Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1961, p. 14

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• ; -- i . T - FBUHIli THE PLAXNDEALER Thursday. August 31. 19/1 Rliigwood tXAtES OF WSCS WILL MEET AT WESLEY WOOD CAM Ruby Shepard .Oil.Wednesday evening. Sept. 13, the Ringwood W.S.C.S. ladles will have their regular meetini at Wesley Wood camp. .A pot-luck supper will be Served at 7 p.m. followed by program and business meeting. Cars will Jeave the church at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. For transportation call Mi*s. Shirley Cristy, Wonder Lake 3259, or Mrs. Bessie Cruickshank, Won- ?det_Lake 3646. ' Everyone is requested •»> bring dish to pass and own table service. Home Circle Sept. .14 at 12:45 p.m. the Ringwood Home Circle will meet at the William Cruickshank home for luncheon, pro- j -gram and business meeting. j Births * Mr. and Mrs.' Ramoska announce the arrival of a little daughter born Wednesday. Aug. .23, at the Woodstock Memorial 'hospital. She has two little sis- ;t#Ts to welcome her. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard 'of Lake Geneva are the proud -parents of a son born Wednesday. Aug. 23. Mrs. Leonard was Ithe former Betty Brer.nan of -Ringwood. Celebrates Birthday : John Ehlert celebrated his -eftjhty-third birthday at his • h o m e W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g . -Those to attend were. Lvle Ehlert of Wilmot. Mr. and .Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Sunnyside Estates. Mr. »and Mrs. Cyril Parry and daughter. Susan, of Wiliru.t. JRojinie Creutz pf McCuIlom •Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Skid Vtore and daughter. Jackie, and, -Mrs. Fred Bowman and son. 'Fred. Jr. - Personal* 1 Li^tit. and Mt-S. Earl Sonne- !maker and children are visit in'.' 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ^Mogan. They will leave soon for •Detroit where he will be sta t toped. < Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Shadle •and family of Ann Arbor spent few days the past week with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Bfiadle.. They are moving bai !< to California. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bui lei of Chicago spent the weekend in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. John Hogan and daughter. Pat, attended the style show at the V.F.W. in Mellenry given by the P.T.A. of St Mary's school. Miss Pat Hogan was a model. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n i n t h e hf>me<>0fJiev. (laughter and family. the Alan Aingers, at 1I< bjron. -Mrvand Mrs. Leo Newlin ol Hutsonville, III., are visit in; her .sister, Mrs.' Agnes Jencks - Minnie Knott of C'hica- ) gp, "Mr§. Irene Slyter and Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Norton and family of Evanston spent Sunday |n the Ernest Winters home. 'Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Cris'y .entertained a,t>? a family picnic at-their home Sunday. .' Mrs, Emily Beatty and Mis- Viola Low attended the silver wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye at Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Chizek, and family of Beloit, Wis., were visitors in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kick of Richmond were callers in the Charles Brennan home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in the Mrs. William Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz were visitors at Arlington Heights Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell, Mrs. Roy Harrison and David Harrison were visitors at Harvard. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore were dinner guests in the George Miller home in Chicago Saturday evening. Julius Webster and son of Chicago spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. fiarl Kunz. went to Wesley Memorial hospital Friday to visit his mother and had dinner at the home of his' sister. Mrs. Meid Gybroski, in .Chicago. Mrs. Petrea Moreland of Chicago spent the weekend with her daughter and family, the Sigurd Jacobsens. Her son. Finar Moreland. and sons of Chicago spent Sunday in the Jacobsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson of Niles called on Mrs. Neilie Hepburn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Merchant and son of Woodstock and Arthur Peet of Chula Vista. Calif,, "ailed on Mi's. Fred Wiedrich. Sr.. Saturday evening. Mrs. lister Carr attended a >ersonal shower for Mrs. Donna Carey in the 'Elmer Carr home at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Tanc Lee and Mary Kay Leonard of Lake Geneva spent a few days the past week in the James Wegener home. Mrs. Jirousek and family of Franklin Park spent Sunday evening with Mi's. William Hepburn. Mrs. C. L. Woods and two daughters and lady friend of Moline were visitors in the Pete Sebastian home Sunday. Mrs. Cora Woods who has been visiting there returned home with them. Sunday guests in the. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home were Mr and Mrs. Edward Volkert of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sharp and son of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughters, Margo. and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas and children attended the Ebel family reunion at the Elbert Ebel home in Marengo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas spent a few days the past week in Iowa with friends that Duane got acquainted with while in service in Germany. Twice Told Talei FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of August 81, 1911 After passing a quarter of a century in an invalid chair and bed Casper Wirfs, one of Mc- Henry's pioneer residents and former business man, died at his home on Waukegan street Aug. 24, at the age of 77 years. The Boy Scouts of McHenry now have a membership ' of twentyi The youngsters meet every Tuesday evening at the home of their, captain Arthur Hunter, Jr. Peter M. Justen writes us from Denver, Colo., that he has just returned from Cheyenne, Wyo.. where he attended the Frontier Day celebration and reports it as one of the biggest treats he has ever enjoyed. He tells us that about 1.500 cowboys and girls as well as T^ddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders were among the many attraction;.. While there he met Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Preston of McHenry who were also attending the celebration. The McHenry public school begins on Tuesday, Sept. 5, with the ' following corps of teachers: A. Edgar Nye, superintendent- and principal; Agnes A. Perry, high school- Alioc. Knox, 7-8 grades; Kathryn Knox, 5-6 grades: Clara V. Stoffel, 3-4 grades; Mrs. Marion Overton. 1-2 grades; Pearl Claxton, grade assistant; Cora E. Schulzfc. music; Grace Clay, drawing. Organization of board: James B. Perry, term expires 1912; W. D. Wentworth. term expires, 1914: John H. Miller, term expires 1912: P. J. Cleary. 'erm expires 1912; Theodore H. Bethke. term expires 1913; J. F. Claxton. term expires 191. and N. P. Steilen. term expires 1914. FORTY YEARS AGO Ttiken from the Files of Aug. 25, 1921 Accepting invitations, ths-t had previously been extended them by N. J. Justen and Son the progressive West Side undertakers and furniture men. undertakers from M c H c n ry county gathered here last Thursday morning and enjoyed a boat ride up Fox river, through the Chain 'O Lakes and lotus beds. A stop for luncheon was made at Grass Lake, the trip was continued through the Chain 'O Lakes and thence back via Fox and Pistakee Lakes and bay. The harvest festival and home-coming, to be held at the McHenry public park under the auspices of St. Patrick's parish, on Sept. 3. 4 and 5. is expected to draw one of the largest crowds that has assembled in years. A petition asking for the const ruction of a foot bridge across Fox river adjoining the present structure is to be presented to the board of supervisors at their next meeting. When the present Fox river bridge wijs constructed it was quite widfc enough to take care of all travel, but since the advent of the automobile the bridge In its present state is not only inadequate but very dapgefous as well. . The McHenry Community high school, as well as the grade school, will open Mofir day Sept. 5. The personnel of the high school faculty is As follows: Blanche Pryor Artd Mabel E. PeterS&n'of lagt year's corps. Gladys CasSefe, Latin; Gertrude Kisch, mathematics ; „Ezra Mrtser, ' Science and Cleora Johnson, domestic science Teachers in • the elementary school^ "Will be: Beatrice Dean, eighth grade; Alicc Knox, seventh grade; Mary Bonslett, fifth and Sixth grades; Nellie Doh?rty, third and fourth grades; Eleanor Phalin, second grade and Pearl Claxton, first grade. Oswell G. Treadway has been re-engaged as superintendent and will preside over the high as well as the grade school. The annual reunion of the McGee family took place cn the Sutton property on Foxriver at Emerald Park Sunday with members present from Chicago, Wauconda, Woodstock and Spring Grove. Mrs. Joseph C. Holly acted as hostess to members of the iSocial Wheel at her home on Court street, Thursday afternoon, when- games were followed by refreshments. Mrs. F. E. Cobb will he hostess at a meeting at the home of Mrs. W. D. Wentworth next Thursday. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of August 20, 1930 Lawns are tfgain green and gardens have commenced new growth, due to the heavy rainfajl received in this locality the last week. 11 was the heaviest rainfall in six or eieht months. The soaking downfall that• thoroughly saturated the dry earth is of great benefit to crops. John. Ben and William Justen and son. Rolland. have returned from a ten day 3.3CH mile auto trip, travelling through six states. They repoi everything burned up by the heat in the Dakotas. Mrs. Charles Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bacon of near Volo, who was born on the old homestead 6f> look Befor* You UftR ImM «• pr6V«r « fam «r BOLGER'S Drug Store 12o9 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 years ago, passed away at Carrol, Iowa Aug. 15. National politics, the Spanish revolt and Mary Astor's diary faded from the picture completely as conversational topics when the Sutton family met for their annual get-together at Lake Defiance Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter and J. B. Kelter as officiaT hosts'and hostess. Sister Mary Robertus (Lucy Sutton) of Wackoma, Iowa, and Sister Mary Agatha of Mundelein were surprise guests of tjje day. Mrs. Jack Purvey. Miss Margaret Bishop and Mrs. Kathrine Keller were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Betty Conway who will become the bride of Dan O'Shca on Sept. 10. John Karls, proprietor of the Karls Cafe on Riverside Drive, invites all the children of McHenry and community to attend the annual Children's Party Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. when there will be gifts for everyone. