Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1961, p. 13

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^fkursdajr, August 31. 1961 TfTf MrKFNPV PT ,<A TNOFA T.F* McHwiry Shores SOCIAL CLUB PLANS BARBECUEm OVER HOLIDAY 9 Terry C'oatps Taking advantage of waning swrtner clays the members of the Shores Social and Athletic club at their recent meeting laid plans for ihe Lalx>, iJay weekend to hold an open barbecue rib roast at the beach Saturday, Sept. 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. All members have ticl;- ets for distribution to friends and neighlxirs. In the event vcu have not been contacted, beM to the punch and comao (ttw of them. Enough food will be on hand to serve those wirn were unable to purchase tickets prior to dinnei time. Hot drtgs or ribs: with' milk as the beverage will be tiie seioctjon for the youngsters. Guess Hiis •will l>e known as ladies dav because the men want no help from the^vgfimen with this annual display of culinary .art. A-*iythis will be one of the community's clos i n? s u m m e r events, kindly make plans nov to attend. In case of rain the roast will be, hold on Sunday . Sept. 3, same time. Newcomers to the Shores McHenry Shores welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey H. Vann I of 3205 Biscayne. Aubrey 1 is ' from Barriii'^ton and Barbaia filtftn Chicago. \ Visitors to "Shores" Mr. and Mrs. Trent R. Middlekauff had as their guests for three days, Trent, Jr.. and family. Also Trent. Jr's in-laws, Mr. and Mis. Waller Glaubke. Mrs. Middlekauff and three grand-children and Mrs. Hogan and her four grandchildren had a barbecue a n d sw imming p&#!y at the beach. Anniversary Celebration On Aug. 2fi. Nancv and William Kwald celebrated their elevenlh a n n i v e r s a r y wit h friends, Florence and Dan Chase, of Lombard. They went out for a steak dinner, then on to a play in Highland Hark. Bill's nephew. Roger, eleven yt^rs old will spend a week wmi them. Yhlrtin Middlekauff will assist at this sale. The sale will be held on Sept. 1 and 2. Notes on McHenry Shores Club, Inr. v Fall meetings of the club will Iwvrin on Thursday, Sept. 7, ai V.F.W. hall on route 120. All members are urged to attend meetings this year as there is much to be done in this, our first year as a corporation. A full re|Jort of our summer activities will be given and it is possible that proposed new bylaws w ill be presented for consideration. Boa eh Workers for Sept. S Those scheduled tor clean-up work at the beach on the fhird ere as follows: Jack Schjmitl, j Harry Miller, Stan Mistefk and I Frank Lameranc!. Come out I early boys, as the Sept. 2 party : will probably result in a lot of j work. i Spring Grove IMANY RESIDENTS | ON VACATION THIPS | TO SEVERAL Sl^TES I Eva FrfUhd Leigh Kagan, Richard Wagner and Bud Tinney are enjoying a trip east. They plan on going to New York City, Washington, D. C., New Jersey and Maryland. Dr. and Mrs. Kagan. David and Michael are visiting relatives in Cleveland, Ohio this weekend. The Walter Brown family have returned from a trip to Nebraska and Iowa where they visited relatives. Anniversaries Congratulations to Elsie find Jack Sehmitt on their seventh. Here's wishing you both will have mnny, many more lo get her. Happy Birthdays to Will iam Dostal on Sept. 1 Club Meets Mrs. William Shotliff entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes went to Mrs. Mary Nimsgern, Mrs. Tillie May, Mrs. Elizabeth Engels, ° Mrs. Frances Shot liff. A lovely lunch was served after cards. The Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's