Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1961, p. 11

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• *tarahday. September 14.1961 IRE McHENHY PLAINDEALEB Lab ipUJRTEEN PUPILS gtfROLL IN SCHOOL FOR THE RETARDED <Iasis Dueey • jtourteen students are enrolled in the trainable classroom operated by the McHenry County association for Retardto Children this fall. School started Monday in the Wonder I*ake Bible church, whose church board has okayed the gse °f the Sunday school room fbr five days a week. Last year classes were held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. : .^uids raised for the parent roup by the Moose lodge in Woodstock last spring has enabled them to hire a teacher for this school year. She is Mrs. Lillian Forsberg of Wonder Lake who has just completed a summer course at Northern Illinois University in psychology for the exceptional chQd. Parents alternated in servi «#as teacher last year when ' classes were held three days a Week. However, volunteers .ace • >, heeded to serve as teacher helpers this year. The parent group is small and any one who f would like to pledge his time, gr£at or small, can call Mrs. Myrtle Davidson at W.L. 5321. Nativity Welcomes New Pastor Bfv- Warren L. Thummel hap been called to Nativity Lutheran church. Pastor and Mrs. ^Thummel and their two small lUdren will be in residence at the1 parsonage in Deep Spring Wpods after Sept. 25. *astor Thummel, who comes !fe from Sterling will preach His first sermon at Nativity Sunday, Oct. 1. All members of the congregation are urged tc^attend services Oct. i V(to welcome Pastor Thummel to Nativity and to Wonder Lake. The new pastor is a graduate of Augustana, and attended theological school at Mayvvood seminary. He is 29 years old and has been pastor of Trinity church in McComb and has a teaching post at Carthage college. Jfativity has been served by a supply pastor supplied by the Illinois. Synod since April when Rev. Burton Schroeder was called to Oregon state. J. F. Falkerithal, president of the church council, W.L. 4213; or Ted Lockband, secretary, al W.L. 7303 will answer any questions on church business In the1 interim* 0ilriior High Well Received About sixty parents turned out Thursday night to a meetiiife: conducted by Superintendent M. F. Thomas to answer questions and explain the details of the new departmentalization of seventh and eighth gr&de students at Harrison ecKool this fall. ^ The program is being enthusiastically received by both students and parents as the third tnSte?|k of school gets under way. Abbut 100 students are involved who have home room teafehefs for about half of their sbhfool day, and who rotate classrooms for math, science ant)! language arts. Iji this way each of the three teachers instructs all of the students, in the field in which htajmajored in his training. At tne\same time the home room teachers get to know their students well as they teach the remainder of the curriculum, i.e. social studies, health, arts, penmanship. Final Race Sunday Don Coumbe nosed Sinden out of the number 1 place in By Ray Zelewsky $ne Trip T.V. Service ' If • you have two or three breakdowns with the family c^r, the average person understands it because they know the "general parts such as the carburetor, brakes, generator afrd so on. Service is sometimes needed from one to the d^hfer in short periods of time. |iut, when the TV set breaks most folks have no idea VOTat is happening. And, if it should happen two or three tftnes in a row, you can't t>laroe them for wondering about it This is why CUSTOM TV Will check as many of -the vital parts of a TV set that Is possible during the first call. We try to catch all the trouble the first time. f^nd if replacement parts are Hfcessary, they are only of the type that carry guarantees to protect the customer as well as ourselves. By phoning EV 5-8757 or 5- you'll find ah organization that does a job that retains your patronage year after year. You'll like us, too. Pfcge Eh*ta last Sunday's race with a time of 1 hr., 2 min. and 24 sec. The final race of the season for ^ the Wonder Lake Yacht Club will take place this Sunday. The annual party will be held Sept. 30. Al Sinden cornered the club trophy for the season, however, when he won the Labor Day race Monday, Sept. 4, for the Lyle Schufft trophy. His time was 1-02-40. Peter Georgeson followed with 1-13-58. S u n d a y , S e p t . 