Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1961, p. 15

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3fcursday, August 31, 1961 Lakeland Park TIGERS DEFEAT BRAVES FOR FIRST PLACE IN LEAGUE Gloria Flannigan - EV. 5-4710 Chris Fosgoz - EV. 5-4942 s' $The wind up of the Lakeland Park Boys Baseball club season saw the Braves go against the Tigers in a play off for first place. "The final score Tigers 20- Braves 9. Our congratulations to the champs of Lakeland Park. Final standings; Tigers, won 14, 'lost 7; Braves, 13-8; Orioles, 12 - 8; Sox, li - 9; Cubs, 6 - 14; Pirates, 5 - 15. *fhe Lakeland Park All Stars I finished their first busy season with a 2-2 record. The boys lost their first game by a score • of 12-6 to McCullom Lake. We moved into McHenry Wednesday night to play the Cardinals. For those of you who missed thia game, you missed the game of the season and perhaps many seasons to come. Fin;;! re Lakeland Park 1- Mr-® ^nry 0 lft ^MjyerT innings. Craig Leigh pitched Ihc first 6 innings for Lakeland Park yielding two hits and four base?, on bails. We cannot overlook tInpitching performances of Tim Freund of the Cardinals who held our boys to two hits and two bases on balls in six innings. In the seventh inning Freund was replaced bv N. Qfrte. With the help of two bases on balls and a fielder's choice our boys managed to push across the winning run. In the bottom of the seventh Bob Townsend replaced Craig Leigh. Bob had two outs with runners on first and second and We held our breath as th^ last batter sent a long fly ball to deep center field. Ray Button played it like a pro and 1he time was ours. Saturday night we played Niles at Niles and our boys although they played a wonderful game in the field making 14 put outs and 7 assists with only 3 errors lost by a score of 5 to 1. Bob "Townsend pitched a very creditable game allowing only six hits and 2 bases on balls in the six innings but nur boys could only inanare one hit and three bases on balls, off the Niles curve ball pitcher Gampetro. Our one run was accounted by Mike Sullivan who tiipled in the fifth inning and scorcd when a Niles player over threv on the play at third. We wound up 1hc All Stars games on a happier note as we beat Wonder Lake 7-4 at Won- &V Lake. Dennis Karaskcvvifz pitched the full 6 innings and was backed, by 7 hits including a triple by T. Przetaeznik. The All Stars players were as follows: Bill Seifert. Willy Roskoff, Dennis Karaskewiz. Frosty Vita, Mike Sullivafi. T. Przetaeznik. Ray Bottari, Ken Prazak, Bill Sullivan. A1 Kujak, Dale Woods. Craig f.eigh. ?i>te Murphy, Bob Townsend, reg Ules and Jim Laursen Women's Club N't ws The first fall meeting, ol Ur Women's club will be held September 12 instead of Sept. 7 due to school starting. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Get-well Wishes This message is directed t<> Rose Holas who had to ma\-e a t'Aurn visit to the hospital. We are all pulling for you Rose, and praying for you. t"o. Go1 back home on the double. We wish you a quicker than quick recovery. By Henry Heise of Bulger's Drug Store LAST CHANCE! That last big weekend of I lie season's coming up. Whatever ynu planned to do to make this sfvhimcr special better get done or into the file it goes till next year. But next year will never be like this one. Going off the high board won't, be nearly as exciting for the kids. The baby will change into a youngster. This summer's special brand of fun will be long gone. Luckily you still have a ,'J^inco to capture this summer's special flavor in pictures ... the pictures you've been meaning to take since the Fourth of July. So why not make a firm resolve to make 1 his a pictureperfect Labor Day weekend? ; The way to do that is to plan now to come in for all the j fresh Kodak film you'll need j for your still or movie camera. [ %If you've been putting oft ! your picture - taking because i you can't look at your old bat- J tered camera again, we can fix that, too. We have a broad, glittering array of new Brownie ; camera outfits that cost as little as $11.50. , ™ So don't let this summer slip IB away. Savf1 it in pictures. 'a Golden Anniversary CelebVation A belated happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. John Fandre of 4717 W. Shore drive who .celebrated fifty years of wedded bliss on Aug. 26. ft was an J open-house affair with many ' of the neighbors attending. Also present were Bill and Gertrude Fandre and children, Beverly, Billy, Eileen, Maureen, Suzanne, Bob and Dennis, daughter and son-in-law, George and June Kumm, greatgrand children. Dennis and Debbie Gibson, and Johnny Nevin. The celebration lasted until the early hours of the morning. Blue Bundles , Little Matthew, Jr., was born to Matt and Sue Grisely on Aug. 23 at Chicago Lying-in hospital. Matthew tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 5 ozs. and is 20 inches long. Happy over the new addition are his maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mester