Page Ten • 1 <% •; '•* y THE McHENfeY PLAINDEALEH Sunnsyide Estates MAIL BOXES WILL BE RELOCATED BY MONDAY OCT. 9 . Polly Stevens - 385-1256 T f i e - m o n t h l y m e e t i n g o f ; SEHOA on Sept. 7 was l)oth j interestini* and informative. . The procedure tor the relo- ' cation of mail boxes was ex-I plained and is as follows; the i association will buy the lumber j and the individuals affected , will inslall the new racks and j relocate the boxes. All new racks must be installed by Thursday. Oct. ."5. The reloc;- tion of boxes will take place on Saturday and Sunday. Oct. 7 and S, .so that delivery of , mail at new locations will be-, gin on "Monday. Oct. 9. No boxes may be ?noved until Saturday, Oct. 7, after mail delivery. All boxes must be numbered on the front and placed in proper numerical arrangement pn the rack with spaces; left Ji>r empty lots. The bot- , torrr^nf I he box mast be 42 j inched.above ground level and i rnckfl-k>eated so as to be acces- 1 sable~fof. ft16 mailman's car. For those of you not at the meeting you may see the chart of new locations a\ the home of Jerry Olsen. 13915 W. Oak- ' leaf drive. EV. 5-5740. A complete treasurer's report was read and a chart litled . "Where Your Money Goe>" was on exhibit and explained. This chart may l)e viewed at the president's home. 1 The water situation was explained again. We are asking that sprinkling be confined to , odd even days with no j sprinkling between 5 and 7:30 j prn. This is a self-imposed ban I for our own benefit. Let's not j abuse the privilege. Another* accomplishment of , our association was installing t the entrance post at the end of Dewiws»*wutevard. Those working oh Labor Day on this project- were.-Tod Bierchen. Bud K^WtefoWk, A. S. Kimbro, Jerry~ t")1sen and Jim Stevens. The sieti will be painted by Cecil K^Wf'.'hnd the project completed; for the new nonprofit* corporation charter were read - and discussed. Minor changes „ were made but generally speaking, the by-laws were well' Yoceived. At the next meeting on Oct. 5 a vote will be taken on the adoption of th$3£>k£>Y-laws but before that time each of you will receive a written copy. Also at the October Yneeting the board of directors and officers will be chosen. A nominating committee composed of Chet Banker,- Allen Kimbro and Jerry Olsen h^s been appointed and some of you will be contacted by these men. -Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Tfo make a long story short, tfce by-laws follow the normal corporate laws , of the State of Illinois. • •We reguet to announce that Jjm Tyler--has resigned as trustee since" his work schedule dees not leave him enough time t$ spend " on association business. We are grateful for his efforts while in office. Jack liilso has been selected to fulfill the remainder of Jim's term o^ office. JHarold Palmer was the last ta cut the beach grass, who's n#xt? Mystery of the month! wfro is that unknown person tHat supplied logs for the b&ch? Gratitude is extended. *At the close of the meeting cake and coffee were served aijd the delicious cakes were b^ked by Marge Farley, Rose Felicetti and Bernice Fry. School Days The big news last week was the beginning of school. Tbe shopping, last minute preparations and finally the big day arrived. Watching from my window I noticed many youngsters starting on their first day* of kindergarten. Their newsense of importance and dignity showed in their bearing as they started a new phase in iheir lives. An added observtion was the faces of the mothers-- pride, a tiny frown of worry and relief. Condolences We would like to extend our sympathy to Mary DeFranciseo on the death of her cousin. Frank Tagliere. of Chicago who passed away Aug. 27. Condolences also to Allen Kimbro on the death of his cousin, Charles "Chill" Kimbro, of Tucson. Ariz, on Aug. 29. her passed away when he was 2 years old and he was i-eared by Allen's parents, thus becoming another son and brother to the family. Complaints Members of t h e SEHOA spent much time and effort in placing speed signs throughout the subdivision. Street posls and signs were painted arid re- j placed. Now it seems that some : children's aim is to destroy 1 1hem by breaking or tearing the posts from the ground. Some of the older boys are using the signs as targets for their stone throwing. Parents will be held responsible and asked to make retribution for any damage their children incur. Chicago Saturday. Sept. 2. where her brothei. Bob Lyons, acted as best man for his lorig- Des Plaines and commutes daily. His hobbies are archery, f i s h i n g a n d g a r d e n i n g w h i l