3 , P e t e r Georgeson came in first in 59 min., 34 sec. on a brisk South breeze. Sinden was second with 1-03-45 and Fitzgerald third with 1-03-47. The race was notable for an accident at the starting line that took two boats out of the race. Adams sailed into Coumbe and the tops of the mast£r£rossed on opposing tacks, freaking the mast on Coumbe's boat and disqualifying Adams. Christ The King News Registration for all children who are to attend catechetical school will be held Sept. 17 and 24 in the school. All grade school children not attending Catholic school are to attend beginning Sunday, Oct. 1, following the 9 o'clock Mass. Adult discussion groups will begin meeting in October. If you are interested kindly call Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCann, or Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Ruggero. High school gospel discussion meeting Sunday night at 7. All high school youth not attending Catholic high school should especially attend these informative and interesting meetings in order to learn more about their faith. Christ the King parish will be the hosts for the deanery meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 27. After Benediction at 7:45, the meeting will begin about 8 p.m. Rev. James Vanderpool will speak on "Christian Family Living". All women of the parish are urged to attend. Christening Kathleen Mary Bueche, daughter of Richard and Arlene Williams Bueche, was baptized by Father Thomas Coughlin on Aug. 27. ^Godparents are James and Mary Melfi. Sept. 24 is also rally day and promotion Sunday. Boys and girls and parents are asked to be present on this day and every Sunday during the fall and winter months. Artists are needed Saturday, Sept. 16. . .the artistic talents of the men of the church can be expressed. . .by painting the outside of the church Saturday. Bring brushes and rollers. Lunch and beverages will be furnished. For Cystic Fibrosis Research Larry and Neva Fuhrer have been named McHenry County co-chairmen for the September drive for funds for the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation. Although C. F. is not yet as well-publicized as rheumatic fever, diabetes, or polio are, a recent public health survey shows it far outweighs these as a cause of mortality in children. , One out of every 600 infants is born with it and half of them die before they are 5 years old. In Chicago, Children's Memorial hospital now has a CF clinic for victims of this dread disease. A volunteer may- be calling at your home soon. Garden Club Pot-luck The Wonder Lake Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren Thursday. Sept. 14, at 6 p.m. for pot-luck supper. Mrs. Roma Switzer showing slides of her trip to Alaska, will present a most interesting program. Bible Church News Men's Fellowship will begin the fall and winler schedule on Monday, Sept. 25. The meeting will begin at 7:30 with dinner and there will be a guest speaker; program to be announced. Sept. 24 is a very important date for Sunday school. A full program has been planned which will include a visit from Aunt Theresa of radio station WMBI, 1110 on youi dial. Miss Inger Thomson, the missionary who has served in Africa will also be present, wearing her native costume and speaking to the children. In the evening she will show color film of her work in Africa. Home Bureau Meets The Ringwood Unit of the McHenry county Home Bureau met at the home of Gertrude White on Sept. 5 for a pot-luck luncheon and craft lesson given by Mitzi Schmitke. This time it was on the making of silk organza roses. It was well attended and everyone learned how -to make cabbage and smaller roses. The unit meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the home of a member. Your speedometer grows increasingly important in this age of easy, high-speed driving. It's very easy to drive faster than you think. That's why you should glance at