2. Mrs. Beers, with four generations of her family, celebrated her birthday, March 6. The wind on Ireland's costal areas often rolls up the s<.d, like a rug. D!,. Vi irffinian Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge 994 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake Ala Carte Virginian Special Steak . . $3.75 Boneless -- 20-oz. Choice Top Sirloin .... $4.00 Boneless -- 20-oz. ftlet Mignon $4.00 • Businessmen's Luncheons Daily 11:30 to 2:30 • Dinners Daily from 5 p.m. -- Sundays at Noon • Cocktail Lounge Open Daily to 1 a.m. Private Dining Room Available for Parties Wedding Receptions, Banquets . . . For Reservations Phone 459-9898 Mr. and Mrs. George Duesler have returned to their home in Redondo Beach, Calif., after a two weeks visit in the home of her sister. Mrs. A1 Henn. and family. They were accompanied home by their niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, who vvill also visit his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Whitcomb, in San Diego, before their return. Miss Kathleen Henn, who had been vacationing with the Dueslers for a month returned to McHenry with them. Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Ree* and daughters, Rosalind and Melanie. have returned from a week's vacation in northern 1 Wisconsin and Minnesota. Mrs. Ben Freund and Mr and Mi's. M. L. Schoenhoelt?: spent a few days last week-in the Robert Rysboldt home in Michigan City, Tnd. Mrs. Elizrbeth Husch and Miss Lena and Clara Stoffel were guests in the home of Mr and Mi*s. Charles G. Frett, in Aurora. Wednesday of last week, where they helped Mrs. Frett celebrate her eighty-seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wisseli of Manning, S. C.. were recent •mesfs in the home of Mis. William Wisseli. Mrs. Ida Quinlan and mother, Mrs. Clara Scholefield, of P a r k R i d g e , w e r e h e r e t o a t tend the Noonan - Pyles wedding Saturday. Miss Clara Mi'- ler returned home with then" for a few da>s visit. Mrs. Hollis Coomer. of Bakcrsville. Calif., is spending a few weeks in the home of her daughter. Mrs. Phillip Ahlberg. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cartw White of Stewart. III. and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wagner, of Lansing Mich., were recent guests in the M. L. Schoenhoeltfc home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen relumed Wednesday of last week from a two weeks trip to Sioux Narrows, Ont ario, Canadn. where they visited their daughter and husband, Mr. anfl Mrs. James Kline, formerly of Woodstock, who operate a motel there. Miss Helen Frett and friend of Chicago were callers in the home of Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence were McHenry visitors a few days, the past week, enroute from a vacation in Rhinilander, Wis., to their home in Chicago. Mrs. F. J. Aicher and brother. Leo Heimer, returned last week from a visit in the home of their nephew, John Hoffman, and family in Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl, son Clifford and daughter. Marilyn, were in Chicago, Saturday, to attend the funeral of the former's brother, George Kiehl, at the Memorial chapel at 5200 W. 95th street with burial at Cedar Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway returned. Thursday evening, from a five day trip to Toronto, Canada where they attended a convention. . Miss Sara Kay Douglas, R.N. j of Illinois Research hospital I was a recent guest of her mother. Mrs. Velma Douglas. | Among the local folks who I attended the wake or funeral of Ray McAndrews in Marengo ' last week were. Messrs and j Mesdames Earl McAndrews. • James McAndrews. Joseph Mc- | Andrews. Harold Miller and Otto Holtz, Peter M. Justen, Mi*s. Kathryn Conway, Mr. and ! Mrs. Paul Doherty. Mrs. Edith ! Hayes and Miss Genevieve :«Knox. Old friends here will be ' n«PPy to know that his mother, Mrs. Edith McAndrews, 97, cf ! Chicago, was able to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway ! and son, Mike, have returned 1 from a vacation in Rhine- , lander, Wis., and a visit with I friends in Northfield, Minn. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parchman | and Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pape. of Chicago, were visitors in the Earl McAndrews home last 'week ami attended the wake ! and funeral of Ray McAndi'ews ; in Marengo. : Miss Suzanne Kauss, who graduated from high sc hool in Mexico City. Mexico, this year i s s p e n d i n g some t i m e w i t h her grandmother, Mrs. Elveva 1 Durland. and other relatives here. Misses Betsy and Virginia Kauss. who spent the past i six months with their grandmother, have returned to Mexico Ci'v. where Betsy has won i a scholarship and will attend cojlege. 