^Thursday, August 31. 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page NHieteen Pistakee Hiflhlands ATTEND RESCUE SQUAD DANCE OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND Hazel JWorrey nr. 7-8320 would like to take this time W wish you all a happy and s;ife Labor Duy weekend which is almost upon us. I hope many of you will start it out by enjoying; yourselves at the Rescue Squad dance thi? night. | Women's Club The P i s t a k e e Highlands i Woman's club will hold its an- «al rummage and bake sule Sat,, Ocl. 7, at the barn between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. j Lynn Rosinski is this year's! chairman and Jocelyn Stauden^. maier co-chairman. These gais : can be reached at HY 7-3528! and HY 7-3269 respectively. Al- I so on the commit tee'are Joan Megley, Betty Sandelin and Beverly Bichler. The committee will pick up, >^y rummage you have or you may drop it off at any of their homes. Please mark sizes on garments il possible. Any rummage, knick-knacks or household items will be appreciated. Start saving now. You can also contact anv officers. 'Teen News Thanks again to Ruth Gabriel for the following news: The jfibens enjoyed themselves very much at the Honey Hill beach party on Aug. 16. Belated birthday wishes go to Don Winkowski on Aug. 20, Pat Schniegeity on Aug. 21. Barb Wilson on Aug. 26 find Ricky Hauck on Aug. 30. Also to Mary Gebriel who celebrated on Aug. 20 and also happy anniversarywishes go to Mary's daughter, £ancy, and her son-in-law, hn, who celebrated on Aug. 20. P.T.A. The executive committee of Ihe Johnsburg P.T.A. met last Thursday evening al the home' of the president, Lee Marshall. They were busy putting together the program for the coming school year. + Wally and Kay Sielisch and Wally's mother, Clara, were guests of the Joe Hanisches last' Sunday. Happy anniversqyy to Bob and Lorraine Hurckes who celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary on Aue. 27. Dee Gregg was confined to her bed last week suffering from the virus which is making its rounds in the Highlands. •Dick and Rose Farwell and family spent a few days of SataMTv^^lc^'s vacation visiting in Oic- I ero and Chicago. j Dorothy Orlowski returned from the hospital last Saturday and was confined to her bed at home for a week. She hopes to return to work soon. The Cummingham family will move into their new home on Broadway and Meadow Hill on Sept. m Laurie Pfingsten celebrated her fourth birthday on Aug. 21. She had a party with her friends. Dick and Mary Madock and sons and Norby and Eev Lcwandowski and their family spent all last week at Wolf Lake in Wisconsin. They'rented a cabin and really enjoyed themselves. One day they drove in to Wisconsin Dells and saw all the sights. Jimmy and Patty Madock were cared for by their aunt Marilyn. Leif and Emma Eide have returned from the vacation to Minnesota where they have been visiting their families. ' Roy and Gert Snell spent last weekend visiting in southern Illinois, where they once made their home. Here are a few more birthdays and anniversaries that have come my way. Happy birthday to Betty Johnson on Aug. 30. Happy anniversary to Jane and Walter Peloquin on Sept. 5. Happy birthday to Joyce Murgatroyd who will be six years old on Sept. 3. Congratulations to Jerry and Janice Janquart who celebrate their fourteenth anniversary on Sept: 7. Belated happy anniversary wishes to Lil and Leo Orlowski who celebrated 47 year? of married life on Aug. 19. Johnsburg ANNUAL DANCE WILL BENEFIT RESCUE SQUAD Betty Rettermann The ninth annual dance sponsored by our own Johnsburg rescue squad is coming up netft Saturday evening. This is a dat'e long awaited by one and all. The members of our squad have worked side by side in order to make this endeavor Ihe success it has been in the past. Once a year our squad asks your help by purchasing tickets for the dance. You will lie doing your bit to help the rescue squad maintain their equipment to the highest standards 'possible. The members volunteer their services to tliose in need and receive no pay. They certainly don't have to do some of the things they arc called out to do but no one who has needed their emergency aid ha:-, ever been refused. This dance coming up next Saturday, Sept. 2 in the community club hall is your chance to show them how much you really appreciate what they have done since our rescue squad came into exist ance. Please buy a few extra tickets while you are in the buying mood. Every little bit realized from this dance wvill 1m? put to good use. Bykotas Meet The Bykota club of Mount Hope Methodist church were pleasantly enlerlained last Saturday evening when various j '*• skits were put on by its members. Afterwards coffee and pie ala-mode was served. The hosts for the evening were the Archie Fletchers and the Ed Thorens. Back to Seliool It doesn't seem