Thnirsdaf Septeifcbe* 7. 196) THE MeBENRT PLAINDEALER Pistakse Highlands ELECT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL .MEMBERS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Base! money ifY. 7-3S20 ^Mie results of the election held on Aug. 26 shows the following elected to the executive council: Fred Haubold, Tom Warczak. Marie Schlick, Lou Spankuch, Lee Conway and Tom Mason. The boa I'd of trustees consists of DeWitt Rapp. Milton Crosdale, Sr.. Ted WrobleWski, Leo Orlowski, James Malek and Richard Farwell. Tttkre was a total of eighty-one ballots cast. Congratulations. Judges were Dan Johnson and Barney Thome and tally clerks Robert McClure, Jay Thome, Louis Gartner and Vi Johnson. . I Welcome A friendly welcome to Jack and LoAnn Warner and their seven children who moved into th^r home at 5506 N. Lake stlWet. Their youngsters are Ray 11, Cindy 8, Laurie 7, Kathy 6, ltussell 5, Jackie 2 and Cheri Lee 6 months. It's a Girl Congratulations to Elaine and Glen Galetka who welcomed a baby girl on Aug. 27 at the McHenry hospital. The baby named, Theresa Marie, Mi^fehed 7 lbs., 11V2 ozs. Both mother and baby were welcomed home by Glen, Jr., Danny and Robby. Woman's Club Mary Seldon will be chairmall of the card sales for the Woman's club. Anyone interested can contact her. The club hopes to make good, on this project. For information yd® may call Mary at HYatt 7-2250 or vice-president, Joan Zilligen, at HYatt 7-3489. Joan is a very enterprising young woman and a tremendous help tib thw president, Catherine Sielisch. They both have been very busy all summer getting things ready for the ensuing year. a Cub Scouts ftick 452 will hold its first meeting of the season on Sept. 13 at the barn at 8 p.m. This is registration night, and children are not. required to attend but will be welcome. Registration, insurance and magazine fees are to be paid at this meeting. Round up all young boys who will be 8 years old by 1. Mount Hope Churcli The M.Y.F. square dance was held last Saturday. The turnout wasn't as good as expected but many tickets were sold and those who attended had a wonderful time. The church school picnic was held on Aug. 27 on the new clujrch grounds. There was delicious food galore and games for all ages. The winner of the Watermelon eating contest was Trudy Rogde arid the three legged race was won by Fritz and Sally Von Bruenchenhein, doing things they can't do throughout the year. Dorothy Orlowski and Kay Sielisch spent Friday in Chicago and Clara Sielisch spent the day with Lil and Leo Orlowski. Bobby Jenkins, age 5, was operated on last Friday at the McHenry hospital. He is fine jiow and was able to enter school this week. Happy birthday to Betty Johnson on Aug. 30. Janet Larson, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Don Krispin, celebrated her seventh birthday here after the church school picnic. Helping her celebrate was sister Laura, Donna Kr pin, Grace and Johnny Jones. The Joe Ullo family entertained their families in their home last weekend. The occasion was a special one. The guests came to say good-by to Linda Ullo who left to enter the convent in Roekford. She will he in the Order of Sisters of St. Frances. Our best wishes to this young lady in her chosen career. Joyce Heir had her parents out last weekend.' The Hansens are from Chicago. The paving of Lake street and Lake Shore Drive is under way and soon the flying dust will be down to a minimum. Last Wednesday Gert Snell and Grace Reinhardt at (ended the eightieth birthday party for Gert's aunt, Sophi Emerson, in Chicago. Betty Sandelin and son, Bobby, spent last Tuesday visiting in Broadview. Dorothy Orlowski is still home under doctor's care. She will be able to return to work shortly. j Joe and Elizabeth Hanisch entertained Toe's parents over the Labor Day weekend. Jessie and Rita Tampera entertained their two sons and their families last week. The house was full with grandchildren. Everyone had a nice time and Rita was glad to see them all. The Don Morin family has been busy lately. On Aug. 27 they were in Oak Park celebrating the birthday of Audrey's brother, Russ Anderson. Last Wednesday Audrey's sister, Jackie, and «her dad were out for a visit. Over Labor Day weekend they entertained Don's folks from Chicago. Happy birthday to Pammy Holmes who had a party on Sept. 1 in honor of her second birthday. Helping Panimy celebrate were Cheryl and .left Dowd, Brian VonBrueuchenhein, Syd and Susie Jones, Jeff. JoAnn, Joey and Janice Zenner. The Sea Scouts went on a fishing trip last weekend near Madison, Wis. Pat Jackson and Audrey Morin paid a visit to their new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Petrog. The