e time friend, Tom Bassi, and his j Eleanor enjoys archery, baking new bride. They later were-j^md homemaking. The three present at the sit down dinner | older boys attend St. John's and reception for the newly- < school in Johnsburg while Ronweds. The Farleys spent the ; aid keeps Mommie company, night w^th Marge's sister and husband, Helen and Tom Cap- Jis, and returned home Sunday. Get-Together | a shower to honor bride-elect ; Joyce Anderson, whose mar- | riage to John wShinsky takes i place Oct. 21. About fifteen ladies were present and Joyce rei reived many lovely gifts. Inci- 1 dently, Alice and Joyce have been friends since the third grade in Chicago. Visiting and Visitors Ray Kropf spent a week recently at Ft. Campbell, Ky., with his brother, George, Jr., Helen and Keith Wegner who is in service there. On the were happy to have his three [ weekend George, Jr., drove Ray brothel's, Norbert, Harvey and home and spent Labor Day Roger, for a visit recently, it i weekend wilh their parents, hail been several years since all ' and George, as did her th<? bovs had been together. sister, Vi Crane. «• Let's Go Visit in* Let's visit Eleanor and John Fiedler at 1S07 W. Indian Ridtre road. They came to live in Sunnyside Estates Dec. 7, 1958. from the north side of Chicago. They have four children. John, Jr., nearly 12. Donald 8, Tommy 6 and Ronald 3 years old. John is custodian of Maine Township high school in Another Visitor Mrs. Marie Cairns of Chicago, mother of Eleanor Fiedler. ' was a guest in t he Fiedler ! home for a few days recently. • She^ enjoyed her % isit and our ! good clean country air very i much. ! A Shower Alice Bieschke was hostess of Helpful Grandma La Verne Noah's mother, Mrs. Emma Johnston, of Chicago spent a few days last week in the Noah home. Grandma was helpful in starting the ! kids to school again. | Sick List Lee Stamsta turned her ankle on the steps and sustained a badly sprained right I i,nkle. She will be hobbling around for awhile. The Fiedler kids have had eye infections but are OK now. • A regrettable accident happened at the Sabby home on Labor Day. Their daughter and her husband, Joyce and Dick Ortb'al, their children of Chicago and Dick's grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Chrlstensen, of Glen Ellyn came to visit, Mrs. Christensen missed a step, fell and broke her arm. She was a patient in the McHenry hospital until the following Wednesday. She is progressing nicely Thursday Sepiembgr 14, lffil celebrate 41 years on Sept. 18. Marilyn and Joe Current will celebrate 8 years of wedded bliss on Sept. 19. Congratulations to all. „ Welcome Home Bradley and Joan Beckman. nee Matuszak* have returned from Fort Campbell, Ky., where he was in service. Since his discharge they have resided in Harvard. Birthdays Happy birthday today, Thursday, to 1 year old Sarah Marie O'Brien. Best wishes to 6 year old Gail McDonald on Sept. 16. Helen Kobus and Gene Stamsta chose Sept. 17 as their natal day. Greetings to Helen Wegner and "newcomer David Weiman on Sept. 18. 41 Salutations to Fran Olsen on Sept. 20. Happy birthday ail. Anniversaries Congratulations to Sophie and Frank Babarsky on 31 years of marriage on Sept. 14. That nice couple, Florence and Elmer Wehrmann, will HUNTING PERMITS Applications for- permits to hunt on the state public hunting areas will be accepted now, William T. Lodge, director of the Illinois Department of Conservation, said last week. Applications should be mailed to: Per m i t Office, Division of Game Management, Department of Conservation, Room 106, State Office Building, | Springfield. Permits will be isj sued starting Oct. 5. Hunters i should list the following: name j a n d h u n t i n g p a r t n e r ' s n a m e ; j area desired; hunting date and | an alternate date in case the area desired is filled on the ! preferred date. RABIES ON INCREASE Rabies has iteen diagnosed "in twice as mbny Illinois wild, animals this year as last year, Wiijiam T. Lodge, director ttf the. Illinois Department of Conservation, said last week. "We are not pressing the 'panic button' because there is no need tp," L')dge said. He also ^|id that while there was anWncrease in the incidence of rabies in Illinois, the state still had fewer cases reported than in many other midwestern states. It is not a good idea to handle or "adopt" any wild animal that seems docile or tame. Furthermore, it is a violation of the Illinois Game Code to ke;ep wild animals in captivity. There is no cure for rahjjps, only prevention. COLLEGE STUDENTS: The nfew special checking account at the McHenry State Bank is ideal for you. 9-7-14-61 Whenever possible, avoid making left turns in heavy traffic or under conditions of poor visibility. Plan your route ahead of time so that you can approach or blend with traffic by making right turns only. Another Birthday Those Dennis boulevard and Mayfair avenue gals did it again. Friday. Sept.