of Meadowdale and paternal grand-parents. Mis. Mary Grizely of Chicago, and sisters, Linda" Sue* Joy and Patti. Now 'dad htfs . finally got his little leaguer. Pink . Bundles Donna and Ray Rode wif blessed with a n£w addition to their, family last Sunday, August 28- at Woodstock hospital. Colleen Beth weighed 6 lbs., 15'2 ozs. and is 19 inches long. Happy over new little sister are Bobby, Russell and Leah. Happy Birthda\ Happy birthday Jo Kathleer Hendle today, Aug. 31, to June Gilbert on Aug. 27. To John Sleelc who chalks up another year today. Aug. 31, to Walter Pissowotski on Aug. 27. Birthday Doings John Arient, Jr., celebrated his ninth birthday last Friday with a party. Guests were Joey and Jerry, John Reining, Chris and Steven Uhlcs and brother, Donald. Ice civam a n d cake and games were the highlights of the party. Joan Krater and children went to Chicago last week to celebrate Diane's birthday at the home of grandpa Walker. He had a surprise also. Joan told him Ihat his sister., Alice Walker, who lives in Kngland is coming tc, visit. Mr. Walker has not seen her in forty-eight years. She will be staying with Joan while she is in the United States. Saturday, Aug. 26, saw a double birthday for Diane and Steven Krater. Diane is Joan's daughter and Steven is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Krater who lives in Mundelein. They also have another son, Jimmy. The party was held at the home of L. Krater. Grandpa Philip Krater celebrated along with them. Last Sunday Ken and Bernice Boyce had a group over to c e l e b r a t e K e n ' s b i r t h d a y . Wayne and Betty Boyce and children. Scott, Melody and Sandra helped to polish up all j the goodies that Bernice had prepared. Also there were Mrs. j L. Case and Mrs. Rose Deison. j Bernice s grandson, Scot t. ! stayed to spend a few days with them. Parties, Parties, Parties Jack Cuevas, Jr., had a boys' pajama party last Friday night. Overnight guests were Frosty Viita, Bob and Russel Rode, Bob Matthews and Steven George. The boys had plenty of good things to eat. Isn't this a switch? Marion Barle, daughter of Ray and Mary Barle, held a party for some of her 'teen-age friends. They numbered about twenty. The kids prepared their own meal. Two of the b o y s p l a y e d i n s t r u m e n t s a n d all had a wonderful time dancing, drinking, (cokes) and enjoying their own cooking. The party was held on Thursday, Aug. 16. Marion Barle went to a luau on Friday. Aug. 16. It was given at the home of Grace Vitali who resides in McHenry. The girls prepared their own food. The luau started Friday evening, the girls got a goo<i nights rest and then started in again doing the fiulo Saturdaj morning. I'll bet the whole neighborhood put on grass skirts and was dancing right along with them. Grace should have given the girls some mops while they were dancing. She could have gotten all of her , floors dusted at the same time. } •• - Vacations Ken and Bernice Boyce are j back from their vacation and i they had a swell time. They I spent two weeks at Star Lake i resort in Wisconsin. Most of | the time was spent fishing. I'd j like to hear the story about j the one that got away from ! Ken. On their way home they j stopped* at the Dells and came i back with their grand-niece, j Jennifer Dittrick, who lives in j Wisconsin Dells. Visiting Carole Humann and daughters. Cathy, Donna, Mary Beth and Meg, attended Carole's nephew's wedding in Park Ridge last- Saturday. Afterwards they attended their cousins. Sheryl and Philip Hum a n n ' s , b i r t h d a y p a r t y i n Skokie. Barbara Muerer and family visited the Rrookfield Zoo last week Tuesday with Barb's sister, Joan Ellas, and her family from Lombard. On Friday evening they visited her sister again and had a fish fry. The fish were the ones the Muerers caught while on their vacation. Lorreta Jarman was on vacation for a few days. She spent two days at her folks. Mr. and Mrs. StaChowiak of Cicero, and two days with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of Oaklawn. Bob and Gayle Laursen and children spent a few days in Chicago at the home of Bob's mother, Mrs. P. Laursen. They visited the Brookfield Zoo and Page Fifteen also went to an amusement park. They left Tuesday and stayed until Saturday. •Visitors Elvira and Jack Cuevas had overnight guests last Saturday. They were Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. Arroyo and daughters. Denise, Annette and Yvonne from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bott's.. granddaughter, Patti Kennelt, and girl friend. Sue, both of Oak Park spent a few days with them. Bob and Jesse Matthews were hosts to an annual picnic for a club which they have belonged to for eleven years. It all started when they attended Steinmetz high school together. The club meets every two ^weeks. There were nine couples and thirty children attending. Twenty-four of the children were under five years of age. They all enjoyed a cook out and swimming