parish held its regular meeting in the parish ! hall on Thursday evening. A | luncheon and card party was planned for Tuesday, Sept. 19. Serving will begin at noon and many prizes will be offered. Father Monohan gave a most interesting talk. There was a so* cial evening at cards and lunch was served by the committee in charge. S Rummage Sale A group of McHenry Shores women will be working at 1he rummage sale at Engdahls' barn on Green street. The Mesdatnes MacCallum, Winters, Dodge, Snively, H. Smith and Attend Dedication Mrs. Charles Freund and -Mrs. Wittiam Thornton attended the dedication of the Wonder Lake post office on Saturday afternoon. San Bernardino County, Calif., is the largest couhty in | the U. S. in area it is 18 times the size of Rhode Island, twice the size of Mass., and about i half the size of Indiana. & : e « GETTELMAN Milwaukee Beer -- the purr-fect beer at a purr-fect price ... Get some today . G. A. @4 Your Favorite Beer Outlet GETTEI.MAN BREWING CORPORATION. MtLWAtMtCt r@l Pastry Try these delicate, focorfl, Spiced pastries with a sugar • •Reellent as a breakfast ffreet! BREAKFAST Jewel In McHenry How Can I ? by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may wirte to Anne Ashley in care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor biufding, 37 VV. Seventh Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope, i Q. How can I make my own insecticide? A. Ohe which is effective and non-inflammable is mn(l<* by dissolving one ounce of rosin and one ounce of oil iiml»-r In a mixture of one-half gallon gasoline and one-half gallon carbon tetrachloride. This may be used in a spray gun to kill f l i e s , b e d b u g s , , f l e a s , a n t * , roaches, and other such pests. The rosin forms a cake around' the eggs and thus prevents hatching. It is not necessary to aitn destroyer at the pest to do the «wk. Finely divided parMdmi «f It In the nlr kills them. Q. What con T do when floors have become so worn they do not hold wax? A. Touch up the W o r II places with a little white shellac, and then wax. This treatment will improve the appearance of the floors immeasurably. Q. How can I remove some match scratches from a painted wall?. A. Rub over these marks Wftti TTie put siirTare of a lemon. Q. How can I "revitalize" the ends of nty bamboo rake, which have become quite worn ? A. Try soaking the ends of your rake in boiling water foi five to 10 minutes to make j them pliable, then hend the ends under and Into some seut- ! hlance of their former shape with a pair of pliers. i Q. Is there anything I can I do when the bottom of a trash ; can has rusted through? I A. I'se a disc of plywood to lengthen the life of the can. Cut the plywood to the inside diameter of the can, drill four holes through the bottom of j the can, and screw the disc into place. I Q. What can I do nlwuit an old enameled refrigerator that has become yellowish in color'.' A, Y ou can whiten it by gently rubbing with 600 grit, wet or dry. silicon carbide paper moistened with water. Q. How can I relieve chafed skin, caused by perspiration during warm weather? A. By use of fuller's earth. Wash the chafed parts and dry Just a little. Oust the fuller's earth on the dampened surface and rub in carefully. Follow this procedure before retiring and there will In* no trace of irritation the next morning. Q. How can I impart a pleasant, delicate scent to my handkerchiefs? A. By placing in the handkerchief box a blotter that has been slightly moistened with your favorite perfume or cologne. Q. What is a quick and easy .way