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Freund entertained at a shower in honor of Agnes Steffes and Gus Freund who will be married in the near future. The affair took place Saturday evening. Miss Marie Freund, who will be a bride Sept. 12, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower at the Cadillac Cafe, on Riverside Drive, Monday evening with Misses Marion Krause, Rita Freund, Harriet Boger and Mrs. Hazel Baur as hostesses. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Sept. 5, to inform and assist veterans, their de|»endents, and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. The average typist makes 11 errors per hour when the temperature is 75--and 95 per hour when the temperature is 95. Moral: use air-conditioners. Antarctica is as large as Europe and North America, combined. How Christian.Scien<e H&ais . " ' WBKBTV Channel 7 - 8:15 A.M. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 "DIVINE LOVE HEALS HATRED" Extreme hatred and alcoholism healed. Kodiot WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9:00 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) 8:00 A.M. lost Sundo> each month ZONING CHANGE IS ASKED FOR AREA PROPERTY A petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for Martin and Katherine Rzeczkowski for a zoning reclassification. The property is presently zoned "F" farming district and the petition requests a change to "B-l" commercial district. The petitioners wish to have the property rezoned to conform the present use with said zoning ordinance. This property is located east of the village of Ringwood and immediately across from the intersection of Illinois State Route 31 and the Barnard Mill road. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Tuesdav, Sept. 12, at 3 p.m. in the dQy hall in McHenry. Iron horseshoes were not common until about the 5th Century, although they were developed 750 years earlier. 1222 N. Green Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat., 8 - 5 Tliurs. 8 - !)! by upp't. aire A BEAUTY SHOPPE EV. 5-0010 WHY GET A COLD WAVE I'^'DER ALL THE NEW SOFT STYLES? A cold wave is an essential part of holding up the new styles and giving added body to the hair. CLARA ELEANORE MARY ANN 0 We specialize in Back-to-School permanents for the kids • When you drive, don't lei your mind wander off the road. The ability to concentrate on j what you arc doing, says- the ; Institute for Jsafer Living, is I what helps to make you a skilled driver. J Sm • TIME TO DANCE * FREE DANCE RECORD Wiih This Advertisement If Registered by Sept. 6. 1961 Free Printed Dance f Notes Ballroom Classes For Adults and Children Cha-Cha • Rhumba - Tango Bop - Samba - Polka Foxtrot - Waltz English Quick Step -- FREE CHA-CHA RECORD -- Beginners and Advanced Children's Classes 3 Yrs. And Up Tap - Ballet - Acrobatic Modern Jazz - Batton Toe New Americana Ballet -- FREE BALLET or TAP RECORD 205 W. Elm NEW A IK-CONDITIONED STUDIO IN MARK'S JVIAKINK BI ILDING - ROBERT & BEKN1CE PAULSEN -- jQ&keu will 9 We Also Have. A Wonder Lake Studio EV 5-4604 w JU 7-5065 to discover Jockey comfort! during the i •) • 'N.<: 0 QRANO Quarter Century Celebration Enjoy Jockey comfort now! Buy 4 Jockey briefs (Style 1007) it Jeehey T-shirts (Style 1711$), and get $1 .CO back during Jockoy'o Quarter Century Celebration. Mail 4 garment bags tOQOSher with sales slips to JOCKEY, P.O. Box 729, Hinsdtle, Illinois before midnight, Siptembtf 30. 1991. UiHit one refund per person. Jotktf brief* are tailored from 13 places for perfect fit •nd support. Special heat-resistant waistband, exclusive "ho gtp" front, no-chife l*g openings. Sizes 28-50. Only *1.25 JegkQp r-•/»//*•--new Power-Knit fabric with extra yarn M keep its fit. Smooth Seamfree® collar is nylon reinforced .. txtr* length tail stays tucked in. Fine combed cotton Ubrie. &I268 *1.60 m 5TORE for MEN 124r> N. Urecn St. Phone 385-0047 Open Dally 8 a.m. to 6. p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 pan. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 npoo Look at these values - then hurry to BOLGER'S for all your needs. We've scores of bargains -top quality goods priced down for clearance and all of your favorite brands of everyday health and beauty needs. BOLGEIS SCHOOL VITAMIN VALUES DESERT FLOWER bottle of 60 Fruit-Flavored chewable^ablets HAND a SODY LOflON Kids love 'em Upjohn Vi-DcayHSra Syrup, 3 @2 Ironized Yoeast Talbldts P©By°Vi-S®! Props, 15 cc dec Csajpsules, 30 One-A-Day Multiple, 257s $2.97 DR. WES? Q Anfrisepf LAST CHANCE Reg. $1 Full Size Riviera White SWIIti Shatterproof Amber Lens FAMILY SIZE 98c 89c 3 for $1.19 $1.19 $1.49 Unguentine Spray $1.09 Bathing Caps 75c Golf Balls $1.49 League Baseballs $1.98 Sunglasses SLEEM TOOTHPASTE FREE COUPON 83* H-A HAIR ARRANGER Beautifies & Controls Hair econ. size PwESENT THIS COUPON FOE? F02EE SAMPLE • 18c VALUE FREE! - FREE! FuU SSize' CRAYOLAS When You Buy One Large Size TOOTH 78c CJ* MOW! Value SHAVE with LANOLIN Ursula r or Menthol Prompt PRESCRIPTION Service ! M. SCHOIL'S ZINO PADS FOR CORNS Flu* 10% r«d«ral Eicite T«i en ToiUtrfos BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500

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