possible that next week the youngsters will be returning to the classrooms. From what all I gathered in my calls, the kids as well as mother are looking forward to Sympathy My deepest sympathy to the Roy Rayner family on the recent passing of their Aunt Julia Staudenmaier. Dot had l>een caring for her aged aunt for the past six weeks. Services were held in Chicago with buiial in Waldheim cemetery. . News of Your Friends and Neighbors J|f The Tom Mason family spent last Saturday in Chicago visiting with Tom's brother. Bob, and family. H a p p y b i r t h d a y t o B o b Hurckes on August 26. Debbie Hanson had a party last Tuesday in honor of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Snell spent last weekend in New Lenox visiting tjieir old friends, Mr. and Mrs. ®)hn Micko. Anna C o h r s accompanied Kay Sielisch and Joan Zilligen to Algonquin last Wednesday. Carl Haefliger enjoyed his two weeks vacation. They took n few short trips and a visit to Minnesota. Carl returned to work Monday. Your reporter had a demonstration in her home on Aug. '&). We are going to do some rial early Christmas shopping. Belated birthday to Bob Heilgeist on Aug. 21. Hazel Rogde returned home from DeKalb last weekend. She has been away caring for her mother. The Dobecki family spent last weekend visiting the Wisconsin Dells. Ray and LaVerne Madock Aitertained guests last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Madock from Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. W. Madock from Pistaqua Heights enjoyed dinner with Ray and LaVerne. Tina O'Malley is enjoying a visit with her mother who is spending a couple of weeks with the O'Malleys. Tina is catching up on all the news of her relatives and friends from I#wa. Leo Orlowski spent a few days in Nakoosa. Wis., visiting with his sister and family. Happy birthday to my ole buddy, Ed Thoren, on Sept. 3. Happy birthday to Mary Ellen Mclnerney who was 10 on Aug. 21. Dale Morin was a sick little fella last week. He had the vims and a high temperature. • Herb Lindemann is on two weeks vacation. LaVerne Madock was a busy gal last week. On Monday she attended a buffet dinner at a big hotel in Chicago and on Tuesday she and Ray attended a cocktail party. Both were given by Ray's place of employment. Tiiat's It For another week. Once Sgain have a nice holiday and I'll see you at the dance Sat- Prlde of the Family A little bundle of joy weighing 6 lbs., 9 ozs., is causing quite a bit of excitement in the lives of Dennis and Pat Ansell of McHenry. This particular bundle if you haven't already guessed is their brand new daughter. This little newcomer made her debut in the McHenry hospital on Aug. 22. Her parents have chosen the name of Barbara Linn for their first born. She will be baptized on Sept. 10 at St. Patrick's church. Sponsors will be her aunt, Janice Ansell. and her unfcle. Richard Greig. Equally proud I of the little lady is her grandi parents, the Sam Tomasellos I and the Fred Ansells. Also in i the line of proud folks are the j great-grandparents, Doris Roberts of the Bay, John Sharapata of Broadview and Mr. land Mrs. James Tomasello of i Los Angeles. Congratulations to all! Rummage and Bake Sale The P i s t a k e e Highlands Women's club will hold its annual rummage and bake sale in the barn on Saturday, Oct. Artirnrid the Town ' ^Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wiftt-, er and children of Rolling Hills. Calif., were recent visitors at the Alt hoff. home. Also the Althoffs recent ly enter t a i n fe d Mrs. Fred Chase and children, j Freddie, Danny, Davy and Sfits- | an. of Midland. Mich., and Mrs. : Louis Althoff. i John and Fran Weingart ar.d j family returned last week aft- : er spending almost' ten days j visiting her mother in Nebraska. ! Carol Weingart returned to St. Theresa's school of nursing after enjoying a two weeks vacation wiih her family. The Rudy Fischers enjoyed a week's visit from Marge's brother and family from Chicago. Belated birthday wishes to Doris Ann Tomasello who turned 5 on Aug. 13. Frank and Marcella Schacfer were accompanied by her parents on a ten day visit to i Fort Pierce. Fla. While there they attended the wedding aiid reception ot their n°phe\v. . | Wedding bells rang last Seti urday, Aug. 26, for a young j couple, namely Karen Connors | of McHenry and James Tbelen. I Our congratulations to the | newly weds and wish them lrtts of happiness in the future. | Card Party and Luncheon | The lady Foresters ol St. ' Agatha's court No. 777 wish to extend an invitation to their j members to participate in a luncheon followed by cards. The luncheon will be served at noon on Sept. 13 at the McHenry Couniry club. An afternoon of cards will be enjoyed by the court members immediately after lunch. More details will appear in next week's column. this forthcoming long holiday weekend. We like