Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1961, p. 3

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Thursday.- September 7.- 1961 THE McHENHY PLMNDEALEB Pago Thm OBITUARIES ALICE LINDSAY Rev. George Martin officiated at last rites conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Peter M. Jwten funeral home for Mrs. Alice Lindsay, who died Friday, Sept. 1, at 1 p.m. at the Villa Nursing home at Pistakee Bay. T h e 7 6 - y e a r - o l d M c H e n r y woman had been residing there for the past seven months. She had been in failing health for more than a year. The deceased was born June 25, 1885, near Ingleside, but had lived most of her life in tfrP McHenry area. She was the daughter of the late William and Elizabeth Nelson Simes. Mrs. Lindsay was an active member of the Order of the Eastern Star and Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., before she became ill. Her husband, George, preceded her in death more than three years ago. Her only survjyprs are two sisters, Emma Stjftton of Richmond and Etta Reed of California, and several nieces and nephews. RAYMOND R. HARRISON Raymond R. Harrison, 76, died at his home at 8317 W. Wonder Lake road, Greenwood, Monday evening, Sept . 4, at 8:39 o'clock, following a lon.i.< illness. ififr. Harrison was born at Ringwood, July 19, 1S85, son of George H. and Mary Ellen Brush Harrison. He was a retired dairy fanner and always lived in this area. Survivors include the widow, Lois E. Walkington Harrison; two sons, Neil W. and Howard P.; both of Greenwood; a brother, Walter, of Burlington, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Henry H^ze of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Glen Treon of Arcadia, Calif.; and three granddaughters. He was preceded in death by two sons who died in childhood, one brother, Edward, and two sisters, I^ena Peet and Florence. The body will rest at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Thui'sday at 2 p.m., when last rites will be conducted at tbA chapel, followed by internwit in Greenwood cemetery. WALTER SCHAEFER Last rites were held Tuesday morning of this week at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, for Walter X? Schaefer of Chicago, who died Sept. 1. Burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors include a son. Jj^nes, and a daughter, Dorotnj' Sampson. His wife, Mayme Hetzel Schaefer, preceded him in death. CARL FRANKENHAUSER Carl Frankenhauser of Evanston, father of Mrs. Loretta Bauer of McHenry, died RED CHOSS FIRST AID CLASSES TO START IN COUNTY An American Red Cross first aid class will start Tuesday, Sept. 12, at the Woodstock high school, in the Cafeteria, at 7:30 p.m. George Meyers, the vice-chairman of the McHenry county Red Cross first aid, wiil be the instructor. As the class is limited to twenty-five, it is wise to phone in for registration, at the chapter office, 338-1050. This class will meet every Tuesday evening for five weeks, two hours a night. John Shay of McHenry will instruct a class the last of Sep* tember at the fire station bore, and Merle Hansen of Wonder Lake will instruct at Wonder Lake, again. It is^suggested that advantage be^ taken of this first aid instruction in these fall classes. All school bus drivers muM be certificated in this first aid in order to obtain a state license entitling them to drive a school bus. Many families do not reallize the protection offered to their children through the Red Cross. Financial Report Financial report of McHenry county chapter of the Red Cross included income of voluntary contributions, annual 1961 fund drive and additional •>17,108.23 collected since date of audit, $20,104.18. Expenses for the chapter program were as follows: Service to servicemen and their families, veterans and civilians, $ 5 , 0 2 1 . 6 9 ; d i s a s t e r s e r v i c e s . S60; First aid, water safety and home nursing, $177.:<6; Gnu- Ladies, motor and canteen, $446.27; mail campaign for 1961 fund drive and public inf o r m a t i o n . $ 9 5 8 . 7 9 ; g e n e r a l management, $5,853.97; operating facilities. $2,550.35; 46.48 per cent to national Red Cross of funds colleded, $7,951.90; bringing total to $23,020.33. Aug. 30. Services were held Saturday morning in Evanston. with burial in Evanston Memorial Park. V.F.W. NEWS In the past week, much has happened which .should be interesting to V. F. W. members and others. At the post clubrooms recently, a benefit party was held, proceeds to help defray expenses for sending the color guard to Miami Beach, Fla., site of the sixty-second V.F.W. national convention. The top prize was won by the Viscounts Drum and Bugle corps. This, members hope, will help send this excellent corps j to Denver, to compete against 1 ot hers from all