Petrozes have two children, Jean 10V. and Stevie 5. Welcome to our community. Bob and George Van Zevem and families are pleased as p u n c h w i t h t h e i r v i s i t f r o m their youngest brother, Bill Van Zevem. He is here on a two week vacation from Oakland, Calif., where he attends St. Albert's College, Provence of the Dominica^ Fathers. He will be ordained in December. While ho is here all the family has been together visiting amusement parks, plays, ball game and zoos. The last time all three brothers were together was six years ago. T'ne Herb Lindemanns spent the holiday weekend visiting their daughter, Marilyn, in Lansing and other relatives in Chicago. The C u b Scouts enjoyed watching the Chicago Cubs play the Los Angeles team in Chicago last Saturday. Happy birthday to Mark Van Zevem who was eight years old "on Sept. 4. He had a party last Friday with his friends and cousins. * Present were Jeff Dowd. Dickie Morley, Georgie Van Zeverri. Dan Henslev, Shawn Megley, Jimmy Zenner and Ricky, Mike and Danny Madock. Over Labor Day weekend, Krnie and Billy Jones had a houseful of company. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Thome from Wisconsin, Mi', and Mrs. Elmer Pinnow from Villa Park, Martha Koehler anil Anna Rorganson from Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pinnow and son, Bobby, from Hammond, Ind., were guests for the holiday. Last Tuesday the Murray family along with Linda Ullo and Sandy Heir spent the day at Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reinhardt and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Snell attended the wedding of their niece and granddaughter. Patricia Snell, last week in Chicago. Later in the evening thev greeted manv friends at the reception. Your reporter and family had a busy weekend. Last Saturday evening we attended the Johnsburg Rescue squad dance, as did most-of the Highlands residents. On Sunday we had a 'pig roast' at the home of my mother and dad in Spring Grove. We cooked it over the open pit and it was sure delicious. On Monday we had a g e t - t o g e t h e r a t o u r p l a c e . Guests for the day were- the Janquarts, Masons and Conways and all their offsprings. We all pitched in with the food and there was food in abundance. All in all it was a busy weekend. Oh! Oh! I forgot to mention that on Sunday was also celebrated my mother's birthday. She had a big cake Here and There On Aug. 27, Lorraine and Herb LindemsLnn spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rm»«Heidels of Downers Grove. • c3arl Haefliger returned to \yt>rk last Tuesday. Carl and Blanche enjoyed the two weeks DR. HIMRY FRiUi® OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Sireei, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS CQURS: DAILY 9 TO IS A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT P3HOME EVergreen 5-0452 Simpson's Pharmacy New Authorized it For PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY in Wonder Lake, Illinois Effective September 15, 1961 SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, Hancock ^rive. Wonder Lake, will become an authorized agent of the PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY for payment of bills and exchange I of light bulbs. C. W. Rezny District Superintendent PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Page Eton* for the occasion. Oh those calories. Judy Krumwiede and her stepmother, Mrs. Hapeman, spent last Friday in the Highlands. Mrs. Louis Krumwiede accompanied Judy back to Park Ridge where she spent a few days visiting. Mr. and Mrs, George Golph of Elk Grove village and their three sons spent last Sunday with Dorothy and Rickie Orlowski. Kay Sielisch's aunt, Cecilia Vavra, and Bob Lacey, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of the Sielisches. Later the Sielisches, Clara Sielisch and Mrs. Vavra were dinner guests of the Joseph Hanisches. They enjoyed movies after dinner. Bill and Jeanne Barron had her parents from Minnesota visiting them over the holiday. They brought back the three Barron youngsters in time for school. That's It For now. By how, see you next week. LIVESTOCK SMUGGLERS A crackdown began last week on livestock smugglers bilking Illinois farmers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Ralph S. Bradley, director of agriculture, said that violators are bringing feeder pigs into the state without veterinary permits or health certificates. "Off the truck" selling by these unprincipled hucksters may be the reason for the recently reported loss of $80,000 in pigs from cholera in seven southwestern Illinois counties, says Dr. Roy A. Thompson, superintendent of livestock industry, in the agriculture department. Bradley