at the beach. Boy. wh'U a time they must have had. Jim and Bev Wickeneanip had visilors last Thursday, They were Jlev's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Turcott, and daughter. Karen. from California: Afterwards 1he Turcot ts visiter! Bev s fani'ly. Roger and Nora Hjertstedt. Then S a t u r d a y t h e W i c k e n c a m p s and the Hjertstedts went to visit their aunt r.nd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lovstad. in Lombard for a family dinner. Friday, Aug. 18, Paul and Alma Brushaber were visited by Alma's sister and husband. Lydia and Fred Paulus, of Chicago. Paul took Fred sightseeing through McHenry while Alma took Lydia to meet some of her neighbors and friends. On Saturday. Aug. 19, John and Marie Berendt came over to spend a nice quiet evening at Alma's house. The Berendts are from Lilymoor. Jolin and Gloria Flannigan were visited by friends last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rribbon and son, Georgic, of Cicero. COAL PRODUCTION Coal production from 72 Illinois mines totalled 2.800.761 tons in July. B. H. Sehull. director of the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, reported last week. This compares with 3.471.712 tons mined during June and 2.655,001 tons produced in July, 1960. One fatality was reported during July. There were 35 non-fatal accidents. Eating the seed of the common sweet pea will often cause a body-d e f o r m i n g disease called lathryism. Machinery Moved All Types and Sizes (No Job Too Large or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service call EV 5-4645 Al's Weeding & Repair Service 4021 W. Main St. Mellenry, III. That spells 4, just like the 4r>/ current dividend I get at McHenry Savings and Loan Assn., at 3611 W. Elm street. And they even give it to me from the first when I deposit my savings before the tenth of the month. , 41/2% on INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4®/q on REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE . . . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE iipon your request. MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N UFITY SAVIB6S 3611 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111.^^ Phone EV 5-3000 McCullom Lake DISCUSS IMPORTANT ITEMS AT CULLOMKNOLL MEETING Eve Levesque The last general meeting of the Cullom-Knoll association for this fiscal year will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 5. at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Newly elected president, Don Parenti, will wield the gavel. There are several important items on the agenda and every member is urged to attend. Don Nelson "Hooks" 25 Pound Kingfish Showing up both dad and brother, Don Nelson walked off with top honors as the piscatorial wizard when he landed a 25 pound- -38 inch Kingfish during the Nelsons' recent Florida vacation. The teat was a c c o m p l i s h e d a t * R o y n t o n Beach. Earl and Ken did quite well also but nothing to match Don's sj>ectacular catch. The Nelsons departed our shores on a recent Monday moining, after Ken had passed his driving test in Woodstock. Niee way to start a vacation. They took the journey southward in easy stages, stopping wherever a place looked inviting. In Roca Raton, the foursome visited Africa, U.S.A. where wild animals abound. Sight seeing in St. Augustine impressed them not at all! Surf swimming in beaches along the western coast of Florida proved exciting in more ways than one. During crabbing expediditions, both Elnia and son. Ken, were bitten by the darn things. A swamp buggy ride through the Everglades and watching the porpoises perform at Seaquarium in Miami were highlight events. The family spent four days in St. Petersburg visiting with former residents Mr. and Mrs. George Goranson and Caroline's mother --"Mor-mor" Eriekson who owned the lovely cottage on Spring Road and Fountain Lane^ Greetings are extended by Lena and- Fred Eckhardt of Tampa whom the Nelsons also stopped in to see. The homeward trek led through the Civil War battlegrounds at Shilon, Tenn., and into the nation's capitol where they visited Mt. Vernon and other historical sights. Their 4,300 mile trip brought them to the turnpikes and eventually the best place of all--home! Column Copy by Tonight, Please The Labor Day holiday advances all the deadlines including this one. Please call 385- 3191 by tonight so that all exciting events may be properly recorded. "Thanx" in advance for your co-operation. "Bell Bottom Trousers" for Local Lad Young Greg Burg has been accepted for duty in Uncle Sam!s Navy and departs our shores for broader horizons on Tuesday. Sept. 5. After reporting to Woodstock, he will entrain for Chicago where he will receive further orders. His request for duty on the West coast has been granted and he will receive his boot training in San Diego. Best of luck, Greg, and keep us posted along ! the way! - ! Swapping Homes j Evie and Bud Harrison and | their progeny have moved back into