over the coun- . j Sunday evening, the caravan ' to Miami Beach started. The post coraraande r, Howard J Thomas, and club president, | Roy Morrison, led off. Tuesday ; morning, the color guard, com-' \ posed of Color Sergeant "Matt Oik", members, Francis Pickett, Bob Stoller, Jim Doran and 1 Elmer Borkavan, left, followed 1 by auxiliary president Flo Svobocia, Daisy Smith and Conn|e I Thomas. ; The evening of Tuesday, Aug. 122, saw the annual huge milii tary parade. Among the marchi ers were membership brave contingent. You have to be brave to march in Florida in August. Thousands of delegates attended the annual "million dollar pageant of drums", held at !the Orange Bowl. Surviving the keenest of competition, the Illinois State I champs, t he Chicago Cavaliers, I won national honors. McHenry : people have seen this marvel- ; ous corps many time. I Bison meat was the stand- I ;mi fare of the railroad coni si ruction workers on the early j transcontinental railroads -- ' one man killed 1,500 buffalo j in a week, Buffalo Bill killed 4.280 in 18 months. Thimbles were originally <"tiled "thumb bells" and were first used in Holland. Machine Moved All Types and Sizes (No Job Too Large or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service call EV 5-4645 Al's Welding & Repair Service 4021 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. Savings Clean-U on sedans and wagons in'61's ' year-end Rambler American (luxtom 4»IUmt Station fTagon Trade tade*. Rambler RambUr American Custom 2-Door Sedan B u m , I J o i n i n g «.8U B^r°ohF70Mac m™ DeSoto, DodnOmL Ury' .540 Cadillac, Chrysler, Lincoln Owners NOW BUY AND SAVE--while we've got 'em! Join the TRADE PARADE to '61 Ramblers--your opportunity for big year-end values! Get your wagon, sedan or convertible while the choice is high, wide, and handsome--and we'll allow you top dollar for your car. Come in--join the TRADE PARADE. Rambler Americans. Rambler Classics, and Ambassador V-8's--sedans, wagons, convertibles--are waiting to save you honest dollars if you act now! AMERICA S LOWEST PRICE! AS LOW AS 36* PER MONTH •For ftsmbltr Amsncan Deluit ? Door Sedjr. Monthly payments bJsed on manufacturer's suggested Uctory-delivered price (5184?) with down payment, Jt monrfi contract with normal carrying charges, tetferel taxes pato Optional equipment. tunsDortation. insurance state and local taxes, it any. eitra. MBLER--World Standard of Compact Car Excellence SULIIS* 4611 W. Rt. 120, McHenry HAZEL EWELL TO EXHIBIT AT ART FESTIVAL COURT BRIEFS Mrs. Hazel Ewell of Ringwell Farms, Ringwood, who won first award in sculpture at the McHenry Country Aii: fair last June, has been invited for the third time to exhibit at the Old Orchard fourth annual art festival. There are 110 painters, but only twenty-five sculptors invited to exhibit in the annual event. About twelve pieces of her work will be on exhibit when the festival is held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sept. 9 and 10. In the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams, Ted Flisnik of Chicago was fined $15 for not having a fishing license; Elmer A. Kouba of Richmond received a $10 fine for improper lane usage; A. L. Graves of Richmond was fined "> for follomng too close; and Russell E. Schuringa of McHenry paid a $20 fine for driving in the wrong lane. Wine Makers Musi Register Production The grape harvest season is at hand, and the assistant regional commissioner, Alcohol Tobacco Tax, for the Chicago Re? ion reminds prospective wine makers that although the head of a family may produce 200 gallons of wine per year tax-free for the use of his immediate family, he must first register his intention to produce such wine with Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service. Prospective wine makers in the state of Illinois must secure forms for this purpose from the Office of the Supervisor in Charge. Alcohol & Tobacco Tax, Post Office Box No. 1144,- Chicago 90, 111. Applicants wishing to obtain forms from the office in i>erson may call at the 17th floor, 17 North Dearborn Street. Speeding cases were also heard. The following drivers received these sentences; Gerald L. Schields of Woodstock, Kenneth S. Masshe of McHenry and Carol A. Johnson of Chicago, all $10; John R. Antonlicci of Chicago, $6; Joseph J. Malin of McHenry, $14; Richard W. Peterson of Wonder Lake. $13. James Tichna of Berwyn was fined $135 for reckless driving in Lakeland Park after being arrested by two officers there. Ginger is produced from the roots of a tropical plant. MYF News Eleven young people and four adults attended the planning retreat in Spring Grove on Aug. 25 and 26. The following members were present: Virginia Peterson, Gail Reed, Bob Stange, Ted Hornby, Sue