Pigi Sixteen THE McHEHRY PLAINDEALER Spring Grove ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW HELD AT FOX LAKE SEPTEMBER 13 Eva Freund The Fox Lake Garden club will hold its annual flower show at the American Legion hall on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 12:30. Decorations and buffet lunch will be in an "Aloha" theme. Cards will also be a part of the entertainment. Many prizes are beine; offered. Luncheon Card Party A September luncheon and card party will lie held at St. Peter's hall. Spring Grove, on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Serving will begin at 12:30. You may spend the afternoon play ins your favorite card same and a prize will be given away for each table plus many other prizes. HARRISON PTA SEASON WILL OPEN TUESDAY Thursday, September 7, 196^ Form Parent Study Groups For Year Ahead The Harrison Parent-Teachers association meeting year opens Tuesday, Sept. 12. at 8 p.m. in the school, with a program schedule that ranges from the serious to the light and frivolous in adult-child and community affairs. Introduction of the Harrison school faculty to parents highl i g h t s T u e s d a y ' s p r o g r a m which traditionally is the night for P.T.A. member registration and general organization. Something new added to the program calendar, according to Program Chairman Mrs. Rob- Cluh Meets Mrs. Al Schmoltzcr enter . „ _. , „ _ » o * tained members of her club at * ert R,rrl P T A" vice-president. her home in Round Lake on j Thursday night. Pme winners j in games of five hundred were! Mrs. Charles Freund. Mrs. Ar- ! thur Klein and Mrs. George ; May. A dessert lunch was ; served the guests. An outing.lo j Franciscan Monastery. Burlington, Wis., was planned for Sept. 1 I4. | Shower i A shower was held for Miss Mary Kay Amore at the home I of Miss Jean Schocn on Tues- ! day night. Approximately twen- j ty-five ladies and young ladies 1 were present. Mary Kay was 1 the happy recipient of many | lovely and useful gifts. Cake j and ice cream was served. The | P°in cake was beautifully decorated 1 to "suit the occasion. Mary Kay leaves on Sept. S for Pater- ! son, New Jersey where she will enter the Immaculate Cnnccp- : tion convent as a candidate for] the order of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. is formation of parent study i groups. Mrs. Clarence Stahl, who is in charge, said the plan is to create voluntary adult study courses- throughout the year. Mrs. Stahl is chairman of the parent and family life education committee. Many interesting programs are arranged for the P.T.A. year, including the possibility of an "extra" meeting scheduled for October, possibly in joint sponsorship with other area groups, to discuss the status of. and need for. school and community civil defense. The Harrison board of education already has this under advisement from the student view- McHenry Shorn SISTER OF LOCAL RESIDENTS DIES WHEN HIT BY CAR Terry Coates Mi*s. Bessie Hajek was killed and her sister, Emma Reznicek, of 613 M e a d o w, McHenry Shores, was injured while walking with three other relatives on Route 45 near Mundelein ,at about 8 p.m. Sunday evening, Aug. 27. Mrs. Reznicek was released from the hospital last Thursday. Her sister was buried on that day at Memorial Estates. Our sincere sympathy goes to Mrs. Reznicek and Mrs. Alice Simbourger, another sister. who also resides in McHenry Shores. " thrfe days with and Mrs. Krotts. friends,' Mr. Anniversary Approximately twenU neighbors and friends pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Eddie May on their twentieth weddine anniversary at their home on Sundav night. A cook-out was held anrl the "Chef" detail was efficiently handled by Elmer Smith and George Waspi. Eddie May poured - "tea or coffee. anyone ??" Cards and bunco were also a part of the entertainment. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Danny Miller are the hanpy parents of a baby girl. Slip arrived at Woodstock hospital on Aurr. 31 weighing in at 7 lbs.. 11 oxs She has two brothers, Gary and Donny, and a sister. Pegs;>V Trips | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pankin vis- * ited Mrs. Marv Hazel in Clin- j ton. 111., last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hofmann travelled down ihrough Southern Illinois and Missouri last week. Jack Tinney returned to California this week aflcr spending some time in this area and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney. Lunch Room Closed The corner where all the ac- 1 tivity used to t>e looks pretty j desolate these days. Shirley has closed her lunch room after approximately fifteen years of service. She has accepted an appointment as house mother at Loyola University where she will give council and guidance to fifty girls. j Shirley will be missed h°re j by all from the little children j on up to the grown-ups. The < 'teen-age group especially wi" : miss meeting at Shirley's for a • coke where they knew they 1 were