the village after residing for some time in Spring Grove. Linda and George Dason were so smitten with the ten room farmhouse the Harrisons vacated. they have moved in! The Jack Schlofner family liked the former Dason domicile on Lake Shore Drive and that is now their permanent address. Hope you have it straight, because I'm thoroughly confused! No word yet as to who will be occupying the former Schlofner home. Receives Blessed Memento Win Dbran was the recipient of a treasured gift recently. Her nephew, Cap't. Jack Hicks of the U.S. Army, presented her with a rosary from the Vatican which had been blessed by the Pope. His recent tour of duty took him to Rome and Spain and upon his return, he visited with the Dorans. The "welcome mat" was also .out for Win's sister--Mrs. Edward Lang of Omaha, Neb., who stayed for one week, and for the Captain's mom and pop. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lang, and granddaughter, Robin. j Tickets Available for Sportsmen's Dinner Dance J Sept. 9 is the happy; date* when the McCullom Lake; Sportsmen's club will hold itsseventh annual dinner and" i dance, at the Polish Camp] barn. Chicken, ribs, 'n' trim-- ; mings will be served from 6 to* ! 10 p.m. Dancing to a fine or-. ; chestra will follow. Tickets: i may be obtained from any of" j the members or by writing tothe Sportsmen's Club, 4619 W. Lake Shore Drive. Best Wishes Department Belated greetings to Don ; Fluger as of Aug. 19. . . .May., . and Butch Kcnneberg will bei wed 2.'1. years on Monday. Sept. i 4. . . .Linda Kommer is eagerly- : awaiting her tenth birthday on j Sept. 5. Congrats to all. New Grandson for Senior Nelsons .. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nelson announce >vith pride the arrival of Kent David on Aug. 12, His parents are Dr. and Mrs. j Don Nelson of Battle Creek. | His birth weight was recorded i at 8 lbs., 9 ozs. When Elsie and ' Clayt received the happy news, they took right off for Battle Creek to greet the new fella. The little guy missed his dad's birthday by just a few hours. Happy to have a new playmate is big brother Scott Allen, who is two and a half. Best wishes to all. II* W R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourseif. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, HI. I Have a happy holiday weeki, end and please drive carefully i so you will be around for next' I week's chat, Bye now. [REMINDER TO BICYCLISTS; | Children riding bicycles are", again reminded that they must I have lights on their vehicles if' | ridden after dusk; also that'. l- brakes must be in good condi- ! tion. They rfiust observe alii 'traffic light,s and rules, which include riding on the right side; ! of the road, with traffic. Children must also walk their bikes" I in business districts. | It is |>ossiblc to make 098,960* different combinations of cards. | from the 52 cards in the aver-* age deck. » Aivrtaommtf From where I sit... Joe Marshc Shorty Made No "Bones" About It Folks thought it was a big joke when Shorty Johnson came back from Center City with a new St. Bernard for his kids. And the truth was, Shorty did look kind of funny. The pooch practically filled the whole back seat of Shorty's car, and, when he let it out, it stood darn near as high as Shorty did! But Shorty didn't mind the ribbing. As he explained, "I know I look pretty silly with a dog like this. But when you've got eight kids like I do, and you get 'em a dog, you get one big enough so they can all play with it at once!" From where I sit, folks should "size up" a situation before jumping to conclusions. For example, because Shorty likes coffee. I used to feel he'd disapproved when I'd have ft glass of beer. But after I got to know him, I realized he was a toleran t man--one who'd never think of challenging his neighbor's right to his own opinions. This attitude is typical of most of the folks in our town--one of the things that makes thai so "dog-gone" wonderfnl!- Copyright, l'Htl, United States Brewers Association, Inc. WINES AND LIQUORS 4512 W. ROUTE 120 0/2 MILE WEST OF McHENfttO'LAKELAND PARK OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 11 P.M. Owner JOSEPH A. JOSH WE DELIVER FREE Manager RAY MENDYK •Swunliy LABOR DAY SALE 3. 31, SEPT. 1, 3, 4 SCHIWLEY A1LL MOGEN DAVID ' GOK00M POMJLAR B1AWDS •WSNES | DRY GIN CIGARETTiS Pure Blackberry . . . 2 . 0 9 American Concord fj 90 Proof Rose KomgSize . . 2.19 Arte 1 Fifth V MM 1 Filter . . . 2.21 Full Qt. Y V NOT ICED FiiE BISR GO BLATZ . SCHLITZ Purchase Of o) o 6-1 2 oz. Throw 1 Awav Bottles $ 6 - 16 oz Cans PECIALS - NOT ICED with Each CANADIAN ACE GETTLEMAN'S 6 - 12 oz. Throw-away But. 24 - 12 oz. Bottles 6 - 1 2 o z . T h r o w - away Bottles 8 1 Cans S -| 29 $ 9 8 P,hs dep. ICE CUBES Small Bag Large Bag,, SO' -- NONE BETTER -- Gre rier STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 4 Yyrs old 86 Proof Fifth Pepsi-Cola EIGHT BOTTLES c Plus Dep. Half-Qi. Size 69 /

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