your speedometer at regular intervals. what mum yc® VBflf M OTC abdominal ball BOLGER'S Drug Store 1239 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 © POST 491 by Peggy Garrelts Past President Marie Howe, presented a guard pin to her co-officers and expressed her gratitude to her chairman for their help in the past year at an appreciation dinner which was held recently honoring the out-going officers and chairman. Mary Einspar and Mary Kantorski attended the meeting of the McHenry County Council. held in Marengo. Marion Cannon submitted her resignation as Sergeant-at- Arms and Lojs Weeks' was elected to fill the office. Winifred Hammond announced the new appointment of Carolyn Prokop, who is in charee of rehabilitation at the Elgin hospital. Fox River Grove and Wonder Lake units reported a 100 per cent paid up membership for 1961-62. The next . McHenry county council meeting will be held on Oct. 6 at the McHenry American Legion homo. The membership drive is now'offically open. Mary Kantorski, first vice-president, is captain of one of the membership teams, with Lauretta Homo, Frances M a t c h e n, Elenore Creutz, Lillian Miller and Peggy Garrelts as members of her team. Midge Seharf is captain of t h e o p p o s i n g t e a m , w i t h Dorothy Dieririch. Betty Lingenfelter, Lois McCormack, Roslyn Volpendesta and Helen Schmitt as members (if her team. Any member wishing to pay their dues early may do so by l e a v i n g t h e i r money w i t h anyone on the membership teams or at the Legion home. E l e a n o r R e i d , m e m b e r s h i p chairman of McHenry Unit 491, is planning n year (if concentrated effort directed toward renewing all the 1961 unit members and enrolling as many new members as possible. President Mary Einspar stated that on Sept. 18 at a unit meeting held at the Legion home, Mrs. Reid will discuss the state membership slogan, "Be on the Beam," which is adapted to emphasize the theme of the department president, Mrs. Charles Shaw of Paxton, "Rays of Service for the American Legion Auxiliary". In Illinois membership program, the rays are likened to sun radiation; and four drives have been established for the auxiliary year. September is dedicated to music, which the auxiliary believes has a unifying effect and inspirational power. Unit Music C h a i r m a n M a r i a G u e t t l e r states the hymns for September are "What A Friend We Have in Jesus," "An Evening Prayer" and "The Church In the Wildwood." The kitchen committee for the Sept. 18 meeting will- lie as follows: Mary Kantorski will serve as chairman, with Louise Draper, Jennie McDerm o t t . K a t h e r i n e B o l g e r , R u t h Wohnrade, Marlene Goetschel. E v e l y n H a y , V e r a K a n e , R u t h Zisik, Anna Mae Cuda, Betty W e n t z e l , I s a b e l l T h o m p s o n . Marie Frctt, Lee Hachmeislor, Mary Pollock and Henrietta Aherns as meml>ers of her committee. D A N C I N G Every FRIDAY • SATURDAY & • WED. NIGHT 8 - 11:30 p.m. -- COMBO BAND -- Couples $1.50 Singles 75c At 120 The Grand Canal.of China is the world's oldest existing oan- J al. built some 500 years before the birth of Christ. Other early canals were: Nebuchadnezzar joined the Tigris and Euphrates i n p r e - h i s t o r i c t i m e s , t h e Romans threaded France, Belgium. Italy and parts of Asia Minor with Canals, and George Washington was interested in the Erie Canal, which Anally c o n n e c t e d L a k e E r i c and t h e Hudson River. Lily Lake 12 Volo FRITZSCHE'S ESTATES Beach Hldg. S. End of Lily Lake Lily Lake Rd. McHenry The 'Jeep Utility Wagon is "all business" during the week -- but on the weekends, it's "all sportsman." This wagon's as happy in brush,mud,orrocky creeks as on paved super-highways. And there's a world . of room for the bulkiest loads -- or six sportsmen on an outing. Be our guest. ^ Drive and test the 'Jeep' *3 Utility Wagon today! Utility Wagon Willys M o t o r s . I n c . . Toledo. Ohio One of the growing Kaiser Industries ILLINOIS TAKES PART IN DRIVER REGISTER SERVICE Illinois' participation in the National Driver Register Service is benefiting both Illinois and the national program. Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier said today. The National Driver Register ; is designed to detect "border i jumpers," motor vehicle drivi ers whose licenses have been |revoked or suspended in one ! state because of convictions for | driving while intoxicated or inj volvement in a fatal accident, j and to prevent them from obtaining a driver license in another state. ' ! I Based on reports ?from the | I various states, it provides for I a listing of those drivers in the I Bureau of Public Roads of the ! i'U. S.' Department of Com-j i meree. v\ hich may lie checked I , by any state when a new resident applies for a driver li- j cense. Illinois' four years of experi- | 'eriCe with electronic processing j of driver records has proved of j value to members of the Na- j tiori'al Register staff, and Illi-. nois benefits by having avail- j able the driver records of new arrivals who apply for Illinois j licenses. Secretary Car pent ior ' • said. | As a result, Illinois can be ! reasonably sure that it will not j issue a valid driver license to • a person who only a short time j earlier had his license revoked j in a iother state for driving . while intoxicated or for involvement in a fatal accident. | , he pointed out. j The national service has been in operation since July 1 and , in that brief span of two months Iht number of "border jumpers" detected has substantially exceeded the number an- ! ticipated. Secretary Carpenticr said. Ovcr-populaiion wouldn't be so had. if every person carried his share. Help a Needy Ki«f~. BUY PEANUTS Kiwanis Kids' Day Friday, September 22 ifcpKNmal "I I - I From where I sit... 6y Joe Marsh Slim Gets in the Swim FLYING INSTRUCTIONS HEBRON AIRPORT. Hebron. 111. Dual in T3, $10.00 -- Solo ~~ $5.50 Block Time Discount Instrument Time Available (irouml School Starting Now Ti«* Downs, $5.00 Per Month Snack Bar On Field For Information Call Hebron 2104 or Jt'stiee 7-0303 From where I sit, It's not lww you get a job done, but hom • well you do it that's important.. Most folks have their own way of working -- a way that suite • them best. It's ihe same when it comes to personal preferences . I may like an occasional glass of beer with my meals; you might rather have battermilk. Neither of us is "rigM"-- it's Just a matter of -tas&s. Eefe* ognizing this fact Is owe way to get along "swIfflUfflteflj" with your friends aU£ asifffc- • bors. Qoe Copyright, 1961, United State* Bttwvi Association, Shorty Johnson's eldest boy, Slim, is as tall as his dad is short, and when he heard about an opening for an assistant lifeguard at our local kiddie pool, he figured there was the perfect job for him. Right away he made a beeline over to see the head lifeguard, who asked him how long he'd been swimming. "Well, to tell the truth," says Slim, "I never learned." "You don't know how to swim?" asks the lifeguard, puzzled. "No," says Slim, who's 6'7", and still growing, "but I sure can wade!" Y E A R RT OF ae e NO MONEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY - Crown storm windows ctrtd dodf* jNfr»\ vide the most practical, yet ecortomkat, method of enclosing porches and b^ee#- ways--with everlasting aluminum requires no painting. Wood jambs and casings dows are not used, thus resulting ea er installation cost and--a far move al* tractive appearance with more area. Whether you enclose your present porch, or--build an entirely new on* call us for an estimate of cost and pkto> ning advice. _ Siwes Finl v Let it rain • • • let ft snow ... let it blow . . . your furniture is always protected in a Crown enclosed porch. N E W f r e e d o m ,r°m FLOOR CARE Tt . the ftMjri^ss NO BUM - no sc.urr NO SC^UP. NO HJB rop. all hoops - APP: US I AS 11 > won ; Yfuow- TUNE-I 600 Front St. mm (Sunday) Evenings 6:80 PJVf. (Wednesday) Everatags @:30 P.M. HEE Phona EV 5-0403 McHenry, ID. m COMPLETE RAN6E OF MODERN COlOKl ®00dld3o« ENDURAK .^use Paint NowAlfcyd Certified f ©s- easier brushing, longer wear, higher gloss. Non-chalking. new hours- Monday thru Saturday-7:3Q to 5:00 Fridays -- 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EV«r§reen 5-1424 o

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