said a portion of the blame for (he situation developing from these "roadside" sales lies with the farmers and livestock merchants who buy. Livestock coming into the state must have a health certificate and permit from the Division of Livestock Industry and must undergo a 14-day quarantine and vaccinations. "All fanners should ask for health papers on all livestock they purchase," Bradley warned. Rlngwood POT-LUCK DINNER SERVED AT W.S.C.S. MEETING SEPT. 13 Ruby Shepard The W.S.C.S. will hold its September meeting at the Wesley Woods center at Williams Bay Wednesday evening, Sept. 13. A pot-luck dinner will be served. Home Circle The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Bessie Cruickshank Thursday, Sept. 14, with Mrs, lieien Winn as co-hostess. Helen will have charge of the program. Each one is to bring a white elephant wrapped up as a deceiving prize. Por«onals Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert and Orval Hutson, of Mineral Springs, MeHenry, were dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Monday evening. Mrs. Leona Prutzman of Oak Park and Miss Julia Chiel of Chicago called on Mrs. Agnes Jencks Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin and Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Tuesday evening in the Robert Thompson home at McHenry. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Tuesday night and Wednesday morning in the Charles Anderson home at Twin Lakes. Mrs. Jirousek and daughter of Melrose Park spent the past week with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn while Mr. Jirousek was in the McHenry hospital following a heart attack. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter Wilcox visited relatives at Harvard Monday afternoon. Mi's. Arnold Harvey entertained at a demonstration at her home Moftdq^ evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler and children and grandchildren of Northlake spent the weekend with the former's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pugsley. Mrs. Henry Aissen and Mrs. Dick Malsch were Woodstock visitors Thursday morning. Mi's. Louis Hawley attended funeral services for her' sister, Mrs. Carrie Wetterer, in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and daughter, Susie, of Barrington were callers in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ag» nes Jencks, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited Floyd Howe at the Woodstock Memorial hospital Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens of Richmond spent Wednesday evening in the Agnes Jencks home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pugsley visited her father at Hines Veterans hospital Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin left Friday for their home in Hutsonville, 111., after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley have returned home after spending the past two weeks in the Ernest Reinwall home in McHenry taking care of their sons while they were on vacation in the East. OBITUARY One drop of oil will lubricate 1,066 watch jewel bearings. • STARLITE * At least, the signs along the road SAY the men are working. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WED., FRI., & SAT. • FEATURING In Our Dining Room Prime Rib of Beef --> Steaks Lobster Tail -- Frog Legs Shrimp • SMORGASBORD EVERY WED. EVENING -- PRICE $2.50 per person EFFECTIVE SEPT. lltli, COUNTER SERVICE & DINING ROOM CLOSED MONDAY MRS. JACK LESLIE Mrs. Jack Leslie, about 75 years of age, died this past week in Tujunga, Calif., where she had been residing in late* years. Mrs. Leslie will be remembered as the former Louise Lehmann of McHenry. A sister, Mrs. Minnie Behrens, lives in Elgin. The Philippines have about 20 active voicanoes, cover ah area about equal in si2e to Arizona, and is composed of 7,110 islands. TO MAKE YOUR OWH REPAm... Sakrete is the easy way to make concrete or mortar repairs. Simply add water and mix. IAKRETI Now's , the time to give your blacktop driveway a coat of SAKRETE Sealer. 5 Gallon Pail Covers 250 s<i. ft. TAL' LOUNGE and RESTAURANT 8924 W. MAIN ST. EV 5-0951 HARDWARE 1228 N. Green St. McHettry Phone: EV 5-0098 NOW. LIST PRICES GO OVERBOARD IN OUR y P outn wn... We're e and Valia Every Plymouth, every Valiant In stock is included! List prices are completely forgotten because we've got to make room for the '62 models that'll be heading our way soon. If you'd like to haul away at a real bargain, better sit sail for your nearest Plymouth-Valiant dealer.. .and do it now, while selection is still complete! DON'T WAIT...YOU CAN SAVE RIGHT NOW AT YOUR MclHENRY PLfMOUTMOANT DEALER: A. S. BLAKE MOTORS 2508 W. Route 120 (Eastwood Manor)