everyone of you and want you with us for a long time so drive carefully. Remember the early deadline for this week! Disregarding traffic laws eventually catches up with vio lators, New Jersey findings indicate. Forty-three per cent cf drivers involved in fatal accidents had previous arrests and convictions lor moving violations, while 12 per cent of the drivers had been involved in accidents previously. Be particularly alert fo.' pedestrians while driving in the city on windy days. Pedestrians who get something in theii eyes or chase wind-blown hats may momentarily ignore traffic and create accident situal ions. Head The Want Ads COUNTY RESIDENTS PURCHASE $117,513 IN SAVINGS BONDS McHenry county residents purchased a total of $117,513, in series E and H United States savings bonds in the month of July, according to Harold J. Bacon ol Crystal Lake, general county chairman of the Savings Bonds committee. Illinois sales were up .73 per cent, with a total of $30,507 - 1S5, according to Arnold .) Rauen ol Mi-Henry, state director of the L'. S. Savings Bondsdivision. In the first seven months of this year 61.1 per cut ol slate's annual quota of "S374 - SOO.OOO has been attained. Illinois sales represent 8 9 per cent of total national sales which amounted to $.342,000,000. The telephone seems to. In hello invention. There are' about 17.5 million milk cows in the United States, reports the National Dairy Council. With current estimated human population at 180,000,000, that's about one cow for a little more than ten people. Many} men are bachelors because they haven't found a gal ; who thought as rrmctt of them as they do. i Many public speakers labor to compress the smallest amount of thought into- the greatest number of words. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 1224 N. Green Street. McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS CorKS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 PIM. MtlDAY UVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 Summer--Farewell! When Labor Day comes upon us and the kiddies return to school, you can tell the summer has come and gone. Please be extra careful when the buses start back on their routine runs. Our children are most precious so please use extra caution when in the school zones. Also please put a little extra caution in your driving over € Quality Packs FILLER PAPER Choice of 2, 3, or 5 holes. FILL PAPER IN A PACK! Lined. Side or top punch. * For BIG Discounts on School Supp MILLSTREAM DRUGS HvFdivE WALGREEN AGENCY You Spend Less .... And Get M§re At Your WALGREEN DIUG STOKE ! CRS6N .STAMPS. 3720 W. ELM ST. JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA McHENRY, ILLINOIS (n urday. Bye now, .see you next 9;30 a m untj! 3 p m week. CHANGE COUNTY SEAT In May. 1837. the county seat was located in McHenry, having been selected by commissioners appointed by the legislature. In the next two years the county was divided into parts, the new county being called Lake. It was thought that McHenry would continue to be the local county seat, but the people became dissatisfied since it was so much to one side, so during the session cf 1842-43, legislation was passed authorizing the selection of a new county seat. In 1844, as a result of this election, the west of justice was moved to Woodstock. Advertising seems to raise the level of wishing, as well as living. Chairman for this sale is Lynn Rosinski with Joselyn Staudenmaier acting as co-chairman. Their committee is made up of Betty Sundeln. Joan and Beverly Bichler. Hospital Bound Mrs. Sam Tomasello entered the McHenry hospital once again last week. She is to undergo another in a series of skin grafts. Pat has become an "old hand" at entering hospitals as she has done it so often in her life. Early Deadline The copy of this column for next week's paper must be in the office by Friday, Sept. 1. If you have news items for next week's column, please call me by noon this Friday. Monday deadlines resume again on Sept. 11. AHOY, PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALERS' _ CLEAN SWEEP £ -DAFT! FAMOUS F701 "iPEeDAfi*7 has NEW# oj^jsedlaisiisvivfel uinmscm © irad Ml* iHtfENSEJl 19KH2 Slips ovor agitator Easily removable) for clcanina. WhiU the clothes ere being washed. Speed Quttn't rotting water action flushes through the LINT CATCHER which scrcens out tint, fuzz and loose dirt. Also serves as a soop disoenser Quality Compares With Washers Priced $40 to $S0 Migtwr •tint Cotchor Doubts Wol Construction •Jtoled Tr '"gEeec? OCsc.'J-ShcjiiJ - •Scptr-wty Aluminum •Sp*«d Qumo "TUn» T«H«r" CAItEY APPLIANCE, INC. 1241 N. Greeni St. EV 5-5500 McHenry. 111. 3ry 1 ram" new Plymouth Valiant clearing out at rock-bottom prices! The sale is set for savings now...at your YMOUIH-VALIANT DEALERS A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. Route 120 Cast McHenry, 111.