to shine a piece of akimiirumwnre? A. A peeled apple, rubbed over the surface of the aluminum, will make it gleam like new. Q. How can I prevent the handle of a push-broom from working loose and eraekinff the wooden threads? A. Try placing an ordinary garden hose washer on the r lbn>ade4-,«Rd before screwing ' It Into the head The weight of snow on the. 14-foot lone minute hand of. Big Ben in London stopped the clock on Jan. 10, 1955. Oh# snowflake doesn't weigh much; : but lots of them count up. t vThe moron had & splitting fi&ftdatcfie, so he took half of an aspirin... AMERICA'S Finest Porch Enclosure It costs so little extra to enclose your porch with the very finest. See DeVAC Glass Walls and you'll see wfriy they're tops among architects, builders and homeowners. DeVAC - CHICAGO Window Products 902 N. Front St. McHenry, III. EV. 5-5000 mera TILT-TIP PEN CANVAS §HU V 300 SHEETS fideUs BILLFOLDS TIM6X WATCH romotl liATKfi MEWS od LADCS HEADQUARTERS FOR • CIGARETTES • CIGARS • TOBACCO SMOKERS ARTICLES • CANDY • PHQT.Cl.SUPPLIES MILI. 3720 W. ELM ST. EAM DRUGS (WALGREEN AGENCY) JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA McHENRY, ILLINOIS Lean ^SfrFbtb Food G>*U LeM -At^Jewe£$!&Fln& Food CmU Lew -AtJewet Cfip Coupons-Cut Food fats! SAVE ON FOOD LL WANT FOR LABOR DM WEEKEND SERVI HOT OR COLD Few The Holiday Weekend! SWfff PREMIUM-SHANK PORTION Smoked Ham 6 ?© 8 Lk SIZE Por Ay GOV'T. INSPECreo A mm ~y o,a°e "A" b, 35 Jfwn KRAFT SALAD DRESSING--REG. 59e Mir ROSY RED AND SUNSHINf YEUOW feEG. 39e Hawaiian Punch Mn CUNG HALVES & SLICES--KEG. 31c Hunt's [Filches -' 2 ROYAL OAK BRIQUETS--REG. $1.0? Chcoal Miracle DINNCR pl*l£ 20 00 lb. bog W M FANCY m Cantaloupe Jumbo m m KM UB Coupon To Your Jrotl Food Canned Him c* JL couroN WIHOUT COUPON $R.» OirtOimiMrouBhSoaw^rirfi km a IllMM w . « •Hi KOYAL JIWSL TeaBag^ - gt&di ifoe wiw ms MO / O COUfOM WITHOUT COUPON 9ac OaMKJkVTWaug)> StAvrdaft ScpUnbar J mm\ Tokt This Coupon To Your Jtwel Food Stow 1 MEAVT OUTV R©^si©ld's Wrap c 39 ft. r»U 0»|,W COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 69c CoodOnty Through Saturdoy, SeplMafav 2 limit wco pot I T^'.TWi Coupon Tq Your J«,w.l Food Slor. | JEWfcL WHITI 9" Paper Plates ( •1-). cj BfOc WiTHTMS / O COUPOM WTTKOUT COUPON Wc GoodOrfv Through Soturdoy, Sf| ll#lf t IM «B9 t I . i (i At 4- W".V ' i f " Ml This Coupon To Your JevroT Fsod Sfcw ISDDV'S Fruit 2^>os. COC WUHTHI ccrra OO coura» WITHOUT COUPON 2/7tc OeodOriy Through Soturdoy. miltabw X Usail CEO par o mmsmm nsoL^ Folding Table $3#§ WITH A I jfoodStoM TEA CO. dS( Toko Thh Coupon To Your Jewel Food 5>ore SWIFT p&mim Skinless Franks 1,b- /ri(p\e wtrH Triis PKT COUPON WITHOUT COUPON J9e Good Only Through Saturday, September 2 pi • i ^ Limit on» per tovf&ttftr |• a 1 Take Thi. Coupon To Your Jewel Food Stor* U-- EIGHT KNEtP B ^ t [found Beeff Fatties Jju liilfc- WITH TH'S ' »*t- £ ^ COUPON WITHOUT COUPON »»e Good Only Through Soturdoy, S«p»emb#» 2 irmlt on* p»r cvitMmr Ftwti&e* Shop -At f-antUioi ' Tolio TW> Coupon To Tour Jocsd Fosd 90M | @3. MONTH Chtfluaik Styl© Tsina a 2 45c ^ WITHOUT COUPON 2/*5c Good Only Through Soturdoy. Saptcmbar 1 Uieif QE3 pzt I Toko Pu> Coupon To Yosr Jtwil Food Sttm 8 » jam SCORC GrijdQ &&h™ Butter I lk. C5C WITH THtt DO COUPON. WITHOUT COUPON 73c C--Tfatwgb SOdrttoy. S^pfmbor * &la£3 ess) pgr tu»t«nr 10*1 IbisCaupon To Your J«*d Foed SSSa CHESSI OS SMISAU ^ £©§flBi's Frozen Possa ts ;J9« muSS • ^/iTKOyr COUPON 7*e" GoodO*lyThrough Sotardoy. S«(iliahW t iiiniiAH £kop »if»iM v ^

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