Prawl, Valerie Peterson, Cheryl Wittrock, Marion Stange, Jim Mars, G a r y L o c k w o o d a n d G a r y SchnelL Also present were the following adult counselors: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wittrock. Virginia Peterson, president of the M.Y.F., took charge of the devotion periods and Mr. Wittrock led the group in singing. Rev. J. Mclntyre, from the Presbyterian church in McHenry, joined the group for breakfast on Saturday morning and helped to guide the various sub-committees through the morning sessions. The young people prepared all the meals and also planned the menu and did the shopping. It was a source of amazement to one and all that everything was quite tasty and in sufficient quantity. It was indeed a "mountain top" experience for the teenagers, as well as the ttAults. Many programs were phoned for the coming year and a great deal of enthusiasm was shown for activities in the months ahead. The "All Church" rummage sale and auction to be held on September 1 and 2 was discussed and work schedules for the M.Y.F. members are being completed. Remember to call Bob Stange for your assignment. COLLEGE STUDENTS: The new special checking account at the McHenry State Bank Is ideal for you. 9-7-14-61 iJBHHCTiTftlllll EVERGREEN 5-4345 lEf Full Responsibility From start to finish, we handle every detail and take full responsibility for workmanship and materials on every construction job. We are not just building brokers who subcontract the work. Your best guarantee of com plete satisfaction Is to know your contractor. KEEP REAL SHARPI OTC Truss** & Belts are mad* for mty condition 1259 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 BOLGER'S Drug Store M Mem/ Afasf " GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR HONEY BACK! U. S. Govt. Inspected... Young Hen THEYS r50 7®-- "m^r5o 1 REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR I 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Qk With A $6.00 Or Mor* Purchase Eieluding T>1. Purchst. Of lur, Win*, liquor & Cigtrattw mj Limit On* Coupon Hr Cuifomir -- Coupon Eiptm 5«pt.9 Plump ... Tender ... Turkeys. Full of Flavor and Good Eating ... Turkey* far raatK !ng or barbequing. Treat your family to ona of thaia beauties thii Weekend. 6 to 12-lb. Ilk Sizes REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA SIN STAMPS With Tk. Purchm Of Two IOO-F». Rods VANITY FAIR WAX PAPER Limit On. Coupon for Caltotmr--Cftupea Etpim REDEEM THIS VAUIABU C8UMI F0« 26 EXTRA SIM STAMPS Witt, Tt» NkHiu Of A Ittt. DRESSEL'S COFFEE CAKE Limit On* Coupon NrCttlfemer--Ceeywil*ptwSept.t NATIONAL FOOD STORES Briilcet or Round CORNED BEEP. . . National's Own Ranch Style u. 49' National's 100% Pure Lean ffi?" HYGRADE Wa«t Virginia SUCED BACON Semi-Boneless HAMS REDEEM THIS VALUABLE BOItfOH TOR 26 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Tk Pottlwa or A C-lcdh WARNER HE Utnft ©no Ccopon tor CirtNmw Cmpta rhjfcwIlplLt Coupon Good In McHenry Area Only Y0DB CHOICE OF FOPULAB BRAND CEREALS • ALPHA BITS . . • WHEATIES . . • CORN FLAKES . • RICE KRISPIES . B«x«s Ift-ofc * lox I'A-et •1ST KOSHIR FOR THI HIGH-HOLY BAYS KISHKA" ot Cwiwdtra>.H*'®¥ SALAMI CHUBS Skinless All .. "»fio SLICED Boot FRANKS u,> is BOLOGNA CflCT'S WafilM. 2 * 39' Premium Flavor" BIRDS BYE--Be Off--Froxan ORANGE JUICE Paek Taity Trua-Frult Flavor NATCO SrSUOSGJOQ©# Iforrar fasting Pancakatl NATCO CANE and MAPLE 24. SYRUP r,. SUNSWEET Sactioiu Unswootanad..-- IORDO NATCO Wiiconiin Mria --fta«li Knikir .A, PRUNE pu.r) >|P*e B0RD0 n* OO* @1I?SFRUIT ^ «• (Mc STRAWBERRY »- jac DILL u-feLilAa 49 IUICE M 4D GRAPEFRUIT Z<£, IUICE 3 c~ 07 PRESERVES. .. £ 47 PICKLES ... .^ 4T Quick to Fi« for Braakfattl INSTANT Tang Drink [VERRWDY COCOAA fVEREADY -- tha Favorita NESTLE'S COCOA 5c OK LAB& NEW-- v HIGHLY UNSATURATED 79* NATCO Rich in Yomofre Rovor TOMATO JUICE 3 - 7 $ Soft, Abiorbont, Facial.. • KIY.ONEX TD§0®i * Vvs/cwtfindfoster /far fbefm* Plump... Juicy... PRUNE 2 200-d. Box Halp Your Child in School GOLDEN BOOK ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY For tho School Lunch Box pilTill IPP1LES 2u* 29' Froth Tondar Kernels -- Larga Ear* SBT C@1N.... .-29* Snow Whlta Haad 29* All Now ELECTRIC Th* Ha-Ma» Shaver at a * irpij Compact Pric*. Anian* SHAVKK ca't ona «4 only mmpact ihavar with o muscular motor and odilutable haad for clsonar lhavej--Plus tho woHd'» only wathabl* rtainlett ttaal haad ... Ragatar $12.95 vatua. $088 tniit%reh£23dtS«I We iuwt» tii«.waw to iwt 9e«iwue.. .j**. HeeHw^T^tift wh \f McHenry Area Only" specifically f o r y o u n g paopla in grade school -- buy a book a weak! Valaaie Oaa 49e 3806 West El ^reat Wash *n Wear FELMNNEL SHIRTS MEM'S. S• M-E. BOYS'. Sfes&H Each bah

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