-l. was Emma Olson's birthday so the gals came calling with gifts, a birthday cake and coffee. Among those present were Lu Davis and daughter, Cathy. Bernice Fry. Carol Kennebeck, Lois McDonald, daughter. Gail, and mother, Mrs. Lundsberg. Mildred Senkerik, Bessie Schwieger and Harriet Turek. Those gals just don't forget. Attend Wedding Marge and Jim Farley and children attended a wedding in OVERHEATED fidtefpgadresfiteSsir GSSSSCO "ilir.M.OR toning Md Repairing M mw, PlAT-ftAlt MUCH £ 2 Complete Stock Of Rebuilt Radiators REPAIR SERVICE 8331A W. Elm St. McHenry Phone EV. 5-0788 11 ISiilS To S©9 Us If Yon Nc ^ A W uiQi System or WoIM * 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of * I Drilling -- Pump Installations * Point Changing -- Service Calls * 2. Laijjjgesf pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Sub- * mepsibies -and Sump Pumps) * 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency, v 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. * 5. A guarantee in writing. « 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards * and Sears pumps. ^ 7-^yr ijnen and machines are completely insured. * 8.* Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. * 9. Parte available for all makes. * 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling * and drive well points. •11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ; ON DISPLAY J SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCKS Cmity WiS & Pulp : WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEH j We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! t Located in the Village of McCullom Lake •2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. * Phone McHenry EV 6-5252 or Residence EV 5-0713 A&P's FAMOUS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY PORK LOINS RIB PORTION 29 LOIN PORTION 39 c START YOUR SET TODAY! The Golden Book Home and High School Encyclopedia M« 49® S fhra *0 each ^ I FULL M MM J FULL mm MM I CENTER CUT IVA RIB HALF *45 |LM HALF *55cNtl CHOPS "-79 Beady for Your Barbecue Spit 0^ 0^ A&P's Super-Right Quality- Rock Cornish Hens * o 9® Calves Liver Quality--GENUINE U.S. S^ernment Inspected Chicken Legs A&Ts Super-Right Quality Smoked Butts M A&P's Super»Rlgl8t Plump, *V2-lb. c Sliced ialogna Meaty box Lean Meaty Perfect for Sandwiches JM Choice White Meat Cuts 49e Halibut Steaks Serve With Super-Right B^coa I-lb. S-e*. pk* alia. 25c Fry or Broil Elberta Peaches Michigan bu Grown le Print fmm Elberta Peaches 3 HEINZ CONDENSED OR CAMPBELL'S IIMATO SOUP lOVa-oz. tin Seneca Ipple Cider dexo Shortening mm | dOTT, 0»n Kleenex Tissue Soft, bMM 49* JANE PARKER --OVEN FRESH LEMON PIE Double Crust j A Flavor Treat §02© That Can't Be Beat Orange Chiffin Cake iffiscoflehi Stiiss Cheese MM Cheddar Cheese Parker Wisconsin H>. For That "ReaBy Soap Q>m" Feeling latl liip Lava Hand Soap rim Family mium Duz Ditirpnt Be Zed CI«M Mftd Hakes Handy Detergent 2 2 3 bath size reg. size med. bars 43 iitifgent ;itrs IFliffiy Afl For Automatic WatlMM giant Pkg. 37c Li«| 2l"f fifte pup. 09 Tide's h Ditto oat teSirgent «in Wafflu jemima f)^C 2,#rg# fiQc pkgs. Q9 2,ar*# CQc pices. 09 2 K. (1®' 12 pkg. I All Dil Lu Lipid Swan Liquid k Detergent |lii^ her All fi For DaJwty Thingi Detergeat MM Detergent 75c X.79* 75c Deodcit iff® iisrkilng Ftorieot Aerosol P/s-oz. tie Golden All Vagftabla * btU 22»o& bttt= 1 22-ex. bit. Whisks Away Dirt With Ammonia Your Dishes Will Sparkle f&xJgtleedi t* Guaranteed V®?od Housekeeping. Bt6 BEAN SALE! KIDNEY or RED BEANS I6«02.€M1 10 Active III Ajax Cleanser Detergent It's Mow! 3c.Off Deal J} Saves You Money ^ tie 15-ez. btl. 20-oz. pkg. gia«9 Pkg. 21.ez. tint 65' * 73# 39' 45* ?!e 43c 7f «. 89\ tHrM for Coffee, Cookwg Q14>/2-eZ.AAc or Whipping Q tiM Sufaiii Tueii Flakes 2'^ 3 9c liril IFniili Dmifsg 29c 49e" is* 4 Pad ickii Rici-«foni Nestle's Qui Chocolate Flavor eaeh 9V2*OZ° Mq l-fc •iCa Down; Fabr§@ loftener ^ "z. 4i( AMERICA'S POMMOW fOOO MTAtlM ... SINCI IBS* THI GREAT ATLANTIC ft MCIHC IIA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SEPT. U> list SI1 fear Gmmi Tfe B^Jbf ^ --jg MIlyL FM^or FRESH-GROUND FUVOR TOD CANT GET IN A CAN!. Miffed M4tew BliiT Rich and Full-Bodied SJ HiigRCLE l-tb. bag 3-lb bag 61 Mb- SI77 Vigorous and Winoy BOraR C 65e ^3-fh. $$1|0 9 bag I