1 Mr. and Mi's. Robert Saelens and family of St. Charles, and John Aylward ot Elgin called I on McHenry relatives Sunday. | Robert Dwyer and mother of j Rock ford were Sunday visitors in the home of Mi's. Walter J. Walsh. Miss Frances Vvcitnl and I Mrs. Charles Vycital a1 tended the gift show at the Palmer 1 House and LaSalle Hotel in j Chicago Tuesday. I Mrs. Elvera Durland has re- I turned from a visit with Mrs. | Clifford Merrill in Grace Point. I Mich. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Elsie Woodburn, a former Woodstock resident, who is spending sometime here and in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooncy and children of Fort Worth. Texas, are guests in the Lee Cooney home. Jimmy Donnelly, Corky Blake and Mike Antonson are spending a few weeks at Camp ST. Michael, Hanover. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bruhn celebrated Mrs. Vycital and Mr. Bruhn's birthdays by. djning at Whitewater and visiting at New Glarus, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz of Genoa Ci1y, Wis., has been spending several days with Mrs. Walter Walsh. , Mr., and Mrs. Ellsworth Schumacher of Newark, Del., former local residents, were calling on friends here last week. Terry Long of Park Ridge visited her sister, Mrs. Dick Loser, here Thursday. McHenry friends will be in-1 terested to know that Dr. Hai-} old Kidder, who recently com- j pleted his internship in Ogden, ! Utah is now practicing medicine in San Jose. Calif, where he, his wife, the former Jane Durland of McHenry. and children reside at 2411 Pebble Beach drive. Charles Block of Dundee called on relatives here Sunday and attended the Dedication services at the Evangelical Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krull of Tucson. Ariz, are spending some time in the home of the latter" s sister. Mrs. Fred Fowles home, on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet of Bangor. Mich. Miss Marion MeOmber entertained her cousin, Mrs. Elsie Frocliclv. of Wood Dale, and grandchildren. Susan and Sharon, of Chicago, Friday. Mr. and Mrs: William Colei man of Lake Geneva. Wi.'.. were Sunday visitors in the Hal Plumb home. Mrs. Robert Brugger, daughter. Barlwra. of Kenosha. Wis.. Mr. and Mrs. William Riggs and Mrs. George -Merkt, of Silver Lake"were guests in the Fred -Bienanfl home Thursday. Fridav visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wendt of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mi's. Emil Po»enhatren of Woodstock. Sunday quests in the Joseph Will iams home were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dver. son. Francis, of Maywood. and Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, of Ep worih, li.wa. M isses Mary Lvnn and Pegtrv Purvey and Judy Arndt. of Crystal Lake visited the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mi's. Albert Purvey, Sunday. Mrs. Fred Shase and four children, of Midland. Mich., are spending two weeks with her narents. Mr. and Mi's. Louis Althott. and other relatives here. Mrs. Chase accompanicd them here for a weekend visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lloppe and Mrs. John Vycital returned Sunday from a two weeks visil in the Richard Vycital home in Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph Wil- ; liams enjoyed a vacation with ! friends in Iowa and Wisconsin last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bonslett of Evanston called on McHenry friends Monday. Miss Villa Smith of Cleveland sjient several days in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Miss Maud Granger and their guest enjoyed a vacation in Door County, Wis., last week. ^Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Submitt and Mr. and Mrs. John Tbelen visited Mrs. Nick Bertrang in Aurora, Sunday, who is recovering from surgery. Miss Margaret Hall and Bill Krause of Chicago were recent visitors in the A. J. Morf itz home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Glosson. son. John, daughter, Jeanne, j and Don Glosson of Fort I Wayne, Ind., and Jack Glosson of Richmond, Ind., have been ! spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. James Glosson and P«g. Fiit«fn Legal* ORDINANCE NO. 61-0-7 AMENDMENT TO CHAP- J T E R I X OF T H E O R D I N -j ANCE OF THE VILLAGE OFj LAKE^IOOR. ILLINOIS BY THE 'ADDITION OF ART-, I C L E 1 0 B U I L D I N G C O N -j TRACTORS: > BE IT ORDAINED BY THE! PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR. Mc- HENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS. THAT CHAPTER IX BE AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED ARTICLE: ARTICLE 10 BUILDING CONTRACTORS SECTION l. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of building contractor without having first obtained a certificate of registration ihereior as herein required. Applications for such certificates shall be made to the V i l l a g e C l e r k and a l i s t of a l l contractors registeml shall be g i v e n by t h e C l e r k t o t h e ) Building Insjiector. { S1XTION 2. FEE j The annual fee for regis-; terinv; as a building contractor! shall be $20.(X). The register venr shall convsjiond with the license year. SECTION 3. DEFINITION. The term '"building cont r a c t o r " as u s e d i n t h i s A r ticle is hereby defined as and shall be construed to mean any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of erecting, remodeling or repairing buildings and structure^ ot all kinds in the Village by contract. SECTION 4 . REGULATIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person registered under the provisions of this, article to erect, remodel or repair any structure or building in the Village without strict compliance with the ordinances relating to such structures or buddings. And it shall be unlawful for any such person. f i n n or c o r p o r a t i o n t o d o any such work without having obtained such permits as may be required. SECTION 5. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporaother relatives in this vicinity. The Joseph Romkowski family of Lakemoor and the Frank Kempfer family were Holy Hill, Wis. visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer were guests in the P. J. Schaefer home Sunday and attended the carnival at St. Mark's church. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi ge H. Johnson, a few days the past week. tion violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense. SECTION 6. VALIDITY. That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part ot this Ordinance be declared by a Coun of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision •hall not affect the validity ot the Ordinance as a whole or any ;>art thereof other than die |>art so declared to be invalid. SECTION 7. ORDINANCE. NUMBER That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 61- 0-7. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. That this Ordihance shall be in lull torce and effect from and alier its passage, publication and approval in accordance with ihe law. JOHN BONDER Village President PASSED: Aug. 10. 1961 APPROVED: Aug. 10. 1%1 ATTEST: Pacita Morrison • Village Clerk i Pub. Aug. 17. 1961* PUBLIC NOTICE Notice ot Proposed Change in Schedule. To patrons ol Lakeland Park Water Company. The Lakeland Park Water Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission a promised change in its rate for water service in Lakeland Park Subdivision and Lakeland Shores Subdivision and lhat said change involves a metered rate for commercial service and installation of meters for commercial service. A c o p y of t he p r o p o s e d change in schedule may lie inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce, Cq!u» mission at Springfield, ilHnoift| LAKELAND PARK . WATER COMPANY " by J. R, LADD, - *.• - -* President.^ T7 * §-17-24-6i* * HITRT in fall Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh has returned from an Elgin hospital, where she was taken, last week after sustaining serious injuries in a fall in her home. She is reported improving nicely. Our word "misletoe" conies from a Greek word meaning "tree thief" It is a parasite, and will kill its host tree, m time. Mil? STYLES IN SUN G1ASSC& Be smart in the "Stroller'*, one of our glamorous new Riy-Bta styles by Bausch & lomb. Ray-Ban lenses are optically perfect for your outdoor activities, ground-and-polished-to-curv# to give you cool vision hour after hour. Come and Me then at 1259 N. Green Si. Ph. EV 5-4500 NOTICE The office of Dr. John T. Gray, Optometrist 1236 N. Green St. McHenry. Illinois Will be closed from 9:00 P.M. on Friday August 4th to 9:30 A.M. on Monday August 21st. oi HAND op&m 2,000 GIFTS with the purchase of each 8 gals, of gasoline GRAND P IS GALORE Stop In and Register during Our Grand Opening GRAND PRIZES 38-pe. Stainless Set 1 -- Aladdin Picnic Kit 1 -- Smokey-Joe Bar-B-Q 1 -- 4 pc. Bar-B-Q Set 2 -- 50" "Bo-Bo" Clowns Brown's 'i Serwice Ph: EV 5-9887 Sunnyside^ 111. "We give S&H Green Stamps" *•« SStfc! »•« fro* (shwdard) Mdy«ig«titl Grand McHENRY KART PARK Saturday, August 19 Located on Corner of Chapel Hill And Lincoln Roads PRIZES - REFRESHMENTS A Good Time For All IN l )M 12:00 NOOSf TO 1) P.M. CHARLES STILUN©, Owner