always welcome. The "Breakfast Club" too will m'-s t h e k i b i t z i n g a n d i o s h i n g w i t h Shirley over that first cup of coffee to start the day right. Shirley, with her keen sense of humor, caught the humorous side of many situations This humor will be an important factor in her new position. We wish her success in her new venture. Good luck, Shirley! The regular P.T.A. program for October is to feature an (authority on the subject of communism and its many im- , plications that effect every inj dividual. Other Programs Other programs during the year include subjects touching on the teacher s point of view of children, juvenile protection. ' mental health, and an innovation. an adult fun-night. President Mrs. Edwin Bell, stated that the caliber of programs merits the interest and I ! participation of all parents of | Harrison school to become active members in their P.T.A.. and to express this by attending Tuesday night's membership meeting. 1 Other officers are Mrs. Rob- j ert Bird, vice-president; Mrs. I ' Tames Robison. secretary, and 1 Mrs. Richard Pickrum, treas- I urer. | Committee chairmen for the I year, announced by Mrs. Bell. ! includes: Mrs. Charles Sullivan. | ways and means; Mrs. William ; Cristy, hospitality: Mrs. Bird, j programs; Mrs. John Ducey, (publications; Mrs. Raymond j Koehler, mem b e r s h i p: Mrs. [ D o n a l d D u s t i m e r , N a t i o n a l ; P.T.A. magazine;- Mrs. Stanley Wilson, health and safety: Mrs, Donald Sturm, juvenile protection: Mrs. Clarence Stahl, parent and family life education; Mrs. Raymond Gildemiester, exceptional child; Mrs. A. C. Topp, telephone; Mrs. Roy Swanson, advisory, and James Visitors to the "Shores" On Aug. 28 Helen and jack Risting entertained at a luncheon and dinner for Mrs. Elvie Ritter of Chicago, Mrs. Mildred Weenberger of Texas, Miss Pearl Leadingham of Clearwater. Fla., Mrs. Lorraine Mc- Glynn and Mrs. Margaret Cunningham of Chicago. The latter two are Jack's sisters. Mildred Snivelv's son. Wilbur Sch ram. wife and two children, have been visiting her for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. ValeK entertained visitors from Chicago at dinner on Sunday. They spent a very enjoyable day. Travellers Helen and Gus Smith spent five days in Dayton, Ohio visiting their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Forsburg. On their way home they stopped in Indianapolis to visit Helen's sister. Mrs. Black. They returned home on the twenty-third and left the next day for Milwaukee to spend Birthday Celebration The Cicchini twins, Judith and Diane, celebrated their eleventh birthday with a slumber party Five of their friends attended on Sunday, Aug. 27. Happy birthday to Kathleen Harper and Ruth Miller on Sept. 9. Home from Hospital We were all glad to hear that Shirley Harper is home from the hospital. Committeeman Herliert Clausen has been appointed Republican committeeman of the new eighth precinct in Nunda township. Congratulations Herbert and good luck in your venture into politics. How Can I ? by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley in care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed enveloped.) Anniversaries Congratulations to Pearl and Harry Paulin on Sept. 9. Here's wishing you many more. Beach Workers for Sept. 10 Fred Dodge, Henry Peters and Don Musielek. Colonel Mc- Kelly was also originally scheduled but'as you know he has moved to St. Louis. See if you can get another Volunteer to complete your crew, boys. L. Bixby, legislation and publicity committees. ' JUST ORDER, RELAX . . . EAT. ENJOY! TAKE-OUT ORDERS Barbeque Sandwiches Hamburgers - Hot Dogs Italian Beef Sandwiches Half Fried Chicken French Fries - Salad Roll GOOD HOME MADE DONUTS mm FRIDAY'S SPECIAL Boneless Perch Dinners $1.00 Fried Shrimp Dinners $1.35 Home Made Custard 'FREE WIKHSb EVERY SANDWICH TAKE OUT ORDER VE-IN 410 W. Elm McHenry COURT BRIEFS Several cases were heard in the police magistrate court of Donald Howard on Thursday evening. Wayne Klein of McHenry paid a $10 fine for speeding. A $10 line was also imposed on Rodney Peterson of Pistakee Bay for driving with loud mufflers. Mary Tomasello of rural McHenry was given a $;>() suspended fine and paid $5 in couH costs for having open liquor in her car. James Chrisman of McHenry was charged $10 for driving too fast for conditions. William Holly of Grayslake was fined $10 for unnecessary noise due to mufflers. THIS WASTED SPACE... An uninviting porch . •. used only • few weeks a year and, even then, offering little weather protec+ion, INTO TUB! POPULAR VEl:! i CH i! DeVAC "Slaw-Walli" turned tliii poreh into an all-weather, yaarround living area* LIVE... ME.. on your 18411 PORE 8; • 3 independently-sliding glass panels • Full-length Fiberglat screens • Absolute ventilatiod control DeVAC CHICAGO WINDOW PRODUCTS 902 N. Front St. McHenry. 111. EV 5-5060 00? OIF TOWN 1 USE COUPON- { DoVAC €«. { SI 21 I. Lalk« Sf* MiaiHpilb, MlM. J Sand ma com plat* details a* DaVAO J "GlacfWella." S Nam* ! i J i City State.»n»«»»n j McHenry Man Graduate Of Banking School Richard J. Ziema'n has completed a three-year course in the school of banking at the University of Wisconsin and was among 399 in the 1961 graduating class al the end of August. Represented in the class were students from fortythree states, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Panama and Japan. The commencement exercises took place at Memorial Union theatre, Madison, Wis. COLLEGE STI'DENTS: The new special checking account at the McHenry State Bank is ideal for vou. 9-7-14-61 Q. How can I frost a window glass? A. The glass must be thoroughly clean before It can be painted successfully. A mixture of rubbing alcohol, household amonla, and powdered whiting will remove all dirt and grease. Wipe clean with a dry cloth. For the frosted effect, mix a paint of three parts white lead, one and onehalf parts, boiled linseed oil, and one-half part spar varnish. Apply with a wide brush in small squares and, after each square is painted, stipple with a bag made of/several folds of cheesecloth wrapped over a ball of botton. Q. Is there anything I can do about vegetables, meat, or fruit that I have accidentally scorched while cooking? A. If you'll drop in a small piece of charcoal, that unpleasant burned taste will disappear. Q. How can I remove fruit stains from my teeth? A. Try rubbing these stains with a small quantity of salt, rinsing the mouth out afterwards with some hot water. Q. How can I make my own rug shampoo? A. By mixing up a pail of lukewarm water and rich, mild soapsuds. Soak a cloth in this, wring out partially, and scrub a small area at a time with it. Dip another rough cloth into lukewarm clear water, to which a little powdered alum has been added, and wipe off the suds with that. Q. How can I avoid steaming up my bathroom when I draw my bath? A. You can do this If you'll run your cold water first, and then add your hot water. After a shower, turn on the cold water for a few minutes to dispel the steam. Q. What is an easy method of removing spots and stains from felt hats? A. One of the easiest methods is to rub over the spots gently with some; fine sandpaper. RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be CLOSED On Mondays until further notice Q. How can I remove grease spots and other smiliar blemishes. from wallpaper? A. One very effective way to cope with this problem Is to hold a clean WHITE blotter over the grease spots with a warm iron for several minutes. The heat of the Iron should melt the oil or grease so that it will be absorbed by the blotter Q. What is a good, preservative treatment for leather upholstery? A. Wash the leather with warm soapsuds and rinse with clear water. Rub with the white of an egg to retain the gloss, and when nearly dry, polish with a soft cloth. Q. How can I renovate some black silk gloves that have become shabby-looking? A. Mix a little white of an egg with some black Ink, put your gloves on your hands, and then apply this mixture with a soft cloth. Of the 3070 counties in the continental U. S., York CounU\ N. Y.. is the smallest, with on|y 22 square miles. Arlington County, Virginia, just across the Potomac from Washington, is next, with 24 square miles. COLLEGE STUDENTS: The new special checking account at the McHenry State Bank is ideal for you. 9-7-14-61 USE CLASSIFIEDS^ For Haircuts With A Flair CALL ELVINA or JUDY at j BEAUTY SALON ELVINA LATIMER (Formerly Jen's Beauty Salon), 1st Bldg. East of V.F.W. on Rte. 120 Ph. EV 5-0322 Closed Mondays Free Parking VALUES A LESSON IN ECONOMY for you.. .you can SUBTRACT from those budget worries by simply ADDING UP the savings awaiting you here at BOLGER'S These bargains are planned to multiply your pleasure., .you not only save money...you get the best quality.. .and that's good, smart shopping. zif. SAVING Thermos Plastic LUNCH 10 WITH VACUUM CHOCKS CHILDREN'S VITAMINS M ©6 STUDENTS SPECIALS P p ^ ^ 23c Box Crayolas - with purchase of Large GLEEM Toothpaste Size 5c Lead Pencils 12 lor 49c All-Metal Compasses 20c Duo-Tone Binders 59c Coil Bound Theme Books 15c 5 oz. Library Paste 29c 12 Inch Ruler ... 10c Ball Point Pens * 29c TIMEX WRIST WATCHES BOYS OR GIRLS flilLIi 1 LB. JAR I u --i 75# CRAYOLAS 48 colors WIRNET'S INTUCREME 13/ SUPER VALUE! SHEAFFli CARTRIDGE mmm 95 to $19.95 N011EMA MEDICATED CREAM FLETCHER'S CAST0RIA CHILD'S LAXATIVE y ALLERGY TABLETS $125 m iottle of SO 39/ ANALGESIC RUB 89/ GROOMING NEEDS NEW DRUG DISCOVERY Provides Fast Help For Acne Pimples Instantly Active -- By Helena Hubenstein BIO - CLEAR CWEKM Medically Approved $ Tonette ChiidPs Permanent Crew-Cut Bytfelh Wax Color-Plus Niil.Polish Brake ©©©dIoFgnt Tame Cr©mra© Ulnse JtewBora ILops&isBs R®$|ll Hair ¥®kbc Serving You Is Our Business $1.98 RYSUTOL HI-POTENCY VB7Ai'nim A IINERA 99* WA¥E§tPK©OP UTILITY [MS Just right for gym 98 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS Plu» 10% Fodorol Emim Tax en Toilotriat L